Would you rather have a foid turn you down based on looks? Or something else?

Would you rather have a foid turn you down based on looks? Or something else?

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Sep 11, 2024
I'd much rather have her turn me down based on looks.

Not every foid will find every man attractive (and there's nothing wrong with that). If a foid doesn't find me attractive, oh well.

Getting turned down for something other than looks stings more. Because if a foid finds you physically attractive, yet still turns you down, that means the foid thinks you have some type of character flaw.
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Defo looks
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Something else. Your looks are who you are as a biological being, your character flaws are often incidental.
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something else for sure, shitty to get rejected by a foid you’ve lots in common with for your subhuman looks
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i’d probably rather be told that i’m a piece of shit than an ugly bastard
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Reactions: WrothEnd, soggra, diditeverbegin and 1 other person
def something else cause i wouldnt give a fuck if a foid thought i had a character flaw, i do, and idc
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Something else. Your looks are who you are as a biological being, your character flaws are often incidental.
Everyone is perhaps biased according to their lived experience.

I'm an autist with decent looks. If looks were all that mattered, I'd have an easy time getting cooch (because even if not every foid finds me physically attractive, a decent amount do)

All of the baggage that comes with my autism turns off foids. Every time a foid turns me down because of autism-related reasons, it's yet another reminder of what freaks society views autists as.

My autism is who I am as a biological being too.
something else for sure, shitty to get rejected by a foid you’ve lots in common with for your subhuman looks
It's also shitty to get turned down by a foid who's physically attracted to you just because of your autism.
Everyone is perhaps biased according to their lived experience.

I'm an autist with decent looks. If looks were all that mattered, I'd have an easy time getting cooch (because even if not every foid finds me physically attractive, a decent amount do)

All of the baggage that comes with my autism turns off foids. Every time a foid turns me down because of autism-related reasons, it's yet another reminder of what freaks society views autists as.

My autism is who I am as a biological being too.
Understandable. I would say that with your looks, if youre ugly thats a genuine example of genetic subhumanity. The fact that being ND makes it so you cant get a relationship is largely a societal constraint. If you could act freely and everything wasn't so fake it would be much easier.
Looks and other easily identifiable things like voice/speech. Anything intangible like “character flaws” has too much room for disagreement and can be dismissed as bullshit on her end which is way harder to work with and way more frustrating.
Understandable. I would say that with your looks, if youre ugly thats a genuine example of genetic subhumanity. The fact that being ND makes it so you cant get a relationship is largely a societal constraint. If you could act freely and everything wasn't so fake it would be much easier.
Yeah. It's frustrating how I have the  looks to find/keep a woman (if my looks were all that mattered), yet social constraints make it difficult for me to get/keep a woman.
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Looks and other easily identifiable things like voice/speech. Anything intangible like “character flaws” has too much room for disagreement and can be dismissed as bullshit on her end which is way harder to work with and way more frustrating.
Yeah. Especially frustrating when my alleged character flaws aren't fixable (autism)
Something else obviously. I genuinely don’t care what people think about me personality wise, money wise, etc. I only care about what other people think about my physical appearance wise
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When a foid turns down a guy for reasons other than looks, she's essentially saying "It's theoretically possible for you to have a chance with me. But something about you, unrelated to your looks, turns me off."

That type of rejection stings way more than a rejection from a foid who simply doesn't find you physically attractive. With the foid who doesn't find you attractive, there's no way you could have ever been with her anyway. So no need to fret over the rejection.
non looks things can often be fine tuned and honed.

bad personality? train it. pavlov yourself with an electroshock bracelet or something. pay some neek to write code to shock you every time you talk about ND hobbies, for example.

horrible voice? be a chad of few words.

looks-based things are out there for the world to laugh at.
I would feel more comfortable with her rejecting me because of my autism :Comfy:
non looks things can often be fine tuned and honed.

bad personality? train it. pavlov yourself with an electroshock bracelet or something. pay some neek to write code to shock you every time you talk about ND hobbies, for example.

horrible voice? be a chad of few words.

looks-based things are out there for the world to laugh at.
Having autistic hobbies is the least of our problems.

When you're autistic, the simple reading of a woman's cues is a major challenge. There's no way to shock treatment yourself into reading a woman's cues.

As I've said before though, I might be biased. Seeing as I have decent looks (so am unlikely to get rejected solely based on looks), I find it frustrating that I get turned down by all sorts of foids who probably find me physically attractive.
I would feel more comfortable with her rejecting me because of my autism :Comfy:
I'd be curious to hear your reasoning of why.

As an autist, I'm the total opposite.
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I'd be curious to hear your reasoning of why.

As an autist, I'm the total opposite.
Well, Im a quiet guy, but not antisocial. I really cant keep a conversation going with women I just cant be friendly, and I come off as weird no matter what, so I just stay silent. In my view, ask a girl for a kiss or saying something spicy feels strange and makes me laugh lol. I'd accept it if she rejected me for that; it would be something "controllable." But if she rejected me for my looks, there would be nothing I could do about it.
Sometimes, this makes me wonder if Im a fakecel or an incel,not now but before probably fakecel
Well, Im a quiet guy, but not antisocial. I really cant keep a conversation going with women I just cant be friendly, and I come off as weird no matter what, so I just stay silent. In my view, ask a girl for a kiss or saying something spicy feels strange and makes me laugh lol. I'd accept it if she rejected me for that; it would be something "controllable." But if she rejected me for my looks, there would be nothing I could do about it.
Sometimes, this makes me wonder if Im a fakecel or an incel,not now but before probably fakecel
Autism isn't controllable.

I think an autistic man's take on whether he'd rather get rejected for his looks or his autism depends on what's worse: His looks or his autism.

My autism is worse than my looks.

If an autistic man's looks are worse than his autism, however, I suppose it wouldn't surprise me if he'd rather get turned down for his autism.
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