WWIII is a reality: they will press the reset button

Deleted member 3177

Deleted member 3177

Life just isn't hard enough
Sep 14, 2019
WWIII will be a mass extinction level event that will rid the planet of a large percentage of the species and send them into the second Dark Ages; the reason for so is that the leaders of the world will understand that our negative evolution is irreversible and the planet cannot sustain our way of life. Therefore, by reducing the population to a few thousand, they will trigger a mass revival event or baby boom event which will bring by the Second Age of humankind; they will revise the First Age from the first apparition of Homo Sapiens, to the Romans and to our technological peak, but will understand that our evolution went awry in some part of the curve and will correct course, having learned all the right lessons and having just enough population to live sustainably from the planet's resources. The fauna and flora will revive after the bomba go off, and so there will be a new Era of the species.
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Tales from the conspiracy theorist tin can hillbilly war preparation bunker
  • JFL
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Username checks out
  • JFL
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Username checks out
Jenkem is an inhalant and hallucinogen created from fermented human waste.[1] In the mid-1990s, it was reported to be a popular street drug among Zambian street children. They would reportedly put the feces and urine in a jar or a bucket and seal it with a balloon or lid respectively, then leave it out to ferment in the sun; afterwards they would inhale the fumes created.[2][3][4][5] In November 2007, there was a moral panic in the United States after widespread reports of jenkem becoming a popular recreational drug in middle and high schools across the country, though the true extent of the practice has since been called into question.[6][7] Several sources reported that the increase in American media coverage was based on a hoax and on faulty Internet research.[8]
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7776 and EckhartTollemaxx
Jenkem is an inhalant and hallucinogen created from fermented human waste.[1] In the mid-1990s, it was reported to be a popular street drug among Zambian street children. They would reportedly put the feces and urine in a jar or a bucket and seal it with a balloon or lid respectively, then leave it out to ferment in the sun; afterwards they would inhale the fumes created.[2][3][4][5] In November 2007, there was a moral panic in the United States after widespread reports of jenkem becoming a popular recreational drug in middle and high schools across the country, though the true extent of the practice has since been called into question.[6][7] Several sources reported that the increase in American media coverage was based on a hoax and on faulty Internet research.[8]
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7776, Danish_Retard, EckhartTollemaxx and 2 others
They will use giga nukes to stop ourselves from going extinct and also from needing machines to do things. The latter would bring us to an inevitable singularity which would mean the end of our civilization because of artificial means. If we hit the reset button we'll continue having an organic run and continue progressing instead of stagnating and turning to robots
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Why not just create deadly infectious Viruses?
Cope only God can end us
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Why not just create deadly infectious Viruses?
They need to terraform. The flora and fauna will get a reset too. Whenever there is a mass extinction level threat, the planet dies too, and then it revives. That's what they're looking for: to reset its stats for the next Age of humans to live sustainably
ww3 will simply be the bloodies infantry conflict ever

i say this as since the last the war the global population has quadrupled

tech is basically the same on each side

it will be a war of attrition fought like ww1

most likely due to the sheer size the death eprcentage will be low

but there will be battles like the somme

it will most likely be a naval campaign in the pacific against china

east eruroope will be the new france for the western front

here is a map of ww3 i assume


red line is the western front

eastern front is naval and is represented by a yellow line

pink is most likely the nato countries

orange is the allegance countruies

australia will be on the western front due to the sheer size of alliagance

i am unsure of whether africa would be a front but i see a war like this edning in two ways


total victory in the alligebce would result in us and canadian surrender after euorope is occupied

or alternatively


nato gets to moscow and india gets to beijing

the nato navies surround china and russia and roam the artic leading to alliagcence surrender and allied win

however this would take literaly years for ground to be gained
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
ww3 will simply be the bloodies infantry conflict ever

i say this as since the last the war the global population has quadrupled

tech is basically the same on each side

it will be a war of attrition fought like ww1

most likely due to the sheer size the death eprcentage will be low

but there will be battles like the somme

it will most likely be a naval campaign in the pacific against china

east eruroope will be the new france for the western front

here is a map of ww3 i assume

View attachment 783521

red line is the western front

eastern front is naval and is represented by a yellow line

pink is most likely the nato countries

orange is the allegance countruies

australia will be on the western front due to the sheer size of alliagance

i am unsure of whether africa would be a front but i see a war like this edning in two ways

View attachment 783523

total victory in the alligebce would result in us and canadian surrender after euorope is occupied

or alternatively

View attachment 783529

nato gets to moscow and india gets to beijing

the nato navies surround china and russia and roam the artic leading to alliagcence surrender and allied win

however this would take literaly years for ground to be gained
Good hypothetical grounds lay
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Good hypothetical grounds lay
ye man

there would barely be any movement

there would be this pretty much daily

noone would be able to advace with this much power on both sides especially consdering the shear firepower

there would have to be huge pushes with large numbers
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
ye man

there would barely be any movement

there would be this pretty much daily

noone would be able to advace with this much power on both sides especially consdering the shear firepower

there would have to be huge pushes with large numbers

Wars don't exist anymore like they used to, if it was an orthodox war it'd be nearly impossible for any battalion to pull through
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Georgia guidestones ideal global population is 500 million
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most likely this would be how an attack works but with literall hundreds of divisions something like this

to behind enemy lines position to open two fronts of a battle to overwhelm the enemy

the main attack would be fronted by tanks like at cambrai

these would be used as a creeping barage to cause as much damage to the enemy and their defences

the pack would be lead by these most likely to allow speedy mobilisatyion and effiectent attack and special forces leadign too

finally followed by general light infantry

this would take months to cooridante and most likely would change hugely over the war as the strategeies would get adapted too
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
ww3 will simply be the bloodies infantry conflict ever

i say this as since the last the war the global population has quadrupled

tech is basically the same on each side

it will be a war of attrition fought like ww1

most likely due to the sheer size the death eprcentage will be low

but there will be battles like the somme

it will most likely be a naval campaign in the pacific against china

east eruroope will be the new france for the western front

here is a map of ww3 i assume

View attachment 783521

red line is the western front

eastern front is naval and is represented by a yellow line

pink is most likely the nato countries

orange is the allegance countruies

australia will be on the western front due to the sheer size of alliagance

i am unsure of whether africa would be a front but i see a war like this edning in two ways

View attachment 783523

total victory in the alligebce would result in us and canadian surrender after euorope is occupied

or alternatively

View attachment 783529

nato gets to moscow and india gets to beijing

the nato navies surround china and russia and roam the artic leading to alliagcence surrender and allied win

however this would take literaly years for ground to be gained
if WW3 starts im deserting
ain't no way im dying for israel
  • JFL
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, Deleted member 3177 and Lev Peshkov
Wars don't exist anymore like they used to, if it was an orthodox war it'd be nearly impossible for any battalion to pull through
im pretty sure it would happen but new strategeis and new troopers types will need to be invented

more and more advacned wepaonry will be advanced throughtout the war
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
most likely it will happen not because of israel but because of china
i dont care im not gonna die in the trenches while foids back home are eating cake and sucking a handicapped chad's dick
  • JFL
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
  • JFL
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
They will use giga nukes to stop ourselves from going extinct and also from needing machines to do things. The latter would bring us to an inevitable singularity which would mean the end of our civilization because of artificial means. If we hit the reset button we'll continue having an organic run and continue progressing instead of stagnating and turning to robots

Nukes are a hoax
most likely we will see the nato troops doing dday esque things along china and russian east coast

If we analyze Azerbaijan VS Armenia which is probably the first modern war declaration between nations, it's been mostly drone strikes. Infantry are only good for capturing land, drones are the German Stukas of the modern age.

Also sorry to say but western soldiers are weak, JFL at european copers all your soldiers have PTSD after1 tour in muslim countries.

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