X-Ray results, Open or closed growth plates?



Aug 20, 2023
I made a post about HGH and I got the exam if I can still grow I'll 100% use the hormone. But Idk if its closed or open.
20240116 072426
isnt hgh expensive?
looks closed but im no doctor
Looks closed but again it's not always black and white. Your ankles, knees, hips, and spine could still be open. Spine is the most likely, but it will at most grant you 1-2 cm of height. Even then, an xray can show that your plates are closed but if you zoom in enough you can see that they r slightly open.
Looks closed but again it's not always black and white. Your ankles, knees, hips, and spine could still be open. Spine is the most likely, but it will at most grant you 1-2 cm of height. Even then, an xray can show that your plates are closed but if you zoom in enough you can see that they r slightly open.
I think I'll blast hgh, the doct said ears and nose growing due gh is myth
I think I'll blast hgh, the doct said ears and nose growing due gh is myth
I don't think it's a myth if u have receptors there for GH then high doses of it will cause growth
I don't think it's a myth if u have receptors there for GH then high doses of it will cause growth
He recommended 4 iu, I still need to show him the xray
How did you find an open minded Doctor? The docs in my country are all bluepilled af
A friend recommended him to me, I was talking about gh and how the doctors would not give to me because I'm already on normal height, and he said "I know one doc that you will just need the money". So I went to meet the guy, really nice person, good doctor, and open minded (just need the $)
A friend recommended him to me, I was talking about gh and how the doctors would not give to me because I'm already on normal height, and he said "I know one doc that you will just need the money". So I went to meet the guy, really nice person, good doctor, and open minded (just need the $)
Thats worthless then bc you can pay for it on the internet as well. Will your parents pay?
Thats worthless then bc you can pay for it on the internet as well. Will your parents pay?
yes, and yes you can buy from internet. But hgh from pharma needs doc approval
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Doc told me that my plates are open. I have short torso and tall legs. I turned 17 last month on 27. i stand at 172 cm with a winggspan of 178 cm. what do u say?


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Bro what did the doctor say because to me it looks pretty closed
maybe another 1-2 inch, spine plates are open and my upper body is not yet develooped fully.
maybe another 1-2 inch, spine plates are open and my upper body is not yet develooped fully.
How old are you now? I have the same problem to, You can grow you're spine but its limited but you can't change you're frame it's genetic you're blessed if you're parents have good frame id say research some height maxxing threads and ask former heightmaxxers tbh
How old are you now? I have the same problem to, You can grow you're spine but its limited but you can't change you're frame it's genetic you're blessed if you're parents have good frame id say research some height maxxing threads and ask former heightmaxxers tbh
i just turned 17 last month on 27th. my Dad has long torso and medium legs. Grandparents from both the side are over 5'10.I have a short torso , wingspan of 178 cm,7.8 inch hand and i wear uk 9 shoes. i really wanna grow taller and maybe hop on hgh. can u suggest me some of those heightmaxxxers yourself?
How old are you now? I have the same problem to, You can grow you're spine but its limited but you can't change you're frame it's genetic you're blessed if you're parents have good frame id say research some height maxxing threads and ask former heightmaxxers tbh
i hope to atleast reach 5'10
I think I'll blast hgh, the doct said ears and nose growing due gh is myth
Doctor are just human. And none of them have knowledge on height growth like incels here have. Yes hgh make nose and other facial feature grow anormaly
Doctor are just human. And none of them have knowledge on height growth like incels here have. Yes hgh make nose and other facial feature grow anormaly
hey any suggestions for me?
i hope to atleast reach 5'10
You can probably get maximum 2 inches and do all the basics like eating enough protein, sleeping enough, and do stretches for growth and just search height maxxing threads and ask the ones that know about hgh and stuff , how tall are you now? Cuz I have the same wingspan as my brother who's 181cm and I'm only 170 and i hope to grow more cuz I'm 16
You can probably get maximum 2 inches and do all the basics like eating enough protein, sleeping enough, and do stretches for growth and just search height maxxing threads and ask the ones that know about hgh and stuff , how tall are you now? Cuz I have the same wingspan as my brother who's 181cm and I'm only 170 and i hope to grow more cuz I'm 16
im 173-174 early in the morning and a good 172 at night. 176 with shoes on(thick heels). also what is your bro's wingspan?
You can probably get maximum 2 inches and do all the basics like eating enough protein, sleeping enough, and do stretches for growth and just search height maxxing threads and ask the ones that know about hgh and stuff , how tall are you now? Cuz I have the same wingspan as my brother who's 181cm and I'm only 170 and i hope to grow more cuz I'm 16
i was reading those threads and couldn't find ppl with good results . i read two threads where someone grew like 2 inches after spending over 1k usd. I'm above average in height atleast in asia . If nothing works and i stay the same height i might go for LL.The only option b4 ropemaxxing
i was reading those threads and couldn't find ppl with good results . i read two threads where someone grew like 2 inches after spending over 1k usd. I'm above average in height atleast in asia . If nothing works and i stay the same height i might go for LL.The only option b4 ropemaxxing
Bro LL is a meme how many ppl do you thinke here actually get LL like 0.001% the risk to reward ratio is veryhigh and you can probably reach 175 and fraud 5'10 don't worry and which country also matters in West height has great importance
Bro LL is a meme how many ppl do you thinke here actually get LL like 0.001% the risk to reward ratio is veryhigh and you can probably reach 175 and fraud 5'10 don't worry and which country also matters in West height has great importance
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I heard a lot of rich kids get HGH which is why they are usually taller than average.

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