x30001 on HeightMaxxing

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973

Jun 8, 2019
Myostatin and height? They've nothing to do with each other.

Come on. I know height is frustrating because you can't just change your height like you can change your face, complexion, body composition etc.

But just accept that genetics is the overarching factor and you will never grow past your genetic height limit range. If you're 5'6-5'7 during mid to late puberty, you have an extremely low chance of being 6'4. My parents are both 5'7 and I'm 6'2.

I was always tall, since before puberty. I was the 2nd tallest in my class in my first year of primary school, aged 5. You can blast all the ipamorelin+modgrf in the world at age 17 if you want, and yeah considering your growth plates haven't closed, you might provoke some small spinal/femur growth.

MK-677 is pure cope. Real HGH and IGF1 in high doses would work best. Cause some superphysiological GH+IGF spikes and go to your chiropractor very often and get him/her to stretch you out. Do hanging bar / spinal decompression exercises in the gym whilst riding a GH surge for the 30 or so minutes it lasts.
But honestly, your time for growth is between 13-17 years old. Eating enough during those years will maximise your chances of reaching the highest end of your genetic height max. Keeping all growth pathways activated during puberty is key, along with getting quality sleep. Who cares if you're a fat fuck at 18. I was, but now I've lost 50lbs+ and counting. So many people tell me in PM that they have a brother who's a fat fuck who plays video games but is 6'1 at 16, while he is 5'9, 18-19 years old and really active, not overweight and a lot more healthy.

All these HGH theories don't hold any weight at all with closed plates, and growth plates close at 17-18 years old in the majority of cases. It's very rare for that not to be the case. Simple glucosamine supplementation may help you squeeze out an extra 0.5-1inch in conjunction with spinal decompression exercises and improving posture. You can inject all the HGH you want after your growth plates are closed but you won't grow another inch in height. Your hands and feet might swell up or even grow, but you won't grow taller. It's so much focus and wasted time/effort and it's all in vain. My opinion wouldn't change even if I was 5'2. Your genetic post-pubescent adult height (range) is genetically determined by your HMG AT-HOOK2 gene and there's no way to alter the state of that gene before puberty. I agree you can find yourself at the lower or higher end of your genetic "range" through good practices, particularly from 13-17 years old and those practices pretty much consist of allowing your body to keep as many anabolic pathways active as possible, pathways that are activated by growth factors, and getting a decent sleep.

Wish heightmaxing were a "thing" but it's really misconstrued. If it were as straightforward as some people make it out to be, people would be doing all this CJC + AI crap until they reach their desired height. Reality is, it doesn't work like that. Even if you could modify your HMGA2 gene in 20 years time if DNA modification becomes possible, and you modify it exactly to replicate that of a 6'4 male, you wouldn't just spontaneously grow to 6'4 that very second.

Puberty is the chance for growth. Those vital 5 years between 13-17 roughly is where you can do all you can to reach the taller end of your genetic potential. If you're 5'7 or whatever, seriously just don't stress or get bogged down as there's nothing you can do. A lot of others have things a lot worse. Would you want to reincarnate with an HMGA2 gene that allows you to be 6'2+, and have a 1/10PSL face in your new life? No, absolutely not.

Blackpill and foids are making people so conscious about their height and it's just something that can't be changed. Seeing people opt for LL surgery is just insane. You can change your skin colour, eye colour, teeth colour, hair colour, body mass, body composition, facial features, implants, fillers, so many things. You just can't change your height, unless you want your legs broken and put back together and be taught to walk again with months of rehab and pain just to be a few inches taller to try to impress some foid who will fuck some Chad who's now shorter than you. It's not worth it. Save the hundreds of $ for something else.

I'll eat my own words and personally apologise if masses of people show proof of significant height gains through the use of a GHRP. At least that'd show me that I'm wrong. If just 1000 people out of the hundreds of millions of sub 5'9 teenage boys "height max" to 6'1> at age 17-18 through the use of GHRPs and Aromatase Inhibitors then I'll not only apologise for profusely, but it'd also be a crazy biological discovery. 1000 people aren't much to ask. It's less than 0.001%. Theoretically for it to be a method it should have at least some sort of notable success rate.

Currently, it's more likely to get struck by lightning than to grow taller from this. And I know some people will call me an idiot and lash out at me for saying this. But honestly, don't let something that's out of your control frustrate you so much. Almost every other aspect of looksmaxing is in your control. Face > Height anyway.

  • +1
Reactions: nope, SteveRogers, Deleted member 2227 and 2 others
I just need 2 inches and i'll mog 90% of males in mexico
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  • JFL
Reactions: shahid khan, RAITEIII and Deleted member 2227
  • +1
Reactions: Justttt and Bewusst
what proportions?


What do you mean,

'"what proportion"?

These proportions,

Image result for people with long legs
Image result for people with long legs
Image result for people with long legs
Image result for people with long legs

don't look good on Men.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Justttt and Deleted member 2227
High iq thread, will inject pure hgh if i ever have son lmao
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Toth's thot and Deleted member 1973
Myostatin and height? They've nothing to do with each other.

Come on. I know height is frustrating because you can't just change your height like you can change your face, complexion, body composition etc.

But just accept that genetics is the overarching factor and you will never grow past your genetic height limit range. If you're 5'6-5'7 during mid to late puberty, you have an extremely low chance of being 6'4. My parents are both 5'7 and I'm 6'2.

I was always tall, since before puberty. I was the 2nd tallest in my class in my first year of primary school, aged 5. You can blast all the ipamorelin+modgrf in the world at age 17 if you want, and yeah considering your growth plates haven't closed, you might provoke some small spinal/femur growth.

MK-677 is pure cope. Real HGH and IGF1 in high doses would work best. Cause some superphysiological GH+IGF spikes and go to your chiropractor very often and get him/her to stretch you out. Do hanging bar / spinal decompression exercises in the gym whilst riding a GH surge for the 30 or so minutes it lasts.
But honestly, your time for growth is between 13-17 years old. Eating enough during those years will maximise your chances of reaching the highest end of your genetic height max. Keeping all growth pathways activated during puberty is key, along with getting quality sleep. Who cares if you're a fat fuck at 18. I was, but now I've lost 50lbs+ and counting. So many people tell me in PM that they have a brother who's a fat fuck who plays video games but is 6'1 at 16, while he is 5'9, 18-19 years old and really active, not overweight and a lot more healthy.

All these HGH theories don't hold any weight at all with closed plates, and growth plates close at 17-18 years old in the majority of cases. It's very rare for that not to be the case. Simple glucosamine supplementation may help you squeeze out an extra 0.5-1inch in conjunction with spinal decompression exercises and improving posture. You can inject all the HGH you want after your growth plates are closed but you won't grow another inch in height. Your hands and feet might swell up or even grow, but you won't grow taller. It's so much focus and wasted time/effort and it's all in vain. My opinion wouldn't change even if I was 5'2. Your genetic post-pubescent adult height (range) is genetically determined by your HMG AT-HOOK2 gene and there's no way to alter the state of that gene before puberty. I agree you can find yourself at the lower or higher end of your genetic "range" through good practices, particularly from 13-17 years old and those practices pretty much consist of allowing your body to keep as many anabolic pathways active as possible, pathways that are activated by growth factors, and getting a decent sleep.

Wish heightmaxing were a "thing" but it's really misconstrued. If it were as straightforward as some people make it out to be, people would be doing all this CJC + AI crap until they reach their desired height. Reality is, it doesn't work like that. Even if you could modify your HMGA2 gene in 20 years time if DNA modification becomes possible, and you modify it exactly to replicate that of a 6'4 male, you wouldn't just spontaneously grow to 6'4 that very second.

Puberty is the chance for growth. Those vital 5 years between 13-17 roughly is where you can do all you can to reach the taller end of your genetic potential. If you're 5'7 or whatever, seriously just don't stress or get bogged down as there's nothing you can do. A lot of others have things a lot worse. Would you want to reincarnate with an HMGA2 gene that allows you to be 6'2+, and have a 1/10PSL face in your new life? No, absolutely not.

Blackpill and foids are making people so conscious about their height and it's just something that can't be changed. Seeing people opt for LL surgery is just insane. You can change your skin colour, eye colour, teeth colour, hair colour, body mass, body composition, facial features, implants, fillers, so many things. You just can't change your height, unless you want your legs broken and put back together and be taught to walk again with months of rehab and pain just to be a few inches taller to try to impress some foid who will fuck some Chad who's now shorter than you. It's not worth it. Save the hundreds of $ for something else.

I'll eat my own words and personally apologise if masses of people show proof of significant height gains through the use of a GHRP. At least that'd show me that I'm wrong. If just 1000 people out of the hundreds of millions of sub 5'9 teenage boys "height max" to 6'1> at age 17-18 through the use of GHRPs and Aromatase Inhibitors then I'll not only apologise for profusely, but it'd also be a crazy biological discovery. 1000 people aren't much to ask. It's less than 0.001%. Theoretically for it to be a method it should have at least some sort of notable success rate.

Currently, it's more likely to get struck by lightning than to grow taller from this. And I know some people will call me an idiot and lash out at me for saying this. But honestly, don't let something that's out of your control frustrate you so much. Almost every other aspect of looksmaxing is in your control. Face > Height anyway.

Every guy on my mother's side of the family keep growing until their early to mid twenties. I guess that means we're the exception then.
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
@Lifeisgood72 go to fucking hell for making this guy quit this forum like honestly hope you get cancer
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers, Justttt, Deleted member 2227 and 2 others
@Lifeisgood72 go to fucking hell for making this guy quit this forum like honestly hope you get cancer
Why the fuck would someone do that? Autism is such a brutal disease.
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
@Lifeisgood72 go to fucking hell for making this guy quit this forum like honestly hope you get cancer

The guy is very knowledgeable, but he just said

-Height is entirely genetic

-LL is cope because mess your body proportions


-Other obvious things

I mean, this is very water is wet.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
The guy is very knowledgeable, but he just said

-Height is entirely genetic

-LL is cope because mess your body proportions


-Other obvious things

I mean, this is very water is wet.
This doesn’t even scratch the barrel when it comes to his posts. This guy was an actual fucking genius with priceless info if you read some of his comments he was well above anyone else on this forum.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: SteveRogers, retard, Deleted member 2227 and 1 other person
This doesn’t even scratch the barrel when it comes to his posts. This guy was an actual fucking genius with priceless info if you read some of his comments he was well above anyone else on this forum.

his account is locked.

his account is locked.
You can still search his name in the search bar and a few of his posts will come up but not even a quarter show up. It’s a huge shame he left the forum
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
Blame the faggot subhuman @Lifeisgood72
@Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72 @Lifeisgood72
  • JFL
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