you are probably going to 'hell' , theism is kinda retarded

mayo mogger

mayo mogger

ascending to mtn or will be found dead
Jul 6, 2023
According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.

now lets assume even 500 of em have their own hell and non beilevees of that particular religon are going to hell , so there is a 99.8% chance that you are going to hell no matter how much good you do , kinda funny there is no proof to god , religions are called a matter of faith for a reason ,

all of these theists hate science but then try to cherrypick some texts that have some 'science' in em

one of the most baffling videos i watched the other day lmfao

i just know my god is real

how do i u know your one is the real one? uhh uhh idk the book says it but i just know my one is real

stating your belief as a fact is huge indicator of being a narcy , thats why deeply religious are not fun to be around and by fun i just mean social cueing.

can say much more but yeah if hells exiests we all are heading towards it
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Will read next year bhai
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Bible says it's very seldom even a righteous man is saved.

And I don't think it's science that certain religious folks hate. Just some scientific theories.
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Bible says it's very seldom even a righteous man is saved.

And I don't think it's science that certain religious folks hate. Just some scientific theories.
why do u say that?

no matter how much good u do , if u deny christianity you will go to hell goes for all religions
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Bible says it's very seldom even a righteous man is saved.

And I don't think it's science that certain religious folks hate. Just some scientific theories.

23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
- Matthew 19:23-24

[Jesus continued,] "So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It's better to enter eternal life with only one hand or one foot than to be thrown into eternal fire with both of your hands and feet. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It's better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."
- Matthew 18:8-9

20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Matthew 5:20

Even among the devoted christians not even half of them are going to heaven by the bible standard tbh
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23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
- Matthew 19:23-24

[Jesus continued,] "So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It's better to enter eternal life with only one hand or one foot than to be thrown into eternal fire with both of your hands and feet. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It's better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."
- Matthew 18:8-9

20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Matthew 5:20

Even among the devoted christians not even half of them are going to heaven by the bible standard tbh
muhhh my g--god lovves meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
- Matthew 19:23-24

[Jesus continued,] "So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It's better to enter eternal life with only one hand or one foot than to be thrown into eternal fire with both of your hands and feet. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It's better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."
- Matthew 18:8-9

20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Matthew 5:20

Even among the devoted christians not even half of them are going to heaven by the bible standard tbh
Right, I'd even argue less than half. Way less. Most "Christians" are nothing more than modern day Pharisees.
Screenshot 2024 07 07 at 71538 PM
if god is a higher being , and why does he have humanly feelings? such as anger , wanting to worshiped
That's His glory. His wrath. And it's not that He has humanly feelings. It's that we have Godly feelings. Because we came from Him. We're created in His image.

Don't get it twisted though. It's not right for us to feel anger. It is for Him though. He is God. We have no right. He does.

And wouldn't it be right for such a great God to be jealous?
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That's His glory. His wrath. And it's not that He has humanly feelings. It's that we have Godly feelings. Because we came from Him. We're created in His image.

Don't get it twisted though. It's not right for us to feel anger. It is for Him though. He is God. We have no right. He does.

And wouldn't it be right for such a great God to be jealous?
well said.
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Right, I'd even argue less than half. Way less. Most "Christians" are nothing more than modern day Pharisees.
Yeah that's why I said not even half. Not even a quarter of a quarter of a millionth of christians tbh.

People make fun of christians for having an "easy way out".
"Oh So I cAn Be A pEdO AnD jUsT rEpEnT???"

Fucking retards. Less 1% of the church preachers will go to heaven probably if you see what the book says.

That's also why it doesn't make sense for an omni god to condemn so many people to hell. I saw your stance on God and your type can't be reasoned with tbh.
I just imagine myself if there IS a "god" he likes seeing humans suffer
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Yeah that's why I said not even half. Not even a quarter of a quarter of a millionth of christians tbh.

People make fun of christians for having an "easy way out".
"Oh So I cAn Be A pEdO AnD jUsT rEpEnT???"

Fucking retards. Less 1% of the church preachers will go to heaven probably if you see what the book says.

That's also why it doesn't make sense for an omni god to condemn so many people to hell. I saw your stance on God and your type can't be reasoned with tbh.
You're thinking with a mortal carnal mind. He sure CAN send most people to hell. And He can do it for any reason He wants.

It's God who created reason in the first place. It's men who bastardize it. His reasoning is the only kind that matters. It's the only kind that's right.
  • JFL
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According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.

now lets assume even 500 of em have their own hell and non beilevees of that particular religon are going to hell , so there is a 99.8% chance that you are going to hell no matter how much good you do , kinda funny there is no proof to god , religions are called a matter of faith for a reason ,

all of these theists hate science but then try to cherrypick some texts that have some 'science' in em

one of the most baffling videos i watched the other day lmfao

i just know my god is real

how do i u know your one is the real one? uhh uhh idk the book says it but i just know my one is real

stating your belief as a fact is huge indicator of being a narcy , thats why deeply religious are not fun to be around and by fun i just mean social cueing.

can say much more but yeah if hells exiests we all are heading towards it

I had this exact thought a few days ago actually, and a lot of these religions punish you MORE if you believe in another one as opposed to just staying an athiest, it's such a gamble, just accept we are all going to Hell, i've seen Hell in my dreams and ik that is where I will reside for eternity once this life is over, brutal, but what can I do.
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theism is necessary same with laws because most people lack the ability to self govern or to act morally without the threat of death/eternal damnation
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  • Hmm...
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The only truth is : life is RANDOM bullshit. There is no god. The only thing that dictates your life are GENES. You are ugly? That's because of genes. You are dumb as fuck? That's because of genes. You are shy as fuck introverted loser? That's because of genes. 99% of your life is just random shit you have no power over. Religions are for coping losers. I know a person who was peace of shit for 50 years, then he turned to god, was going to church few times a week (he was even going from work earlier just to get to church). Now he got cancer and he has few months to live :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Religious people are crazy motherfuckers. If a 10/10 girl would tell me that she is going to church, I would dump that dumb slut in nanosecond.
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  • JFL
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I had this exact thought a few days ago actually, and a lot of these religions punish you MORE if you believe in another one as opposed to just staying an athiest, it's such a gamble, just accept we are all going to Hell, i've seen Hell in my dreams and ik that is where I will reside for eternity once this life is over, brutal, but what can I do.
brutal literally eternal suffering if you are non chad in this life and in the supposed 'afterlife' again just be lucky lmfao

theism is complete mental masturbation
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brutal literally eternal suffering if you are non chad in this life and in the supposed 'afterlife' again just be lucky lmfao

theism is complete mental masturbation
yeah it's over, if there is a God, he only loves chads and women
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I'm 37 years old. Do you really think I haven't?
no you clearly havent , you are thinking like a slave and you have been gaslight into thinking thats its right
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no you clearly havent , you are thinking like a slave and you have been gaslight into thinking thats its right
Why? Because I don't agree with YOU?
  • JFL
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Why? Because I don't agree with YOU?
yeah im done

He sure CAN send most people to hell. And He can do it for any reason He wants.

It's God who created reason in the first place. It's men who bastardize it. His reasoning is the only kind that matters. It's the only kind that's right.

read it aloud and think about it for some time
yeah im done

He sure CAN send most people to hell. And He can do it for any reason He wants.

It's God who created reason in the first place. It's men who bastardize it. His reasoning is the only kind that matters. It's the only kind that's right.

read it aloud and think about it for some time
Well if God exists then why wouldn't it be true?

People are so arrogant to think they can come up with what's right and wrong.
  • JFL
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You're thinking with a mortal carnal mind. He sure CAN send most people to hell. And He can do it for any reason He wants.

It's God who created reason in the first place. It's men who bastardize it. His reasoning is the only kind that matters. It's the only kind that's right.
This is what I'm talking about. What's the point of him giving man free will if you're gonna think like this lmao.
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This is what I'm talking about. What's the point of him giving man free will if you're gonna think like this lmao.
To glorify Him. Because some will still CHOOSE to worship, love, and fear Him. What's it worth if nobody has the free will to turn their backs on Him too?
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This is what I'm talking about. What's the point of him giving man free will if you're gonna think like this lmao.
What do you mean? Think like what? What's your arbitrary opinion believe about my line of thinking?

It's not MY thinking either. This is what the scripture reveals. I choose to believe it.
What do you mean? Think like what? What's your arbitrary opinion believe about my line of thinking?

It's not MY thinking either. This is what the scripture reveals. I choose to believe it.
Think like a fucking robot. Like a slave. I know it's what the scripture reveals, what I'm saying is, (again u can only see it from the "absolute truth" perspective (literally can't reason w u)) if you would just give it a thought and step out of your slave mentality for a sec, WHY would he give FREE will if the confinement of solemn consequences make man doomed to eternal damnation? Nothing free about our will.

I'm not even getting to the part where he is omniscient yet still creates humans who he KNOWS for a FACT that they're going to sin and rebel and go to hell, practically creating hundreds of billions of souls just to send them to hell.

"Oh but it's because we have free will! And we need free will for our choices to be authentic"

Ok let's forget about the fact that he's literally omniscient and these "tests" or "temptations" are useless to him since he knows already what we'll choose and our lives, by that logic, are actually predetermined so our free will doesn't actually exist in god's perspective.
Let's forget this.

Let's think about where free will come from. Where it all started. The Garden of Eden and the first humans.

A perfect place where no evil was committed. It was possible. Evil isn't necessary. Life with no evil had existed before. But it was taken away.

God put the tree of knowledge in the garden, (close enough to be reached by Adam and Eve for some reason even though it's supposed to be forbidden, and the evil snake too, he also put in Eden)

so he meant that to happen then? Free will was meant to happen. The first ever test was rigged. God knew the outcome. He knows everything. He created everything after all.

He meant everything to happen. The evil things too. The billions of suffering souls in hell too.

Yet he is love.
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Think like a fucking robot. Like a slave. I know it's what the scripture reveals, what I'm saying is, (again u can only see it from the "absolute truth" perspective (literally can't reason w u)) if you would just give it a thought and step out of your slave mentality for a sec, WHY would he give FREE will if the confinement of solemn consequences make man doomed to eternal damnation? Nothing free about our will.

I'm not even getting to the part where he is omniscient yet still creates humans who he KNOWS for a FACT that they're going to sin and rebel and go to hell, practically creating hundreds of billions of souls just to send them to hell.

"Oh but it's because we have free will! And we need free will for our choices to be authentic"

Ok let's forget about the fact that he's literally omniscient and these "tests" or "temptations" are useless to him since he knows already what we'll choose and our lives, by that logic, are actually predetermined so our free will doesn't actually exist in god's perspective.
Let's forget this.

Let's think about where free will come from. Where it all started. The Garden of Eden and the first humans.

A perfect place where no evil was committed. It was possible. Evil isn't necessary. Life with no evil had existed before. But it was taken away.

God put the tree of knowledge in the garden, (close enough to be reached by Adam and Eve for some reason even though it's supposed to be forbidden, and the evil snake too, he also put in Eden)

so he meant that to happen then? Free will was meant to happen. The first ever test was rigged. God knew the outcome. He knows everything. He created everything after all.

He meant everything to happen. The evil things too. The billions of suffering souls in hell too.

Yet he is love.
According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.
Most religions are cheap knock offs of the God of Abraham or the man made version of the truth. It's similar to how every culture has a flood story, Giants, Gods, etc but they put their own spin on it. The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Vikings, Hawaiian's, Chinese, Japanese, etc. They all have the same foundations but have differences (flat dome earth, entire earth is flooded, 8 survivors, angels (gods, aliens, interdimensional beings) come to earth and breed with mortal females creating Giants (Nephilim, Titans, monsters, etc). The epic of Gilgamesh is Nimrod, Hercules is Samson, etc etc.

The question is how can one be true and all others be false? As stated that's easy, the original God of Abraham is simply giving the historical truth and all other man made theologies are man made religions based off how they desire to pass on their understanding or they use demons as their GODs (Egyptians, Canaanites, Edomites, etc). The Chinese had the same Christian belief system before the so over 4,500 years ago. Daoism came around 6th BC, Confucius and Buddhism came in the 5th BC.
There records of the one true GOD and our origins are nearly identical to the book of genesis. Qe come from the same 8 people after the flood. God gave the truth to his chosen people and the other tribes and cultures did their best to pass on qhat they remembered from each generation. This is qhy these religions are similar to the truth but not quite the same.
So basically nearly all or a majority of these man made religions are coming from the true origin story or they use the demons aka spirits of the dead Nephilim as their GOD's and bastardize our origin story.

now lets assume even 500 of em have their own hell and non beilevees of that particular religon are going to hell , so there is a 99.8% chance that you are going to hell no matter how much good you do , kinda funny there is no proof to god , religions are called a matter of faith for a reason ,

Doing good doesn't get one into so called heaven aka alternate dimension that our astral body goes to after our physical body expires and basically our energy isn't destroyed but transferred to our energy body into an alternate dimension. You get into heaven not by works but through understanding of the truth and if ye understand this truth you qill natural abide by the commandments and do good corks. YAH doesn't force anyone to be with him in this alternate dimension and if you select to be without YAH in the physical material world then you shall remain without GOD in the alternate dimension for eternity by your own choice.
As for proof of GOD it's in our very DNA. DNA is a code and all code requires a creator since nothing can create code. This programable language or GOD's language is the most complex and longest code in existence as no AI or human can replicate it . The beginning of each DNA strand has a telomere and inside these telomeres when you use the periodic table and exchange the letters with numbers this enables you to read the DNA like a newspaper. After doing this you'll notice in each strand of DNA it says God eternal within the body. Then if you ask how do we know which so called GOD this is. Qell that's a great question. If you go into what's called the "Junk DNA" deemed by scientists, if you read the language given in the junk DNA it spells out GOD's name in the Hebrew origin aka YAHWH.

On top of this, you have the 2,100 of the 2,500 prophecies that have been fulfilled from the Israelite bible. These prophecies are still being fulfilled in our present time. There is no man qoman, child, beast or machine that could possibly duplicate these prophecies over thousands of years. Quantum computers haven't even come close. These prophecies are constantly providing evidence for the GOD of the Israelites. The evidence of GOD is all around you and inside of you. There is no faith required just acknowledgement of the truth and the truth shall set you free. To deny these truths is willful ignorance and ignorance is no excuse.

all of these theists hate science but then try to cherrypick some texts that have some 'science' in em

Actual science proves the bible and I used actual science in order to disprove the bible but the opposite happened to my shock after going through 18 years of the indoctrination camps aka schools college and grad school. The theoretical science is qhat the mainstream uses to "disprove" God and the bible but these are all theoretical and debunked. Also, the Edomites/Canaanites of the Israelite bible have been the one's leading the charge to use this theoretical scinece and mathmatical wizardry to "disprove" the bible for thousands of years. They've used different seceret societies and infiltrated so called Christian Churches that are not truly Christians to push this agenda to turn people aqay from GOD and it's worked perfectly. These same degenerates know they're teaching lies and laugh at the dumb gullible low IQ masses for falling for their obvious deceptions.
Yes, all the major advances if the pseudo science and all these theories have been created and pushed by the Edomite/Canaanite Jews which Jesus calls the children of the devil the synagogue of Satan and they pretend to be Israelites but they're not. This includes dinosaurs, globetard earth, gravity, space, evolution, big bang etc etc. It's all one giant house of cards built on quicksand. Once you remove any card from the bottom the entire house crumbles instantly. All these hoaxes have been disproven and just proving one of them wrong is all that's required for the entire model to collapse.
After you remove the nonsensical idea that everything can come from nothing then you have to turn to the fact that there is indeed a divine creator or an unmovable mover. Then, you'll ask who is this creator and you'll find him in your own DNA.

one of the most baffling videos i watched the other day lmfao

i just know my god is real

how do i u know your one is the real one? uhh uhh idk the book says it but i just know my one is real

stating your belief as a fact is huge indicator of being a narcy , thats why deeply religious are not fun to be around and by fun i just mean social cueing.

1.) There's no need for the bible to believe in the Christian GOD. There are many missionaries that have found thousands of cases of people that kneq Jesus even though no human has ever taught them about Jesus and they had no access to the christian bible physically or digitally. This should be impossible right?
a.) Deuteronomy 4:29
But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.
b.) Jerimiah 29:13
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
C.) Jerimiah 33:31
“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares the Lord.
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
So ask, seek and knock and God will reveal himself to you and he has imbedded the commandments in hear hearts and minds for us to abide by them. It's not faith, just understanding of the truth that you sleeked and found.

True faith would be to have faith in men that have come up with random theories that cannot be tested, replicated that are and have been for thousands of years pushed through secret societies that are controlled by a group that identify as Jewish or Israelites of the bible but it turns out these people are the Edomites of the bible aka the children of the devil and are the enemies of the Israelites and all mankind. These same people are the people Jesus and his disciples faced against 2,000 years ago and they're using their same tricks and methods to this very day.

can say much more but yeah if hells exiests we all are heading towards it
I agree with you on this. God states there shall be a major apostacy in end times which means more people are going to be doomed to hell.

Mattheq 7:13 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:”

Overall, virtually everything in society is leading everyone to destruction (schools, TV, mainstream media, social media, etc) is pushing degeneracy and lies leading the masses to hell.

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