"You are too handsome so women avoid you because you make them insecure"



Jan 9, 2021
The title is a joke when posted on this forum ("you don't get Tinder matches because you are too GL"), but actually, if a girl has a crush on you and she is very nervous around you she might avoid you because of her nervousness. Obviously every girl doesn't do this and just because a girl avoids you doesn't mean she is infatuated with you.
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The title is a joke when posted on this forum ("you don't get Tinder matches because you are too GL"), but actually, if a girl has a crush on you and she is very nervous around you she might avoid you because of her nervousness. Obviously every girl doesn't do this and just because a girl avoids you doesn't mean she is infatuated with you.

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This is true, there was a tiktok trend where girls would always say this

it's probably such an ego boost if you're a chad and you're talking to a girl and she stumbles on her words and gets nervous
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This is true, there was a tiktok trend where girls would always say this

it's probably such an ego boost if you're a chad and you're talking to a girl and she stumbles on her words and gets nervous
What Tiktok trend? I don't use Tiktok.

Girls becoming nervous around their crushes is a very common thing and happens often. Girls don't always avoid their crushes even if they become nervous; they might want to be in the proximity of their crush even if they are nervous. Girls avoiding their crush because of their nervousness is less common but it still happens.
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Another proof that you don't go outside or just massively bluepilled.
Go to a club and observe what women do when they see an attractive chad. If the want a guy, they go and get him.
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Another proof that you don't go outside or just massively bluepilled.
Go to a club and observe what women do when they see an attractive chad. If the want a guy, they go and get him.
Funny. It's you who doesn't go outside.

You are a low IQ cel who thinks that every woman behaves the same.

Girls at clubs are intoxicated which lowers their inhibition. And despite that, not every girl is going to approach the guy. What a retarded thought. Even in clubs, some girls will just look at the chad and not approach.

Why do you even talk about clubs?

No offense, but I have life experience and decent looks. You don't have either.
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I make my girl insecure, she's admitted it many times. Its just made her care more about her looks so she started working out 5 times a week and cutting.

Muh girls dont want dicaprio bcuz he's too hot jfl.
The title is a joke when posted on this forum ("you don't get Tinder matches because you are too GL"), but actually, if a girl has a crush on you and she is very nervous around you she might avoid you because of her nervousness. Obviously every girl doesn't do this and just because a girl avoids you doesn't mean she is infatuated with you.
I think the best way to know this is when you randomly meet her, when you are at school or sth, she might be prepared to be calm around you but when she meets you somewhere else, she might be nervous as hell cuz it's unexpected
Another proof that you don't go outside or just massively bluepilled.
Go to a club and observe what women do when they see an attractive chad. If the want a guy, they go and get him.
Club isnt real life though people are drunk
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Club isnt real life though people are drunk
Yep, and despite being drunk not every interested girl is going to approach at the club. Some of them expect chad to approach.
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Yep, and despite being drunk not every interested girl is going to approach at the club. Some of them expect chad to approach.
My avi is better looking than urs
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I think the best way to know this is when you randomly meet her, when you are at school or sth, she might be prepared to be calm around you but when she meets you somewhere else, she might be nervous as hell cuz it's unexpected
Yes, that's true. Also, obviously other signs of attraction are the key - just because a girl avoids you doesn't mean she likes you.

I could tell my experience from a couple of weeks ago but I won't bother: incels here will think it's larp because they live in a fantasy world where a girl will approach and ask the guy they like if he prefers blowjob or anal now.
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True, young cum drop. Some girls have low confidence while others avoid confrontations altogether. Same as some guys. Though a highly achieved vagina usually carries a prescription of Valtrex because that level is just so overwhelming. If you know what I mean. ;);)

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Mostly true tbh

I've never had a girl directly approach me, they normally get their friends to do it
Mostly true tbh

I've never had a girl directly approach me, they normally get their friends to do it
How it's "mostly" true? It's true that some girls avoid guys they have a crush.

I don't mean girls not approaching. Often girls don't approach and instead expect that the guy approaches her. Some girls approach the guys they like. And some girls avoid the guy they have a crush on because they are too nervous.
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How it's "mostly" true? It's true that some girls avoid guys they have a crush.

I don't mean girls not approaching. Often girls don't approach and instead expect that the guy approaches her. Some girls approach the guys they like. And some girls avoid the guy they have a crush on because they are too nervous.

"How it's "mostly" true? It's true that some girls avoid guys they have a crush."

That's how, some girls not all girls
"How it's "mostly" true? It's true that some girls avoid guys they have a crush."

That's how, some girls not all girls
Well yes, that's what I said in the original post:

"but actually, if a girl has a crush on you and she is very nervous around you she might avoid you because of her nervousness. Obviously every girl doesn't do this and just because a girl avoids you doesn't mean she is infatuated with you."

But we seem to agree.
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Well yes, that's what I said in the original post:

"but actually, if a girl has a crush on you and she is very nervous around you she might avoid you because of her nervousness. Obviously every girl doesn't do this and just because a girl avoids you doesn't mean she is infatuated with you."

But we seem to agree.

Yeah you're right my bad, read it wrong

I ask a lot of the girls I got with why they didn't approach me first and they said its because they thought I looked like a "douche, dickhead or cocky" jfl
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Yeah you're right my bad, read it wrong

I ask a lot of the girls I got with why they didn't approach me first and they said its because they thought I looked like a "douche, dickhead or cocky" jfl
Often it's just fear of rejection. Mind you when girls have a crush on you, they put you on a pedestal just like one simp here puts Eva on the pedestal.
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Funny. It's you who doesn't go outside.

You are a low IQ cel who thinks that every woman behaves the same.

Girls at clubs are intoxicated which lowers their inhibition. And despite that, not every girl is going to approach the guy. What a retarded thought. Even in clubs, some girls will just look at the chad and not approach.

Why do you even talk about clubs?

No offense, but I have life experience and decent looks. You don't have either.
I bet that I have more life experience than you fag. And post face since you’re so much better looking.
Funny that I don’t have looks but I get 1k tinder matches in a month. Guess that girls are blind
I bet that I have more life experience than you fag.
I'm sure you do.

"Some drunk girls at club approach guys therefore no girl avoids her crush because of her nervousness."

What a genius.
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Funny. It's you who doesn't go outside.

You are a low IQ cel who thinks that every woman behaves the same.

Girls at clubs are intoxicated which lowers their inhibition. And despite that, not every girl is going to approach the guy. What a retarded thought. Even in clubs, some girls will just look at the chad and not approach.

Why do you even talk about clubs?

No offense, but I have life experience and decent looks. You don't have either.
@Wallenberg High-IQ user.

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I’ve seen drunk girls get rejected by tall chads

women having sky high smv is a meme, yea they get lots of dms but most of them are from ethnics anyways so that doesn’t count
It depends on the girls but one things they have in common is that they will not completely avoid u they will all somehow try to keep u in their vision
I’ve seen drunk girls get rejected by tall chads
Well yes, guys reject girls. I have rejected drunk girls too and I'm not "tall chad".
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