You cannot return to the past



It’s Hamudi
May 1, 2023
and that fucking sucks. Time flies, and you'll be doomed beyond repair once you reach a certain age. If I had known about lookism when I was 13 or 14 I would've been in a better place today. Being naive comes with a cost.
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  • JFL
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and that fucking sucks. Time flies, and you'll be doomed beyond repair once you reach a certain age. If I had known about lookism when I was 13 or 14 I would've been in a better place today. Being naive comes with a cost.
The right moment IS now if you keep on bringing Up the past you wont move further
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The right moment IS now if you keep on bringing Up the past you wont move further
Man, I've missed out on many things, and the ship has sailed. No moving further for me buddy.
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i have been stuck my whole life wishing to be 13 again, ive wasted my whole adult life tbh bc i refuse to accept that childhood is over and never coming back
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Man, I've missed out on many things, and the ship has sailed. No moving further for me buddy.
There IS always time im 25 and ive missed on so many things in Life i eventually learned them to late in Life but I still have hope
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and that fucking sucks. Time flies, and you'll be doomed beyond repair once you reach a certain age. If I had known about lookism when I was 13 or 14 I would've been in a better place today. Being naive comes with a cost.
These cucks tried to make us believe looksmaxxing wasn’t an important thing to do lol. They try to keep us down in society but we will rise up above them one day. That’ll be worth it in the end even if you will never get that time back. At least that’s my thought on it
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i have been stuck my whole life wishing to be 13 again, ive wasted my whole adult life tbh bc i refuse to accept that childhood is over and never coming back
Similar, I'm 24 and I feel 15
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i have been stuck my whole life wishing to be 13 again, ive wasted my whole adult life tbh bc i refuse to accept that childhood is over and never coming back
Youth is one the best times of a person's life because you're young, fit, free from many responsibilities, have an abundance of opportunities, and ample time for learning through trial and error. Middle school will never come back, high school will never come back, and college will never come back. Pretty much everyone will have to wageslave for the rest of his life but teenage love, smoking weed with your best buddies before classes start in hs, losing your virginity to your oneitis in hs, being 16 w/o a driver's license and taking your dad's car arond midnight, sneaking out to go for a ride with your friends/hs sweetheart or just to sell weed can't be replicated in later stages of life.
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Youth is one the best times of a person's life because you're young, fit, free from many responsibilities, have an abundance of opportunities, and ample time for learning through trial and error. Middle school will never come back, high school will never come back, and college will never come back. Pretty much everyone will have to wageslave for the rest of his life but teenage love, smoking weed with your best buddies before classes start in hs, losing your virginity to your oneitis in hs, being 16 w/o a driver's license and taking your dad's car arond midnight, sneaking out to go for a ride with your friends/hs sweetheart can't be replicated in later stages of life.
Suifuel for me, especially right now
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By 15 its over
i wish i knew about the bp when i was 13
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These cucks tried to make us believe looksmaxxing wasn’t an important thing to do lol. They try to keep us down in society but we will rise up above them one day. That’ll be worth it in the end even if you will never get that time back. At least that’s my thought on it
We were fools to believe these guys.Now, it's over.Too late.:(
I didn’t have a childhood
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i wish i knew about the bp when i was 13
13 is a good age to start looksmaxxing.
Leanmaxx, and softmaxx.
9+ hours of sleep daily + fuck studying.
What age is it over
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and that fucking sucks. Time flies, and you'll be doomed beyond repair once you reach a certain age. If I had known about lookism when I was 13 or 14 I would've been in a better place today. Being naive comes with a cost.
But what if you could...?
There are a bunch of movies that explore this concept like The Butterfly Effect(2004) or About Time(2013), the first offers a pessimistic view because no matter what the hero does, things still end up bad for him, the second one is optimistic because things simply can't get any better.
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  • So Sad
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After 18, it's over imo because not everyone can ascend and slay in college.
I mean I guess
But what are your metrics?
how do you measure overness
  • Hmm...
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the second one is optimistic because things simply can't get any better.
If things can't get any better, it cannot be optimistic. More like doomerism type shit.
You were supposed to get the best possible outcomes to overcome the years of failure.
  • JFL
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13 is a good age to start looksmaxxing.
Leanmaxx, and softmaxx.
9+ hours of sleep daily + fuck studying.
at 13 i was barely 50 kg eating like shit looking like shit and how the strenght of a 90 plus years old women
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If things can't get any better, it cannot be optimistic. More like doomerism type shit.
Well, it's a pretty blue-pilled movie, the hero just accepts his destiny and finds happiness in the things that come naturally to him.
For example, as a teen he spends a summer with Margot Robbie living at his house, and he goes back in time repeatedly trying to seduce her, but he always fails no matter his approach, so he eventually gives up and finds another girl with whom things just work naturally, he marries her and they live happily ever after.
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I mean I guess
But what are your metrics?
how do you measure overness
Compare your life experiences to the norm and assess whether you'll be able to catch up in x amount of months or years, and surpass them if possible.
You'll have to predict how others will end up in y months or years.

I don't know if that makes sense.
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Bake Off Botp GIF by The Great British Bake Off

don't tell me what to do, bitch
  • JFL
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repeatedly trying to seduce her, but he always fails no matter his approach, so he eventually gives up and finds another girl with whom things just work naturally, he marries her and they live happily ever after.
He had to delude himself to be happy in the end because he failed to obtain the girl of his dreams. His target number 1 was Margot Robbie and that's why he tried to repeatedly seduce dat bitch. Failure to obtain the girl he was obsessed with means a bad ending to me.You cannot escape your fate, and it was supposed to be possible in movies.
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Compare your life experiences to the norm and assess whether you'll be able to catch up in x amount of months or years, and surpass them if possible.
You'll have to predict how others will end up in y months or years.

I don't know if that makes sense.
Yeah it makes sense I read it and understood in like 2 secs low rare high iq moment

Yeah but no all jokes aside it’s just seeing where you are in comparison to your comp (peers) and seeing how long it would take to catch up to where they are at, and if they move forward, catch up to them by the time the reach that place or even SURPASS them (kind of like a magic Johnson pass)

It’s kind of hard to predict another persons life since ppl have diff goals (at least to me)
So I guess you can only go off the standard general societal clock
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It’s kind of hard to predict another persons life since ppl have diff goals (at least to me)
So I guess you can only go off the standard general societal clock
I kinda agree with that.
i have been stuck my whole life wishing to be 13 again, ive wasted my whole adult life tbh bc i refuse to accept that childhood is over and never coming back
you and me both buddy, 13 really was the best year of my life, all downhill after that.

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I kinda agree with that.
Like for example if you’re 28 and everyone if married and you’re still bar hopping you’re gonna be depressed cause you’re doing it alone
No one is gonna do it with you cause this were too focused on their famalies

So it will will you to get married like everyone else

This is why keeping up with the jonses(kardashians) is important
Not for materialism but life experiences
you and me both buddy, 13 really was the best year of my life, all downhill after that.

View attachment 3020433
Sells to be a common trait amongst some users here
Good life until teen years
Then we fell down and never got back up I wonder why?
  • +1
Reactions: Esteban1997, slavicpsycho and Nick.Harte
Sells to be a common trait amongst some users here
Good life until teen years
Then we fell down and never got back up I wonder why?
ah well the reason it all goes to shit varies but it's a common theme i guess, not on this forum atleast since most of the userbase is still teenagers but the older guys late 20s/30s if asked, most want to go back to being 13 again. We just wasted our life for one reason or another. tbh for me personally it was puberty, puberty was when it all started going downhill.
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It’s kind of hard to predict another persons life since ppl have diff goals (at least to me)
You gotta be high iq to do that.I remember someone predicted that I would stay a loser in my life a couple of years ago and that guy was fucking right. Told me I would get no bitches and I should stop trying so hard in other areas as well. Didn't belive anything back then but I'm still a fucking loser and didn't get any bitches no matter how hard I tried to escape my fate.You gotta be able to read b/w the lines.
You gotta be high iq to do that.I remember someone predicted that I would stay a loser in my life a couple of years ago and that guy was fucking right. Told me I would get no bitches and I should stop trying so hard in other areas as well. Didn't belive anything back then but I'm still a fucking loser and didn't get any bitches no matter how hard I tried to escape my fate.You gotta be able to read b/w the lines.
Shit someone told me that I would be working at McDonald’s at this time when I said I would be playing college basketball

I can’t even get a job at McDonald’s so I guess it ended up even worse
  • JFL
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Shit someone told me that I would be working at McDonald’s at this time when I said I would be playing college basketball

I can’t even get a job at McDonald’s so I guess it ended up even worse
jfl you disappointed him because he thought you could do better.
7yo was life. no cares at all
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Yeah I made a thread about this issue:

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Touche. If I had known during my teen years that my big penis and naturally muscular body would be heavily abused by gorgeous women later in life, I...oh, wait. I did know. Oooooh, that's why I became a whore.

Brutal Season 6 GIF by Bachelor in Paradise
  • JFL
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Touche. If I had known during my teen years that my big penis and naturally muscular body would be heavily abused by gorgeous women later in life, I...oh, wait. I did know. Oooooh, that's why I became a whore.

Brutal Season 6 GIF by Bachelor in Paradise
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He had to delude himself to be happy in the end because he failed to obtain the girl of his dreams. His target number 1 was Margot Robbie and that's why he tried to repeatedly seduce dat bitch. Failure to obtain the girl he was obsessed with means a bad ending to me.You cannot escape your fate, and it was supposed to be possible in movies.
Lol, later when he's more mature, Margot becomes interested in him, but he rejects her, because he's now in love with his new girlfriend.
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Lol, later when he's more mature, Margot becomes interested in him, but he rejects her, because he's now in love with his new girlfriend.
Good ending then
  • JFL
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I just want to go back to 2014 man
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Good ending then
Lol, its kinda cucked since he could cheat, then return in time like nothing happened, he keeps returning in time for example to relive the night when he had sex for the first time with his girlfriend, he could do the same with Margot...
My teen years were the best i wasnt the best looking Guy but was popular and had a gf

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