You guys are all heavily bluepilled not blackpilled



Sep 6, 2023
Because you really think relationships are good as long as you have the caveat of being this archetype you call Chad.

The truth is women will get bored of you Chad or not,once the feelings of fuzzy wuZzy die out there will be no reason to continue the relationship.there will just be fighting.

You guys are young and naieve
Reality will show as upu get older with more experience with relationships or just observing them
Evolution doesn't care about your happiness,it's really hard to love a woman seeing everything is cold calculated transaction with them and all their love is dependant on something(optimizing genetic outcomes) you provide for them during the moment(briffaults law)

Not only that relationships are a constant job interview and walking on eggshells,make one mistake or get too comfortable and you're done

I have had many relationships and they all said they loved me and then the relationship turned sour

It means nothing,once the woman gets bored,you let out any vulnerability of being a healthy human instead of a projection of what appeals to women's hypergamy of wanting superman or god himself,once those feelings fade away that were only there to get you to reproduce babies,and once you even make one mistake the relationship is OVER no matter how much she 'loves'you in that moment

Just move to a country and buy prostitutes for fucksake

If you want to be with a woman for validation then you're insecure or weak and have a serious male mother need problem

Just enjoy sex with women for cheap prices and forget thinking Chad will make you immune to where all relationships head which is a dead end

The only reason it worked In the past is because of society forcing people to be together which is why those marriage's were miserable just like they are today or women had no choice because they needed a man to survive but that's no different then hookers at least you get hot girls and variety with the latter
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Trying to get validation makes no logical sense of you're gl you know it and people will give you attention np need for a relationship or slaying, this is insecurity anyway
Idec about the sex/relationships aspect anymore, I just want to get treated well, get away with more, and mog people
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relationships being transactional = water, it's not male/female relationships but every type of relationship If you have nothing of value to provide/give, nobody will associate with you. I don't get your "solution" of just banging hookers, there is no intimacy with hookers, none at all.
Yeah I've spoken about this before:
Haven't you ever noticed yourself getting bored with a girl's looks? Aren't there celebrities you once saw as fine as fuck but now look at like meh? For me Keira Knightley was insanely beautiful when I saw Pirates of the Caribbean but now she does nothing for me, even if we're talking about her prime. It's not that I don't think she's beautiful. It's just I'm immune to her beauty now.

My point is that no one is safe from this. Even Chad's looks will start depreciating in the eyes of his significant other the moment he starts dating her. You need to find someone who is extremely loyal and aware that this happens and actively works against it, which is extremely rare.

Yeah, but even that will start to wain as soon as she has him, especially when she realizes life with him is just boring, normal life, not the fantastic adventure she felt when she looked at his face.

Your own brain is trying to trick you. It makes shit into a fantasy, when it's all just boring real life. The clearest demonstration is post nut clarity.

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