You have to be somewhat naive to be truly happy

Lonenely sigma

Lonenely sigma

Future "username-o-plasty" candidate
Oct 22, 2022
I feel like even if I ascended to chad tomorrow, I'd never be as happy as someone who was born as one.

I'd certainly live a happier life but even if I got a gf and had a family, I'd still know the truth. The fact of the matter is, she'd love me for my looks and I'd be aware of that.

Thats a tough pill to swallow tbf. I envy those gl young guys who believe its all bc of their personality. They won't ever realize how shallow people truly are, and that'd be much better for their mental health in the long run.
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That’s the truth that’s why psl ascended moggers are still just as hateful as autistic u see a lot of them here

They ascended after the BP u can’t get that purity when u live life as a normal guy for so long
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Real chads who lived like that for years are almost like women

Naive and pure to how brutal life can be
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Lonenely instead of lonely? WHAT THE FUCK LMAO THAT GRAMMAR MISTAKE :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::lul::lul::lul::lul:
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That’s the truth that’s why psl ascended moggers are still just as hateful as autistic u see a lot of them here

They ascended after the BP u can’t get that purity when u live life as a normal guy for so long
Kinda depends on your life goals as well ig. If you just want to go and fuck as many women as possible and live a shallowmaxxed life then sure, fixing looks will fix everything.

However, I'd bet that majority of men just want a happy relationship, which is impossible to have one way or the other once you are blackpilled. Truly sad.
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Kinda depends on your life goals as well ig. If you just want to go and fuck as many women as possible and live a shallowmaxxed life then sure, fixing looks will fix everything.

However, I'd bet that majority of men just want a happy relationship, which is impossible to have one way or the other once you are blackpilled. Truly sad.
Sex and female attraction is merely a small part of life as a attractive guy

Everything is easy they don’t say life on easy mode just because u get sex it’s due to everything ppl will pay attention when u speak, ppl will treat u better you’ll never have problems being alone or ppl not wanting to talk to u

Ppl born chad have naturally high egos and think they are smart they don’t know the reason everyone listens to what they say is their looks

This attention from other humans in general is vital to ur growing up phase
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I'd certainly live a happier life but even if I got a gf and had a family, I'd still know the truth. The fact of the matter is, she'd love me for my looks and I'd be aware of that.
I see this point made every single time & I still don't understand what makes the relationship any worse knowing she only loves you for your looks?
It's normal, it was always this way & will continue to be so, so why are you so sad about it?
It's like crying about the fact that you're going to be hungry tomorrow, it's never going to change, so why be sad?
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Sex and female attraction is merely a small part of life as a attractive guy

Everything is easy they don’t say life on easy mode just because u get sex it’s due to everything ppl will pay attention when u speak, ppl will treat u better you’ll never have problems being alone or ppl not wanting to talk to u

Ppl born chad have naturally high egos and think they are smart they don’t know the reason everyone listens to what they say is their looks

This attention from other humans in general is vital to ur growing up phase
U can’t get purity after u lose it that’s why ppl who go to wars and shit never recover

U see how females live life since most girls get attention even nerdy ugly girls who get bullied get more attention than the avarage shy mtn nowadays from ppl in general

Once u have that life experience no amount of ascension will take away ur trauma unless u knock ur head and forget the last 10 years of ur life or something :feelskek:
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I see this point made every single time & I still don't understand what makes the relationship any worse knowing she only loves you for your looks?
It's normal, it was always this way & will continue to be so, so why are you so sad about it?
It's like crying about the fact that you're going to be hungry tomorrow, it's never going to change, so why be sad?
Because if you admit that its just because of the looks, everything relating to that relationship falls in the water. Doing anything with your wife/gf is utterly pointless as she is only with you bc of your looks.

Whenever she wants to kiss you or hug you, using that logic, you could just tell her to fuck off. If she breaks up with you bc of that, you can justify it as "she wouldn't have if I was brad pitt".

Now, its different if you were born gl. In that case, you can see your looks as a core part of your being. In that case yeah she does still love you. However, if you were ugly and ascended your looks, then its not a core part of your being, so she doesn't like you.
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Because if you admit that its just because of the looks, everything relating to that relationship falls in the water. Doing anything with your wife/gf is utterly pointless as she is only with you bc of your looks.

Whenever she wants to kiss you or hug you, using that logic, you could just tell her to fuck off. If she breaks up with you bc of that, you can justify it as "she wouldn't have if I was brad pitt".

Now, its different if you were born gl. In that case, you can see your looks as a core part of your being. In that case yeah she does still love you. However, if you were ugly and ascended your looks, then its not a core part of your being, so she doesn't like you.
You say your looks are a part of your being only if you're born gl, but it's the same whether your ugly or not.
It's literally the only part of yourself everyone can actually see, they can't see your personality so they'll base the idea of you, off of your looks.

A girl loving you for only your looks is the same as saying she loves you for you.
It's just wordplay at this point, or you're just an estrogenic twink who has read one too many romantic books.
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You say your looks are a part of your being only if you're born gl, but it's the same whether your ugly or not.
It's literally the only part of yourself everyone can actually see, they can't see your personality so they'll base the idea of you, off of your looks.

A girl loving you for only your looks is the same as saying she loves you for you.
It's just wordplay at this point, or you're just an estrogenic twink who has read one too many romantic books.
...until she sees an old picture of you, what then? If a sub5 ascends to chad but his genetics are still subhuman, you truly believe she would stay with him, or do you think "his personality would change" in her eyes?
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...until she sees an old picture of you, what then? If a sub5 ascends to chad but his genetics are still subhuman, you truly believe she would stay with him, or do you think "his personality would change" in her eyes?
Just make a very specific & unlikely scenario as an argument theory :feelshaha:

This won't happen, stop mentally masturbating.
Even then, just say you went through a 2nd puberty, who fucking cares?
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Just make a very specific & unlikely scenario as an argument theory :feelshaha:

This won't happen, stop mentally masturbating.
Even then, just say you went through a 2nd puberty, who fucking cares?
You don't get the point my guy. Sure, in that case I'd burn every old picture of me, thats not the point.

The point is that one single picture of your old self is enough to destroy 20 years of love. Thats why you can't truly feel loved even if you ascended 6PSL
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You don't get the point my guy. Sure, in that case I'd burn every old picture of me, thats not the point.

The point is that one single picture of your old self is enough to destroy 20 years of love. Thats why you can't truly feel loved even if you ascended 6PSL
Yeah... I was right.. you read too much romance... :feelshaha:
True love doesn't exist, has never existed & will never exist.

We're in real life, not a fantasy disney world.
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Reactions: BeanletMogger, Bomber517 and Lonenely sigma
Yeah... I was right.. you read too much romance... :feelshaha:
True love doesn't exist, has never existed & will never exist.

We're in real life, not a fantasy disney world.
Bingo broski, thats the entire point. It does not exist and thats why you'd be happier if you were naive and gl.

You'd naively believe it does exist and I can promise you that'd be a way happier life than this one.
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Bingo broski, thats the entire point. It does not exist and thats why you'd be happier if you were naive and gl.

You'd naively believe it does exist and I can promise you that'd be a way happier life than this one.
I know, but my point here was how will knowing you won't be truly loved going to make you sad?

You already know true love doesn't exist so knowing the shallow "love" you experience from your shallow girlfriend isn't true, how would that change the relationship at all?
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I know, but my point here was how will knowing you won't be truly loved going to make you sad?

You already know true love doesn't exist so knowing the shallow "love" you experience from your shallow girlfriend isn't true, how would that change the relationship at all?
Because then the entire point of that relationship can be reduced down to reproduction and nothing more. All those cringe fantasies described in romantic books can't hold the same weight as if you believed you had a deeper connection with her.

I remember when I liked girls as a young boy, I'd always contribute more than 70% of that attraction to something not looks-related. Obviously that was bullshit and I deep down liked her bc of her looks but trying to find related things with her in other fields made me feel more in love, and I know for a fact women do the same.

Nowadays I can look at a very goodlooking girl and think only "wow that girl has a great chin/philtrum ratio, our children would have a tall germanic face" :lul:

Do you not see how everything loses meaning this way?
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Nobody is truly happy, even those who have good lives are not happy all the time. Life sucks but you just have to cope and appreciate the little things in life.
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Because then the entire point of that relationship can be reduced down to reproduction and nothing more. All those cringe fantasies described in romantic books can't hold the same weight as if you believed you had a deeper connection with her.

I remember when I liked girls as a young boy, I'd always contribute more than 70% of that attraction to something not looks-related. Obviously that was bullshit and I deep down liked her bc of her looks but trying to find related things with her in other fields made me feel more in love, and I know for a fact women do the same.

Nowadays I can look at a very goodlooking girl and think only "wow that girl has a great chin/philtrum ratio, our children would have a tall germanic face" :lul:

Do you not see how everything loses meaning this way?
Yh before blackpill you just think someone is attractive or isn't. Now you analyse everything, within 3 seconds of looking at someone or talking to them i instantly know their halos and failos, with women they try to fraud but you can tell they're gl or not. These days I just think "LTN" etc when i see guys or girls
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Because then the entire point of that relationship can be reduced down to reproduction and nothing more. All those cringe fantasies described in romantic books can't hold the same weight as if you believed you had a deeper connection with her.

I remember when I liked girls as a young boy, I'd always contribute more than 70% of that attraction to something not looks-related. Obviously that was bullshit and I deep down liked her bc of her looks but trying to find related things with her in other fields made me feel more in love, and I know for a fact women do the same.

Nowadays I can look at a very goodlooking girl and think only "wow that girl has a great chin/philtrum ratio, our children would have a tall germanic face" :lul:

Do you not see how everything loses meaning this way?
Yes, I can see how everything loses it's meaning if you compare it to the fantasies, but you have to realise a fantasy is just an idealisation of real life.
It is curated to be perfect version of life, it's a mere fantasy.

Life will be shallow if you compare it to something like that.
But the truth is, life in it's entirety isn't shallow. If you only hyper-focus on 1 element of it, relationships for example, then yeah it'll be a bleak ass fuck life.

But there's much more to life, you have to understand that.
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Blackpill is a curse tbh, the curse of knowledge and the true nature of reality and human nature. Will have to spend few years away from BP to maybe deprogram myself
Yh before blackpill you just think someone is attractive or isn't. Now you analyse everything, within 3 seconds of looking at someone or talking to them i instantly know their halos and failos, with women they try to fraud but you can tell they're gl or not. These days I just think "LTN" etc when i see guys or girls
True. I know one guy, he is soo fucking goodlooking. A proper prettyboy.

Its so amazing how down to every millimeter he has just enough bone to stretch out his soft tissue and yet just little enough to still be a prettyboy.

When you look at it like that and realize how lucky he got in terms of ratios and features, and then you look at his life, there is 1:1 correlation. Truly brutal when you can reduce it to simple facial proportions
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True. I know one guy, he is soo fucking goodlooking. A proper prettyboy.

Its so amazing how down to every millimeter he has just enough bone to stretch out his soft tissue and yet just little enough to still be a prettyboy.

When you look at it like that and realize how lucky he got in terms of ratios and features, and then you look at his life, there is 1:1 correlation. Truly brutal when you can reduce it to simple facial proportions
yep you become bitter when you look at good looking people who were born that way
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yep you become bitter when you look at good looking people who were born that way
But you still won’t use chad sperm instead of your own when breeding. If your parents had done that, you would be like close to perfect like that dude. If you do end up breeding, think about the suffering your child will experience.
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Reactions: Lonenely sigma
But you still won’t use chad sperm instead of your own when breeding. If your parents had done that, you would be like close to perfect like that dude. If you do end up breeding, think about the suffering your child will experience.
Already been over this bhai, self-cucking is not an option. What kind of man would willingly use another man's sperm to impregnate their wife? It's not even your kid at that point, you're basically just a step-dad and we know how that turns out when the kid is old enough. It's completely going against nature, can't believe you can even consider such a thing. The right way to go about it would be to simply get as attractive as possible of a wife to breed with and hope genetic recombination is in your favor. You also seemed to be under the assumption that chad sperm plus whatever average girl you marry will result in chad/stacy children, you have similar chances by simply getting a GL wife and not cucking yourself. At this point since you care so much, just moneymaxx and pay one of those women who will have your child that is some blonde blue eyed surrogate, this way it's still your child but with stacy's genes.
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Already been over this bhai, self-cucking is not an option. What kind of man would willingly use another man's sperm to impregnate their wife? It's not even your kid at that point, you're basically just a step-dad and we know how that turns out when the kid is old enough. It's completely going against nature, can't believe you can even consider such a thing. The right way to go about it would be to simply get as attractive as possible of a wife to breed with and hope genetic recombination is in your favor. You also seemed to be under the assumption that chad sperm plus whatever average girl you marry will result in chad/stacy children, you have similar chances by simply getting a GL wife and not cucking yourself. At this point since you care so much, just moneymaxx and pay one of those women who will have your child that is some blonde blue eyed surrogate, this way it's still your child but with stacy's genes.
But you want to maximize your chances. And do you like to idea of polluting some elite lineage with sub-par genes? I don't. With how common subhumanity is nowadays, good genetic lineages that produce high quality humans are rare and they should not spolied by poor breeding practices.
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I feel like even if I ascended to chad tomorrow, I'd never be as happy as someone who was born as one.

I'd certainly live a happier life but even if I got a gf and had a family, I'd still know the truth. The fact of the matter is, she'd love me for my looks and I'd be aware of that.

Thats a tough pill to swallow tbf. I envy those gl young guys who believe its all bc of their personality. They won't ever realize how shallow people truly are, and that'd be much better for their mental health in the long run.

Lonenely sigma

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Already been over this bhai, self-cucking is not an option. What kind of man would willingly use another man's sperm to impregnate their wife? It's not even your kid at that point, you're basically just a step-dad and we know how that turns out when the kid is old enough. It's completely going against nature, can't believe you can even consider such a thing. The right way to go about it would be to simply get as attractive as possible of a wife to breed with and hope genetic recombination is in your favor. You also seemed to be under the assumption that chad sperm plus whatever average girl you marry will result in chad/stacy children, you have similar chances by simply getting a GL wife and not cucking yourself. At this point since you care so much, just moneymaxx and pay one of those women who will have your child that is some blonde blue eyed surrogate, this way it's still your child but with stacy's genes.
Using other man's sperm is cucked as fuck, but not breeding at all isn't imo.
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Using other man's sperm is cucked as fuck, but not breeding at all isn't imo.
Not breeding at all is cucked because you failed at life. Our sole purpose in life is reproduction, if you don't have kids just rope tbh. Anti-natalism is a meme.
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Not breeding at all is cucked because you failed at life. Our sole purpose in life is reproduction, if you don't have kids just rope tbh. Anti-natalism is a meme.
So you think all incels are cucks?
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But you want to maximize your chances. And do you like to idea of polluting some elite lineage with sub-par genes? I don't. With how common subhumanity is nowadays, good genetic lineages that produce high quality humans are rare and they should not spolied by poor breeding practices.
Who gives a fuck about polluting someone elses lineage? you have to think about yourself not others. You care more about someone elses lineage instead of significantly improving your own? ????
That stacy with blonde hair and blue eyes will contribute more to your lineage than 99% of your ancestors have done in improving the bloodline. And it's all possible if you are somewhat wealthy/moneymaxxed. If i was rich, i'd sire 10 children from a different type of stacy. That is true legacy.
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it's involuntary though, if you can breed and choose not to then it's cucked.
Well, every white dude here could betabux an asian from SEA and make children with her. Its very very difficult to have 0 chances at all. Still, its much more cucked to literally buy her to have your children than just die alone
Who gives a fuck about polluting someone elses lineage? you have to think about yourself not others. You care more about someone elses lineage instead of significantly improving your own? ????
That stacy with blonde hair and blue eyes will contribute more to your lineage than 99% of your ancestors have done in improving the bloodline. And it's all possible if you are somewhat wealthy/moneymaxxed. If i was rich, i'd sire 10 children from a different type of stacy. That is true legacy.
What if reincarnation is real tho? We came to this world from nothing, there is no guarantee that it won't happen again. If thats the case, wouldn't you rather not be born in the first place than be to suffer?
Well, every white dude here could betabux an asian from SEA and make children with her. Its very very difficult to have 0 chances at all. Still, its much more cucked to literally buy her to have your children than just die alone

What if reincarnation is real tho? We came to this world from nothing, there is no guarantee that it won't happen again. If thats the case, wouldn't you rather not be born in the first place than be to suffer?
Yes i agree, impossible to be incel as a white guy unless you are legit deformed or something. Even an incel white guy can get foids in SEA that will gladly marry/breed with them. It's not cucked because she will happily stay with you, provide sex and even love you in most cases due to pair-bonding mechanism. Whites can't be incel for this reason, blacks can't be incel in the west because BBChalo is huge, currys can't be incel due to arranged marriage via passport halo, the only ones who can be in a situation where they can't breed are east-asians living in the west who are subhuman tier in looks. Even then most east-asian manlet guys are super smart and moneymaxxed so they can easily betabuxx some noodle foid from their city back in east-asiaa where they're from, especially because east-asian foids are golddiggers.
So really no race of people have an excuse to be incel.

Is reincarnation real? i have actually done a decent amount of research into Near Death experiences (NDEs) and it's possible, although i am muslim and do not believe in it, i do believe in NDEs themselves though as it's basically been proven to be real at this point. Reincarnation is divided into two paths though, one is you reincarnate into the same life over and over again (highly unlikely), the other is reincarnate into different people.
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Yes i agree, impossible to be incel as a white guy unless you are legit deformed or something. Even an incel white guy can get foids in SEA that will gladly marry/breed with them. It's not cucked because she will happily stay with you, provide sex and even love you in most cases due to pair-bonding mechanism. Whites can't be incel for this reason, blacks can't be incel in the west because BBChalo is huge, currys can't be incel due to arranged marriage via passport halo, the only ones who can be in a situation where they can't breed are east-asians living in the west who are subhuman tier in looks. Even then most east-asian manlet guys are super smart and moneymaxxed so they can easily betabuxx some noodle foid from their city back in east-asiaa where they're from, especially because east-asian foids are golddiggers.
So really no race of people have an excuse to be incel.

Is reincarnation real? i have actually done a decent amount of research into Near Death experiences (NDEs) and it's possible, although i am muslim and do not believe in it, i do believe in NDEs themselves though as it's basically been proven to be real at this point. Reincarnation is divided into two paths though, one is you reincarnate into the same life over and over again (highly unlikely), the other is reincarnate into different people.
Yeah but what exactly do you get by reproducing?

Imagine bringing a woman from SEA and walking with her through your white country. It would send a message to everyone: "this guy couldn't find a gf at home and had to move to asia"

I'd feel soo cucked by that.

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