Your Skin Is Your Diet



Aug 10, 2022
In my personal experience skincare is very overrated. Beyond a basic Cleanser (water can get the job done), Moisturizer (I'd say most people don't even need this) and SPF you don't really need anything else.

Most of your skin quality is determined by your diet. When my diet was high sugar and high dairy it was always red, inflamed and full of acne. It hurt a lot.

But, when I cut these things out my acne completely faded away and I was left with pretty good skin. At the same time I also stopped using skincare products as much beyond the basics, and only used Cleanser and Moisturizer at night. Now, my skin is the best it's ever been.

Im not saying that you shouldn't use skincare products. It can give you an edge. But remember the 80/20 rule. 80% of your skin gains will be through your diet (and also stress, sleep etc but that should be obvious), the other 20% will be through skincare products. So don't skip out on the 80%

But don't just take it from me. I think @Amnesia will also agree with this sentiment.
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skincare is shit. When u put products on ur skin, ur skin becomes addicted to it. The only thing u need is sunscreen for wrincles prevention but i dont know, because a tan is always good.
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I have a McDonald's based diet full of excess sugars and carbs along with saturated/trans fats and I have perfect glowing skin mog most of here.
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I have a McDonald's based diet full of excess sugars and carbs along with saturated/trans fats and I have perfect glowing skin mog most of here.
Probably good genetics. You're an exception, not the rule.
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Could be but my skin looks fine even with a shitty diet.
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Saying it as it is, brutal geneticpill.
I’ve only had like 2 pimples my whole life and sometimes I see Niggas who got like 30 at a time idk

Genetics are indeed brutal
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Probably good genetics. You're an exception, not the rule.
I got 2 pimples a few days ago and now they are gone. Writing this while I am having a milanesa full of seed oils.
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Very true.
Had random acne that would not go away and the acne scars not healing even when I was on cleanse, exfoliate, vitamin c, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, retinol (cope version of tretionoin), moisturizer and SPF. My dies was utter shit tho.

Ever since I stopped most gluten, dairy and sugar, never had new acne ever since, and the scars (or discolorations) are improving.

Rule of thumb with skincare is that if everyone can access it (i.e., if it’s not prescription) then it’s probably a meme to fix a shit diet. Only compound that can truly compensate even a shit diet is tret.

Finally, SPF is still needed imo. And tret is critical as a preventative measure (collagen is life). When u use tret, you pretty much need moisturizer and HA as well so it gets real deep real quick.
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Retarted thread. Skin is genetics, if you have shit skin genetics you need to treat it with skincare
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In my personal experience skincare is very overrated. Beyond a basic Cleanser (water can get the job done), Moisturizer (I'd say most people don't even need this) and SPF you don't really need anything else.
It is because the ONLY thing that TRULY works for skin care is TRETINOIN and it is prescription.

And then botox, fillers, and laser treatments.

LOL at anyone trying to rejuvenate their skin with a "moisturizer" :feelskek:
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It’s one reason a lot of girls look like shit, most don’t look after their body and eat utter garbage

(They don’t need to thx to makeup)
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Dairy and sugar by itself are very beneficial for the body and there isn't proof of them causing any skin problems as long as you can digest them
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It is because the ONLY thing that TRULY works for skin care is TRETINOIN and it is prescription.
you can get it from non-prescription sources. like alldaychemist
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Diet is overrated, your hormones is your skin. I cut on sugars, dairy and fast carbs, and still get acne. My skincare is brutal too. Cleanse 3 times a day, different skin products, tretinoin, etc
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you can get it from non-prescription sources. like alldaychemist
Yes, but why bother so much, worrying about counterfeits, when one can get it as a prescription from the doctor :Comfy:
In my personal experience skincare is very overrated. Beyond a basic Cleanser (water can get the job done), Moisturizer (I'd say most people don't even need this) and SPF you don't really need anything else.

Most of your skin quality is determined by your diet. When my diet was high sugar and high dairy it was always red, inflamed and full of acne. It hurt a lot.

But, when I cut these things out my acne completely faded away and I was left with pretty good skin. At the same time I also stopped using skincare products as much beyond the basics, and only used Cleanser and Moisturizer at night. Now, my skin is the best it's ever been.

Im not saying that you shouldn't use skincare products. It can give you an edge. But remember the 80/20 rule. 80% of your skin gains will be through your diet (and also stress, sleep etc but that should be obvious), the other 20% will be through skincare products. So don't skip out on the 80%

But don't just take it from me. I think @Amnesia will also agree with this sentiment.
In my personal experience skincare is very overrated. Beyond a basic Cleanser (water can get the job done), Moisturizer (I'd say most people don't even need this) and SPF you don't really need anything else.

Most of your skin quality is determined by your diet. When my diet was high sugar and high dairy it was always red, inflamed and full of acne. It hurt a lot.

But, when I cut these things out my acne completely faded away and I was left with pretty good skin. At the same time I also stopped using skincare products as much beyond the basics, and only used Cleanser and Moisturizer at night. Now, my skin is the best it's ever been.

Im not saying that you shouldn't use skincare products. It can give you an edge. But remember the 80/20 rule. 80% of your skin gains will be through your diet (and also stress, sleep etc but that should be obvious), the other 20% will be through skincare products. So don't skip out on the 80%

But don't just take it from me. I think @Amnesia will also agree with this sentiment.
True, while i eat unhealthy i can literally feel my face getting oily and acne prone.
It is because the ONLY thing that TRULY works for skin care is TRETINOIN and it is prescription.

And then botox, fillers, and laser treatments.

LOL at anyone trying to rejuvenate their skin with a "moisturizer" :feelskek:
I mean i dont understand what issue you would have with a moisturizer...? Its a necessary part of your skin care routine even with tret.
A dogshit diet will catch up to you in more ways than just your skin.

You'll see! You'll learn!
It is because the ONLY thing that TRULY works for skin care is TRETINOIN and it is prescription.
It's indeed the most bang for the buck and the only non-meme shit, but Vitamin C (Skinceuticals formula or its dupes), AHA and microneedling are also very legit. SPF is obviously here as well but not an "active".

Fools buy Loreal Paris moisturizing serum and wonder why they ain't getting no results. It's always the ACTIVES that move the needle forward. Cleanser, Moisturizer and SPF are the shit that should already be common-knowledge to anyone to protect skin, but not as "miraculous" as the above ones.
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I mean i dont understand what issue you would have with a moisturizer...? Its a necessary part of your skin care routine even with tret.
I'm too low-IQ come up with an example but hear me out.

You can try to run barefoot (no routine) and fuck yourself over, or you get a half-decent shoe that is at least suitable, like a Converse (cleanse + moisturize + SPF routine). Or, you can buy a Nike Pegasus (cleanse + moisturize + SPF + actives) and start lapping fools.
Won't there be genetic freaks (Chad who touches his face after eating Doritos) who will run barefoot and lap your lame ass? Of course there will be, but at least you have a better shot at keeping up with him with the right shoes.

So, moisturizer is indeed an important part, but it's something that should be in your routine not as the needle-mover but as the backbone, while the actual improvement will come from Tret and the actives.
Tret+sunscreen+moisturizer because of tret is all u need, fuck everything else.
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I agree. Skincare and expensive skincare items are almost completely a scam. I spent so many thousands on useless skincare items.

After cleaning up my diet years ago, I have needed nothing except moisturizer and sunscreen. Wish I discovered tretinoin earlier though, it's more of a medicine than a skincare item. That further pushed my skin to flawless.

Diet is what made it bad for me, diet was 99% of my bad skin.
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Diet is what made it bad for me, diet was 99% of my bad skin.
What changes in particular made the most difference for you? Just eliminating the junk, or specifically cutting food like gluten, pasteurized dairy, sugar etc.?

To me, cutting out gluten, all dairy and (most) sugar made the entire difference. All of my discoloration type acne scars are diminishing and not had a single acne breakout for the past 6 months.
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It's indeed the most bang for the buck and the only non-meme shit, but Vitamin C (Skinceuticals formula or its dupes), AHA and microneedling are also very legit. SPF is obviously here as well but not an "active".

Fools buy Loreal Paris moisturizing serum and wonder why they ain't getting no results. It's always the ACTIVES that move the needle forward. Cleanser, Moisturizer and SPF are the shit that should already be common-knowledge to anyone to protect skin, but not as "miraculous" as the above ones.
Legit. Google "La Mer": it's basic moisturiser that costs something like 250 bucks and foids go mad for it cos of marketing. Meanwhile they don't use tret or sunscreen. It's no wonder so many skincare obsessed foids age like shit when a half hour of basic research would save them money and get infinitely better results.
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What changes in particular made the most difference for you? Just eliminating the junk, or specifically cutting food like gluten, pasteurized dairy, sugar etc.?

To me, cutting out gluten, all dairy and (most) sugar made the entire difference. All of my discoloration type acne scars are diminishing and not had a single acne breakout for the past 6 months.
I don't have celiacs disease but gluten rich foods like wheat destroy my looks and descend me by 2 PSL easily. One or two days later my skin looks red, bloated, rough and dry.

High sugar days descend me by 1 PSL and give me some acne spots and water retention.

Days and weeks where I have nothing but meats, vegetables and water, my skin is completely clear and I look 3-4 years younger (as told by people I meet daily).
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055 and TrestIsBest
Legit. Google "La Mer": it's basic moisturiser that costs something like 250 bucks and foids go mad for it cos of marketing. Meanwhile they don't use tret or sunscreen. It's no wonder so many skincare obsessed foids age like shit when a half hour of basic research would save them money and get infinitely better results.
they just go with the TikTok trends (fools was burning themselves on Ordinary 30%AHA and 2%BHA serum, the more burnt people I was seeing, the harder my shit was getting :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:) or what their favorite influencer (who cannot spell the most basic shit in the ingredients list :lul::lul::lul::lul:) was promoting merely for affiliate links.
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When I was younger dairy would give be BRUTAL acne, but after taking a shit load of accutane (probably like 3 or 4 courses worth, my derm would just keep giving it to me for like 3 years) I can eat anything and nothing really gives me acne anymore except for if I use some super thick sunscreen or something. I say take accutane before you become a ScarCell like me (over)

So I think that if you are predisposed to getting acne then diet definitely has an impact, but if not, then you are probably fine.

Then there are some BS studies that 'prove' diet has no impact, that is complete BS.

If I ate dairy I got cystic acne, if I didn't I still got severe acne but just not as bad.

If diet affects you then you should just take accutane honestly because your body's oil production is fucked and accutane will fix it.
I don't have celiacs disease but gluten rich foods like wheat destroy my looks and descend me by 2 PSL easily. One or two days later my skin looks red, bloated, rough and dry.

High sugar days descend me by 1 PSL and give me some acne spots and water retention.

Days and weeks where I have nothing but meats, vegetables and water, my skin is completely clear and I look 3-4 years younger (as told by people I meet daily).
Based G. Even though I cleared my diet, I discovered that I still need cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and SPF even when I don't use any actives. Otherwise, my forehead and nose gets all bumpy and shit, while the acne scars (the athropic ones) on my cheeks also became much more prominent.
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Yes, but why bother so much, worrying about counterfeits, when one can get it as a prescription from the doctor :Comfy:
I don’t know if the doctor will allow it because I don’t have severe skin issues
Yeah most skincare is trash. Sunscreen, Tret, PDRN are the only things that truly matter. ( I use peptides serum too but it’s not really necessary).

Diet is very important, I’m gluten free, and limit dairy and added sugar as much as I can.
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I don't have celiacs disease but gluten rich foods like wheat destroy my looks and descend me by 2 PSL easily. One or two days later my skin looks red, bloated, rough and dry.

High sugar days descend me by 1 PSL and give me some acne spots and water retention.

Days and weeks where I have nothing but meats, vegetables and water, my skin is completely clear and I look 3-4 years younger (as told by people I meet daily).
so u eat no carbs other than the vegetables?

I have a McDonald's based diet full of excess sugars and carbs along with saturated/trans fats and I have perfect glowing skin mog most of here.
I could do that too, until i started puberty.. your at the start of puberty now right?

I have a McDonald's based diet full of excess sugars and carbs along with saturated/trans fats and I have perfect glowing skin mog most of here.
sugar and saturated fats can be good tho. I eat the same, minus the mcdonalds
Retarted thread. Skin is genetics, if you have shit skin genetics you need to treat it with skincare
I eat cleaner than any smoothskin I know. I've been on Accutane for a total of 5 years. Every time drop it, the acne comes back.
I eat cleaner than any smoothskin I know. I've been on Accutane for a total of 5 years. Every time drop it, the acne comes back.
Damn, what about tret tho? Some people do accutane first and then tret to maintain it

I have a McDonald's based diet full of excess sugars and carbs along with saturated/trans fats and I have perfect glowing skin mog most of here.
Yet here you are still planning to ascend. Your genetics probably cut it off from other parts of your body. Without a good diet, you can't fix those things and thus can not ascend.
Yet here you are still planning to ascend. Your genetics probably cut it off from other parts of your body. Without a good diet, you can't fix those things and thus can not ascend.
What is a good diet for you?
What is a good diet for you?
Meat+veggies+salad+carbs. 2-3x every day. And fruits/fruit juice in between. Also, lots of water/sparkling water. Then 3 hours min daily dose of sunscreen for vitamin D.
skin is mostly genetics stop coping
In my personal experience skincare is very overrated. Beyond a basic Cleanser (water can get the job done), Moisturizer (I'd say most people don't even need this) and SPF you don't really need anything else.

Most of your skin quality is determined by your diet. When my diet was high sugar and high dairy it was always red, inflamed and full of acne. It hurt a lot.

But, when I cut these things out my acne completely faded away and I was left with pretty good skin. At the same time I also stopped using skincare products as much beyond the basics, and only used Cleanser and Moisturizer at night. Now, my skin is the best it's ever been.

Im not saying that you shouldn't use skincare products. It can give you an edge. But remember the 80/20 rule. 80% of your skin gains will be through your diet (and also stress, sleep etc but that should be obvious), the other 20% will be through skincare products. So don't skip out on the 80%

But don't just take it from me. I think @Amnesia will also agree with this sentiment.
this is so true, after i eat a pizza my skin looks very bad
daily reminder that this shit is going mainstream

E809ED7D 001D 4962 AE4B A71412828CFE

every single one is a lurker who came from tiktok too jfl

CC8014F9 2A42 4280 B67E DA1CDF1F75A7

this is brutal too ^
Take these supplements for skin: B-complex, vitamin C, collagen, fish oil, silica, borage oil
Not to mention that cardio, fasting, sleep and good mood probably have bigger impact on your skin than any muh BioHaCkiNg cope

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