YouTuber destroys blackpill? Looksmaxxing is actually jestermaxxing?



Jul 25, 2019

YouTuber makes an argument for whoremaxxing and suggests looksmaxxing and game (looking pretty for, and entertaining women) are both forms of degrading jestermaxxing that, in our current gynocentric society, will only inevitably lead you to being cucked.

Is he coping? Is he based? Thoughts?
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Reactions: oldcelloser, IdiAmin, thecel and 6 others
He never signals he is against the black pill
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i guess so but looksmaxing gives you the halo effect in other aspects of life
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Reactions: Deleted member 14262, thereallegend, IdiAmin and 15 others
He claims that he is a chad but he is actually a bloat-maxxed, roid-headed low tier normie with a stupendously large beard to cover his shitty lower third.
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Reactions: fogdart, thereallegend, stay coping and 16 others
says the man with minox eyebrows
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  • JFL
Reactions: oldcelloser and Richard_Hungwell
Getting warped into pill nonsense is all a distraction from your looks
Idealist cope. Muh if things were the way they should be looks wouldn’t matter. Ok? He’s right that 1. Getting looks and game and then playing the urbanite gynocentric game is a losing game and 2. Having looks isn’t particularly valuable in an androcentric society. But 1. Is assuming that men will play that game and that if they don’t, there isn’t any benefit to looking better and 2. That with all else being equal, looking better isn’t innately beneficial regardless of the social structure.

Historically accurate info used to make over generalizations about modern life with literally zero practical advice short of paying for whores. This is a whole new brand of cope
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Reactions: intovoid, thereallegend, Incoming and 1 other person
i'm 3 minutes in and he's basically saying that it's cucked because we try to have good looks and personality in order to attract women which just plays into the gynocentric society and that in an androcentric society we would just use women as sex slaves and be able to rape them or something

he's kinda right that it's cucked but I don't see what solution there is. maybe he tries to give one later in the video - i don't know.

but if men want pussy in this day and age, what choice do they have? go against society, rape women, and end up in prison?
That dude looksmaximus. Kinda suggest to go back to a society, that is patriarchy. Where men, kinda own women. And decide for females.
Kinda like Saudi Arabia type of way to organise it.

Ain't never gonna happen in our lifetime. I think.

So, you either adapt. To current situation. Or you immigrate to Saudi Arabia or Mauritania or whatever place, where they have a system of men having the power over women.
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Reactions: intovoid, fogdart, thereallegend and 6 others
Based as a butt naked baseball star.

B*tch, if you don't love me when I be lookin like sh*t and smellin like garbage then you ain't none of mines.

Seriously though, he's right. If you gotta looksmax for a girl then you're gonna end up getting cucked by her in one way or another. Unless your only goal is to "hook up".
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  • JFL
Reactions: ezio6, Richard_Hungwell and Deleted member 3771
I'm sick of these "rEdPilL" morons. No one gives a shit about game , or helenistic figure that bearded clown talks about.

It fucking changed. Grow up.
Some guys are not wanted anymore. Including that bearded bear on the video too.
Fucking "father figures" you are worshipping through won't change the dating market or females desires.

Keep jerking around in your circle.

So, you either adapt. To current situation. Or you immigrate to Saudi Arabia or Mauritania or whatever place, where they have a system of men having the power over women.

Adapt or keep listen those clowns talking moronically about men&women.

YouTuber destroys​

Chicken Mocking GIF by swerk
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  • JFL
Reactions: thereallegend, oldcelloser, Richard_Hungwell and 2 others
I'm sick of these "rEdPilL" morons. No one gives a shit about game , or helenistic figure that bearded clown talks about.

It fucking changed. Grow up.
Some guys are not wanted anymore. Including that bearded bear on the video too.
Fucking "father figures" you are worshipping through won't change the dating market or females desires.

Keep jerking around in your circle.


Adapt or keep listen those clowns talking moronically about men&women.

YouTuber destroys​

Chicken Mocking GIF by swerk
This particular man, in that video.

Find women in "the West" to be whores, cumdumpsters, etc.. Because women, if they have the choice, don't chose to go marry at 19 years old as a vrigin to a man, with whom she will stay or the rest of her life.

I dislike these men, bitching about that.
There are still countries in the world. They can immigrate to. And they can get an arranged marriage type of thing
But why don't they just do that???

Why don't they get their ass over to Uganda, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Niger, Iran, etc.. ????
They can get their wholesome vrigin wife there, and stop bitching about all white, asian, non giga-religious-restricted women being sluts unworthy of him
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  • +1
Reactions: fogdart
I betabuxxed and honestly fucking a woman who isn't hot for you is depressing after the novelty wears off. You will always know she secretly craves Chad cock everytime you go out while thinking of you as her atm.
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Reactions: 7zyzz7, oldcelloser, crestind and 2 others

YouTuber makes an argument for whoremaxxing and suggests looksmaxxing and game (looking pretty for, and entertaining women) are both forms of degrading jestermaxxing that, in our current gynocentric society, will only inevitably lead you to being cucked.

Is he coping? Is he based? Thoughts?

Video is not available - which youtuber was it?
He’s trying to looksmin people and get less competition
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  • Hmm...
  • Woah
Reactions: fogdart, Richard_Hungwell, Soalian and 2 others
I betabuxxed and honestly fucking a woman who isn't hot for you is depressing after the novelty wears off. You will always know she secretly craves Chad cock everytime you go out while thinking of you as her atm.
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
Video is not available - which youtuber was it?
His channel got taken down by a crazy person.

He has made a new channel here:

The video I was referring to is:

He now has backups on his Bitchute channel:

Backup video:

His stalker's channel (who got Looks Maximus' channel terminated, then quickly impersonated him by reuploading some of his videos on a new fake channel and begged for Bitcoin to buy used panties):

He never signals he is against the black pill
He is against gynocentrism (making yourself look pretty for women). He promotes androcentrism.

He’s trying to looksmin people and get less competition
He still says men should mogmaxx/bodymaxx however they can.

YouTuber makes an argument for whoremaxxing and suggests looksmaxxing and game (looking pretty for, and entertaining women) are both forms of degrading jestermaxxing that, in our current gynocentric society, will only inevitably lead you to being cucked.

Is he coping? Is he based? Thoughts?

Based. I ain't never looksmaxxed or jestermaxxed in my life. If you ever have to do either of those things then the girl you're messing with isn't good for anything but having sex with. Of course, you should have strong principles and a well developed character. Sh*t tests will be thrown at you because that's a woman's nature. All women will at some point try to push the envelope to see if they're able to control you. If you have strong principles though you won't even have to think about how you're gonna deal with it when that happens.
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
He claims that he is a chad but he is actually a bloat-maxxed, roid-headed low tier normie with a stupendously large beard to cover his shitty lower third.
Lol, the only thing that counts is how much p*ssy he can get, and of what variety. Not everything matters, Cel.
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
I betabuxxed and honestly fucking a woman who isn't hot for you is depressing after the novelty wears off. You will always know she secretly craves Chad cock everytime you go out while thinking of you as her atm.
dont get into LTR in the west, ever; its a recipe for disaster; besides shes gonna inevitably leave you due to her hypergamy anyways; The West= hookup culture, adapt or die
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell

YouTuber makes an argument for whoremaxxing and suggests looksmaxxing and game (looking pretty for, and entertaining women) are both forms of degrading jestermaxxing that, in our current gynocentric society, will only inevitably lead you to being cucked.

Is he coping? Is he based? Thoughts?

high iq argument ngl, imagine looksmax to get women : cucked mindset
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
muh looksmax from excessive narcissistic personality disorder, so when u get rejected after jestermaxxing you dont give a fuc cause in your mind youre fucking awesome . sort of like johny bravo character, better yet take drugs to amplify narcissism

just be a narcissist asshole theory
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell

muh looksmax from excessive narcissistic personality disorder, so when u get rejected after jestermaxxing you dont give a fuc cause in your mind youre fucking awesome . sort of like johny bravo character, better yet take drugs to amplify narcissism

just be a narcissist asshole theory
why it should be related with narcissism? becoming better version of yourself must be a fun concept if not a necessity.

just accept your flaws and move on sounds like coward bullshit to me.
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Reactions: Mewton
Fuck, the videos gone. Seems like I missed something really good.
why it should be related with narcissism? becoming better version of yourself must be a fun concept if not a necessity.

just accept your flaws and move on sounds like coward bullshit to me.
being a narcissistic asshole is better than being a mentalcel , see amnesia
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Reactions: Mewton
he kinda right man.
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
Yes there are situations where couples aren’t looksmatched and unattractive people are confident and happy. But the one blackpill that is a fact and will always be a fact: Appearance matters. How you look is important and always will be.
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Reactions: Mewton, Richard_Hungwell and Lawton88
Love this guys channel and outlook. Unfortunately the hardest pill to swallow is that 90% of guys interactions with chicks is jestermaxxing and is seeking their validation in some way. This is why I love his advice of focusing on mogmaxxing and gymaxxing. Lifting weights and training MMA/BJJ are possibly the most masculine activities a man can partake in. Ultimately men are judged on their mogmaxxing ability and strength as benchmarks of success and dominance. This is why RTT is the most effective ascension strategy because it conveys a look that is masculine and dominant.
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  • JFL
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Reactions: fogdart, Lawton88, Richard_Hungwell and 3 others
Love this guys channel and outlook. Unfortunately the hardest pill to swallow is that 90% of guys interactions with chicks is jestermaxxing and is seeking their validation in some way. This is why I love his advice of focusing on mogmaxxing and gymaxxing. Lifting weights and training MMA/BJJ are possibly the most masculine activities a man can partake in. Ultimately men are judged on their mogmaxxing ability and strength as benchmarks of success and dominance. This is why RTT is the most effective ascension strategy because it conveys a look that is masculine and dominant.

The channel got terminated. It’s literally over.

This makes me want to give up on my YouTubing dreams. Some of my content (which isn’t blackpill) has been unfairly taken down. I’m reluctant to make videos about blackpill topics, and seeing other people’s blackpill channels get terminated is the final nail in the coffin for my hopes.
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  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell and Lawton88
Yes there are situations where couples aren’t looksmatched and unattractive people are confident and happy. But the one blackpill that is a fact and will always be a fact: Appearance matters. How you look is important and always will be.

Yep and the number of those situations where the guy is clearly not looksmatched with the female has went down a ton with how western society has changed allowing these females to revert back to the caveman days. A lot harder to override her nature with money now. It does give me a smile to see these older Stacys crying how there are no good men however because the few wealthy Chads in their age range are going after the Stacys younger than them.
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell and thecel
Fuck, the videos gone. Seems like I missed something really good.

He made a new channel and also has a backup channel now.

Refer to:

His channel got taken down by a crazy person.

He has made a new channel here:

The video I was referring to is:

He now has backups on his Bitchute channel:

Backup video:

His stalker's channel (who got Looks Maximus' channel terminated, then quickly impersonated him by reuploading some of his videos on a new fake channel and begged for Bitcoin to buy used panties):

He is against gynocentrism (making yourself look pretty for women). He promotes androcentrism.

He still says men should mogmaxx/bodymaxx however they can.
Love this guys channel and outlook. Unfortunately the hardest pill to swallow is that 90% of guys interactions with chicks is jestermaxxing and is seeking their validation in some way. This is why I love his advice of focusing on mogmaxxing and gymaxxing. Lifting weights and training MMA/BJJ are possibly the most masculine activities a man can partake in. Ultimately men are judged on their mogmaxxing ability and strength as benchmarks of success and dominance. This is why RTT is the most effective ascension strategy because it conveys a look that is masculine and dominant.

Finally saw this video and he makes some good points in a funny way but you can't even get to first base if you don't swing at the ball. With how reality is now you might have to do some things he claims is jestermaxxing. If I was in an incel's situation and that surgery could improve me a few points its getting done for sure. With females being the gatekeepers now most guys have no choice but to do some things now. I will say that men should never become simps no matter their looks and the redpill stuff despite having a few good things in there is delusional when it comes to that game nonsense and PUA stuff etc. With only very few exceptions you better meet her minimum looks requirement (which some may lower a little if you are well off financially) or you are just wasting your time.

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