Youtuber gets dumped by a gf, goes on a massive self improvement cope, still ends up completely miserable

Clown Show

Clown Show

Taking a break from the forum
Jun 1, 2022

This is what happens when nigga gets brainwashed and gaslit into self improvement and grind. No matter how much money he makes, no matter how many subscribers he gets, he is still on a verge of suicide because his gf left him. If you are in a ltr with a foid who is genuinely attracted to you, you have no need to do any self improvement shit, as your main biological desire is satisfied. No idiot, she doesn't give a fuck about you learning several languages, you having money, you journaling and meditating, she just wants to feel good looking and being around you.

I literally have a friend, who also got dumped by his gf and he become obsessed with gym, self improvement, religion and similar bullshit, yet he is the most miserable that he has ever been, his mental health is gone, he frequently goes on schizo religious ramblings :lul: , and he is walking with expression of suffering and nausea on his face.

This is the fate of many men today when you look at current dating. We will have a generation of gymmaxed "actualized" niggas with money who are meditating, but not meditating to reach peace of mind, rather which method should they use for suicide.

Look at this pathetic retard in the video drawing improvement plans, doing cold showers... Nigga you need pussy, focus on that....
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  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, Deleted member 24347, Sigmamale and 10 others
Even chads get dumped in 2023 over jfkl
he was dating an ltb , also the reasom he was depressed was becsuee he was addicted to yt shorts jfl
  • JFL
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Reactions: St.TikTokcel
>8 billion people
>Find some case of random "popular" wannabe celeb youtuber getting dumped by some becky
>Type 2 page essay about how 'your point' is valuable due to [insert case]

>Post on an obscure incel forum for other subhumans to agree that improvement of any type sucks
  • JFL
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  • Love it
Reactions: Sigmamale, Banderacell, ROTTING and 9 others
>Title can be hamza as well
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 22918, TheAbyssinian, Nebula and 1 other person
Delusional if you think he can't find another girlfriend with his status.

He is either mentally extremly week or doing this for attention.
He's just a weak little faggot. Imagine getting SUICIDALLY depressed over women? slit your throats asap if you're in that boat
  • So Sad
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  • JFL
Reactions: thickdickdaddy27
What day of nofap is he on?
White tall blue eyes hair ripped >>chad
Indian mindset in a western country hes not chad

he might have a good body but he’d have a hard time attracting girls with that face
  • +1
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
Indian mindset in a western country hes not chad

he might have a good body but he’d have a hard time attracting girls with that face
Complete estrogenic, beta cuck face... Nothing about his face is masculine or dominant to turn on foids...
  • +1
Reactions: St.TikTokcel, Broski and Iasacrko
Complete estrogenic, beta cuck face... Nothing about his face is masculine or dominant to turn on foids...
Exactly face is most important for women and he has a really chubby cuck face

hes the kind of huge guy most ppl will see as docile because his face isn’t masculine at all

he doesn’t have chad smv at all
Exactly face is most important for women and he has a really chubby cuck face

hes the kind of huge guy most ppl will see as docile because his face isn’t masculine at all

he doesn’t have chad smv at all
It's better to be not pretty and still have some masculine feature on your face, then to have soy face.
  • +1
Reactions: ROTTING, Deleted member 22918 and Iasacrko
The consequences for both are bad tbh.

Everyone is suffering. And maybe it is what it is?
Low IPD and mouth not wide enough.
Why does that clip look like a parody, it feels more like he's mocking people who are lost and feel hopeless.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22918
Thought this was gonna be a hamza post
what else do u suggest he does bro
If you are in a ltr with a foid who is genuinely attracted to you, you have no need to do any self improvement shit,
lol people that think that just because they have a gf they sorted their lives are hilarious
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16357
What a genius, going on nofap after losing your girlfriend will just drive you completely insane. If he would've kept his sex drive in check he wouldn't be as much of an energyless emo abused dog. This basic reasoning even follows from his Jenga analogy.
Nearly all of these "self-improvement" people are retards who's "self-improvement" consists of doing as many "self-improvement" gimmicks as possible (gym, journalling, nofap, meditation, cold showers, reading books, etc.) without considering WHAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING THEM FOR, HOW THIS HELPS THEM, OR WHAT EFFECTS THEY WILL HAVE ON THEIR LIFE!! These people are complete NPC"s.
Actual self-improvement != "self-improvement"
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attention seeking fake content. just make something losers can relate to.
Roids will mess up your mental health
  • +1
Reactions: Broski
Roids will mess up your mental health
Heavy reminder that it's about THE FACE. Why mess up your hormones and mental health when it's about THE FACE.

Why be addicted to porn when you can understand the most important thing is YOUR FACE.

Go to the gym, don't do steroids. Been preaching this for years.
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Reactions: Broski
Just watched some of his vids and he seems extremely aspie or moderately autistic
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