Zyros was absolutely BASED ... Best PSL poster we've ever had & ever will


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
He didn t make endles sautistic charts, posts, measurements, etc. He was BASED because he told it straight up how things were, no bullshit.

He explained things like:

1. How social skills are mostly cope, & it's your LOOKS that majorly determine your status/how people respond to you

2. How approaching women is a waste of time. Sure it can give results but it's UNSATISFACTORY. If they approach they WANT you & there's no strings attached. Plus for every guy who had to approached IRL it meant he wanted her more usually, not the other way around. Being approached is a true SMV test, while approachmaxxing (as I've done) only proves you MIGHT have a chance only.

3. He spoke of how it's all about face mostly. He had a baby frame/skeleton but was 5'11" and had a good face & he lived a good life.

4. He proved that it's all about looking MASC/mascthetic. He got tons of action because he was masc looking but also feminine too -- the best combo. It ain't about being ogre or too soft as a pretty boy but you need those FUCKING BONES and you need the right prettiness to match them to a degree too. He didn't need to gymcel, take roids, etc. -- just needed face & decent height mostly.

Zyros is the PSL king. He simply explained how his life got exponentially better as he grew in to his better looks thus proving looks = life more than anything. He is absolutely right the most on approaching though as if a guy has no choice but to cold approach it's mostly over for him.

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hope! nt theory wins again


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Are you blind?? He had a completely crooked asperg-level face.
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hope! nt theory wins again

He was semi-NT but states that NT itself is overrated. First you need some passable looks & physicality, then being a cool guy matters more

And NT wouldn't have mattered nearly as much since he wasn't approaching women anyways. Much easier to be less NT if you're being approached than having the gall/audacity to go approaching and pursuing/trying to game women for sure -- I know first hand

Are you blind?? He had a completely crooked asperg-level face.

He was PSL 6 which is good looking territory. He wasn't muh pale white, blued eyed Atlantid or Nordic Chad jerkoff fantasy but he was gl.

Plus clearly women liked his looks, he claimed he had 30+ lays and hookups, none of which he even initiated. But he's from Spain, so idk...
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Yea bro good frame

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Having a good face beats gymcelled body every time.

When you have a masculine and aesthetic face, especially with a strong jawline, you get respect from others without even stepping in a gym. Don’t need facial hair either. I’ve intimidated people before even though I’m skinny as fuck.

Gym is cope for faggots that lack facial bones and pretty features. Just look at Ramirez. Subhumans cope with beards and tattoos and muscles.

I just do calisthenics and strength train at home. I like being on the skinny side.
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Having a good face beats gymcelled body every time.

When you have a masculine and aesthetic face, especially with a strong jawline, you get respect from others without even stepping in a gym. Don’t need facial hair either. I’ve intimidated people before even though I’m skinny as fuck.

Gym is cope for faggots that lack facial bones and pretty features. Just look at Ramirez. Subhumans cope with beards and tattoos and muscles.

I just do calisthenics and strength train at home. I like being on the skinny side.

It's true. Look at many Chads with good frame. ... They gym/workout if they want, but it's not a NEED for them in order to do good IRL.

Most guys with sex appeal can just ride on their face/jaw, big frame/skeleton, etc. I know guys who don't gymcel & still have 10+ bodies

A lotta guys who are gym obsessed are under 6', or under 6 PSL, or feel insecure/have bigorexia, or something. It's usually LTN who gymcel

You can surely improve your body and aesthetics nad even roidmaxx helps some but to be a die hard gymrat usually implies lower SMV/looks except for rare occasions like Seid, bodybuilders, etc. It's just a matter of fact that an ugly guy with tons of muscle ain't spared much sadly...
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Don't know who that is but I don't take advice seriously from someone who claims social skills don't matter but at the same time has this shitty non NT haircut
He didn t make endles sautistic charts, posts, measurements, etc. He was BASED because he told it straight up how things were, no bullshit.

He explained things like:

1. How social skills are mostly cope, & it's your LOOKS that majorly determine your status/how people respond to you

2. How approaching women is a waste of time. Sure it can give results but it's UNSATISFACTORY. If they approach they WANT you & there's no strings attached. Plus for every guy who had to approached IRL it meant he wanted her more usually, not the other way around. Being approached is a true SMV test, while approachmaxxing (as I've done) only proves you MIGHT have a chance only.

3. He spoke of how it's all about face mostly. He had a baby frame/skeleton but was 5'11" and had a good face & he lived a good life.

4. He proved that it's all about looking MASC/mascthetic. He got tons of action because he was masc looking but also feminine too -- the best combo. It ain't about being ogre or too soft as a pretty boy but you need those FUCKING BONES and you need the right prettiness to match them to a degree too. He didn't need to gymcel, take roids, etc. -- just needed face & decent height mostly.

Zyros is the PSL king. He simply explained how his life got exponentially better as he grew in to his better looks thus proving looks = life more than anything. He is absolutely right the most on approaching though as if a guy has no choice but to cold approach it's mostly over for him.

View attachment 1927566
No he was wrong, expecting women to just approach you while your randomly walking in the mall is ridiculous and stupid. Its so cucked to want women to approach you , imagine being that high inhibition you can't approach a women.
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  • JFL
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Zyros was a cool guy. He knew the blackpill like no one else.

This forum has become too bluepilled with ppl thinking about NTpill or approaching making a difference. Its so autistic.

If you are not getting approached by women at parties or bars you arent GL enough. Muh NT. Muh men should approach. Cope.
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His old drunk threads on lookism were a fun read. He would rant on about failures he got while cold approaching and IODs from girls while uploading drunk selfies he took in the washroom

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he had beautiful hair
he is a slayer now
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delusional sickly aspie who went around collecting 5/10 chubbie drunk girl pelts and acted like he's some kind of slayer chad

cringe tbh
  • JFL
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Having a good face beats gymcelled body every time.

When you have a masculine and aesthetic face, especially with a strong jawline, you get respect from others without even stepping in a gym. Don’t need facial hair either. I’ve intimidated people before even though I’m skinny as fuck.

Gym is cope for faggots that lack facial bones and pretty features. Just look at Ramirez. Subhumans cope with beards and tattoos and muscles.

I just do calisthenics and strength train at home. I like being on the skinny side.
You discovered fire bro!
Fucking greycel
You discovered fire bro!
Fucking greycel
Imagine unironically using someone’s low number of posts on an INTERNET forum as a fucking insult

i feel bad for some of you faggots who honestly take pride in this :feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: bleachmaxxer69
what happened to this nigga? He roped?
He didn t make endles sautistic charts, posts, measurements, etc. He was BASED because he told it straight up how things were, no bullshit.

He explained things like:

1. How social skills are mostly cope, & it's your LOOKS that majorly determine your status/how people respond to you

2. How approaching women is a waste of time. Sure it can give results but it's UNSATISFACTORY. If they approach they WANT you & there's no strings attached. Plus for every guy who had to approached IRL it meant he wanted her more usually, not the other way around. Being approached is a true SMV test, while approachmaxxing (as I've done) only proves you MIGHT have a chance only.

3. He spoke of how it's all about face mostly. He had a baby frame/skeleton but was 5'11" and had a good face & he lived a good life.

4. He proved that it's all about looking MASC/mascthetic. He got tons of action because he was masc looking but also feminine too -- the best combo. It ain't about being ogre or too soft as a pretty boy but you need those FUCKING BONES and you need the right prettiness to match them to a degree too. He didn't need to gymcel, take roids, etc. -- just needed face & decent height mostly.

Zyros is the PSL king. He simply explained how his life got exponentially better as he grew in to his better looks thus proving looks = life more than anything. He is absolutely right the most on approaching though as if a guy has no choice but to cold approach it's mostly over for him.

View attachment 1927566
Why are you clowns incapable of understand that women are not some sort of robots that are incapable of feeling fear around attractive men like how we fear hot women, they could be too shy to approach. Just because you don’t get approached by women doesn’t mean you have a low PSL, you can be PSL 8 and it wouldn’t matter. Your PSL is tested by wether you catch them checking you out or not.
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Having a good face beats gymcelled body every time.

When you have a masculine and aesthetic face, especially with a strong jawline, you get respect from others without even stepping in a gym. Don’t need facial hair either. I’ve intimidated people before even though I’m skinny as fuck.

Gym is cope for faggots that lack facial bones and pretty features. Just look at Ramirez. Subhumans cope with beards and tattoos and muscles.

I just do calisthenics and strength train at home. I like being on the skinny side.
twink cope tbh
I remember him. He got roasted to oblivion for his comical frame . He would have gone up 2 points easily from roid maxxing but like others their were hair concerns
Roids grow clavicles, just like doing squats grows hips for women @cytoplasm
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