
Aug 28, 2023

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it. –Fred Reed
College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

I’m not an artist, I’m a hustler. As a hustler I’ve done many things. You should really believe it when I tell you that, ’cause I’m not being sarcastic. I’m a total hustler. What that means is I’ve hustled to make a buck and I’ve hustled to change the world and I’ve hustled to take revenge – but it’s always hustling. I’ve never had a career or a single goal. I’ve never been formally educated. To get things together, to make a living, I constantly have to hustle. – Vincent Gallo
Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
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17 tips to fuck up ur life forever
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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jfl at all this terrible advice.

go to college, get married and don't move to a third world shithole
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Damian9999, aspiringexcel, Deleted member 26859 and 10 others
Food for thought

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
Being a curry is death sentance after death recarinatemaxx into chad is only tye way
  • +1
Reactions: rileyma10 and aleksander
jfl at all this terrible advice.

go to college, get married and don't move to a third world shithole
Don’t get fucking married
  • +1
Reactions: AngryShortMale, Zonar, aspiringexcel and 3 others
Many tax benefits
Yeah bro along with losing half of everything that you own, your house, your kids, your social life

If you live in a western country like the US, there’s essentially no incentive for you to get married whatsoever
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: AngryShortMale, aspiringexcel, niqfan625 and 1 other person
are you really happy tho OP? im asking this because i really think theres no winning solution in life. okay you make money thats awesome but you'll find other things to be sad about like not having kids and feeling loneliness and vise versa for someone whos broke with a family. i dont know this place just feels like a trap.
  • +1
Reactions: Zonar, aleksander and Zikel_Nut

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
I agree with everything but women r Queens.
  • JFL
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1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
Great thread, not a bad item on the list
bookmarked thanks very practical
money is the root of all evil”
Not necessarily, the love of money is, but not money itself.
Yeah bro along with losing half of everything that you own, your house, your kids, your social life

If you live in a western country like the US, there’s essentially no incentive for you to get married whatsoever
Come up state and slap me in the head if I ever start to feel lonely and think abt marriage lol
  • +1
Reactions: redmaxx

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.

Get hobbys, yea we all know character won't decide your later life, but if you are intersting and good at something that will make you attractive.
Especially if it's something crazy that could give you a career, like programming, acting even some sports.
But really give it your all, modt ppl aren't destined to be good at something, they get good cause they do it alot. And if you are doing something, do it right. Not everyone can become an nfl player thru hard work, obv. but if you are 13, find something you are decent at and give it your all. If you like to tell storys and aren't shy, I'd recommend acting, not only will it make you good at presenting yourself, you will also understand people's emotions and thoughts better and might see thru people more easily. "Muh, i am not good looking enough", you don't need to be. It's basically a frauding course and you will learn how to present yourself visually if your coach is good.
  • +1
Reactions: Kaizen
Not necessarily, the love of money is, but not money itself.

Come up state and slap me in the head if I ever start to feel lonely and think abt marriage lol
I have a contract with an associate of mine to shoot me if I ever allow myself to get roped into marriage
this is a good thread. Agreed on college being a scam. Meditate, IQmax, nootropics, and start a business

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
Avg andjewdick tate Words
jfl at all this terrible advice.

go to college, get married and don't move to a third world shithole
You like safety more than freedom. Your safe little Western rules and amenities. Tisk tisk.
  • +1
Reactions: rileyma10
You like safety more than freedom. Your safe little Western rules and amenities. Tisk tisk.
Freedom is a scam, nobody really likes freedom. People enjoy being told what to do with a limited choice so they feel like they have some control
  • +1
Reactions: rileyma10 and aleksander

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.
thats why i posting on this forum
Freedom is a scam, nobody really likes freedom. People enjoy being told what to do with a limited choice so they feel like they have some control
Well I guess I'm just an anomaly then. I love living in the third world. I hate the fucking Western world and it's rules.
I have a contract with an associate of mine to shoot me if I ever allow myself to get roped into marriage
Nahh yeah sum like that lol

2) Do not make women your priority​

yea just wait until 40-50 to slay :feelsokman:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: rileyma10, BootySniffer69, AngryShortMale and 2 others
Very embarrassing

Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

They've already whored themselves out when you get old. You either find a high school sweetheart, innocent, pure girl or it's over. It is impossible for me to cope with not having found young love.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: rileyma10, BootySniffer69, AngryShortMale and 1 other person
This is a gigabased set of advice though regardless
  • +1
Reactions: aleksander

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
Good thread
Even if I have reason to believe they are not your own thinking , it’s true regardless .
Adonis university
  • JFL
Reactions: Clown Show
The usual online, ethnic, self improvement scammer talking points.

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
Shit redpilled advice

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
this is a good thread. Agreed on college being a scam. Meditate, IQmax, nootropics, and start a business
Muh, college is a scam🤓. It isn't if you chose the right subject. It will give you a stable network and you are soooo much more likely to get a good career then if you just try to build something from point 0. But muuh, tate and iman gadhzi said this and blahh and blee, yall are delusional af.
Muh, college is a scam🤓. It isn't if you chose the right subject. It will give you a stable network and you are soooo much more likely to get a good career then if you just try to build something from point 0. But muuh, tate and iman gadhzi said this and blahh and blee, yall are delusional af.

You’re right about the connections and jobs that will be available cause of having a college degree and sadly there’s no way around it. I just think the amount of effort and time you spend learning useless shit is retarded. theyre making me waste my time learning a trillion subjects when I could just go to a top company and learn to do everything an engineer needs to know in a few months.
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victor pride ideas ?

1) Don’t get married

She isn’t your soulmate, she isn’t “the one”, it isn’t true love. That’s my 100%, money back guarantee to you. Assuming you are a westerner, especially an American, getting married young will be the biggest mistake of your life. Just say no. As a young man you can be free to date around and play the field. Tying yourself to one woman with a Government enforced noose will do two things: turn you into a shell of a man and significantly reduce your income after she gets bored, divorces you so she can find herself, and papa Government helps her finance it with your money. Wait until later in life and pick the right wife before you sign your life away.

2) Do not make women your priority

Priority numero uno should be making money and building a life for yourself. There are 3+ billion women in the world and they are all basically the same. Your soul-mate Kimberly isn’t one in a million, at best she is about one in a hundred. She can be replaced and it’s not true love that you feel for her it is infatuation. If she wanted you then you would not want her so much but because she does not want you you want her. Make sense? No? Doesn’t matter. We want what we don’t have or what we can’t have, when we have it we don’t want it.

3) College doesn’t guarantee money

College is a big joke. I said it, you read it. My freshman year of college I had a female English teacher who had the build of a linebacker and, rather than teaching us English, taught us feminism. Every day she would talk about feminism ad nauseam. If you’re thinking “wow, what a waste of time” you are right.

I wasted a great deal of time in college, aimlessly drifting through because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The cold, hard reality is that you aren’t guaranteed a job or a career and your college degree is going to be the most expensive piece of paper you ever purchase. A college degree in this day and age usually guarantees one thing: debt.

Making money and living well is completely and 100% up to you, not your piece of paper. I never learned anything in college and with good reason: colleges are filled to the brim with stupid people (see exhibit A and exhibit B). It’s not a coincidence that recent college grads look like glassy eyed morons as they serve your coffee.

Smart people simply don’t belong in college and unless you are going to school to become a physician or to get a degree in a highly technical STEM field college is almost completely unnecessary. Every successful entrepreneur I know says the same thing: “I never use my college degree for anything“. If I found myself at 18 years old, knowing what I know now, I would absolutely 100% not go to college.

4) You can make money on the internet

Getting a degree in some phony baloney major like communications is great for wasting time pretending to be successful but there is an easier, better, freer and more profitable way to make money. Make money through the power of the internet. Look around you, what is one thing you see every person doing? They are all playing around on the internet on their laptops, smart phones and tablets. Everyone is online, you are online right now reading this, I am online writing this. The difference is that I am making money online and most of you are playing online. Kill two birds with one stone, play and make money.

If I were 18 years old right now this is exactly what I would do: I would skip college, I would save up three thousand dollars and I would move to either Chiang Mai, Thailand or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Those two places are filled to the brim with young, white foreign entrepreneurs who spend their time networking, building businesses and partying and they live on about $500 per month while doing it. I don’t even personally like those cities but it’s undeniable that they are the hub cities for young expat entrepreneurs. Go where the talent is.

5) World travel is not just a fantasy

13 years ago I watched a movie called The Beach. I was blown away. Not by the story, or the acting, but by the photography. The film takes place on an island in Thailand and when I saw the movie it looked to me like paradise. I never forgot that lagoon.

Too bad I could never visit a place like that, I thought.

You see, when I was a young man I was unaware of the possibilities. I thought it was college, job, two years into the job I could have a one or two week vacation, then I would retire. I never thought I could visit far away countries.

It was not until I read the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris that I even knew it was possible to not just visit other countries but you could actually live in other countries and it would be cheaper than living in America.

Right then and there I made my plans and I visited that island in Thailand that I saw in the movie. Nowadays I even live in Thailand and I save a ton of money doing so. It’s not impossible, frankly it’s quite easy.

6) Gym time is critical while you’re young

You must build your body and your strength, a physically weak man is a failure and the body of the average man is disgraceful. As a young man you should have a few things going for you. Those things are high testosterone, high natural growth hormone and high IGF-1 levels. Take advantage of those now because when you’re older those levels diminish. Now is the time to get in the gym and build your body naturally to it’s peak. A body built when you are young will stay with you for a lifetime.

Do not take steroids as a young man, your HPTA levels are still developing. Using steroids while under 22 years of age can and will result in an underdeveloped HPTA which will result in permanent lack of HPTA maturity meaning you will have permanently low natural testosterone levels. Yikes!

7) Your family is full of BS

Unless your dad is a self-made millionaire your family doesn’t know what they are talking about when it comes to planning your financial future. They’ll tell you college degree, good job, marriage, retire rich. All they’re missing is a little thing called evidence. That’s a get-rich-slow scheme and it works as well as get-rich-quick schemes. That is to say, it doesn’t work.

8) Work ethic is critical to develop early

The longer you wait the lazier you get. Now is the time to get to work building your future empire. Laziness is a learned trait and ass-kicking is also a learned trait. Get to ass-kicking instead of sittin’ around on your ass.

9) Everything is not just A or B, there is a C solution

The world is not just black and white, christian or atheist, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Stand on the outside and look in to make the best decisions. As soon as you say “I’m such and such” you stop thinking about things. If you say “I’m a liberal” you’ll follow liberal dogma, if you say “I’m a republican” you’ll follow republican dogma. There is a 3rd option, a 4th option, a 5th option etc. but it requires you to put on your thinking cap and not just accept your group’s POV without thought. As an outsider you will be able to see things clearly in a way that group-followers never will.

10) You have a future

Never listen to people that say “This is the best time of your life. It’s all downhill from here“. Your life is as good as you make it. Work to build yourself a future and you will have a nice one. I’ll tell you my life is phenomenally better at 30+ than it was at 18 but I never sat around pining for the old days, I was always working to make something of myself. Forget about the retirement scam, work on your own future, build yourself. Your future is yours to make, but your future will come whether you build a good one or a poor one.

11) Pay attention to money

Never pay attention to the “money is the root of all evil” talk. The people who say this are morons. Money is the #1 necessity of life. Forget about greed, money is need. Make it so you can do as you wish and have the highest amount of freedom possible. Keep multiple bank accounts with balances in each and always keep some cash on hand. Never, ever keep all your financial eggs in one basket. I learned this lesson the hard way when my American bank closed my account for no reason leaving me low on funds. Now I keep 10+ bank accounts in several countries.

12) Find older, accomplished men and pick their brains

If you can find one, a mentor is a great asset. In the old days these were known as ‘fathers’ but in the days of feminazism these guys aren’t around so much. Thankfully we have the internet and can make contact with people from all over the world.

13) Feminism is a sick joke

Young man, you’ve been sold a bill of goods with the whole feminism thing. Let me explain in perfect English the reality: Western women were never discriminated against, there is no such thing as ‘rape culture’, women aren’t paid less for the same work, feminism is not about equality.

Feminism is about women trying to be men without any responsibility. Feminism has left you with a pool of women who are truly insane. Solution? Kick dirt in the face of feminism.

14) If you need a job get a sales job or a manual labor job

If you need a job, if your entrepreneurial gig isn’t paying the bills, then sales or manual labor are great. Working in offices is for women and girly-men. A sales job will teach you how to make money and a manual labor job will build your body while you get paid. In fact, there are quite a few manual labor jobs that will pay you big, big bucks. You’ll have to do some travel and work some long hours but you can make 100k+ per year working on offshore oil rigs. A young man with a strong back could work 6 months out of the year doing manual labor and spend 6 months free, traveling, working on an entrepreneurial gig, or doing whatever you want.

15) Don’t buy anything on credit

Debt is slavery. Stay out of debt at all costs. If you don’t have the cash don’t buy the item. Pay everything upfront, no payment plan no credit. If you use credit cards to build up your credit always pay them off 100% at the end of the month. Think of credit cards as delayed payment debit cards.

16) Don’t bother choosing a career

Choosing a career is pointless and choosing your life path at 18 years old is just silly. You don’t even need a career, you can do many, many, many things throughout your life.

17) Nobody believes in you

It’s true, no one believes you can succeed outside of the college, job, marriage paradigm. Big deal. Frankly, they are right to not believe in you because until you have walked the walk you are just a daydreamer. Until you have accomplished what you have set out to accomplish there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe in you. All you need to do is realize that no one believes in you and don’t seek approval. Approval is for dogs, men take what they want and don’t ask permission.
telling me to go thailand then not saying what to do after that is retarded

u typed a bunch of nonsense that sounds good but hard to apply in the real world
minions GIF

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