Guide on how to fix pseudo-gyno, and lessen real gyno permanently, non surgically, and with no virtually no down-time.

Doing this soon, ordered the Aqualyx. The syringes should be 1ml insulin ones with detachable needle? Do I stick them in half-way?
7mm is deep enough.

the fat layer is a bit below the skin, you can pinch it if you're afraid of hitting the muscle.

there's a bunch of veins there don't panic if it bleeds a bit, it will not clog your veins.
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7mm is deep enough.

the fat layer is a bit below the skin, you can pinch it if you're afraid of hitting the muscle.

there's a bunch of veins there don't panic if it bleeds a bit, it will not clog your veins.
Ty, just unsure how deep I should go. Never injected anything before.

There's a clinic nearby who does injections with these for like $100 but I don't wanna go and ask them to inject my nipples.

Bought just 1 vial for like $30.
Ty, just unsure how deep I should go. Never injected anything before.

There's a clinic nearby who does injections with these for like $100 but I don't wanna go and ask them to inject my nipples.

Bought just 1 vial for like $30.
they won't do it, it's not approved for the nipples yet.

most of the fluid will migrate towards underneath the nipple and it'll look weird for like two weeks just so you know, 1 bottle is enough to do this several times.
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View attachment 2369106
(before and after because I know all of you have the attention span of a goldfish)

Medical Disclaimer:

all of the material provided in this thread, such as the text, treatment, dosages, photographs, and outcomes and any other material provided in this thread are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
always week the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this thread.

I do not recommend you do this, but here I will explain what I did.

first and foremost, find out what you have, gynecomastia is an excess of glandular tissue directly underneath the nipple (although a small amount of it is normal, pictured in red below), it's often disc shaped once enlarged, this is not that, this is what is known as pseudo-gyno, it's caused by excess fat depositions around the nipple, it is fairly common and the 'ideal' chest has some degree of fat deposition in this area (pictured below in green)
it is not indicative of any hormonal complications, or drugs, the majority of men on the planet have some degree of it.

View attachment 2369081

most people aren't lean enough to be able to see whether they have this, and this also isn't the only area that forms these kind of stubborn fat pockets, it's also possible to have them on the love handles, which is also extremely common, or the side of your chest, sometimes the middle, or the top, or the lower stomach.

that being said, what causes the appearance of it is often a combination of both glandular and adipose tissue, so there might still be some benefit to treating it as it will decrease the appearance regardless, if you have glandular tissue you will have to run a raloxifene protocol first.

what you need for it:

the product I used is called Aqualyx, this is a form of deoxycholic acid, there are many brands of this and they're all more or less the same, some cost more than others, the general price range of it is between 150 and 250 euros for 10 vials, and you'll only need one vial for this procedure, which means the entire thing costs about 15 to 25 euros excluding the needles, swaps and syringes, etc.

View attachment 2369084
View attachment 2369086
(the product)

this is a localized fat dissolver, meaning any fat it's put into goes through an inflammation process that removes it permanently, it's however a very slow process and can take weeks.

I used a 25G needle to draw the liquid (needle length doesn't matter dor drawing) into a 1ML syringe (with proper markers for the dosage) and a 31g 10mm needle to inject it which is the shortest interchangeable needle I was able to find, you want the injection needle to be as short as possible, the liquid only has to go about 5-7mm deep into your skin.
ideally you'd be using an insulin needle, but the issue with those is that they're stuck on the syringes most of the time which means you can't draw with them as it would blunt the needle and make the procedure needlessly painful.

you'll want a skin marker to evenly mark the spots you'll be injecting, and alcohol swaps to disinfect them.

the procedure:

this is the before, as you can see the skin surrounding my nipple is quite puffy, which is strange because you never really see this in the pictures I post, this is because it doesn't show unless I push it to the side, the fat just stretches in a neutral chest position, but you can see it from a specific angle when I flex my arms for example, that is what I had to do to take these pictures.

View attachment 2369103
(picture before injection)

the amount I used was 0.2 ml, I loaded 8 syringes with this, the reasoning behind this is that it's quite hard to pay attention to the amount you're putting in when you're injecting it into yourself in the mirror, and the angle of the injection doesn't help with it either, by doing this all you need to do is push the needle in and press it down until it's empty.

View attachment 2369087
(needles, 1ml syringes, 31g, 10mm needles)

another disclaimer, it will burn for about 10-30 minutes once it's injected, it's not that painful though, but you'll have to inject one side of your chest while the other is burning, alternatively you could just wait a bit until it goes down, it shouldn't make any difference in the results, but it'll feel very strange.

be careful with veins, mark them if needed, but rest assured it doesn't cause occlusions like cosmetic fillers do, if it were to get into your blood it'll simply dissolve, it also doesn't matter if you nick them slightly, I had to maneuver around some veins on one side of my chest.

I injected 0.2 in the top, sides, and bottom.

View attachment 2369092
(injection location markers)

once the substance is in your chest it'll start to swell, the swelling lasts for about 3-4 days, it won't hinder you in your daily activities, but it'll look bad, so preferably do this in the winter when you're able to wear something thick to cover it.

avoid working out your chest for about 24-48 hours after the injection, it won't bother you much during other workouts, I did bicep curls the same day, and t-bar rows the day after, so the down-time is non-existent if you plan accordingly, I didn't feel it at all when I worked out my chest 3 days later.

View attachment 2369096
(picture of the swelling)

now for the results.

it'll take about a week to see the first improvements, and they're going to be noticeable after a week and a half depending on the amount of fat you're treating, the more you have the harder it'll be to see it.

the full results take 3-4 weeks, the most significant discomfort is gone after a few days, but some of it remains for a week or more, and as long as the compound is active you'll feel a slight amount of inflammation when you squeeze it, although it's very minor.

View attachment 2369108
(results, as you can see the fat deposition is entirely gone)
Is this like kybella?
it is not indicative of any hormonal complications, or drugs, the majority of men on the planet have some degree of it.
Cope you troon
Ok just got done injecting. My nipples are bloated. Not much pain, just slight nipple discomfort.

Hopefully I don't die.

Insane thread

the natural question...

application for hollow cheeks? What we saying thugger?
  • JFL
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Ok just got done injecting. My nipples are bloated. Not much pain, just slight nipple discomfort.

Hopefully I don't die.

both of my nipples are completely normal now and it hasn't regressed even from bulking for months, in fact it got even better when I gained some fat.

the bloat lasts a while, it goes away faster the second treatment if you need it for some reason, and so on.
Insane thread

the natural question...

application for hollow cheeks? What we saying thugger?
it's possible but you'd have to be insane to try it because there's some minor issues with migration, it tends to go down a little further than you put it and whilst this has no effect whatsoever on your body you might notice that on your face.
both of my nipples are completely normal now and it hasn't regressed even from bulking for months, in fact it got even better when I gained some fat.

it's possible but you'd have to be insane to try it because there's some minor issues with migration, it tends to go down a little further than you put it and whilst this has no effect whatsoever on your body you might notice that on your face.
Perhaps upper cheeks towards cheekbones would be better

I'd have to use far less liquid over a longer period of time anyway to not look like the elephant man

What I need is rhino tho I can get lean on my own
both of my nipples are completely normal now and it hasn't regressed even from bulking for months, in fact it got even better when I gained some fat.

the bloat lasts a while, it goes away faster the second treatment if you need it for some reason, and so on.

it's possible but you'd have to be insane to try it because there's some minor issues with migration, it tends to go down a little further than you put it and whilst this has no effect whatsoever on your body you might notice that on your face.
Shit directly under the cheekbone itself seems like itd migrate where I'd want it to, and work where it's injected to a degree

I just gotta collagen maxx or I'll become a skeleton
Shit directly under the cheekbone itself seems like itd migrate where I'd want it to, and work where it's injected to a degree

I just gotta collagen maxx or I'll become a skeleton
it doesn't remove a whole lot of fat at a time so maybe if you did really small amounts like half of 0.1 ml at a time it could work.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
it doesn't remove a whole lot of fat at a time so maybe if you did really small amounts like half of 0.1 ml at a time it could work.
Can you send the source?
just did the outer contouring of my chest first round, was pretty painful, and I need to put another ml into it still.
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss
This is not in BOTB?
Shit directly under the cheekbone itself seems like itd migrate where I'd want it to, and work where it's injected to a degree

I just gotta collagen maxx or I'll become a skeleton
If it migrates to undereyes ur fucked
This is not in BOTB?
don't think so, I should post an update soon of the outer contours of my chest, although I'm probably going to have to repeat it a few times since there's more fat there.
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss
If it migrates to undereyes ur fucked
It migrates downward, nothing not like fillers and not permanently embedded, it's a local fat dissolving solution
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss
ty for bumping, reminded me to inject again. did like 1ml each nipple this time.
ty for bumping, reminded me to inject again. did like 1ml each nipple this time.
is it getting better yet?

I had to do one side like three times, but the other side was fixed after 1 time.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 50511
is it getting better yet?

I had to do one side like three times, but the other side was fixed after 1 time.
I think so, just my left side still looks puffy while right is mostly fixed.
I think so, just my left side still looks puffy while right is mostly fixed.
the inflammation doesn't last as long the second time just do both again.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 50511
I am a pure and holy warrior of the islamic scripture, I fully adhere to the lifestyle described by the word of Allah (تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَىٰ)

Therefore I do not condone the ingestion of impure substances, as described in the literature.

He has only forbidden you dead meat and blood and the flesh of swine and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah, but if one is forced by necessity without disobience due to limits, there is no sin upon him.

Verily Allah (عَزَّ وَجَلَّ) is oft-forgiving, most merciful.
Lying Pants On Fire GIF
Nft Lying GIF by SuperVictor
View attachment 2369106
(before and after because I know all of you have the attention span of a goldfish)

Medical Disclaimer:

all of the material provided in this thread, such as the text, treatment, dosages, photographs, and outcomes and any other material provided in this thread are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
always week the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this thread.

I do not recommend you do this, but here I will explain what I did.

first and foremost, find out what you have, gynecomastia is an excess of glandular tissue directly underneath the nipple (although a small amount of it is normal, pictured in red below), it's often disc shaped once enlarged, this is not that, this is what is known as pseudo-gyno, it's caused by excess fat depositions around the nipple, it is fairly common and the 'ideal' chest has some degree of fat deposition in this area (pictured below in green)
it is not indicative of any hormonal complications, or drugs, the majority of men on the planet have some degree of it.

View attachment 2369081

most people aren't lean enough to be able to see whether they have this, and this also isn't the only area that forms these kind of stubborn fat pockets, it's also possible to have them on the love handles, which is also extremely common, or the side of your chest, sometimes the middle, or the top, or the lower stomach.

that being said, what causes the appearance of it is often a combination of both glandular and adipose tissue, so there might still be some benefit to treating it as it will decrease the appearance regardless, if you have glandular tissue you will have to run a raloxifene protocol first.

what you need for it:

the product I used is called Aqualyx, this is a form of deoxycholic acid, there are many brands of this and they're all more or less the same, some cost more than others, the general price range of it is between 150 and 250 euros for 10 vials, and you'll only need one vial for this procedure, which means the entire thing costs about 15 to 25 euros excluding the needles, swaps and syringes, etc.

View attachment 2369084
View attachment 2369086
(the product)

this is a localized fat dissolver, meaning any fat it's put into goes through an inflammation process that removes it permanently, it's however a very slow process and can take weeks.

I used a 25G needle to draw the liquid (needle length doesn't matter dor drawing) into a 1ML syringe (with proper markers for the dosage) and a 31g 10mm needle to inject it which is the shortest interchangeable needle I was able to find, you want the injection needle to be as short as possible, the liquid only has to go about 5-7mm deep into your skin.
ideally you'd be using an insulin needle, but the issue with those is that they're stuck on the syringes most of the time which means you can't draw with them as it would blunt the needle and make the procedure needlessly painful.

you'll want a skin marker to evenly mark the spots you'll be injecting, and alcohol swaps to disinfect them.

the procedure:

this is the before, as you can see the skin surrounding my nipple is quite puffy, which is strange because you never really see this in the pictures I post, this is because it doesn't show unless I push it to the side, the fat just stretches in a neutral chest position, but you can see it from a specific angle when I flex my arms for example, that is what I had to do to take these pictures.

View attachment 2369103
(picture before injection)

the amount I used was 0.2 ml, I loaded 8 syringes with this, the reasoning behind this is that it's quite hard to pay attention to the amount you're putting in when you're injecting it into yourself in the mirror, and the angle of the injection doesn't help with it either, by doing this all you need to do is push the needle in and press it down until it's empty.

View attachment 2369087
(needles, 1ml syringes, 31g, 10mm needles)

another disclaimer, it will burn for about 10-30 minutes once it's injected, it's not that painful though, but you'll have to inject one side of your chest while the other is burning, alternatively you could just wait a bit until it goes down, it shouldn't make any difference in the results, but it'll feel very strange.

be careful with veins, mark them if needed, but rest assured it doesn't cause occlusions like cosmetic fillers do, if it were to get into your blood it'll simply dissolve, it also doesn't matter if you nick them slightly, I had to maneuver around some veins on one side of my chest.

I injected 0.2 in the top, sides, and bottom.

View attachment 2369092
(injection location markers)

once the substance is in your chest it'll start to swell, the swelling lasts for about 3-4 days, it won't hinder you in your daily activities, but it'll look bad, so preferably do this in the winter when you're able to wear something thick to cover it.

avoid working out your chest for about 24-48 hours after the injection, it won't bother you much during other workouts, I did bicep curls the same day, and t-bar rows the day after, so the down-time is non-existent if you plan accordingly, I didn't feel it at all when I worked out my chest 3 days later.

View attachment 2369096
(picture of the swelling)

now for the results.

it'll take about a week to see the first improvements, and they're going to be noticeable after a week and a half depending on the amount of fat you're treating, the more you have the harder it'll be to see it.

the full results take 3-4 weeks, the most significant discomfort is gone after a few days, but some of it remains for a week or more, and as long as the compound is active you'll feel a slight amount of inflammation when you squeeze it, although it's very minor.

View attachment 2369108
(results, as you can see the fat deposition is entirely gone)
Planning on buying and injecting into my love handles for my first test. I’m not far, I have visible abs but I hold a lot of weight in that area .

This is going to be a test, if I see noticeable results I want to try injecting into my pubic fat pad. For some reason my fat pad is pretty thick and if I can remove half of it I’ll gain like .5 of an inch.

Just wondering if you have any injecting tutorials or sources for aqulyx.

I’ve never injected anything in my life. Ik you need gloves, alcohol swabs, and a certain gage needle. My main worry is how far down should I push the needle and how much should I inject per area

Also do I need to refrigerate this? I’ve got a mini fridge where I keep all my peptides for just the occasion.
View attachment 2369106
(before and after because I know all of you have the attention span of a goldfish)

Medical Disclaimer:

all of the material provided in this thread, such as the text, treatment, dosages, photographs, and outcomes and any other material provided in this thread are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
always week the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this thread.

I do not recommend you do this, but here I will explain what I did.

first and foremost, find out what you have, gynecomastia is an excess of glandular tissue directly underneath the nipple (although a small amount of it is normal, pictured in red below), it's often disc shaped once enlarged, this is not that, this is what is known as pseudo-gyno, it's caused by excess fat depositions around the nipple, it is fairly common and the 'ideal' chest has some degree of fat deposition in this area (pictured below in green)
it is not indicative of any hormonal complications, or drugs, the majority of men on the planet have some degree of it.

View attachment 2369081

most people aren't lean enough to be able to see whether they have this, and this also isn't the only area that forms these kind of stubborn fat pockets, it's also possible to have them on the love handles, which is also extremely common, or the side of your chest, sometimes the middle, or the top, or the lower stomach.

that being said, what causes the appearance of it is often a combination of both glandular and adipose tissue, so there might still be some benefit to treating it as it will decrease the appearance regardless, if you have glandular tissue you will have to run a raloxifene protocol first.

what you need for it:

the product I used is called Aqualyx, this is a form of deoxycholic acid, there are many brands of this and they're all more or less the same, some cost more than others, the general price range of it is between 150 and 250 euros for 10 vials, and you'll only need one vial for this procedure, which means the entire thing costs about 15 to 25 euros excluding the needles, swaps and syringes, etc.

View attachment 2369084
View attachment 2369086
(the product)

this is a localized fat dissolver, meaning any fat it's put into goes through an inflammation process that removes it permanently, it's however a very slow process and can take weeks.

I used a 25G needle to draw the liquid (needle length doesn't matter dor drawing) into a 1ML syringe (with proper markers for the dosage) and a 31g 10mm needle to inject it which is the shortest interchangeable needle I was able to find, you want the injection needle to be as short as possible, the liquid only has to go about 5-7mm deep into your skin.
ideally you'd be using an insulin needle, but the issue with those is that they're stuck on the syringes most of the time which means you can't draw with them as it would blunt the needle and make the procedure needlessly painful.

you'll want a skin marker to evenly mark the spots you'll be injecting, and alcohol swaps to disinfect them.

the procedure:

this is the before, as you can see the skin surrounding my nipple is quite puffy, which is strange because you never really see this in the pictures I post, this is because it doesn't show unless I push it to the side, the fat just stretches in a neutral chest position, but you can see it from a specific angle when I flex my arms for example, that is what I had to do to take these pictures.

View attachment 2369103
(picture before injection)

the amount I used was 0.2 ml, I loaded 8 syringes with this, the reasoning behind this is that it's quite hard to pay attention to the amount you're putting in when you're injecting it into yourself in the mirror, and the angle of the injection doesn't help with it either, by doing this all you need to do is push the needle in and press it down until it's empty.

View attachment 2369087
(needles, 1ml syringes, 31g, 10mm needles)

another disclaimer, it will burn for about 10-30 minutes once it's injected, it's not that painful though, but you'll have to inject one side of your chest while the other is burning, alternatively you could just wait a bit until it goes down, it shouldn't make any difference in the results, but it'll feel very strange.

be careful with veins, mark them if needed, but rest assured it doesn't cause occlusions like cosmetic fillers do, if it were to get into your blood it'll simply dissolve, it also doesn't matter if you nick them slightly, I had to maneuver around some veins on one side of my chest.

I injected 0.2 in the top, sides, and bottom.

View attachment 2369092
(injection location markers)

once the substance is in your chest it'll start to swell, the swelling lasts for about 3-4 days, it won't hinder you in your daily activities, but it'll look bad, so preferably do this in the winter when you're able to wear something thick to cover it.

avoid working out your chest for about 24-48 hours after the injection, it won't bother you much during other workouts, I did bicep curls the same day, and t-bar rows the day after, so the down-time is non-existent if you plan accordingly, I didn't feel it at all when I worked out my chest 3 days later.

View attachment 2369096
(picture of the swelling)

now for the results.

it'll take about a week to see the first improvements, and they're going to be noticeable after a week and a half depending on the amount of fat you're treating, the more you have the harder it'll be to see it.

the full results take 3-4 weeks, the most significant discomfort is gone after a few days, but some of it remains for a week or more, and as long as the compound is active you'll feel a slight amount of inflammation when you squeeze it, although it's very minor.

View attachment 2369108
(results, as you can see the fat deposition is entirely gone)
so if its real hormonal gyno this wont work right, since its gland not fat
Planning on buying and injecting into my love handles for my first test. I’m not far, I have visible abs but I hold a lot of weight in that area .
should work, it's a safe area as well, not many veins or nerves there.
Just wondering if you have any injecting tutorials or sources for aqulyx.
just watch some videos of it being done, it's not that hard or precise.
I’ve never injected anything in my life. Ik you need gloves, alcohol swabs, and a certain gage needle. My main worry is how far down should I push the needle and how much should I inject per area
subcutaneous fat is approximately at a depth of 5-7mm
Also do I need to refrigerate this? I’ve got a mini fridge where I keep all my peptides for just the occasion.
not needed.
  • +1
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so if its real hormonal gyno this wont work right, since its gland not fat
it might still improve it's appearance, it's almost always a combination of both.
should work, it's a safe area as well, not many veins or nerves there.

just watch some videos of it being done, it's not that hard or precise.

subcutaneous fat is approximately at a depth of 5-7mm

not needed.
perfect, thanks for the response, i really appreciate it whered you get yours. how many ml do you think I should use?
@Orc hello sir

can raloxifene help fixing pubertal gyno 🙏
Did your friends also have similar results and reduced or get rid off their pseudogyno?
Did your friends also have similar results and reduced or get rid off their pseudogyno?
yeah I've had several people report to me that it's worked in private now, or lessened it significantly.
  • +1
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king I’m don’t want to get the wrong item could you please give me a list of the the tools required so I could purchase it?
High tier thread
king I’m don’t want to get the wrong item could you please give me a list of the the tools required so I could purchase it?
any form of deoxycholate will work, you can order it from korea at koreanbeautysupplies , there's a bunch of other vendors like glamcosm, acecosm, glamderma, and many more, this shit is over the counter in most of the world.
yes, I mentioned that in the OP, it works for any stubborn fat deposition in your body, and you can have these kind of pockets anywhere, it's most commonly used for the chin area.
Should I try bulbous nose rhino, wdys?
any form of deoxycholate will work, you can order it from korea at koreanbeautysupplies , there's a bunch of other vendors like glamcosm, acecosm, glamderma, and many more, this shit is over the counter in most of the world.
what supplies do i need to inject it i know literally nothing about that
just a high gauge short needle, ideally less than 15mm, it only has to go like 5-7mm deep.

overpriced, the range is like 15-40 at most.
If the’gyno’ goes away when nips get hard, is it the type this method works on

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