Having no charisma is ruining your life


Deleted member 55636

Dec 16, 2023
After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
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Do you expect anyone to read all that
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dnr but true
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581173D5 6C2F 4511 A9D2 EE024092E0DD
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Gave it a quick read these r my imputs

Charisma is cope imho
What ppl call charisma is just a HTN midly successful guy being NT
If you are very attractive or successful you can even pull off being weird (to an extent) it will make you more "interesting" even if youre an introvert - chad introverts are "mysterious", or "serious" if they nerdnichemaxx like Cavill does they will be seen as "not shallow" and "quirky".
Last edited:
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Gave it a quick read these r my imputs

Charisma is cope imho
What ppl call charisma is just a HTN midly successful guy being NT
If you are very attractive or successful you can even pull off being weird (to an extent) it will make you more "interesting" even if youre an introvert - chad introverts are "mysterious", or "serious" if they nerdnichemaxx like Cavill does they will be seen as "not shallow" and "quirky".
No-one in my university course is HTN, yet many are extremely charismatic. I have countless stories where I'd be in public with one of my average looking mates and they made someone alot more attractive than them extremely interested. And thats with strangers, where looks are even more important.

Lets be real now, most people on this website are never going to become so attractive to the point that being weird is socially acceptable or "quirky". Even if in theory you could achieve that, what's the reason you wouldn't want to become more charismatic? Do you genuinely believe that at the same looks level, with more personality and character, you won't have more success?
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Reactions: x123, zura, fraudulent and 8 others
After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
This is the stuff i was referencing in my post about org being retarded

Shit is complete water and you spent an hour writing this out for social recluses who will never put any of this into practice and will respond with

“Murr its all looks socialising and charisma is cope”
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@Nick.Harte i dnr can you read it and respond
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Yeah tbh as much as I am antisocial animal and don't even get lonely, having friends and social circle just makes my life way better

I might move out just to socialize more as I have a good place to go for it

My looksmaxxing plans are soon complete so I may wait a bit first
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Reactions: aleksander, bloomercel, Deleted member 55636 and 1 other person
After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
nigga do you really expect me to read all that?
This is the stuff i was referencing in my post about org being retarded

Shit is complete water and you spent an hour writing this out for social recluses who will never put any of this into practice and will respond with

“Murr its all looks socialising and charisma is cope”
Even if only 1% of the people this thread reaches actually implements it, I'm happy.

I only spent the time to write this because I used to have the same retarded beliefs so it's what I wish I would've know earlier. My biggest and only regret in life is not socialising more when I was younger, so I made this post with the hope of saving someone years of time instead of them learning this later in life like I did.
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1929E749 72AD 4CCB AB0A 615CE0F846F5
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Real shit but this is like telling a junior investment banker that money isn’t going to make him happy.
  • +1
Reactions: aleksander and Lonenely sigma
Just be nt theory we all know this lol
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Reactions: BootySniffer69 and The Antichrist
unironically personality is highly important way more then looks
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Dicktator, dark-red-pill, bloomercel and 3 others
Even if only 1% of the people this thread reaches actually implements it, I'm happy.

I only spent the time to write this because I used to have the same retarded beliefs so it's what I wish I would've know earlier. My biggest and only regret in life is not socialising more when I was younger, so I made this post with the hope of saving someone years of time instead of them learning this later in life like I did.
I said the “if only 1% implement ill be happy” shit aswell

People dont come on here to improve themselves buddy boyo just leave the forum now or rot
  • +1
Reactions: Mr. President and Deleted member 55636
positive self talk, you are your best friend
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel, The Antichrist and autistic_tendencies
  • +1
Reactions: curbyourlookism, JimmyDreamsOfZygos, Nick.Harte and 1 other person
unironically personality is highly important way more then looks
Jeremy Meeks , convicted violent offender , checking in the chat
ed like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.
You didn't match her looks threshold and had to overcompensate for that by faking your personality so that she could like you. For her to kiss you in the first place, she had to find you attractive, to begin with, but you were "somewhat attractive" to her for your lips to meet. Even if she had decided to be your gf, she would've dropped your ass the moment you tried to put off the mask and be yourself. If you are attractive enough for her, you can be yourself.

Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.
She was probably embarrassed that she kissed you, and found way better-looking guys than you during the gap between the first and second date, hence giving you the cold shoulder.

reality check
Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring.
Of course, you would perceive these guys to be more charismatic because, as you said yourself, people with bad personalities were screened out during the interviews. This doesn't mean that the majority of the normies are charismatic and fun people to be around. Chances are that people like you, who also didn't fake their personalities during the interviews were rejected. I see a lot of normies that aren't charismatic at all. Those who fake their personalities managed to maintain the facade while you didn't.

  • +1
Reactions: stamaster21, Dicktator, bloomercel and 4 others
After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
everytime i see posts like this on here i realize this paki motherfucker was kind of right jfl...... 125559456 5107
  • +1
Reactions: aleksander, zura, IanIachimoe2491 and 1 other person
Looks is still more important than nt but u need both to succeed
After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
Tales from New Delhi
  • +1
Reactions: Dicktator and bloomercel
You're not wrong but I don't have much opportunity to talk to people of my age and a similar background atm.
  • +1
Reactions: zura, Deleted member 55636 and BrahminBoss
You're not wrong but I don't have much opportunity to talk to people of my age and a similar background atm.
Discords for degens but I remember when I was younger I joined a random vc and just started talking for like 30 minutes. Maybe do that, exposure therapy.
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel, Deleted member 55636 and Pikabro
Read that exactly because spending more time here than I should. Anyway I gave up on socialising and only things I want now is money which I will make through internet and then spend them on looks. From that point having looks and money will somehow cope or change my mind about socialasing and relationships and actually try. Now all my problems require money to solve them so rotting infront of screen creating side hustles while going on a dead end job which dont require any skills is the only solution
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss, bloomercel and Deleted member 55636
After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
Read it, my best example of NT is law is my fat sub 5, 5'9" friend pulling a thicc mtb into a ltr. My friends constantly go on about how I could slay if I was more sociable (6'1" mtn) I dont know why I'm so bad at talking to girls I grew up around 3 girls, mother and my 2 sisters so idk why I'm speechless around women.

My theory is that since I grew up around women my whole life my personality has become too similar to foids and I can't tap into my masculine nature in order to pull
:feelswhy: :feelswhy: :feelsrope:
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Dicktator, Pikabro and Deleted member 55636
I said the “if only 1% implement ill be happy” shit aswell

People dont come on here to improve themselves buddy boyo just leave the forum now or rot
Still, it's not like I'm about to write any more posts about this topic. This was the only post I wanted to share to help, even if next to no-one listens.

Preciate the concern, but don't worry about me - my account will be deleted before you know it. I don't see the point of visiting this site more than once every few months. You only really need to check up on anything new that could be useful on BOTB.

You didn't match her looks threshold and had to overcompensate for that by faking your personality so that she could like you. For her to kiss you in the first place, she had to find you attractive, to begin with, but you were "somewhat attractive" to her for your lips to meet. Even if she had decided to be your gf, she would've dropped your ass the moment you tried to put off the mask and be yourself. If you are attractive enough for her, you can be yourself.

She was probably embarrassed that she kissed you, and found way better-looking guys than you during the gap between the first and second date, hence giving you the cold shoulder.


Of course, you would perceive these guys to be more charismatic because, as you said yourself, people with bad personalities were screened out during the interviews. This doesn't mean that the majority of the normies are charismatic and fun people to be around. Chances are that people like you, who also didn't fake their personalities during the interviews were rejected. I see a lot of normies that aren't charismatic at all. Those who fake their personalities managed to maintain the facade while you didn't.

I agree, that girl only liked me for the alcoholic mask I put on at the time. But "just be yourself" is not good advice for everyone and especially for people who rot on this website who more likely than not, don't have an attractive character to themselves. The point of my post was purely to show that personality is malleable, and that you should be working on improving your own until you can genuinely be yourself and not ever need to put on a facade like I (stupidly) used to.

I also agree with you that most normies aren't very charismatic. Most of them can't hold a whole rooms attention and keep people invested and interested. What i meant was that, the average normie is more charismatic in relation to the charisma of someone who rots here all day. So even the average normie who isn't even that charismatic, is doing better. Which is why I posted this in the first place. The target audience of this post is rotters with thousands of posts - as a wake up call - to improve their character if theirs is not already above average.

You're not wrong but I don't have much opportunity to talk to people of my age and a similar background atm.
That's probably the hardest part, finding people to spend all day with. I got pretty lucky with my situation and found people naturally my age and background via university without having to really actively search for a friend group. What's your situation? Is there anywhere you can put yourself in where you see the same faces every day with similar age and background to you?

Read that exactly because spending more time here than I should. Anyway I gave up on socialising and only things I want now is money which I will make through internet and then spend them on looks. From that point having looks and money will somehow cope or change my mind about socialasing and relationships and actually try. Now all my problems require money to solve them so rotting infront of screen creating side hustles while going on a dead end job which dont require any skills is the only solution
Like @JimmyDreamsOfZygos said, this is like telling a junior investment banker that money isn’t going to make him happy. But still, I want you to think about the happiest moment(s) in your life. Were they alone? Or were you with people? Humans are genetically wired to socialise. And you're not different from anyone else, unless you are truly on the spectrum or have some severe mental condition.

I really don't like your idea of staying in the comfort of your home and being anti-social until you spend money on looks. I can guarantee you that if you're always socialising, and strengthening relationships with people, you'll be happy. So why wait? You can work on looks and socialising at the same time. Why would you limit yourself to doing only 1 of those 2 at a time?

Read it, my best example of NT is law is my fat sub 5, 5'9" friend pulling a thicc mtb into a ltr. My friends constantly go on about how I could slay if I was more sociable (6'1" mtn) I dont know why I'm so bad at talking to girls I grew up around 3 girls, mother and my 2 sisters so idk why I'm speechless around women.

My theory is that since I grew up around women my whole life my personality has become too similar to foids and I can't tap into my masculine nature in order to pull
:feelswhy: :feelswhy: :feelsrope:
If you're speechless to girls, then you're probably not the most charismatic person in general. Girls are humans too. Theres no need to treat them much different to when you're with your boys.
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After leaving PSL for 3 years, aging from 17 to 20, I've gathered some wisdom and wanted to drop it here. Just hoping my experiences can help some of you avoid the same awkward blunders. I know a lot of you are teens just finding your way, and I reckon these insights could be useful to reaching your peak potential.

First off, I still swear by looks theory, no change there. How good you look acts as a multiplier to how positively people react to your actions. However, my reasons for looksmaxxing have changed, and it has increased my quality of life drastically. To explain this, I’ll tell you my story, and it’s long so I don’t blame you if you don’t read.

Before PSL, I was a socially anxious, unconfident wreck who thought playing video games was life’s ultimate joy. I was also below average in looks. In my first couple dates around this time, I had no success. I’d run out of words, and my conversations were extremely dry. Basically the whole date, I’d feel awkward. Not just with the girls, but with my small circle too. I was generally a pretty boring and quiet person to be around.

At this time, I first discovered PSL and got hooked. I did everything I could within my budget to improve my looks which included mainly; skin, hair, facial leanness, muscles, among other niche things like mewing, ice hooding, eyelid pulling, chewing, ect. I swapped gaming with spending countless hours reading threads, most of which being shitposts just so I could kill time. Looksmax was on my mind the whole day as a result, and I became ultra-aware of how I looked all the time. Countless selfies, daily, were taken. I’d take extreme measures such as dry fasting just to get those coveted hollow cheeks for a few days. And guess what? People started noticing.

Suddenly, both guys and girls I already knew well at school started complimenting my clothes and hair out of the blue. Being so obsessed with how I looked, this boosted my confidence sky-high. I felt ready to try going on dates again. What I noticed was that the same things I said to girls on dates before, had a slightly better reception than before. For example, jokes I made would make them laugh a little harder than before. However, the social anxiety stuck, and that awkward feeling never went away. My voice had no spirit, and I was still boring to talk to in general. At that time, I was so obsessed with looks that my personality wasn’t even in the question as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Frustrated, I would dry fast even longer, use shoe lifts, and generally take more extreme measures to look slightly better. On the next date, I pre-drank alcohol until I couldn’t feel my face, just so I wouldn’t feel awkward. And it worked like a charm. I was able to talk endlessly and the girl enjoyed my company so much to the point where I was able to land my first kiss. At the time, I thought I’d cracked the code.

On the next date with the same girl, I embraced the alcohol again for another good time. But for whatever reason, the magic fizzled out and I couldn’t get rid of my social awkwardness the same way I did the first time. I was just a plain, unfiltered version of my normal boring self. I couldn’t produce the same fun vibe I did in the last date, and I wasn’t able to make her feel good. Despite looking the exact same, the girl I thought I knew treated me like a distant relative at a family reunion. From having fun the whole date previously, to her looking uninterested the whole time. This shattered my confidence.

It hit me that my personality had a much more significant role in attraction than what I concluded from reading PSL threads. I also began getting sick of rotting my whole day shitposting on PSL. Like it wasn’t even that fun, I just wanted to pass the time the exact same way as I did with gaming. Fed up and feeling like a lost cause, I ditched PSL but kept the valuable looksmaxing advice in the back of my mind.

I gave up on dating all together and started hitting the books to become a doctor/dentist as I liked the idea of the money and job fulfilment that field has. However, where I live you must take an in-person interview to assess if you have the right personality for the course. My boring, spiritless personality was the opposite of what interviewers look for which is an empathetic, charismatic, and caring personality. I began prepping myself for the future interview with generic questions they ask, and on filming myself, I realised I didn’t have a chance if thats how I acted in the real interview. I was boring even to myself, speaking like a soulless robot.

With not enough time for a full on personality transplant, I looked upon my trusty wingman - alcohol. Somehow, in the interview I was able to express myself without any social awkwardness and luckily I wasn’t impaired enough to where I forgot the interview responses that I had rehearsed when I was sober before. And it worked. I got into the course I wanted and was now set for a future of green and fulfilment.

Upon starting the course, I gained another reality check and realised how out of place I was. Everyone in my cohort seemed to have had a vibrant and interesting character to them whereas whenever I talked, I felt dull and boring. One class was a health communication skills class, and I was bottom of the barrel when it was my turn to talk. I managed to make friends, but they were the life of the party, while I was the aspie.

My cohort was not that great looking on average, with 90% being nerdy skinny ethnics. I was atleast around the top 10 best looking people out of the 100 people in my year. Yet, the average and below average Joes didn’t have a problem scoring a girlfriend from my course within weeks of us starting the year. My friend from the course who’s very average looking got a girlfriend from our cohort, broke up, then not even a week later got a new girlfriend from the same cohort. It seemed like magic to me at the time. But I started puzzling things together, and realised that same friend had charisma for days.

I began to put most my focus on my personality and decided to go all in on constant socialisation. This meant spending as little time as I could doing things other than socialisation. I would wake up, get my looksmax routine including gym out the way, finish class, and hit the books. The rest of the 8 or so hours of the day, I turned into pure socialisation. The friend group I spent my time with were very outgoing, so we were always talking or doing something together after class until night. Even at night, I forced myself to facetime my friends as opposed to what I used to do which was to mindlessly scroll and watch random youtube videos.

My days went from this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Browse looksmax → Sleep

To this:

Wake up → Looksmax routine → Go to class/study → Socialise → Sleep

In less than a week, I noticed myself changing the way I speak, and I started to like my own personality more and more as the days went on. My short, snoozefest replies started becoming longer and more lively. After a month of this, my newfound social confidence was amazing as you could probably expect with endless hours of chit-chat every day. I felt as though I could make anyone I talked to feel good, and this extended to girls too. I could chat to any girl and could actually enjoy the conversation without feeling even the slightest bit awkward. Fast forward a few months and I found a girlfriend who I’ve been happily together with for the past 2 years. It’s like hanging out with people everyday unlocked the DLC edition of life for me. I’d never been so content in my life.

Still, I believe looks theory is legit. However, I barely see any threads encouraging more socialisation when a good personality is a huge halo, and a bad one is a huge failo.

I also don’t believe in one night stands. While it might be fun in the short term, its unfulfilling in the long term. At best you’ll get to have sex with a 10 with low morals, a few days a year. It also encourages you to be anti-social. You only have to talk to the girl when you want sex. Also, at some point you’ll lose your looks. What will make you happy when you’re 40? 50? 60?

I feel like the average normie is far more charismatic than someone who rots here all day like I used to. Because they intuitively socialise constantly. The only difference is that normies do not care or know about the niche looksmax advice that you have. Even so, alot of normies go to the gym, eat well, and have good haircuts.

So you’re automatically setting your potential back if you aren’t also becoming as sociable as you can whilst looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing doesn’t take that long out of your day anyway. Give me one reason why you shouldn’t be socialising the rest of the day if you want people to like you more.

A couple socialisation recommendations:

  • Opt for face to face conversations as your main form of socialisation. Avoid places like clubbing, playing games, ect as you’re technically with people, but you’re not actually improving your social skills.
  • You don’t need to read any books, listen to any advice, or any of that from online. Trust me, in hours upon hours of consistent conversations, you’ll naturally pick up on what facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, ect that make people feel the best around you.
  • Spend your time with other charismatic people. If you spend your time with other people with poor social skills, you won’t improve.
I don’t know or care whatever coloured pill you would call this, but all I know is that total and true ascension is when you improve not only your looks above average, but your social skills above average too. If you disagree, I’d like to hear your side of the story.

TLDR: Have a short looksmax routine, complete any work/studies, then spend the rest of your day and night purely socialising.
kys bleupilled cuck. no woman will EVER be attracted to me cuz of my physical deformitiss
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Still, it's not like I'm about to write any more posts about this topic. This was the only post I wanted to share to help, even if next to no-one listens.

Preciate the concern, but don't worry about me - my account will be deleted before you know it. I don't see the point of visiting this site more than once every few months. You only really need to check up on anything new that could be useful on BOTB.

I agree, that girl only liked me for the alcoholic mask I put on at the time. But "just be yourself" is not good advice for everyone and especially for people who rot on this website who more likely than not, don't have an attractive character to themselves. The point of my post was purely to show that personality is malleable, and that you should be working on improving your own until you can genuinely be yourself and not ever need to put on a facade like I (stupidly) used to.

I also agree with you that most normies aren't very charismatic. Most of them can't hold a whole rooms attention and keep people invested and interested. What i meant was that, the average normie is more charismatic in relation to the charisma of someone who rots here all day. So even the average normie who isn't even that charismatic, is doing better. Which is why I posted this in the first place. The target audience of this post is rotters with thousands of posts - as a wake up call - to improve their character if theirs is not already above average.

That's probably the hardest part, finding people to spend all day with. I got pretty lucky with my situation and found people naturally my age and background via university without having to really actively search for a friend group. What's your situation? Is there anywhere you can put yourself in where you see the same faces every day with similar age and background to you?

Like @JimmyDreamsOfZygos said, this is like telling a junior investment banker that money isn’t going to make him happy. But still, I want you to think about the happiest moment(s) in your life. Were they alone? Or were you with people? Humans are genetically wired to socialise. And you're not different from anyone else, unless you are truly on the spectrum or have some severe mental condition.

I really don't like your idea of staying in the comfort of your home and being anti-social until you spend money on looks. I can guarantee you that if you're always socialising, and strengthening relationships with people, you'll be happy. So why wait? You can work on looks and socialising at the same time. Why would you limit yourself to doing only 1 of those 2 at a time?

If you're speechless to girls, then you're probably not the most charismatic person in general. Girls are humans too. Theres no need to treat them much different to when you're with your boys.
I don't really want to talk to people in my class, it's just not like school tbh. I think you're meant to make friends through the activities you do or getting a job. Rn all I do is rot so I don't meet anyone it's pretty straightforward. I think deep down I can't be bothered to socialise or maybe it's just not natural to me. It just seems like I don't really care about keeping in contact with other people
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Being sub 5 PSL is ruining your life*
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This is undeniably one of the most exceptional threads. Looking ahead for more threads on the matter from you. It's true that your personality must align with your looks. In most cases of attractive people, as soon as they speak out it just kills their attraction. Would you give some thoughts on this? How one should mantain the attraction? How should you carry yourself in the case of meeting new people and getting the best from your first impression (especially females)? Also give some advices on eye contact and body language. Looking ahead for your response.

~ 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐚
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Like @JimmyDreamsOfZygos said, this is like telling a junior investment banker that money isn’t going to make him happy. But still, I want you to think about the happiest moment(s) in your life. Were they alone? Or were you with people? Humans are genetically wired to socialise. And you're not different from anyone else, unless you are truly on the spectrum or have some severe mental condition.

I really don't like your idea of staying in the comfort of your home and being anti-social until you spend money on looks. I can guarantee you that if you're always socialising, and strengthening relationships with people, you'll be happy. So why wait? You can work on looks and socialising at the same time. Why would you limit yourself to doing only 1 of those 2 at a time?
I dont have any mental condition, just loner by character. And i dont really feel confident with my looks and lifestyle now. Cant realy think of some happiest moments in life btw. Probably my situatuion is so bad that mind refuses to think about them or i simply didnt have them at all
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lol at this retarded outside goer, remember socializing is neurotoxic and the point of looksmaxxing is so you can get pussy without being forced to come within the 50 meters radius of normies
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I agree with this, im living it right now but im currently at the stage where I haven't extended charisma to girls
Not being 6’4 has been a far bigger issue in my life than charisma tbh
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you have many words but i have little time
what do you think i will do? not read this post :p

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