[High Effort] Fitness Styles Tierlist (FATCELS AND FRAMECELLS GTFIH) {SOFTMAXXING}



Aug 16, 2023
Are you fat? Do you have no muscle? Are you under 6ft?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, this guide is for you.

The other day @FatBunnyBaby asked if you could gain a good physique with just doing push-ups and pull-ups. This made me realized how retarded and malinformed a lot of these members are when it comes to framemaxxing. Not only that but the majority of you on here are skinnyfatcels, so the question rises: What is the best Fitness Style for loosksmaxxing that balances muscle growth with fatloss while also pairing well with the rest of your maxing routines?

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——— S TIER ———


Definition: “To run at a steady gentle pace, especially on a regular basis”. This is one of the best looksmaxxes when it comes to weightlossmaxxing. Jogging is a low to moderate intensity exercise, which is crucial when it comes to weight looksmaxing.

Pros: Since it’s a low to moderate intensity exercise, it requires less energy, and increased calories burned and fat loss over time. Combine this with a calorie deficit and its immediate weight loss. Since jogging is consistent cardio, it also helps with your heart health, which is definitely something you incels are going to need with the amount of anabolics and copes you do. It’s super versatile and can literally be done everywhere except India because of potholes and busy streets. Curry munchers cope.

Cons: Sadly your body adjusts to the increase in burned calories, and progress will slow over time. But this is the same with dieting, weightlifting, and literally everything else. You need to increase the intensity as time goes, either it be the distance, speed, inclination, until eventually you reach your physical limit. Overall jogging is just super healthy and should be a consistent part of your lifestyle. Also if you‘re a curry cell in India you risk getting run over by a bike or bull.

How: Don’t think you can just put on shoes and just run out and run miles. Jogging consistently takes time, and you will advance little by little. Easiest way to do so is simply running outside. Gives you purpose and breathing fresh air is one of the best mental health copes out there. But if you’re looking for a more effective way, do a 3-5mph jog (depending on height and leg lenght) on a Treadmill on 12 Incline. Do this 4 to 5 days a week and I guarantee you you can lose weight. You can also watch a show or youtube to keep your mind off your crippling subhuman level of fitness as you struggle to run after 17 seconds.


: The sport or activity of lifting barbells or other heavy weights. When I talk about weightlifting, I’m not talking about Olympic, but hypertrophic weightlifting for framemaxxing.

Cons: Tearing a muscle or not being able to walk outside without foids wanting to breed.


How: All that means is increasing weight and intensity over time. Ex. You curl 30lbs dumbbells but you can only do 10 in a row. You should do 3x6. After a while, try 3x8. Once you’re doing 12-15 reps per set, bring up the weight 10bs. Now you’re back to doing 3x6 but now you’re lifting 40lbs dumbbells. Do this with EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT IN YOUR ROUTINE. YES EVEN JOGGING. Consistently bringing up the weight is the ONLY way to reach your potential framemaxxing. Your top 3 priorities when it comes to framemaxxing should be 1: Shoulders, 2: Back, and 3: Chest. Having large legs is cope. Only benefit of hitting legs is temporary testosterone boost but beside that all it does is make your shrimp look smaller.

And realistically there’s little to no risk doing this as long as you don’t egomaxx and try to lift weight you know is out of your level. If you’re trying to figure out what the best workouts are for specific muscles just google, but do your research to understand how muscles work. They grow when being worked out in a stretched position. That’s literally it. Whichever workout stretches the most. Still do your research.

——— A TIER ———


Definition: The sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs.

Pros: This is a source of cardio which is immediate cope for fatcells. Very similar to Jogging in the way of progressing over time. When I say swimming I don’t mean going underwater and doing handstands, I mean doing laps in an Olympic Pool. If you don’t have access to one, cope. Community pools are HORRIBLE for getting a decent workout. TRUST ME I’ve tried, but it’s still possible. For curry cells you can use the disease infested rivers. Being able to hold your breath for long periods of time is def attractive. Another pro is if you’re Pool is outdoors you can get a really good tan, which is cope for white cells. Don’t make the same mistake your parents did and make sure to wear protection.

Cons: Not everyone has access to Olympic pools so availability is difficult. Also bleached water is horrible for your health but if you have a freshwater river or beach nearby the water will help skincaremaxx.

How: Just swim back and forth until your tired. It’s easy cardio. But please don’t swim in pisswater. If there’s kids in the pool just don’t even try. Anyways you can progressively overload this like you do with everything else, slowly increasing the intensity with time. This will burn calories pretty fast and increase overall health.


Pros: Just like jogging and swimming, this is just another form of easy cardio to burn calories over time. It’s consistent and can be done almost anywhere with space that’s not overpopulated, so anywhere but India. It also doesn’t require you to leave the comfort of your home, adding more versatility. If you do this outside it will be the ultimate lungmaxing.

Cons: Just like jogging, eventually you will plateau. What does this mean? PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. Either do it faster, longer sets, or do tricks.

How: When you start off you wanna do intervals. 30 sec in 30 sec out. Do this consistently for around 30 minutes. Once it gets to easy 60 sec in 30 sec out etc etc PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. I mainly switch between this and jogging and have already lost 15lbs in like 2 months, without hardmaxxing.

——— B TIER ———


Definition: A sport involving strenuos physical exercise in order to strengthen and enlarge the muscles of the body. A SPORT. THIS IS NOT FRAMEMAXXING OR WEIGHTLIFTING. Bodybuilding as in trying to put on as much muscle as possible for shows.

Pros: Bodybuidling with intensity will boost natural TEST and if ehanced with Anabolics will make you an absolute beast. You can still bodybuild and become a PSL god.

Cons: I bet you’re wondering why I put weightlifting on top but Bodybuilding on B tier. The reason is because most people who take on the sport come out looking like this incel.

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You can def pull it off, but keep your feet on the ground and remember it’s not all about physique. Yes it plays a huge role but it would be useless without a good face. It’s like having the best pizza in the world topped with CURRY. It ruins the whole Pizza.

How: Take steroids. Mk-677 is best overall from what I’ve read, correct me if I’m wrong. Tren is best for the physique but worst for mental health. Idk really know much on steroids but there’s hella hardmaxing guides all over this forum I don’t have to hold you hand and walk you to each one of them.


Pros: Just like jogging, swimming, and jump roping this is just another form of easy cardio to burn calories over time. It requires some investment if you’re at home but if you have a gym membership, most will have a punching bag. Knowing you can defend yourself and other in a fight is a huge egomaxx and will def attract foids as long as you don’t make it your whole personality.

Cons: 90% of incels make it their whole personality. 5 minutes in they’ve already posted it on all their social medias talking about how they’re gonna go ghost and become a better man. Shut up man. The only niggas be boxing for that reason are the most insecure ones of them all. Anyways just keep your feet on the ground and you should be fine. Ez cardio. Top tier Statusmaxx.

How: Punch the bag


Pros: Just like jogging and swimming and boxing and Jumprope, this is just ANOTHER form of easy cardio to burn calories over time. Its probably the funnest form of cardio because of all the different styles of doing so. Meaning if you don’t want to get bored this is your way to go.

Cons: One of the reasons it’s marked so low is because unlike the rest of them, the plateau is super early and you also don’t have the ability to progressively overload. Also this will make your calves shrink. It’s also very difficult in certain terrains, so unless you have a neighborhood trail it’s highly unreccomended. But it’s super fun and a great lungMax and I lost 10lbs peak bulk during the pandemic with this method. Also currycels cant do this due to potholes and getting run over by motorbikes.

How: Pedal

I said this was high effort but some of these are just really obvious

——— C TIER ———


Definition: Plyometrics, also known as jump training or plyos, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power. In other words just jumping.

Pros: If you’re still in school this will definitely help you with sports. It’s a huge statusmaxx for that reason, and it’s overall just a really good workout, especially a cope for blacks and Mexicans since they jump over fences often.

Cons: Nigga plyometrics? No one has ever heard of that. No one cares. It’s boring. Yea it’s a good workout but it’s just weird. Also doesn’t help framemaxx in anyway whatsoever.

How: PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. If you play a sport just slowly increase the height over time. Increase the vertical. Etc etc. If you really need help just search online or learn from professional athletes.


Definition: Exercises to develop strength and flexibility that are done without special equipment.

Pros: AMAZING STATUSMAXX. If you can pull off some of the really impressive skills like handstand push-ups and planches, thats probably one of the most impressive workouts to do, since it requires mastering your own body weight and not just picking up metal circles. This is great if you’re also starting to workout and get into weightlifting since it will give you the standard for the rest of your fitness journey. Also weighted calisthenics are some of the BEST workouts out there.

Cons: TAKES TOO LONG. It’s supposed to be accessible for everyone, but the truth is you need to purchase hella equipment that you cant just find at your gym. Also most of the influencer you see take steroids. They are NOT NATTY. Ive been doing calisthenics for over 2 years and have made very little progress. Calisthenics is cope for brokies. Super hard to max out your physique without weights too. Also most calisthenics workouts put a lot of strain in your face, which can lead to all the blood vecels exploding, like it happened to me:

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How: PROGRESSIONS. If you really want to go through the hell to master some of these calisthenics skills, you HAVE TO FOLLOW THE PROGRESSIONS. That was the only way I was able to make any progress. Yes progressions is also part of progressive overload. Anyways it requires a lot of patience, which is something I don’t have.


Definition: Various sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo. Pretty much just boxing, but less status.

Pros: You can fight. Hooray!

Cons: Youre still subhuman tier. Unless your training with Japanese Samurai’s or Chinese Monks most martial arts are meant for kids, it’s really hard to find serious ones out there. Still a pretty cool skill to have, just doesn’t help out a lot with looksmaxxing.

——— D TIER ———


Definition: Cope for middle aged faggots.

Pros: You can bend your back like a fag

Cons: Everything else

How: Dont

Anyways thats my guide on best fitness styles. Most of these are my opinions so if you wanna argue just reply to this post. Also lmk if I’m missing any and I’ll do my best to reply based off my personal experience. Love you incels and take care.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Braindeadautist, pillintellect, Father47 and 7 others
Walking mogs jogging
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss and FatBunnyBaby
jogging over skipping JFL
  • +1
Reactions: aleksander
Yeah no, stupid takes
It's like telling the prescribed medicines for someone else didn't work for you
Everyone has a different base, just look up in YT or BOTB, this shit seems highly biased
  • +1
Reactions: Father47
This a fucking trash thread.
  • +1
Reactions: Father47, solid7/10, aleksander and 1 other person
Rare greycel L
Bro hasn't done any of these
thanks for the class tho :feelsgah: im not being sarcastic, thanks bro
  • +1
Reactions: AlxIsMatos
ss tier eat less calories than you expend
  • +1
Reactions: AlxIsMatos
JFL at “movement by david”cels who go into fitness for aesthetics but get shamed into mobilitycoping and waste years off their life.
I think you can change s tier for smth else like sprinting or walking.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
Engaging in a high-effort Fitness Styles Tierlist discussion is crucial for both fatcels and framecells seeking self-improvement. Softmaxxing strategies play a vital role in optimizing results. Let's delve into this comprehensive analysis, fostering a supportive community dedicated to achieving fitness goals and maximizing well-being.
  • JFL
Reactions: based_pakichad421
good thread and ys calesthenics depends on the person tbh if u have really good muscle building genetics than calesthenics + lateral raises is a deadly combo but if not the u should stick with frame maxxing and i wuld say if ur from a shithole jumproping is a god sent gift
Engaging in a high-effort Fitness Styles Tierlist discussion is crucial for both fatcels and framecells seeking self-improvement. Softmaxxing strategies play a vital role in optimizing results. Let's delve into this comprehensive analysis, fostering a supportive community dedicated to achieving fitness goals and maximizing well-being.
there is no point in doing any sorta bodybuilding if ur frame is shit and below 5 10 at 5 10+ u start to look good with muscles otherwise u will look stumpy
  • +1
Reactions: lowiqNormie
there is no point in doing any sorta bodybuilding if ur frame is shit and below 5 10 at 5 10+ u start to look good with muscles otherwise u will look stumpy
yea if ur a manlet you ideally want to look less large as possible to balance out , but people like to cope hard with gym
  • +1
Reactions: based_pakichad421
yea if ur a manlet you ideally want to look less large as possible to balance out , but people like to cope hard with gym
sadly many people i know are doing this and look like inflated baloons and gross

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