How being an AbusedDogcel with a bad Local and home Environment Can absolutely ruin any chances of success in your life (AbusedDogCels GTFIH)



God Make My Life Great inc.
Jan 13, 2024
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

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Reactions: sayi, Alexios, Gaia262 and 15 others
You fucking retards made me an abuses dog I didn't care Abt any of this shit befofe
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Reactions: greywind, bloomercel and Axii
I need a tl;dr
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Reactions: Alexios, TechnoBoss and Deleted member 51465
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Reactions: greywind, Axii and LooksThinker
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

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Potential is there. Dont fuck it up.
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
if this is real how can you have this malnutritioned, lardy, adipose, stressful upbringing but still be taller than me. why why why why why
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: sayi, Alexios, Sergeant and 6 others
read everything mirin story and parents are retarded ngl,i think they got fucked in the nose and the dick somehow entered their brain and they cant think straight because of that,i dont understand why you let someone cum into your pussy and make you a kid if you take drugs and try to cheat
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66 and Axii
sounds like a serial killer upbringing story
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: courtcase75, Alexios, Carv and 4 others
Brutal story, read everything

Still heightmogs and facemogs me too hard
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Alexios and Axii
sounds like a serial killer upbringing story

Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

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thought about murdering my mom before

In the paragraph, when I said my memory was foggy before I moved in with my dad post-divorce, I forgot to mention that my mom was having massive schizophrenia symptoms. She woke me and my younger sister up at 4 AM, screaming that Bigfoot was in the backyard and that we should check it out with her (there was no Bigfoot because it wasn't real). She went into the backyard and dug at the ground for hours. Every time she came back from the house, she would break down crying and scream that she found gold. She also had drug dealers come in and out of the house, and they exploited my mom for money. Essentially, she was being a prostitute with thugs in the house with defenseless kids. She also said that Hitler is in Antarctica and that Antarctica hides an invisible world that the government wants to hide from us. She physically and mentally abused my sisters and me to the point where I thought about stabbing her in her sleep.

@Shogun @MTMM @Tallest person here @WayneBraaaah @smoth @mightberetarded @blackckatt
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Reactions: Alexios, chaddyboi66, dehydrated and 2 others
Maybe start playing sports or viedogame? Way better way to spend time on
  • +1
Reactions: Hortensia
Maybe start playing sports or viedogame? Way better way to spend time on
Yeah i play video games 16h a day pretty enjoyable
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
yeah i suffer from abused dog syndrome from years of being made fun of, 1 year of complete irl social isolation and it’s caused me to never truly believe a girl likes me or that they are probably making fun of me
  • +1
Reactions: Axii, Zukiteru and cheerio
every pixel bhai
  • Love it
Reactions: Axii
read everything. and damn i cant imagine going trough what you did. I hope you'll turn things around. good luck brother
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
Get job ASAP and move out.

Then hit the gym. The first years will be pure redpill trajectory to get over the shit you have expierenced.
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
Get job ASAP and move out.

Then hit the gym. The first years will be pure redpill trajectory to get over the shit you have expierenced.

read this, my environment is still dog ass

I'll have to neet until 23 to even get an apartment it seems
  • +1
Reactions: Alexios and WayneBraaaah
That’s not even that bad
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Axii
  • +1
Reactions: Alexios
Suifuel for a textbook abused dog like me :feelswhy:
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

View attachment 2755055View attachment 2755056
Read every atom at least you're decently good looking
Mirin you not commiting suicide brah
Now get the fuck up from sobbing like sum bitch and make shit happen
Bookmarked this thread for whenever I feel depressed at least I know it could've been this worse
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
you do have lot of potential, dont rope
  • Love it
Reactions: Axii
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

View attachment 2755055View attachment 2755056
Drug addict / low iq pheno
  • WTF
Reactions: Axii
sounds rough man. but then again fuck fags who have it easy their whole life when we make it its gonna feel so much better
  • +1
Reactions: Alexios and Axii
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

View attachment 2755055View attachment 2755056
read every single word
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

View attachment 2755055View attachment 2755056
i aint readin allat
Don't fuck up your life via drug's for fun, you're a mogger with those stats.
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

View attachment 2755055View attachment 2755056
No, there have been people who grew up with way worse circumstances that came out wildly successful and well rounded. Adversity will only measure your salt by either making or breaking you. And whatever can be broken must be broken, for the good of society.
reminded me of ramirez when you were tripping on drugs and seeing demonic shit. brutal
  • +1
Reactions: MazoNitNit
Disclaimer: This thread is actually a serious one. Before anyone comes in here and says DnR or Tl;DR, I would like to inform you that you too are an abused dog, and it would probably be worthwhile to sit and read this thread, like a good boy.

For Mods: If this thread is in the wrong category, I don't give a shit; move it, don't delete it.


I would like to start by explaining a little bit about my childhood and how it has completely ruined my brain, turning me into a low-IQ rotter

Family: I have two half-sisters, an abusive subhuman mother, and a stepfather.

Mother: She had an absolutely terrible upbringing, and I won't go into depth about that, but to make it short, she met my biological dad through her aunt, who thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up. Later, they moved in together. He was verbally and physically abusive to my mom, and she was the same to him. Her final straw in their relationship was when she caught him having sex with her cousin on the couch, but it was too late, as I was already conceived by two subhumans.

Step Dad: Arguably, my father had a worse upbringing than my mother, but I won't go into that. About 6-7 months after I was conceived, he decided it would be a good day to get a haircut. Little did he know that this good day would probably be one of the worst days of his life. My mom was the barberette, and somehow, they started flirting and planned a date during this very botched haircut.

we'll just call him Dad from this point forward.

Oldest Half Sister: She was born 7 years before I was, so she experienced my mom and bio dad's abusive relationship. She was born to trailer park meth-head trash. She is now an abused dog as well.

Roots: When I was growing up (from birth to four years old), my Dad was stationed at a military base but was overseas fighting in the Afghanistan war. My mom, being the only adult, was not a good parent; she would go out every night with the army wives, drink, and neglect my sisters and me. (This being the situation, my oldest sister only being only nine at this point and having no idea what she's doing would turn on the Wii and let me have at it; Start of my downfall) When my dad got back from deployment, tensions rose in the household. His service had given him irreversible terrible trauma, and he took it out on my mom. My mom stayed, as this would be her last ever try at having a "good" life for herself.

Five to six years old: When his deployment was over, we moved to a small apartment in the mountains so my mom could get a job for herself. She worked as an assistant at a recreational gym and food bank for foster kids and kids with learning disabilities. There she met her boss named Adam, whom she tried to cheat on my dad with. He knew what was up but kept his mouth shut. During this time, I played with the autistic kids and went to a small elementary school where I got bullied.

During this time, I developed my first signs of being an incel loser forever. One event occurred when I was swimming in the gym with the other kids. A 190lbs Indian 12 year old decided to climb on top of me while I was floating in the water, causing me to drown a little, my mom being a neglectful bitch did absolutely nothing to help me from almost dying. This experience made me afraid to dip my head underwater, and fat people.

at this time discovering I had eczema and asthma too

During this time, my diet consisted of mostly junk food from the food bank, and I got no exercise. This was the start of my obesity, but I was still relatively lean with a good metabolism and had abs.

Another event was a Christmas Secret Santa, and I got the worst gift out of everybody: a yo-yo. While other kids got plushies, video games, RC cars, headphones, and Pokémon cards, I got a yo-yo. (First taste of the luckpill)

Seven to Eight years old: this is when shit got actually rough we moved from the mountains into a small town full of crackheads, I went to a decent elementary school where I met my first ever Oneitis, this was elementary school so we had recess time or what I would like to call it now recessed time where mouth breathing would occur and allergies

anyway this is my first taste of being an actual loser, I would try to talk to her but I was ugly at the time and out of shape due to asthma, she would straight up be rude or ignore me. Kids would run back and forth from the fences on the parameter. she would sit out and watch so me trying to impress her thought it would be a good Idea to participate, I was the slowest in the entire field and therefore lost all status I even had, this fast Mexican kid won but he wasn't even good looking and she then kissed him (absolutely brutal taste of the status side of the blackpill)

I had no friends at this point and was an outcast. I would just mope around, trying to talk to the "weird kids." They were absolutely normal, just using their imagination and playing with sticks, but my brain was already fried from playing video games since I was two years old. I was outcasted from them too, until I met my first ever friend. But when we first met, I bullied him about his birthmark on his forehead until he cried. I apologized, and we soon became friends, though talking about video games. I went to his house and played Black Ops 2 with him. Sadly, his father was verbally abusive and would cuss him out over everything he did, and he had a little autistic brother too. But his grandparents were some of the coolest people I have met; his grandpa had guns and would shoot them in the backyard. He allowed me to shoot one of them, and now my hearing from that day has been decreased to shit. A few months go by and I hang out again; his grandpa came into his room when we were playing Black Ops 2 and handed us an empty gun (I had no idea it was empty) and proceeded to aim it at my friend's head and pulled the trigger (I thank God till this day that it wasn't loaded).
My mom found a friend down the block from our house, and she had a son. I thought I was going to get another friend, but he turned out to be the worst person I had ever met. All he did was play with my little sister's Barbies! On my eighth birthday, I received an off-brand Nerf gun as a gift. Before we even got to the cake, this person opened my gift and shot me in the left eye with it. I held resentment from that day onward. Later, this fag was watching gay porn on his tablet in the living room while our moms were having a smoke on the porch. He invited me to watch, and I was traumatized by what I saw. But that was just the start of this faggotry.

A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)

later on my parents are physically fighting each other and my mom accuses my dad of cheating with a man because she found cat shit on a towel, my dad goes off a beats her, they grab each other cell phones and start stabbing them with knives and my mom proceeded to slice my dads arm open other that.

my mental state was absolutely fried, I haven't learned any math from the 4th grade and my grades and metal were dropping to the point of no return
from that point on ward I proceeded to have weight problems and constantly got bullied from the rest of elementary to the end of middle school and started to eat edibles from my oldest sister.

was 240lbs at 5'4 at the age of 13.

the rest of the time is foggy but time goes by and I'm living with my dad now at a apartment in a ghetto area, now the age of 14. I have a neighbor down there that has kids, he had a son so I finally have another "friend" he was another faggot and a narcissist, he started to smoke pot with me though, when my dad is at work, I invite him up to my apartment, we smoked all the time when my dad was gone, but this other time is different, he asked if I wanted to try mushrooms and vodka and I said sure. we are high as fuck and he pulls out the mushrooms and the vodka and pours a cup and gives me four grams of shrooms, I start tripping balls, I thought I was a demon and started to grow wings out of my back and started screaming and pissing everywhere, my friend goes down to house and left me there alone in my room to trip my balls off with satan, while I'm tripping I grab my machete and slit my arm, my dad comes home from work and finds me passed out in the living room with the T.V knocked over and piss everywhere, he doesn't see the blood on my shirt from my cutting myself and wakes me up, and he's fucking pissed I have no idea what is going on and I fall unconscious again, he now sees the blood and proceeded to drag me down the stairs, to the car, to the ER

when I sobered up I'm able to go home but I'm now in a two year psychosis and I get institutionalized twice

Now it is current, I go to therapy

weight is 205 at 6'0 at the age of 17 luckily with my growth plates still open

rotting with trauma and low IQ. no longer in a psychosis

I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over

View attachment 2755055View attachment 2755056
A few months went by and my mom had to go do something (drugs), which I was unaware of. She dropped me off at a mutual friend's house to sleep over. The friend was a trailer park trash meth head with petrified dog shit on her carpet. She had a son who happened to know the faggot too. It was the three of us staying at this dog shit and cigarette scented trailer. It got late, and I fell asleep, but the faggot and the other kid were still awake. They wrapped me in a blanket so tightly that I couldn't move much and proceeded to molest me. (at this point it is over)
You should have killed them NGL.
I rushed through this post but Tl;DR if your childhood is shit it is over
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