I regret getting into tech



Godking of Narcy Pirates (u r my all slaves)🏴‍☠️
Sep 19, 2021
Biggest mistake I made in my life there’s 0 job security in this fucking field and your just expected to magically have experience in this shit gay ass field.

Grad schemes are horse shit where only white girls get jobs and the rest require you to have 3+ years and be a pro to get the job paying you ONLY 23k 😊.

Absolute meme, if your a young cel go into Medicine or science, far easier and unlike tech your given a good salary str8 out of the gate and won’t be expected to have 10k+ years of exp as a noob.

Fuckers asking me how to build an gov policy like I’d fucking know nigger I dunno MAYBE IF YOU FUCKING TAUGHT ME. This field has been the closest to making me rope, no foid has ever made me consider ending my life but I jsut feel like there’s nothing I can do I can’t progress I’m stuck at stage 1 because there’s nothing no power ups to get to stage 2. I’ll die in my location I’ll kill myself if I don’t get another job in 2 years
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Reactions: thecel, raleqtambrobret, blatonslatt and 15 others
I could maybe get into medicine, im just about smart enuff, but would need to abuse addy and other shit in order to study, and I don't like that as a doctor you have to be a people pleaser and shit otherwise you'll get fucked as well, as for science in general idk, you have to be like 140iq+ to even tap into the field let alone prosper
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Reactions: Primalsplit, Deleted member 18202 and PrinceLuenLeoncur
I could maybe get into medicine, im just about smart enuff, but would need to abuse addy and other shit in order to study, and I don't like that as a doctor you have to be a people pleaser and shit otherwise you'll get fucked as well, as for science in general idk, you have to be like 140iq+ to even tap into the field let alone prosper
I am thinking about it but I’m 25 I don’t wanna finish and be 30 fuckin 3 by the time I’m a legit dr I just wanna make my current path work but it’s not working for me and it’s stressing me out. I was deceived lied to and robbed. I was promised paradise but given hell. MUH TECH IS GUD, bullshit it’s a fucking myth they pay dogshit and expect the world Junior roles don’t even exist it’s all bollocks I’m fucking stressed out I wanna cry I’m so angry fuck this shit

Then normies have the nerve to be like “JUST CHILL OUT BROOOOOO” like no I won’t I got a masters and degree top grades worked like a slave to get it only for 0 payoff I was robbed I’ll never stfu
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit, Ricky212, BeanletMogger and 1 other person
Bruh aren’t you getting a senior role at a company?
Bruh aren’t you getting a senior role at a company?
I larped for that ofc cos in tech the only jobs available for non white girls are senior jobs for oldcels who have been in the field for 1k years. I doubt I have that job I prob got mogged by some fat baldcel with 20+ years.

Entry level jobs don’t exist for men in this field
  • +1
Reactions: thecel, romanstock and Alt Number 3
I could maybe get into medicine, im just about smart enuff, but would need to abuse addy and other shit in order to study, and I don't like that as a doctor you have to be a people pleaser and shit otherwise you'll get fucked as well, as for science in general idk, you have to be like 140iq+ to even tap into the field let alone prosper
do it its the best

even for the experience its worth it 5:1 female to male ratio mogs everything other majors have got to offer you
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  • JFL
Reactions: thecel and PrinceLuenLeoncur
do it its the best

even for the experience its worth it 5:1 female to male ratio mogs everything other majors have got to offer you
bro im a fucking incel i dont wanna be around women, this makes it even worse. FUCK
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and murdah
bro im a fucking incel i dont wanna be around women, this makes it even worse. FUCK
In an incel but the mentalcel variant so foids like me as long as I stfu which is good in a field of nerds as I’ll be mogger. I think ima look into getting into Science and becoming a doctor. Tech is an load of horseshit
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit, BeanletMogger and <6PSLcel
bro im a fucking incel i dont wanna be around women, this makes it even worse. FUCK
nah bro your competition is all gonna be ugly cause they all studycelled to get there, there are no chads in that field

you are not gonna come out incel out of there
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
nah bro your competition is all gonna be ugly cause they all studycelled to get there, there are no chads in that field

you are not gonna come out incel out of there
nigga you realise im ugly myself, and what is stopping foids from getting fucked by chad after school ? also idk how to turn my grades around cuz ever since getting blackpilled i just completely stopped caring cuz i wanted to rope for the longest time
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Reactions: thecel, Primalsplit and Deleted member 18202
nigga you realise im ugly myself, and what is stopping foids from getting fucked by chad after school ? also idk how to turn my grades around cuz ever since getting blackpilled i just completely stopped caring cuz i wanted to rope for the longest time
there is no after school thats gonna be your life

all female doctors marry male doctors they don’t date from other professions
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel, <6PSLcel and Imretarded?
Biggest mistake I made in my life there’s 0 job security in this fucking field and your just expected to magically have experience in this shit gay ass field.

Grad schemes are horse shit where only white girls get jobs and the rest require you to have 3+ years and be a pro to get the job paying you ONLY 23k 😊.

Absolute meme, if your a young cel go into Medicine or science, far easier and unlike tech your given a good salary str8 out of the gate and won’t be expected to have 10k+ years of exp as a noob.

Fuckers asking me how to build an gov policy like I’d fucking know nigger I dunno MAYBE IF YOU FUCKING TAUGHT ME. This field has been the closest to making me rope, no foid has ever made me consider ending my life but I jsut feel like there’s nothing I can do I can’t progress I’m stuck at stage 1 because there’s nothing no power ups to get to stage 2. I’ll die in my location I’ll kill myself if I don’t get another job in 2 years
Is your workplace full of femboys?
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Reactions: thecel and <6PSLcel
there is no after school thats gonna be your life

all female doctors marry male doctors they don’t date from other professions
sure they do buddy, can't wait to marry some knocked up roastie
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel and Deleted member 18202
Is your workplace full of femboys?
Foids ironically but it’s not the ppl I have issue with it’s jsut the lack of jobs that TEACH ppl how to do their fucking job all entry level jobs don’t exist unless your a white girl
  • +1
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Reactions: FaceandBBC, Imretarded? and <6PSLcel
shouldve went into the trades nigga

be a plumber or some shit
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and Imretarded?
Foids ironically but it’s not the ppl I have issue with it’s jsut the lack of jobs that TEACH ppl how to do their fucking job all entry level jobs don’t exist unless your a white girl
yeah i suggest getting into a different field. Medicine like you said earlier would be perfect since you already have the IQ it seems. This aryan chad i know is in programming and he's rapidly losing his hairline from the stress.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
yeah i suggest getting into a different field. Medicine like you said earlier would be perfect since you already have the IQ it seems. This aryan chad i know is in programming and he's rapidly losing his hairline from the stress.
Programming isn’t even that hard just monotonous and boring. I want to be a data gov and cyber consultant. That’s fun and intresting I like that kind of shit I like chatting shit.

I but I feel I’m going to be forced into doing programming and I know I’ll hate it unless it’s for a gaming company as I love games
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OP, I'm in the same position and this field is either 1) absolute bullshit or 2) very easy to get started actually. You need to do things properly or else it will be complete hell. If someone is in the beginning stages or is going to get into this, my advice is to do things properly (point 2) and not half ass it or you will lowkey become suicidal, not joking.

1) Even for internship position you need to send a CV/ resume, which is complete and utter bullshit (tho understandable and I will get into it in point 2). You need to know a specific tech stack, tho for internships you need to know less. You need to slave DSA problems for the interview, but the worst is the fucking projects. You cannot just send an empty resume or one with other bullshit jobs (if you even had them). You need to spend a lot of time on these projects and that will be your experience for the entry level position. It's bullshit, but it has benefits too.

2) You can get a junior position after your first year with high/ extreme effort (if you start from scratch) and without much problems after your second year. In other fields you often need to graduate first, but in this one you see people with jobs literally in their first year (if they did programming in high school).

Here are some important guidelines:


If you are in university/ college you have a MASSIVE advantage and that is FEEDBACK. The NUMBER ONE thing to do is to constantly talk with your professors and their assistants. Constantly ask them for help. Do it in person to practice NT or by email/ Discord/ whatever. Just ASK CONSTANTLY FOR FEEDBACK. They will be EXCEPTIONALLY helpful when you need to do your projects and I will get in more details later.

It will save MASSIVE amounts of time. Part of learning is hitting a wall and overcoming it. But that might take you LITERAL FUCKING DAYS OR MONTHS (in the case of projects) if you do it without a direction.

Building good habits and a solid foundation is KEY. Bad habits are much harder to change. You need feedback for this!


You do not need to be giga NT and talk with every other person on campus (tho it is not a bad idea to try). Most people are useless bums anyways. You should be doing 1. at the very least and many of your teachers will have connections in companies. Some might literally be founders or at the very least seniors in their companies.

If that's the case then BINGO. You got your ticket. You need to ace their class and do every single extra work they give you. Once you complete it, ask for more. Your aim is to be the best in class and for them to hire you. So many people get their first job this way.


CS and math is brutal in the way that certain subjects build upon each other. You will b e FUCKED if you have shallow understanding in certain topics. For example: you have a differential equations course and you forgot or never understood derivatives and integrals. You are FUCKED. You get in the lecture and understand almost NOTHING.


You will probably have an intro course with some basic concepts. Then at some point you will learn about object orientated programming, data structures and algorithms and maybe functional programming. All of these might actually have a project as a requirement in your university. They might even give you topics to chose from. Aim your projects to have a "visual" element to them, so other people can play with them and not be completely bored (should be interesting for you too). You should also be able to add a lot of new functionality so you can bloat the shit out of them and make them big.

Try to write tests and preferably do TDD. Use git and upload your repos to Github. Write a good README file to document your project. Add tons of examples. Nice, cool pictures that will catch the eye. Make it easy to reproduce if it's not a website by using things like CMake, git submodule/ CMake fetch content/ vcpkg/ conan for dependencies, etc. ASK YOUR TEACHERS TO HELP YOU WITH THIS AND PROVIDE EXAMPLES/ BOILERPLATE.

4.1. Do one project when you learn OOP. It should be probably the hardest, because it will be your first.

An example is an image editor app. You can find many filters/ algorithms to implement. There are a few things that can change: support for new image formats, new filters/ operations over the images, change of user interface (you can make a console interface or a website for example). Operations can have variations between them too. For example: different ways to blur an image, color space reduction using dithering (can "nordify" an image or make it monochrome for a printer for example), grayscaling, context aware image resizing (seam carving).

4.2 Do one project when you learn DSA. Should be easier than the first.

An example is a "ray tracer". You can make a basic one in a weekend/ week. Adding optimizations is the most fun part for me. Especially the ray intersection acceleration structures which make the query logarithmic, which speeds up your renders dramatically. KD trees and BVH. These are the "advanced" data structures that you implement here. They have their own variations like a BVH using SAH or linear BVH, An 8bit KD tree node struct that uses unions to optimize cache utilization, etc. You will learn a lot about graphics if you want to get into that field. It's a good project. The optimizations are satisfying to see in action and you will get cool images to show.

Another example is a file compressor/ decompressor. You can implement many algorithms and add new ones over time. Examples: run length encoding, huffman, lz77, lz78, Burrows–Wheeler transform. Less visual, but you use a lot of data structures and you can still play with it by trying to compress random files.

4.3 Do one project for your functional programming course. Not sure if every university program has this one. But it's perfect to revisit one of your older projects and compare object orientated to functional style. You will already have done all the extra specific learning context (for example how images or ray tracing works), just write it in the functional paradigm.

SPEND 1-2 WEEKS ON EACH PROJECTS AND CONSTANTLY ASK FOR HELP FROM YOUR TEACHERS!! These are hard, but should take like 1-2 weekends to research and plan the architecture (probably with the help of your teachers!!!) and 3-4 days to write the code. Should be done during the semester and not take too long.


For example: front end is not a core course for us. The final project can easily be a ported version of the image editor that you made for the OOP course. You just need to write a front end GUI instead of the console interface with text commands. All the other functionality (image file IO, image filters/ algorithms/ operations) should be easy to port.

We have a java course too, a course for 3d graphics and ray tracing, etc.


The first semester you might not get to OOP, but you will 100% learn things like arrays. This is where you should learn to solve DSA problems in brute force or even things like sliding window and two pointers (array problems), recursion, matrix problems, etc. Even some data structures like linked lists, stack, queue, binary trees, etc. It's hard if you are a complete beginner, but definitely doable. For each of these structures I listed, you can learn how to solve basic problems using them in less than a day!

By the end of the second semester you can learn all the other easy data structures and algorithms. It's really not that hard, but might not be covered by your university courses (will probably be covered by the end of the second year tho).


Do this and you will have no problems getting an interview and a job. Might not be enough for top tier companies, but you should be able to land something AFTER YOUR FIRST YEAR. Most people have garbage resumes/ projects and somehow DSA leetcode problems are hard for them. That's why it's hard for them and they complain. You should be autistic enough to not have these problems.

  • +1
Reactions: thecel, Dimaaa5, lain34 and 3 others

OP, I'm in the same position and this field is either 1) absolute bullshit or 2) very easy to get started actually. You need to do things properly or else it will be complete hell. If someone is in the beginning stages or is going to get into this, my advice is to do things properly (point 2) and not half ass it or you will lowkey become suicidal, not joking.

1) Even for internship position you need to send a CV/ resume, which is complete and utter bullshit (tho understandable and I will get into it in point 2). You need to know a specific tech stack, tho for internships you need to know less. You need to slave DSA problems for the interview, but the worst is the fucking projects. You cannot just send an empty resume or one with other bullshit jobs (if you even had them). You need to spend a lot of time on these projects and that will be your experience for the entry level position. It's bullshit, but it has benefits too.

2) You can get a junior position after your first year with high/ extreme effort (if you start from scratch) and without much problems after your second year. In other fields you often need to graduate first, but in this one you see people with jobs literally in their first year (if they did programming in high school).

Here are some important guidelines:


If you are in university/ college you have a MASSIVE advantage and that is FEEDBACK. The NUMBER ONE thing to do is to constantly talk with your professors and their assistants. Constantly ask them for help. Do it in person to practice NT or by email/ Discord/ whatever. Just ASK CONSTANTLY FOR FEEDBACK. They will be EXCEPTIONALLY helpful when you need to do your projects and I will get in more details later.

It will save MASSIVE amounts of time. Part of learning is hitting a wall and overcoming it. But that might take you LITERAL FUCKING DAYS OR MONTHS (in the case of projects) if you do it without a direction.

Building good habits and a solid foundation is KEY. Bad habits are much harder to change. You need feedback for this!


You do not need to be giga NT and talk with every other person on campus (tho it is not a bad idea to try). Most people are useless bums anyways. You should be doing 1. at the very least and many of your teachers will have connections in companies. Some might literally be founders or at the very least seniors in their companies.

If that's the case then BINGO. You got your ticket. You need to ace their class and do every single extra work they give you. Once you complete it, ask for more. Your aim is to be the best in class and for them to hire you. So many people get their first job this way.


CS and math is brutal in the way that certain subjects build upon each other. You will b e FUCKED if you have shallow understanding in certain topics. For example: you have a differential equations course and you forgot or never understood derivatives and integrals. You are FUCKED. You get in the lecture and understand almost NOTHING.


You will probably have an intro course with some basic concepts. Then at some point you will learn about object orientated programming, data structures and algorithms and maybe functional programming. All of these might actually have a project as a requirement in your university. They might even give you topics to chose from. Aim your projects to have a "visual" element to them, so other people can play with them and not be completely bored (should be interesting for you too). You should also be able to add a lot of new functionality so you can bloat the shit out of them and make them big.

Try to write tests and preferably do TDD. Use git and upload your repos to Github. Write a good README file to document your project. Add tons of examples. Nice, cool pictures that will catch the eye. Make it easy to reproduce if it's not a website by using things like CMake, git submodule/ CMake fetch content/ vcpkg/ conan for dependencies, etc. ASK YOUR TEACHERS TO HELP YOU WITH THIS AND PROVIDE EXAMPLES/ BOILERPLATE.

4.1. Do one project when you learn OOP. It should be probably the hardest, because it will be your first.

An example is an image editor app. You can find many filters/ algorithms to implement. There are a few things that can change: support for new image formats, new filters/ operations over the images, change of user interface (you can make a console interface or a website for example). Operations can have variations between them too. For example: different ways to blur an image, color space reduction using dithering (can "nordify" an image or make it monochrome for a printer for example), grayscaling, context aware image resizing (seam carving).

4.2 Do one project when you learn DSA. Should be easier than the first.

An example is a "ray tracer". You can make a basic one in a weekend/ week. Adding optimizations is the most fun part for me. Especially the ray intersection acceleration structures which make the query logarithmic, which speeds up your renders dramatically. KD trees and BVH. These are the "advanced" data structures that you implement here. They have their own variations like a BVH using SAH or linear BVH, An 8bit KD tree node struct that uses unions to optimize cache utilization, etc. You will learn a lot about graphics if you want to get into that field. It's a good project. The optimizations are satisfying to see in action and you will get cool images to show.

Another example is a file compressor/ decompressor. You can implement many algorithms and add new ones over time. Examples: run length encoding, huffman, lz77, lz78, Burrows–Wheeler transform. Less visual, but you use a lot of data structures and you can still play with it by trying to compress random files.

4.3 Do one project for your functional programming course. Not sure if every university program has this one. But it's perfect to revisit one of your older projects and compare object orientated to functional style. You will already have done all the extra specific learning context (for example how images or ray tracing works), just write it in the functional paradigm.

SPEND 1-2 WEEKS ON EACH PROJECTS AND CONSTANTLY ASK FOR HELP FROM YOUR TEACHERS!! These are hard, but should take like 1-2 weekends to research and plan the architecture (probably with the help of your teachers!!!) and 3-4 days to write the code. Should be done during the semester and not take too long.


For example: front end is not a core course for us. The final project can easily be a ported version of the image editor that you made for the OOP course. You just need to write a front end GUI instead of the console interface with text commands. All the other functionality (image file IO, image filters/ algorithms/ operations) should be easy to port.

We have a java course too, a course for 3d graphics and ray tracing, etc.


The first semester you might not get to OOP, but you will 100% learn things like arrays. This is where you should learn to solve DSA problems in brute force or even things like sliding window and two pointers (array problems), recursion, matrix problems, etc. Even some data structures like linked lists, stack, queue, binary trees, etc. It's hard if you are a complete beginner, but definitely doable. For each of these structures I listed, you can learn how to solve basic problems using them in less than a day!

By the end of the second semester you can learn all the other easy data structures and algorithms. It's really not that hard, but might not be covered by your university courses (will probably be covered by the end of the second year tho).


Do this and you will have no problems getting an interview and a job. Might not be enough for top tier companies, but you should be able to land something AFTER YOUR FIRST YEAR. Most people have garbage resumes/ projects and somehow DSA leetcode problems are hard for them. That's why it's hard for them and they complain. You should be autistic enough to not have these problems.

My issue is that I half assed it but now I’m regretting it. I have a job but it’s database role and pays little. I want a diff job in cyber sec or as a software eng and yet I can’t get 1 it makes me race u have so much skills and naught to show for it, literally jack of all trades master of NONE due to this shit. My phones gonna die I’ll read all of it once I get home
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over for u @User28823
worked like a dog whilst the HR lot do fuck all
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Show github
yeah i suggest getting into a different field. Medicine like you said earlier would be perfect since you already have the IQ it seems. This aryan chad i know is in programming and he's rapidly losing his hairline from the stress.
Just get into medicine and spend your entire life studying bro
  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded?
worked like a dog whilst the HR lot do fuck all
And payed like a Gerbal. At least you have a nice Christian GF to cope with. I’m devout follower in Christ yet no QT Christian wife or gf, I’m basically broke and live in a city I despise with my entire fibre of being. I’m miserable and contemplate suicide every other day with my mum being the biggest factor why I don’t pull the plug from this joke called life
  • So Sad
Reactions: geezcel
You're from France
bJust get into medicine and spend your entire life studying bro
Only if you're a 105 IQ cuck who needs to write shit down a hundred times like bart simpson to remember.
Season 2 Image Link Broken GIF by The Simpsons
I hope you realize that “str8 out of the gate” means like 28 yrs old+ for medicine jfl
I know but it’s guaranteed. Unlike tech where you could be like me with a shit tech job not a good one despite having the grades tech field is a joke . the reason why I haven’t ran back to medicine is because I don’t wanna spend 7 years to become a dr. But I also don’t wanna be broke forever with 0 skills because there’s no entry level jobs in tech field

OP, I'm in the same position and this field is either 1) absolute bullshit or 2) very easy to get started actually. You need to do things properly or else it will be complete hell. If someone is in the beginning stages or is going to get into this, my advice is to do things properly (point 2) and not half ass it or you will lowkey become suicidal, not joking.

1) Even for internship position you need to send a CV/ resume, which is complete and utter bullshit (tho understandable and I will get into it in point 2). You need to know a specific tech stack, tho for internships you need to know less. You need to slave DSA problems for the interview, but the worst is the fucking projects. You cannot just send an empty resume or one with other bullshit jobs (if you even had them). You need to spend a lot of time on these projects and that will be your experience for the entry level position. It's bullshit, but it has benefits too.

2) You can get a junior position after your first year with high/ extreme effort (if you start from scratch) and without much problems after your second year. In other fields you often need to graduate first, but in this one you see people with jobs literally in their first year (if they did programming in high school).

Here are some important guidelines:


If you are in university/ college you have a MASSIVE advantage and that is FEEDBACK. The NUMBER ONE thing to do is to constantly talk with your professors and their assistants. Constantly ask them for help. Do it in person to practice NT or by email/ Discord/ whatever. Just ASK CONSTANTLY FOR FEEDBACK. They will be EXCEPTIONALLY helpful when you need to do your projects and I will get in more details later.

It will save MASSIVE amounts of time. Part of learning is hitting a wall and overcoming it. But that might take you LITERAL FUCKING DAYS OR MONTHS (in the case of projects) if you do it without a direction.

Building good habits and a solid foundation is KEY. Bad habits are much harder to change. You need feedback for this!


You do not need to be giga NT and talk with every other person on campus (tho it is not a bad idea to try). Most people are useless bums anyways. You should be doing 1. at the very least and many of your teachers will have connections in companies. Some might literally be founders or at the very least seniors in their companies.

If that's the case then BINGO. You got your ticket. You need to ace their class and do every single extra work they give you. Once you complete it, ask for more. Your aim is to be the best in class and for them to hire you. So many people get their first job this way.


CS and math is brutal in the way that certain subjects build upon each other. You will b e FUCKED if you have shallow understanding in certain topics. For example: you have a differential equations course and you forgot or never understood derivatives and integrals. You are FUCKED. You get in the lecture and understand almost NOTHING.


You will probably have an intro course with some basic concepts. Then at some point you will learn about object orientated programming, data structures and algorithms and maybe functional programming. All of these might actually have a project as a requirement in your university. They might even give you topics to chose from. Aim your projects to have a "visual" element to them, so other people can play with them and not be completely bored (should be interesting for you too). You should also be able to add a lot of new functionality so you can bloat the shit out of them and make them big.

Try to write tests and preferably do TDD. Use git and upload your repos to Github. Write a good README file to document your project. Add tons of examples. Nice, cool pictures that will catch the eye. Make it easy to reproduce if it's not a website by using things like CMake, git submodule/ CMake fetch content/ vcpkg/ conan for dependencies, etc. ASK YOUR TEACHERS TO HELP YOU WITH THIS AND PROVIDE EXAMPLES/ BOILERPLATE.

4.1. Do one project when you learn OOP. It should be probably the hardest, because it will be your first.

An example is an image editor app. You can find many filters/ algorithms to implement. There are a few things that can change: support for new image formats, new filters/ operations over the images, change of user interface (you can make a console interface or a website for example). Operations can have variations between them too. For example: different ways to blur an image, color space reduction using dithering (can "nordify" an image or make it monochrome for a printer for example), grayscaling, context aware image resizing (seam carving).

4.2 Do one project when you learn DSA. Should be easier than the first.

An example is a "ray tracer". You can make a basic one in a weekend/ week. Adding optimizations is the most fun part for me. Especially the ray intersection acceleration structures which make the query logarithmic, which speeds up your renders dramatically. KD trees and BVH. These are the "advanced" data structures that you implement here. They have their own variations like a BVH using SAH or linear BVH, An 8bit KD tree node struct that uses unions to optimize cache utilization, etc. You will learn a lot about graphics if you want to get into that field. It's a good project. The optimizations are satisfying to see in action and you will get cool images to show.

Another example is a file compressor/ decompressor. You can implement many algorithms and add new ones over time. Examples: run length encoding, huffman, lz77, lz78, Burrows–Wheeler transform. Less visual, but you use a lot of data structures and you can still play with it by trying to compress random files.

4.3 Do one project for your functional programming course. Not sure if every university program has this one. But it's perfect to revisit one of your older projects and compare object orientated to functional style. You will already have done all the extra specific learning context (for example how images or ray tracing works), just write it in the functional paradigm.

SPEND 1-2 WEEKS ON EACH PROJECTS AND CONSTANTLY ASK FOR HELP FROM YOUR TEACHERS!! These are hard, but should take like 1-2 weekends to research and plan the architecture (probably with the help of your teachers!!!) and 3-4 days to write the code. Should be done during the semester and not take too long.


For example: front end is not a core course for us. The final project can easily be a ported version of the image editor that you made for the OOP course. You just need to write a front end GUI instead of the console interface with text commands. All the other functionality (image file IO, image filters/ algorithms/ operations) should be easy to port.

We have a java course too, a course for 3d graphics and ray tracing, etc.


The first semester you might not get to OOP, but you will 100% learn things like arrays. This is where you should learn to solve DSA problems in brute force or even things like sliding window and two pointers (array problems), recursion, matrix problems, etc. Even some data structures like linked lists, stack, queue, binary trees, etc. It's hard if you are a complete beginner, but definitely doable. For each of these structures I listed, you can learn how to solve basic problems using them in less than a day!

By the end of the second semester you can learn all the other easy data structures and algorithms. It's really not that hard, but might not be covered by your university courses (will probably be covered by the end of the second year tho).


Do this and you will have no problems getting an interview and a job. Might not be enough for top tier companies, but you should be able to land something AFTER YOUR FIRST YEAR. Most people have garbage resumes/ projects and somehow DSA leetcode problems are hard for them. That's why it's hard for them and they complain. You should be autistic enough to not have these problems.

I’m not in uni so a lot of this I can’t use… I’m done with uni already got my top grades but I’m broke I have 0 way to climb up the ladder because this field is a meme, it’s got 0 job security 0 expectancy it’s evil fucked up field, I have never heard of an field that has 0 training or entry positions to teach people fucks sake I already spent another 600 on courses for certificates and nothing. Tech field is the biggest larp
and ur competition is a bunch of losers who program for a hobby.
  • +1
Reactions: glaruz and PrinceLuenLeoncur
and ur competition is a bunch of losers who program for a hobby.
Yeah it’s the worse fucking field. I regret this, I think I’m going to KYS I don’t think I have long in this world and it will be due to this fucking field, I was decived into thinking good grades would help but they don’t they offer no training and affirm action is a myth. I just wanna end my life but I know my mum would be upset over this shit but I don’t wanna be on this planet anymore I just want it all to end
I’m not in uni so a lot of this I can’t use… I’m done with uni already got my top grades but I’m broke I have 0 way to climb up the ladder because this field is a meme, it’s got 0 job security 0 expectancy it’s evil fucked up field, I have never heard of an field that has 0 training or entry positions to teach people fucks sake I already spent another 600 on courses for certificates and nothing. Tech field is the biggest larp
You need to job hop to get better pay. Suck those fuckers as much as possible learning wise and leave them.

What do you have problems with? Getting interviews or passing them?
You need to job hop to get better pay. Suck those fuckers as much as possible learning wise and leave them.

What do you have problems with? Getting interviews or passing them?
The job requienrs. They want those who have been in the field for years or experts in a field. Even junior jobs ask for this.

I usually don’t get to the interview stage tbh but once there it’s me larping
  • +1
Reactions: glaruz
Science? Jfl, enjoy pissing your life away doing research for peanuts.
  • JFL
Reactions: Ricky212
Biggest mistake I made in my life there’s 0 job security in this fucking field and your just expected to magically have experience in this shit gay ass field.

Grad schemes are horse shit where only white girls get jobs and the rest require you to have 3+ years and be a pro to get the job paying you ONLY 23k 😊.

Absolute meme, if your a young cel go into Medicine or science, far easier and unlike tech your given a good salary str8 out of the gate and won’t be expected to have 10k+ years of exp as a noob.

Fuckers asking me how to build an gov policy like I’d fucking know nigger I dunno MAYBE IF YOU FUCKING TAUGHT ME. This field has been the closest to making me rope, no foid has ever made me consider ending my life but I jsut feel like there’s nothing I can do I can’t progress I’m stuck at stage 1 because there’s nothing no power ups to get to stage 2. I’ll die in my location I’ll kill myself if I don’t get another job in 2 years
Nigga trying to gatekeep tech from more NEETcels :feelskek: you ain't slick
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Nigga trying to gatekeep tech from more NEETcels :feelskek: you ain't slick
I wish this was the case but I hate going into this I legit regret it I consider it my worst life decision this isn’t a joke
  • So Sad
Reactions: Swarthy Knight
Biggest mistake I made in my life there’s 0 job security in this fucking field and your just expected to magically have experience in this shit gay ass field.

Grad schemes are horse shit where only white girls get jobs and the rest require you to have 3+ years and be a pro to get the job paying you ONLY 23k 😊.

Absolute meme, if your a young cel go into Medicine or science, far easier and unlike tech your given a good salary str8 out of the gate and won’t be expected to have 10k+ years of exp as a noob.

Fuckers asking me how to build an gov policy like I’d fucking know nigger I dunno MAYBE IF YOU FUCKING TAUGHT ME. This field has been the closest to making me rope, no foid has ever made me consider ending my life but I jsut feel like there’s nothing I can do I can’t progress I’m stuck at stage 1 because there’s nothing no power ups to get to stage 2. I’ll die in my location I’ll kill myself if I don’t get another job in 2 years
Ur fault can you turn back?
I wish this was the case but I hate going into this I legit regret it I consider it my worst life decision this isn’t a joke
What kinda tech job do you work tho. Programmer?
OP finds out tech is a joke field in the UK for anyone just starting out. Not doing Medicine is the greatest regret of my life. It's okay buddy, plenty of people in the same position, you should be glad you atleast have a tech job instead of working some shitty min wage job like most others. This country is such a fucking joke I'msurprised our suicide rates aren't sky high
OP finds out tech is a joke field in the UK for anyone just starting out. Not doing Medicine is the greatest regret of my life. It's okay buddy, plenty of people in the same position, you should be glad you atleast have a tech job instead of working some shitty min wage job like most others. This country is such a fucking joke I'msurprised our suicide rates aren't sky high
man this shit is making me suicidal wht subs should one choose in alevels?
Biggest mistake I made in my life there’s 0 job security in this fucking field and your just expected to magically have experience in this shit gay ass field.

Grad schemes are horse shit where only white girls get jobs and the rest require you to have 3+ years and be a pro to get the job paying you ONLY 23k 😊.

Absolute meme, if your a young cel go into Medicine or science, far easier and unlike tech your given a good salary str8 out of the gate and won’t be expected to have 10k+ years of exp as a noob.

Fuckers asking me how to build an gov policy like I’d fucking know nigger I dunno MAYBE IF YOU FUCKING TAUGHT ME. This field has been the closest to making me rope, no foid has ever made me consider ending my life but I jsut feel like there’s nothing I can do I can’t progress I’m stuck at stage 1 because there’s nothing no power ups to get to stage 2. I’ll die in my location I’ll kill myself if I don’t get another job in 2 years
imagine going to college for robotics or tech jfl

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