Russian scientists discover that DNA can be altered by sounds and frequencies. This could prove the effectiveness of subliminal sounds.


Deleted member 27488

bringing common sense to .org
Mar 16, 2023

Hello, I recommend you to read it all, despite being a complex text.

This news is already old, but since I see it as important, I bring it here.

"A Russian interdisciplinary team reaches the same conclusions as the IRCAI institute: We can change our DNA through resonances and data packets. The principle of coherence is empirically confirmed.

After studying DNA in depth, a group of Russian researchers made up of scientists from various specialties -including geneticists and linguists- have come to the conclusion that it can be modified by sounds and frequencies and, therefore, by words! Russian linguists discovered that the genetic code -especially in the least studied part so far- follows the same rules as all languages. The power of the word on health, sustained for millennia by various currents of thought, would thus be confirmed.

More and more scientists are convinced of the ionogenomatic relationship. DNA and Differential Quantum Radiofrequency.
On this occasion, harmonics and resonances have been the object of detailed study by the "Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow." and the “Lebedev” Institute.

Konstantin Korotkov, professor at the University of St. Petersburg and designer of the special GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) camera that allows visualizing the aura of a living being and interacting with it to prevent diseases, recently told our colleague Fernando Sánchez Quintana that during the cold war participated as a scientist in military projects classified as "top secret". One of them consisted of sending a huge mother submarine to the coast of the United States that it was to drop from the interior, before withdrawing, another smaller submarine with its engines and electrical systems shut down until it landed, thanks to its own weight, In the deep sea. There he should wait for the eventuality that the war would start and then launch his nuclear warheads. When the time came, the submarine would receive a telepathic command that would activate the launch system. Korotkov participated in that project because he had invented a tungsten needle sensor capable of measuring a person's ability to communicate mentally.
According to his testimony, after a year of testing the project was suspended because "only" 95% hits were achieved in the telepathic transmissions and that was a lot given the ultimate goal. Russian scientists have always proven to be more practical and less dogmatic. Let the others continue discussing whether or not angels exist: they are looking for them.
Well, something similar has been done by biophysicist and molecular biologist Peter P. Gariaev and other of his colleagues at the Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
While Western researchers focused on only 10% of our DNA - the part where protein production is located - they have searched for the remaining 90% because they did not find it credible that millions of years of evolution would have made that part more important. that the whole Obviously, his experiments offer a completely different view of the genetic code and the function of DNA.

Thus, his work presents our DNA as a biocomputer capable of collecting and transmitting information from its environment through waves from which the behavior patterns of cells can be modified. As reported by Gariaev and his collaborators in The DNA-wave Biocomputer, the experiments carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, at Wave Genetics Inc., as well as other theoretical works have led them to the following conclusions:
1º.-Evolution has created in biosystems -living organisms- "genetic texts" articulated according to patterns similar to the set of norms and rules underlying all human languages in which the DNA nucleotides, endowed with frequencies loaded with information , they play the role of characters. And from these "genetic texts" the different organic processes are being formed, being therefore the human being, in short, a "beautiful discourse" of Nature.

2º.- The chromosomal apparatus acts as an antenna for the reception and transmission of “genetic texts”, it deciphers, encodes and forwards them.

3º.-And even more, the chromosomes of multicellular organisms constitute a folded-up holographic door (capable of reproducing the image of the entire organism in each one of its parts) open to space and time.
Global scaling1 1

As is known, Linguistics is the science of the structure of languages. It investigates not only the natural languages that developed in different nations and cultures but also the artificial languages used; for example, to program computers. Well, from the comparative study of semantics, syntax, the bases of grammar and other aspects of the study of languages with the configuration of the genetic code and protein synthesis, they came to the conclusion that it shares with our languages the same rules. Not with local languages but at a deeper level where all languages have comparable structures when it comes to joining characters to form intelligible messages. A relationship that may surprise us less if we compare the language of linguists themselves with that of biologists and see that, for example, they define the phoneme as the minimum unit of a language that cannot be analyzed into smaller units ( nucleotide) and whose function is defined through:
a) Its expression. What is their materialization (vibrational sound, wave)
b) Its shape. What is the place they occupy in the system (the DNA chain). AND,
c) Its content. What will be the role they can play within the grammatical economy of a language (the formation of certain proteins based on their relationships).

They have also discovered that the underlying intelligence in the processes that give rise to a language already occurs in the interrelationship and choice of partners for the synthesis of proteins at the DNA level.

If DNA and the genetic code already existed before the first humans spoke a single articulated word, it is easy to deduce that each language developed from the existing basic model in the structure of our genetic code, which is the source of all languages. This does not mean that the ability to speak is just a side effect of the proteins made by some genes, but rather that the order of the nucleotides in DNA follows an intelligent immaterial plan that has been imitated in the structure of our languages. "Through a laser signal and its solitonic electroacoustic fields -we can read in The DNA-wave Biocomputer"- it is how the gene 'reads and understands' these texts in a similar way to human thought. But at their own genomic level of 'reasoning'. This means that human texts (regardless of the language used) and 'genetic' texts have similar mathematical-linguistic and entropic-statistical characteristics, and where in the case of 'genetic' texts the characters are identified with nucleotides”. In other words, if the DNA understands certain frequencies then a type of information exchange can be established with it.

This discovery is absolutely convergent with the one already made by the German-Spanish line of study, Dr.Broers Dr.Guerrero (IRCAI) etc... and would explain the biocomputational logic of signal processes within DNA, and also the existence of processes of data in neurogenetic codification-communication, as López-Guerrero exposes.

In fact, the consistency of the D-KG and its analysis will lead to further advances that already represent an absolute revolution in science.
It should be added that to prove the scope of their theory, Gariaev's team carried out experiments modulating certain frequency patterns and managed to repair chromosomes damaged by X-rays! As Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf explain in their book Vernetzte Intelligenz -in which they deal extensively with Gariaev's research- they even managed to capture information patterns from one DNA and implanted it in another, thus reprogramming the cells of this DNA. way they managed to transform frog embryos into salamander embryos! We insist: simply transmitting them new patterns of DNA information. A process that was carried out without the side effects derived from the direct manipulation of genes.

Well then, Russian researchers are convinced that harmonizing the sounds we emit -that is, words- at a certain frequency can influence DNA. This could perhaps explain the sensational discoveries of the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto who has demonstrated - through repeatable experiments and accompanied by a large number of of graphic images - how words and music are capable of altering the molecular structure of water. We could also better understand how the sound of quartz bowls can cure cancer . Let me also recall in this regard that Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor - director of the Department of Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Strang-Cornell Center for the Prevention of Cancer in New York - claimed to have successfully used the sound obtained in the quartz bowls therapeutically in hundreds of patients. In short, we are talking about the possible explanation of the power of Music Therapy but also about why positive affirmations, mantras, hypnotic inductions and, of course, prayer work. Let us remember that for thousands of years spiritual teachers have been insisting on the possibility of achieving through prayer, the systematic repetition of words or phrases -mantras- or altered states of consciousness, the possibility of acting on one's own health and that of others. others. The problem is finding the frequencies with which to enter into resonance with our own inner self -our own DNA?- because, as the aforementioned Russian scientists have shown, vibration and language instead of the archaic process of cutting and pasting It can lead to success in what we might call wave genetics. Now, can the keys to such a special “grammar” be obtained?
It must be said that the basis of all this complex process of exchanging "texts" in the form of sounds is, as verified by Gariaev and his colleagues through experiments, in the vibrational nature. Specifically, DNA is expressed -according to the Russian researchers- through solitonic waves, waves that can store information for a long time and are capable of propagating over long distances in non-linear media without being deformed. When we talk about information, let's think that radio and television waves, for example, transfer information from one place to another on a daily basis. But to get an idea of the capacity of solitonic waves, let's remember that already in 1988 Thierry Georges and his team at the France Telecom Research and Development Center combined solitonic waves of different lengths to carry out a transmission of more than one terabit per second (1,000. 000,000,000 bits/second).

“The majority -explains Gariaev- tries to understand the principles of the biological computer that is DNA through an exclusive fixation to the DNA rules of Watson, Crick and Chargaff: the equality between the bases adenine-thymine, guanine-cytosine. And that is correct but not enough! Chromosomal DNA in living systems has wavelike attributes that take us into an unknown dimension. The 'well-known' genetic code is only the part of the code related to protein synthesis... and nothing more. But chromosomes work like holographic solitonic computers under the influence of endogenous laser radiation from DNA.

The consequences of all this are as incomprehensible as they are simple and logical: if one modulates a laser with a certain frequency, it can affect the information in the DNA waves and, thus, the genetic information itself.

To do this, DNA works like an antenna whose technical characteristics are determined by its size. The extended molecule is about two meters long and has a natural frequency of 150 megahertz. Interestingly this frequency is exactly in the band used by human radar for telecommunications and microwave engineering. In other words, we use exactly the same frequency range to receive and emit signals at the DNA level as in our technology. Singular “coincidence”.

In addition, DNA can also store harmonic waves of 150 megahertz. Same as visible light. The 22 octave of 150 megahertz lies directly in this range... and the color of this light radiation is blue. Is it also a coincidence that solar radiation decays in the earth's atmosphere in such a way that we live in a world with blue skies?

In other words, DNA -according to scientific research by the Russians- can not only be affected by electromagnetic radiation in a harmful way -something we already knew- but it can also be altered in the opposite direction with adequate radiation because, in the Fundamentally, for this we are carriers of an electrobiological microchip, a superconductor that takes electromagnetic information from the environment, stores it, and possibly after encoding it, it can also emit it. This fact opens up hitherto unknown possibilities for medicine. Because with the right devices, just as we now apply electromagnetic currents to help recover from bone or muscle injury... in the future we will be able to act on cell metabolism and develop new therapies against major diseases. Even the repair of genetic defects would be possible without the risks and side effects of current procedures."
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