Section 8 Was One of the Most Destructive Liberal Programs Ever Invented

Part-Time Chad

Part-Time Chad

Jan 5, 2022
... It allows lowlifes, who would normally be quarantined in their own shit hole neighborhoods, to afford to rent in virtually any neighborhood in the country. This means that your safe, pleasant community is now open to the scum of the earth.

With a Section 8 voucher, that covers up to 80% of a low-income tenant's rent, any criminal or lowlife can become your next door neighbor, when normally, he wouldn't be able to afford to live there. This economic distortion has many negative side effects, including increased crime and other quality of life issues in places where it used to be unheard of.

My own neighborhood in Brooklyn has been a nice place to live for decades, until the new generation of scumbag progressives in the State Senate passed a law that forbids landlords from refusing Section 8 recipients. So now, some of the worst people live here.

A fat, selfish, tatted up jerk off (that I would bet my left testicle receives Section 8) recently moved in 6 houses away from me. He sparks up marijuana blunts all day and stinks up my entire block. The stench is so vile that I can't even keep my 2nd floor window open to get fresh air, because it wafts up through my whole apartment. It's disgusting. His right to smoke now takes priority over my right to breathe clean air. Without Section 8 footing his bill, this motherfucker would've been confined to a low-income neighborhood, safely away from normal people.

This is how progressive politicians 'even the playing field', by spreading misery throughout the country, affecting people who paid a lot of money to get away from that shit. It's like letting a bunch of wild animals out of every zoo in America, and allowing them to rampage through all the cities, towns and villages in the country.

Discrimination is based.
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, WeiWei and Deleted member 52452
more like part time cock sucker
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
good point
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Reactions: WeiWei and Part-Time Chad
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Your I.Q. isn't one of your strong points, is it?
No, it is, you must be mistaken. Sorry dumb little boy, maybe with age you’ll get some IQ points :) no hard feelings
No, it is, you must be mistaken. Sorry dumb little boy, maybe with age you’ll get some IQ points :) no hard feelings
You're not only an imbecile, but you apparently also disagree with my thread. Only the scum of the fucking earth, a pure worthless degenerate, would take issue with what I wrote.
So niggers?
You're not only an imbecile, but you apparently also disagree with my thread. Only the scum of the fucking earth, a pure worthless degenerate, would take issue with what I wrote.
Bold of you to assume I read it. 😭
That's because of your marginal reading comprehension.
Nope, I just don’t care what you or anyone else has to say. I read things of value. There’s no value or intelligence in you, so get lost faggot.
Nope, I just don’t care what you or anyone else has to say. I read things of value. There’s no value or intelligence in you, so get lost faggot.
So, in other words, you're a troll and shitposter. Got it.

Go choke on a bag of dicks, you worthless low life sympathizer. Not hard to do when you're one yourself.

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