Summary of the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene



son of a psychoanalyst and a scammer
Sep 12, 2023
Hello , few month ago , i was finishing the book "art of seduction" by robert greene. I made an review about it and a lot of person wanted a summary so here it is.
Before reading , i'm french so if there is some grammatical error dont worry , i still learn the language.Also it is a summary , if you really want to increase you appealing and know the persuasion technic of seduction , pls read the book , and if u dont like reading , a lot of video talk about the book in a very good way.

The book has 2 part , 1 the seductor profile , the second one is the technic you can apply to get your target fell for u.


  1. The Sincere Seductress:
    • Definition: The Sincere Seductress embodies genuine empathy and emotional intelligence. They establish deep connections through active listening, empathy, and unconditional support. Their sincerity fosters trust and intimacy, creating a safe space for vulnerability and authentic expression.
    • Example: A therapist who genuinely cares for their clients' well-being, providing a nonjudgmental environment for self-exploration and personal growth.
  2. The Siren:
    • Definition: The Siren is a master of allure and mystique. They possess an enigmatic charm that draws others in, leaving them captivated by their irresistible presence. With an aura of mystery and sensuality, they evoke desire and fascination, enticing others with their alluring aura.
    • Example: A captivating performer whose magnetic stage presence and seductive allure leave audiences entranced and longing for more.
  3. The Dandy:
    • Definition: The Dandy embodies sophistication and refinement. They are meticulous in their grooming and attire, exuding an air of elegance and style. With impeccable taste and attention to detail, they captivate admirers with their refined demeanor and cultivated charm.
    • Example: A fashion icon whose impeccable sense of style and sartorial elegance sets them apart as a paragon of taste and refinement.
  4. The Charmer:
    • Definition: The Charmer is effortlessly charismatic and likable. They possess a natural charm that puts others at ease and makes them feel valued and appreciated. With genuine warmth and charisma, they build rapport effortlessly, leaving a lasting impression of warmth and amiability.
    • Example: A charming conversationalist whose genuine interest in others and engaging personality make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  5. The Coquette:
    • Definition: The Coquette is playful and flirtatious, teasing and tantalizing with a mix of innocence and allure. They keep admirers on their toes with their coy smiles and mysterious demeanor, creating an air of excitement and anticipation.
    • Example: A playful flirt whose coy gestures and enigmatic smiles leave admirers guessing and longing for more.
  6. The Charismatic:
    • Definition: The Charismatic seducer possesses an irresistible magnetism and presence. They exude confidence and authority, commanding attention and respect wherever they go. With their compelling personality and unwavering self-assurance, they inspire admiration and loyalty in others.
    • Example: A charismatic leader whose passion, vision, and magnetic personality inspire others to follow their lead and join them in their pursuit of greatness.
  7. The Practical Seducer:
    • Definition: The Practical Seducer is pragmatic and resourceful. They leverage their tangible assets, such as wealth, status, or expertise, to create opportunities for romance and intimacy. With a keen understanding of human nature and social dynamics, they navigate relationships with skill and finesse.
    • Example: A successful entrepreneur who uses their wealth and social influence to create opportunities for romance and intimacy, attracting partners with promises of luxury and security.
  8. The Dreamer Seducer:
    • Definition: The Dreamer Seducer is imaginative and idealistic. They create an enchanting world of fantasy and romance, inviting others to join them in their pursuit of adventure and excitement. With their creative vision and romantic ideals, they inspire others to dream big and embrace the magic of life.
    • Example: An artist whose poetic soul and romantic spirit captivate admirers, inviting them to share in the beauty and wonder of their artistic vision.
  9. The Ruthless Seducer:
    • Definition: The Ruthless Seducer is intense and passionate, using desire, obsession, and emotional manipulation to dominate and control others. They exploit vulnerabilities and insecurities to ensnare their targets in a web of deceit and manipulation, leaving them powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive manipulator who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into fulfilling their desires, leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.
  10. The Idealist:
    • Definition: The Idealist embodies noble ideals and values, inspiring others to aspire to higher principles and noble causes. They lead by example, championing justice, equality, and compassion in all their endeavors, and inspiring others to join them in their quest for a better world.
    • Example: A visionary leader whose unwavering commitment to their principles and passionate advocacy for social justice inspire others to join them in their fight for equality and human rights.
  11. The Artistic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Artistic Seducer expresses their creativity and sensitivity to evoke deep emotions and forge profound connections with others. They enchant with their artistic talents and emotional depth, creating a world of beauty and wonder that resonates deeply with their admirers.
    • Example: A poet whose soul-stirring verses and evocative imagery captivate readers, transporting them to a world of beauty and emotion.
  12. The Social Seducer:
    • Definition: The Social Seducer is a master of social dynamics and charm. They excel in social settings, effortlessly navigating social circles and winning the admiration of others through their wit, charm, and diplomacy. With their magnetic personality and social savvy, they create an aura of popularity and prestige that draws others to them.
    • Example: A socialite whose effortless grace and charm make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  13. The Strategic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Strategic Seducer is a master manipulator, using cunning and deception to achieve their goals. They carefully plan their moves, exploiting weaknesses and desires to gain the upper hand and win the affection and loyalty of their targets. With their strategic mind and Machiavellian tactics, they manipulate situations to their advantage, leaving admirers powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive schemer who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into doing their bidding, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in their wake.
  14. The Sensual Seducer:
    • Definition: The Sensual Seducer engages the senses and physical pleasure to arouse desire and captivate others. They create unforgettable experiences of pleasure and ecstasy, tantalizing the senses and igniting passion in those who succumb to their seductive charms. With their hedonistic approach and indulgent nature, they create an aura of sensuality and allure that leaves admirers intoxicated with desire.
    • Example: A passionate lover whose sensual touch and erotic presence awaken desires and fantasies, leaving partners longing for more.

  1. Choose the Right Victim:
    • Definition: This technique involves meticulous selection of targets based on their vulnerabilities, desires, and situational context. It's about identifying individuals who are more likely to be responsive to your advances due to various factors such as recent breakup, loneliness, or seeking validation.
    • Example: A seducer might observe a colleague going through a challenging time after a breakup, noticing their need for emotional support. By offering understanding and companionship, the seducer can establish a connection that fulfills the target's emotional needs and fosters attraction.
  2. Create a False Sense of Security — Approach Indirectly:
    • Definition: This tactic revolves around initiating contact with your target in an indirect manner, avoiding overt displays of interest initially. By doing so, you disarm their defenses, making them more comfortable and receptive to further interaction.
    • Example: Instead of directly expressing romantic interest, a seducer might strike up a conversation about neutral topics like mutual hobbies or interests. Through casual and friendly interaction, they gradually build rapport and familiarity, laying the groundwork for deeper connection.
  3. Send Mixed Signals:
    • Definition: Sending mixed signals involves deliberately alternating between behaviors that indicate interest and disinterest. This strategy creates confusion and intrigue in the target's mind, keeping them engaged and unsure of your intentions.
    • Example: A seducer might alternate between showing intense interest in their target one moment and then appearing aloof or distant the next. This unpredictable behavior triggers curiosity and desire in the target, compelling them to seek validation and clarity from the seducer.
  4. Lead the Target to the Mistake — Isolate the Victim:
    • Definition: This technique entails subtly guiding your target towards making a mistake or committing an indiscretion, which you can then exploit to deepen their emotional investment in you. Isolating the victim from external influences amplifies your control over their perception and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer might strategically arrange a scenario where they and their target find themselves alone together, away from the prying eyes of others. In this intimate setting, the seducer can foster a sense of closeness and exclusivity, leading the target to feel emotionally invested in the relationship.
  5. Prove Yourself:
    • Definition: Proving yourself involves demonstrating your worth, competence, or desirability to the target through actions or accomplishments. By showcasing desirable qualities or achievements, you enhance your attractiveness and appeal in the eyes of the target.
    • Example: A seducer might impress their target by showcasing their talents, skills, or achievements in a particular domain. Whether it's through a dazzling performance, a display of intellect, or acts of kindness, the seducer substantiates their value and allure, leaving a lasting impression on the target.
  6. Effect a Regression:
    • Definition: This technique involves inducing a regression in the target's behavior or mindset, leading them to revert to a more childlike or vulnerable state. By triggering feelings of dependency or nostalgia, you deepen your emotional bond with the target and increase their receptivity to your influence.
    • Example: A seducer might employ playful or nurturing behavior that evokes memories of childhood or simpler times. By creating a sense of comfort and security reminiscent of parental care, the seducer fosters emotional intimacy and trust, strengthening their connection with the targeT

  1. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  2. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  3. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  4. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.
  1. Despise the Free Lunch — What is offered for free is dangerous:
  • Definition: This technique advises being wary of gifts or favors offered freely, as they may come with hidden strings attached or ulterior motives. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining independence and not succumbing to manipulative tactics disguised as generosity.
  • Example: A seducer remains cautious when receiving lavish gifts or extravagant gestures from a potential suitor, recognizing that they may be used to exert control or influence over them. Instead of blindly accepting such offerings, they maintain their autonomy and evaluate the intentions behind them.
  1. Use Spiritual Lures — Lure the Target Deep into the Seduction Trap by Stirring Spiritual Longings and Hiding Reality:
  • Definition: This technique involves appealing to the target's spiritual or idealistic aspirations, creating an illusion of transcendence or enlightenment that obscures the harsh realities of the situation. By tapping into their deeper desires and yearnings, you captivate their imagination and lead them into the seduction trap.
  • Example: A seducer entices their target with promises of spiritual fulfillment or enlightenment, painting a utopian vision of a life together that transcends mundane concerns. By appealing to their higher ideals and aspirations, they create a sense of euphoria and ecstasy that blinds the target to the practical consequences of their actions.
  1. Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability — Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim:
  • Definition: This technique involves strategically revealing vulnerabilities or weaknesses to the target, fostering a sense of intimacy and trust. By selectively disclosing personal information or demonstrating vulnerability, you disarm their defenses and create an emotional bond.
  • Example: A seducer shares intimate details about their past struggles or insecurities with the target, demonstrating authenticity and vulnerability. This act of openness and honesty engenders empathy and compassion, strengthening the emotional connection between them.
  1. Confuse Desire and Reality — The Perfect Illusion:
    • Definition: This technique revolves around blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, creating an illusion of perfection or idealization that captivates the target's imagination. By distorting their perception of you and the relationship, you evoke intense desire and longing.
    • Example: A seducer creates an idealized image of themselves through carefully curated social media posts or romantic gestures, presenting a flawless facade that aligns with the target's fantasies. By projecting an image of perfection, they fuel the target's desire and obsession, leading them to overlook any flaws or imperfections.
  1. Isolate the Target — Lead the Target to the Dark Side of the Moon:
    • Definition: This technique involves gradually isolating the target from external influences and support systems, creating a sense of dependency on you for emotional fulfillment and validation. By controlling their access to alternative perspectives or sources of validation, you deepen your influence over their thoughts and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer gradually distances their target from friends and family, subtly undermining the importance of these relationships while emphasizing the exclusivity and intimacy of their connection. Through subtle manipulation and persuasion, they foster a reliance on themselves for emotional support and validation.
  2. Associate with the Satisfied and Happy — The Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advises aligning yourself with individuals who exude contentment, success, and happiness, as their positive aura will reflect positively on you and enhance your desirability. By associating with people who embody the traits and qualities you wish to be associated with, you elevate your own social status and attractiveness.
    • Example: A seducer strategically cultivates relationships with influential or charismatic individuals who radiate confidence and success. By surrounding themselves with people who exude positivity and fulfillment, they enhance their own reputation and appeal, positioning themselves as desirable and worthy of admiration.
  3. Create a Need — Stir Anxiety and Discontent:
    • Definition: This technique involves creating or exacerbating a sense of need or desire in the target by stirring feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, or discontent. By highlighting perceived deficiencies or unfulfilled desires, you stimulate their desire for change or improvement, positioning yourself as the solution to their problems.
    • Example: A seducer subtly highlights areas of dissatisfaction or unmet needs in the target's life, gently probing their insecurities and desires. By accentuating these areas of vulnerability, they instill a sense of longing or urgency, positioning themselves as the answer to the target's emotional or material needs.
  4. Master the Art of the Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advocates for bold and decisive action in pursuit of your seductive goals, eschewing hesitation or timidity in favor of confidence and assertiveness. By taking calculated risks and making bold gestures, you demonstrate your willingness to seize opportunities and assert your desires.
    • Example: A seducer boldly declares their romantic interest in the target, making their intentions clear and leaving no room for ambiguity. By taking decisive action and expressing their desires unabashedly, they convey confidence and determination, compelling the target to respond in kind.
  5. Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: This technique involves using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to sow seeds of doubt or confusion in the target's mind, destabilizing their sense of reality and perception. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you create an atmosphere of uncertainty and dependency on your interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer employs subtle innuendos or double entendres in their communication with the target, leaving them guessing about the true meaning or intentions behind their words. By casting doubt on their own motives or desires, they create an air of mystery and intrigue that draws the target deeper into the seductive web.
  6. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  7. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  8. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  9. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.

thanks for reading , tell me if you want more summary like that , i read a lot of book during those time and i want to share what i learned.

dont forget that the greatest seductor were not the best looking guy (its bullshit looks matter)

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tldr just be chad
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dnr faggot
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Hello , few month ago , i was finishing the book "art of seduction" by robert greene. I made an review about it and a lot of person wanted a summary so here it is.
Before reading , i'm french so if there is some grammatical error dont worry , i still learn the language.Also it is a summary , if you really want to increase you appealing and know the persuasion technic of seduction , pls read the book , and if u dont like reading , a lot of video talk about the book in a very good way.

The book has 2 part , 1 the seductor profile , the second one is the technic you can apply to get your target fell for u.


  1. The Sincere Seductress:
    • Definition: The Sincere Seductress embodies genuine empathy and emotional intelligence. They establish deep connections through active listening, empathy, and unconditional support. Their sincerity fosters trust and intimacy, creating a safe space for vulnerability and authentic expression.
    • Example: A therapist who genuinely cares for their clients' well-being, providing a nonjudgmental environment for self-exploration and personal growth.
  2. The Siren:
    • Definition: The Siren is a master of allure and mystique. They possess an enigmatic charm that draws others in, leaving them captivated by their irresistible presence. With an aura of mystery and sensuality, they evoke desire and fascination, enticing others with their alluring aura.
    • Example: A captivating performer whose magnetic stage presence and seductive allure leave audiences entranced and longing for more.
  3. The Dandy:
    • Definition: The Dandy embodies sophistication and refinement. They are meticulous in their grooming and attire, exuding an air of elegance and style. With impeccable taste and attention to detail, they captivate admirers with their refined demeanor and cultivated charm.
    • Example: A fashion icon whose impeccable sense of style and sartorial elegance sets them apart as a paragon of taste and refinement.
  4. The Charmer:
    • Definition: The Charmer is effortlessly charismatic and likable. They possess a natural charm that puts others at ease and makes them feel valued and appreciated. With genuine warmth and charisma, they build rapport effortlessly, leaving a lasting impression of warmth and amiability.
    • Example: A charming conversationalist whose genuine interest in others and engaging personality make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  5. The Coquette:
    • Definition: The Coquette is playful and flirtatious, teasing and tantalizing with a mix of innocence and allure. They keep admirers on their toes with their coy smiles and mysterious demeanor, creating an air of excitement and anticipation.
    • Example: A playful flirt whose coy gestures and enigmatic smiles leave admirers guessing and longing for more.
  6. The Charismatic:
    • Definition: The Charismatic seducer possesses an irresistible magnetism and presence. They exude confidence and authority, commanding attention and respect wherever they go. With their compelling personality and unwavering self-assurance, they inspire admiration and loyalty in others.
    • Example: A charismatic leader whose passion, vision, and magnetic personality inspire others to follow their lead and join them in their pursuit of greatness.
  7. The Practical Seducer:
    • Definition: The Practical Seducer is pragmatic and resourceful. They leverage their tangible assets, such as wealth, status, or expertise, to create opportunities for romance and intimacy. With a keen understanding of human nature and social dynamics, they navigate relationships with skill and finesse.
    • Example: A successful entrepreneur who uses their wealth and social influence to create opportunities for romance and intimacy, attracting partners with promises of luxury and security.
  8. The Dreamer Seducer:
    • Definition: The Dreamer Seducer is imaginative and idealistic. They create an enchanting world of fantasy and romance, inviting others to join them in their pursuit of adventure and excitement. With their creative vision and romantic ideals, they inspire others to dream big and embrace the magic of life.
    • Example: An artist whose poetic soul and romantic spirit captivate admirers, inviting them to share in the beauty and wonder of their artistic vision.
  9. The Ruthless Seducer:
    • Definition: The Ruthless Seducer is intense and passionate, using desire, obsession, and emotional manipulation to dominate and control others. They exploit vulnerabilities and insecurities to ensnare their targets in a web of deceit and manipulation, leaving them powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive manipulator who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into fulfilling their desires, leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.
  10. The Idealist:
    • Definition: The Idealist embodies noble ideals and values, inspiring others to aspire to higher principles and noble causes. They lead by example, championing justice, equality, and compassion in all their endeavors, and inspiring others to join them in their quest for a better world.
    • Example: A visionary leader whose unwavering commitment to their principles and passionate advocacy for social justice inspire others to join them in their fight for equality and human rights.
  11. The Artistic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Artistic Seducer expresses their creativity and sensitivity to evoke deep emotions and forge profound connections with others. They enchant with their artistic talents and emotional depth, creating a world of beauty and wonder that resonates deeply with their admirers.
    • Example: A poet whose soul-stirring verses and evocative imagery captivate readers, transporting them to a world of beauty and emotion.
  12. The Social Seducer:
    • Definition: The Social Seducer is a master of social dynamics and charm. They excel in social settings, effortlessly navigating social circles and winning the admiration of others through their wit, charm, and diplomacy. With their magnetic personality and social savvy, they create an aura of popularity and prestige that draws others to them.
    • Example: A socialite whose effortless grace and charm make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  13. The Strategic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Strategic Seducer is a master manipulator, using cunning and deception to achieve their goals. They carefully plan their moves, exploiting weaknesses and desires to gain the upper hand and win the affection and loyalty of their targets. With their strategic mind and Machiavellian tactics, they manipulate situations to their advantage, leaving admirers powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive schemer who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into doing their bidding, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in their wake.
  14. The Sensual Seducer:
    • Definition: The Sensual Seducer engages the senses and physical pleasure to arouse desire and captivate others. They create unforgettable experiences of pleasure and ecstasy, tantalizing the senses and igniting passion in those who succumb to their seductive charms. With their hedonistic approach and indulgent nature, they create an aura of sensuality and allure that leaves admirers intoxicated with desire.
    • Example: A passionate lover whose sensual touch and erotic presence awaken desires and fantasies, leaving partners longing for more.

  1. Choose the Right Victim:
    • Definition: This technique involves meticulous selection of targets based on their vulnerabilities, desires, and situational context. It's about identifying individuals who are more likely to be responsive to your advances due to various factors such as recent breakup, loneliness, or seeking validation.
    • Example: A seducer might observe a colleague going through a challenging time after a breakup, noticing their need for emotional support. By offering understanding and companionship, the seducer can establish a connection that fulfills the target's emotional needs and fosters attraction.
  2. Create a False Sense of Security — Approach Indirectly:
    • Definition: This tactic revolves around initiating contact with your target in an indirect manner, avoiding overt displays of interest initially. By doing so, you disarm their defenses, making them more comfortable and receptive to further interaction.
    • Example: Instead of directly expressing romantic interest, a seducer might strike up a conversation about neutral topics like mutual hobbies or interests. Through casual and friendly interaction, they gradually build rapport and familiarity, laying the groundwork for deeper connection.
  3. Send Mixed Signals:
    • Definition: Sending mixed signals involves deliberately alternating between behaviors that indicate interest and disinterest. This strategy creates confusion and intrigue in the target's mind, keeping them engaged and unsure of your intentions.
    • Example: A seducer might alternate between showing intense interest in their target one moment and then appearing aloof or distant the next. This unpredictable behavior triggers curiosity and desire in the target, compelling them to seek validation and clarity from the seducer.
  4. Lead the Target to the Mistake — Isolate the Victim:
    • Definition: This technique entails subtly guiding your target towards making a mistake or committing an indiscretion, which you can then exploit to deepen their emotional investment in you. Isolating the victim from external influences amplifies your control over their perception and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer might strategically arrange a scenario where they and their target find themselves alone together, away from the prying eyes of others. In this intimate setting, the seducer can foster a sense of closeness and exclusivity, leading the target to feel emotionally invested in the relationship.
  5. Prove Yourself:
    • Definition: Proving yourself involves demonstrating your worth, competence, or desirability to the target through actions or accomplishments. By showcasing desirable qualities or achievements, you enhance your attractiveness and appeal in the eyes of the target.
    • Example: A seducer might impress their target by showcasing their talents, skills, or achievements in a particular domain. Whether it's through a dazzling performance, a display of intellect, or acts of kindness, the seducer substantiates their value and allure, leaving a lasting impression on the target.
  6. Effect a Regression:
    • Definition: This technique involves inducing a regression in the target's behavior or mindset, leading them to revert to a more childlike or vulnerable state. By triggering feelings of dependency or nostalgia, you deepen your emotional bond with the target and increase their receptivity to your influence.
    • Example: A seducer might employ playful or nurturing behavior that evokes memories of childhood or simpler times. By creating a sense of comfort and security reminiscent of parental care, the seducer fosters emotional intimacy and trust, strengthening their connection with the targeT

  1. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  2. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  3. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  4. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.
  1. Despise the Free Lunch — What is offered for free is dangerous:
  • Definition: This technique advises being wary of gifts or favors offered freely, as they may come with hidden strings attached or ulterior motives. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining independence and not succumbing to manipulative tactics disguised as generosity.
  • Example: A seducer remains cautious when receiving lavish gifts or extravagant gestures from a potential suitor, recognizing that they may be used to exert control or influence over them. Instead of blindly accepting such offerings, they maintain their autonomy and evaluate the intentions behind them.
  1. Use Spiritual Lures — Lure the Target Deep into the Seduction Trap by Stirring Spiritual Longings and Hiding Reality:
  • Definition: This technique involves appealing to the target's spiritual or idealistic aspirations, creating an illusion of transcendence or enlightenment that obscures the harsh realities of the situation. By tapping into their deeper desires and yearnings, you captivate their imagination and lead them into the seduction trap.
  • Example: A seducer entices their target with promises of spiritual fulfillment or enlightenment, painting a utopian vision of a life together that transcends mundane concerns. By appealing to their higher ideals and aspirations, they create a sense of euphoria and ecstasy that blinds the target to the practical consequences of their actions.
  1. Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability — Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim:
  • Definition: This technique involves strategically revealing vulnerabilities or weaknesses to the target, fostering a sense of intimacy and trust. By selectively disclosing personal information or demonstrating vulnerability, you disarm their defenses and create an emotional bond.
  • Example: A seducer shares intimate details about their past struggles or insecurities with the target, demonstrating authenticity and vulnerability. This act of openness and honesty engenders empathy and compassion, strengthening the emotional connection between them.
  1. Confuse Desire and Reality — The Perfect Illusion:
    • Definition: This technique revolves around blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, creating an illusion of perfection or idealization that captivates the target's imagination. By distorting their perception of you and the relationship, you evoke intense desire and longing.
    • Example: A seducer creates an idealized image of themselves through carefully curated social media posts or romantic gestures, presenting a flawless facade that aligns with the target's fantasies. By projecting an image of perfection, they fuel the target's desire and obsession, leading them to overlook any flaws or imperfections.
  1. Isolate the Target — Lead the Target to the Dark Side of the Moon:
    • Definition: This technique involves gradually isolating the target from external influences and support systems, creating a sense of dependency on you for emotional fulfillment and validation. By controlling their access to alternative perspectives or sources of validation, you deepen your influence over their thoughts and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer gradually distances their target from friends and family, subtly undermining the importance of these relationships while emphasizing the exclusivity and intimacy of their connection. Through subtle manipulation and persuasion, they foster a reliance on themselves for emotional support and validation.
  2. Associate with the Satisfied and Happy — The Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advises aligning yourself with individuals who exude contentment, success, and happiness, as their positive aura will reflect positively on you and enhance your desirability. By associating with people who embody the traits and qualities you wish to be associated with, you elevate your own social status and attractiveness.
    • Example: A seducer strategically cultivates relationships with influential or charismatic individuals who radiate confidence and success. By surrounding themselves with people who exude positivity and fulfillment, they enhance their own reputation and appeal, positioning themselves as desirable and worthy of admiration.
  3. Create a Need — Stir Anxiety and Discontent:
    • Definition: This technique involves creating or exacerbating a sense of need or desire in the target by stirring feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, or discontent. By highlighting perceived deficiencies or unfulfilled desires, you stimulate their desire for change or improvement, positioning yourself as the solution to their problems.
    • Example: A seducer subtly highlights areas of dissatisfaction or unmet needs in the target's life, gently probing their insecurities and desires. By accentuating these areas of vulnerability, they instill a sense of longing or urgency, positioning themselves as the answer to the target's emotional or material needs.
  4. Master the Art of the Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advocates for bold and decisive action in pursuit of your seductive goals, eschewing hesitation or timidity in favor of confidence and assertiveness. By taking calculated risks and making bold gestures, you demonstrate your willingness to seize opportunities and assert your desires.
    • Example: A seducer boldly declares their romantic interest in the target, making their intentions clear and leaving no room for ambiguity. By taking decisive action and expressing their desires unabashedly, they convey confidence and determination, compelling the target to respond in kind.
  5. Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: This technique involves using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to sow seeds of doubt or confusion in the target's mind, destabilizing their sense of reality and perception. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you create an atmosphere of uncertainty and dependency on your interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer employs subtle innuendos or double entendres in their communication with the target, leaving them guessing about the true meaning or intentions behind their words. By casting doubt on their own motives or desires, they create an air of mystery and intrigue that draws the target deeper into the seductive web.
  6. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  7. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  8. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  9. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.

thanks for reading , tell me if you want more summary like that , i read a lot of book during those time and i want to share what i learned.

dont forget that the greatest seductor were not the best looking guy (its bullshit looks matter)

too long dnr, prolly good thread tho, rep for effort
also idk who copied who but ”be royal in your own fashion” and some others are also in the book 48 laws of power:feelswat:
also idk who copied who but ”be royal in your own fashion” and some others are also in the book 48 laws of power:feelswat:
nvm its the same author
Thanks for the summary bhai
Hello , few month ago , i was finishing the book "art of seduction" by robert greene. I made an review about it and a lot of person wanted a summary so here it is.
Before reading , i'm french so if there is some grammatical error dont worry , i still learn the language.Also it is a summary , if you really want to increase you appealing and know the persuasion technic of seduction , pls read the book , and if u dont like reading , a lot of video talk about the book in a very good way.

The book has 2 part , 1 the seductor profile , the second one is the technic you can apply to get your target fell for u.


  1. The Sincere Seductress:
    • Definition: The Sincere Seductress embodies genuine empathy and emotional intelligence. They establish deep connections through active listening, empathy, and unconditional support. Their sincerity fosters trust and intimacy, creating a safe space for vulnerability and authentic expression.
    • Example: A therapist who genuinely cares for their clients' well-being, providing a nonjudgmental environment for self-exploration and personal growth.
  2. The Siren:
    • Definition: The Siren is a master of allure and mystique. They possess an enigmatic charm that draws others in, leaving them captivated by their irresistible presence. With an aura of mystery and sensuality, they evoke desire and fascination, enticing others with their alluring aura.
    • Example: A captivating performer whose magnetic stage presence and seductive allure leave audiences entranced and longing for more.
  3. The Dandy:
    • Definition: The Dandy embodies sophistication and refinement. They are meticulous in their grooming and attire, exuding an air of elegance and style. With impeccable taste and attention to detail, they captivate admirers with their refined demeanor and cultivated charm.
    • Example: A fashion icon whose impeccable sense of style and sartorial elegance sets them apart as a paragon of taste and refinement.
  4. The Charmer:
    • Definition: The Charmer is effortlessly charismatic and likable. They possess a natural charm that puts others at ease and makes them feel valued and appreciated. With genuine warmth and charisma, they build rapport effortlessly, leaving a lasting impression of warmth and amiability.
    • Example: A charming conversationalist whose genuine interest in others and engaging personality make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  5. The Coquette:
    • Definition: The Coquette is playful and flirtatious, teasing and tantalizing with a mix of innocence and allure. They keep admirers on their toes with their coy smiles and mysterious demeanor, creating an air of excitement and anticipation.
    • Example: A playful flirt whose coy gestures and enigmatic smiles leave admirers guessing and longing for more.
  6. The Charismatic:
    • Definition: The Charismatic seducer possesses an irresistible magnetism and presence. They exude confidence and authority, commanding attention and respect wherever they go. With their compelling personality and unwavering self-assurance, they inspire admiration and loyalty in others.
    • Example: A charismatic leader whose passion, vision, and magnetic personality inspire others to follow their lead and join them in their pursuit of greatness.
  7. The Practical Seducer:
    • Definition: The Practical Seducer is pragmatic and resourceful. They leverage their tangible assets, such as wealth, status, or expertise, to create opportunities for romance and intimacy. With a keen understanding of human nature and social dynamics, they navigate relationships with skill and finesse.
    • Example: A successful entrepreneur who uses their wealth and social influence to create opportunities for romance and intimacy, attracting partners with promises of luxury and security.
  8. The Dreamer Seducer:
    • Definition: The Dreamer Seducer is imaginative and idealistic. They create an enchanting world of fantasy and romance, inviting others to join them in their pursuit of adventure and excitement. With their creative vision and romantic ideals, they inspire others to dream big and embrace the magic of life.
    • Example: An artist whose poetic soul and romantic spirit captivate admirers, inviting them to share in the beauty and wonder of their artistic vision.
  9. The Ruthless Seducer:
    • Definition: The Ruthless Seducer is intense and passionate, using desire, obsession, and emotional manipulation to dominate and control others. They exploit vulnerabilities and insecurities to ensnare their targets in a web of deceit and manipulation, leaving them powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive manipulator who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into fulfilling their desires, leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.
  10. The Idealist:
    • Definition: The Idealist embodies noble ideals and values, inspiring others to aspire to higher principles and noble causes. They lead by example, championing justice, equality, and compassion in all their endeavors, and inspiring others to join them in their quest for a better world.
    • Example: A visionary leader whose unwavering commitment to their principles and passionate advocacy for social justice inspire others to join them in their fight for equality and human rights.
  11. The Artistic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Artistic Seducer expresses their creativity and sensitivity to evoke deep emotions and forge profound connections with others. They enchant with their artistic talents and emotional depth, creating a world of beauty and wonder that resonates deeply with their admirers.
    • Example: A poet whose soul-stirring verses and evocative imagery captivate readers, transporting them to a world of beauty and emotion.
  12. The Social Seducer:
    • Definition: The Social Seducer is a master of social dynamics and charm. They excel in social settings, effortlessly navigating social circles and winning the admiration of others through their wit, charm, and diplomacy. With their magnetic personality and social savvy, they create an aura of popularity and prestige that draws others to them.
    • Example: A socialite whose effortless grace and charm make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  13. The Strategic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Strategic Seducer is a master manipulator, using cunning and deception to achieve their goals. They carefully plan their moves, exploiting weaknesses and desires to gain the upper hand and win the affection and loyalty of their targets. With their strategic mind and Machiavellian tactics, they manipulate situations to their advantage, leaving admirers powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive schemer who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into doing their bidding, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in their wake.
  14. The Sensual Seducer:
    • Definition: The Sensual Seducer engages the senses and physical pleasure to arouse desire and captivate others. They create unforgettable experiences of pleasure and ecstasy, tantalizing the senses and igniting passion in those who succumb to their seductive charms. With their hedonistic approach and indulgent nature, they create an aura of sensuality and allure that leaves admirers intoxicated with desire.
    • Example: A passionate lover whose sensual touch and erotic presence awaken desires and fantasies, leaving partners longing for more.

  1. Choose the Right Victim:
    • Definition: This technique involves meticulous selection of targets based on their vulnerabilities, desires, and situational context. It's about identifying individuals who are more likely to be responsive to your advances due to various factors such as recent breakup, loneliness, or seeking validation.
    • Example: A seducer might observe a colleague going through a challenging time after a breakup, noticing their need for emotional support. By offering understanding and companionship, the seducer can establish a connection that fulfills the target's emotional needs and fosters attraction.
  2. Create a False Sense of Security — Approach Indirectly:
    • Definition: This tactic revolves around initiating contact with your target in an indirect manner, avoiding overt displays of interest initially. By doing so, you disarm their defenses, making them more comfortable and receptive to further interaction.
    • Example: Instead of directly expressing romantic interest, a seducer might strike up a conversation about neutral topics like mutual hobbies or interests. Through casual and friendly interaction, they gradually build rapport and familiarity, laying the groundwork for deeper connection.
  3. Send Mixed Signals:
    • Definition: Sending mixed signals involves deliberately alternating between behaviors that indicate interest and disinterest. This strategy creates confusion and intrigue in the target's mind, keeping them engaged and unsure of your intentions.
    • Example: A seducer might alternate between showing intense interest in their target one moment and then appearing aloof or distant the next. This unpredictable behavior triggers curiosity and desire in the target, compelling them to seek validation and clarity from the seducer.
  4. Lead the Target to the Mistake — Isolate the Victim:
    • Definition: This technique entails subtly guiding your target towards making a mistake or committing an indiscretion, which you can then exploit to deepen their emotional investment in you. Isolating the victim from external influences amplifies your control over their perception and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer might strategically arrange a scenario where they and their target find themselves alone together, away from the prying eyes of others. In this intimate setting, the seducer can foster a sense of closeness and exclusivity, leading the target to feel emotionally invested in the relationship.
  5. Prove Yourself:
    • Definition: Proving yourself involves demonstrating your worth, competence, or desirability to the target through actions or accomplishments. By showcasing desirable qualities or achievements, you enhance your attractiveness and appeal in the eyes of the target.
    • Example: A seducer might impress their target by showcasing their talents, skills, or achievements in a particular domain. Whether it's through a dazzling performance, a display of intellect, or acts of kindness, the seducer substantiates their value and allure, leaving a lasting impression on the target.
  6. Effect a Regression:
    • Definition: This technique involves inducing a regression in the target's behavior or mindset, leading them to revert to a more childlike or vulnerable state. By triggering feelings of dependency or nostalgia, you deepen your emotional bond with the target and increase their receptivity to your influence.
    • Example: A seducer might employ playful or nurturing behavior that evokes memories of childhood or simpler times. By creating a sense of comfort and security reminiscent of parental care, the seducer fosters emotional intimacy and trust, strengthening their connection with the targeT

  1. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  2. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  3. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  4. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.
  5. Despise the Free Lunch — What is offered for free is dangerous:
  • Definition: This technique advises being wary of gifts or favors offered freely, as they may come with hidden strings attached or ulterior motives. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining independence and not succumbing to manipulative tactics disguised as generosity.
  • Example: A seducer remains cautious when receiving lavish gifts or extravagant gestures from a potential suitor, recognizing that they may be used to exert control or influence over them. Instead of blindly accepting such offerings, they maintain their autonomy and evaluate the intentions behind them.
  1. Use Spiritual Lures — Lure the Target Deep into the Seduction Trap by Stirring Spiritual Longings and Hiding Reality:
  • Definition: This technique involves appealing to the target's spiritual or idealistic aspirations, creating an illusion of transcendence or enlightenment that obscures the harsh realities of the situation. By tapping into their deeper desires and yearnings, you captivate their imagination and lead them into the seduction trap.
  • Example: A seducer entices their target with promises of spiritual fulfillment or enlightenment, painting a utopian vision of a life together that transcends mundane concerns. By appealing to their higher ideals and aspirations, they create a sense of euphoria and ecstasy that blinds the target to the practical consequences of their actions.
  1. Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability — Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim:
  • Definition: This technique involves strategically revealing vulnerabilities or weaknesses to the target, fostering a sense of intimacy and trust. By selectively disclosing personal information or demonstrating vulnerability, you disarm their defenses and create an emotional bond.
  • Example: A seducer shares intimate details about their past struggles or insecurities with the target, demonstrating authenticity and vulnerability. This act of openness and honesty engenders empathy and compassion, strengthening the emotional connection between them.
  1. Confuse Desire and Reality — The Perfect Illusion:
    • Definition: This technique revolves around blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, creating an illusion of perfection or idealization that captivates the target's imagination. By distorting their perception of you and the relationship, you evoke intense desire and longing.
    • Example: A seducer creates an idealized image of themselves through carefully curated social media posts or romantic gestures, presenting a flawless facade that aligns with the target's fantasies. By projecting an image of perfection, they fuel the target's desire and obsession, leading them to overlook any flaws or imperfections.
  2. Isolate the Target — Lead the Target to the Dark Side of the Moon:
    • Definition: This technique involves gradually isolating the target from external influences and support systems, creating a sense of dependency on you for emotional fulfillment and validation. By controlling their access to alternative perspectives or sources of validation, you deepen your influence over their thoughts and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer gradually distances their target from friends and family, subtly undermining the importance of these relationships while emphasizing the exclusivity and intimacy of their connection. Through subtle manipulation and persuasion, they foster a reliance on themselves for emotional support and validation.
  3. Associate with the Satisfied and Happy — The Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advises aligning yourself with individuals who exude contentment, success, and happiness, as their positive aura will reflect positively on you and enhance your desirability. By associating with people who embody the traits and qualities you wish to be associated with, you elevate your own social status and attractiveness.
    • Example: A seducer strategically cultivates relationships with influential or charismatic individuals who radiate confidence and success. By surrounding themselves with people who exude positivity and fulfillment, they enhance their own reputation and appeal, positioning themselves as desirable and worthy of admiration.
  4. Create a Need — Stir Anxiety and Discontent:
    • Definition: This technique involves creating or exacerbating a sense of need or desire in the target by stirring feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, or discontent. By highlighting perceived deficiencies or unfulfilled desires, you stimulate their desire for change or improvement, positioning yourself as the solution to their problems.
    • Example: A seducer subtly highlights areas of dissatisfaction or unmet needs in the target's life, gently probing their insecurities and desires. By accentuating these areas of vulnerability, they instill a sense of longing or urgency, positioning themselves as the answer to the target's emotional or material needs.
  5. Master the Art of the Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advocates for bold and decisive action in pursuit of your seductive goals, eschewing hesitation or timidity in favor of confidence and assertiveness. By taking calculated risks and making bold gestures, you demonstrate your willingness to seize opportunities and assert your desires.
    • Example: A seducer boldly declares their romantic interest in the target, making their intentions clear and leaving no room for ambiguity. By taking decisive action and expressing their desires unabashedly, they convey confidence and determination, compelling the target to respond in kind.
  6. Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: This technique involves using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to sow seeds of doubt or confusion in the target's mind, destabilizing their sense of reality and perception. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you create an atmosphere of uncertainty and dependency on your interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer employs subtle innuendos or double entendres in their communication with the target, leaving them guessing about the true meaning or intentions behind their words. By casting doubt on their own motives or desires, they create an air of mystery and intrigue that draws the target deeper into the seductive web.
  7. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  8. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  9. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  10. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.

thanks for reading , tell me if you want more summary like that , i read a lot of book during those time and i want to share what i learned.

dont forget that the greatest seductor were not the best looking guy (its bullshit looks matter)

Subhuman in question who made the book
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Hello , few month ago , i was finishing the book "art of seduction" by robert greene. I made an review about it and a lot of person wanted a summary so here it is.
Before reading , i'm french so if there is some grammatical error dont worry , i still learn the language.Also it is a summary , if you really want to increase you appealing and know the persuasion technic of seduction , pls read the book , and if u dont like reading , a lot of video talk about the book in a very good way.

The book has 2 part , 1 the seductor profile , the second one is the technic you can apply to get your target fell for u.


  1. The Sincere Seductress:
    • Definition: The Sincere Seductress embodies genuine empathy and emotional intelligence. They establish deep connections through active listening, empathy, and unconditional support. Their sincerity fosters trust and intimacy, creating a safe space for vulnerability and authentic expression.
    • Example: A therapist who genuinely cares for their clients' well-being, providing a nonjudgmental environment for self-exploration and personal growth.
  2. The Siren:
    • Definition: The Siren is a master of allure and mystique. They possess an enigmatic charm that draws others in, leaving them captivated by their irresistible presence. With an aura of mystery and sensuality, they evoke desire and fascination, enticing others with their alluring aura.
    • Example: A captivating performer whose magnetic stage presence and seductive allure leave audiences entranced and longing for more.
  3. The Dandy:
    • Definition: The Dandy embodies sophistication and refinement. They are meticulous in their grooming and attire, exuding an air of elegance and style. With impeccable taste and attention to detail, they captivate admirers with their refined demeanor and cultivated charm.
    • Example: A fashion icon whose impeccable sense of style and sartorial elegance sets them apart as a paragon of taste and refinement.
  4. The Charmer:
    • Definition: The Charmer is effortlessly charismatic and likable. They possess a natural charm that puts others at ease and makes them feel valued and appreciated. With genuine warmth and charisma, they build rapport effortlessly, leaving a lasting impression of warmth and amiability.
    • Example: A charming conversationalist whose genuine interest in others and engaging personality make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  5. The Coquette:
    • Definition: The Coquette is playful and flirtatious, teasing and tantalizing with a mix of innocence and allure. They keep admirers on their toes with their coy smiles and mysterious demeanor, creating an air of excitement and anticipation.
    • Example: A playful flirt whose coy gestures and enigmatic smiles leave admirers guessing and longing for more.
  6. The Charismatic:
    • Definition: The Charismatic seducer possesses an irresistible magnetism and presence. They exude confidence and authority, commanding attention and respect wherever they go. With their compelling personality and unwavering self-assurance, they inspire admiration and loyalty in others.
    • Example: A charismatic leader whose passion, vision, and magnetic personality inspire others to follow their lead and join them in their pursuit of greatness.
  7. The Practical Seducer:
    • Definition: The Practical Seducer is pragmatic and resourceful. They leverage their tangible assets, such as wealth, status, or expertise, to create opportunities for romance and intimacy. With a keen understanding of human nature and social dynamics, they navigate relationships with skill and finesse.
    • Example: A successful entrepreneur who uses their wealth and social influence to create opportunities for romance and intimacy, attracting partners with promises of luxury and security.
  8. The Dreamer Seducer:
    • Definition: The Dreamer Seducer is imaginative and idealistic. They create an enchanting world of fantasy and romance, inviting others to join them in their pursuit of adventure and excitement. With their creative vision and romantic ideals, they inspire others to dream big and embrace the magic of life.
    • Example: An artist whose poetic soul and romantic spirit captivate admirers, inviting them to share in the beauty and wonder of their artistic vision.
  9. The Ruthless Seducer:
    • Definition: The Ruthless Seducer is intense and passionate, using desire, obsession, and emotional manipulation to dominate and control others. They exploit vulnerabilities and insecurities to ensnare their targets in a web of deceit and manipulation, leaving them powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive manipulator who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into fulfilling their desires, leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.
  10. The Idealist:
    • Definition: The Idealist embodies noble ideals and values, inspiring others to aspire to higher principles and noble causes. They lead by example, championing justice, equality, and compassion in all their endeavors, and inspiring others to join them in their quest for a better world.
    • Example: A visionary leader whose unwavering commitment to their principles and passionate advocacy for social justice inspire others to join them in their fight for equality and human rights.
  11. The Artistic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Artistic Seducer expresses their creativity and sensitivity to evoke deep emotions and forge profound connections with others. They enchant with their artistic talents and emotional depth, creating a world of beauty and wonder that resonates deeply with their admirers.
    • Example: A poet whose soul-stirring verses and evocative imagery captivate readers, transporting them to a world of beauty and emotion.
  12. The Social Seducer:
    • Definition: The Social Seducer is a master of social dynamics and charm. They excel in social settings, effortlessly navigating social circles and winning the admiration of others through their wit, charm, and diplomacy. With their magnetic personality and social savvy, they create an aura of popularity and prestige that draws others to them.
    • Example: A socialite whose effortless grace and charm make them the life of the party and the center of attention wherever they go.
  13. The Strategic Seducer:
    • Definition: The Strategic Seducer is a master manipulator, using cunning and deception to achieve their goals. They carefully plan their moves, exploiting weaknesses and desires to gain the upper hand and win the affection and loyalty of their targets. With their strategic mind and Machiavellian tactics, they manipulate situations to their advantage, leaving admirers powerless to resist their charms.
    • Example: A seductive schemer who uses their charm and charisma to manipulate others into doing their bidding, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in their wake.
  14. The Sensual Seducer:
    • Definition: The Sensual Seducer engages the senses and physical pleasure to arouse desire and captivate others. They create unforgettable experiences of pleasure and ecstasy, tantalizing the senses and igniting passion in those who succumb to their seductive charms. With their hedonistic approach and indulgent nature, they create an aura of sensuality and allure that leaves admirers intoxicated with desire.
    • Example: A passionate lover whose sensual touch and erotic presence awaken desires and fantasies, leaving partners longing for more.

  1. Choose the Right Victim:
    • Definition: This technique involves meticulous selection of targets based on their vulnerabilities, desires, and situational context. It's about identifying individuals who are more likely to be responsive to your advances due to various factors such as recent breakup, loneliness, or seeking validation.
    • Example: A seducer might observe a colleague going through a challenging time after a breakup, noticing their need for emotional support. By offering understanding and companionship, the seducer can establish a connection that fulfills the target's emotional needs and fosters attraction.
  2. Create a False Sense of Security — Approach Indirectly:
    • Definition: This tactic revolves around initiating contact with your target in an indirect manner, avoiding overt displays of interest initially. By doing so, you disarm their defenses, making them more comfortable and receptive to further interaction.
    • Example: Instead of directly expressing romantic interest, a seducer might strike up a conversation about neutral topics like mutual hobbies or interests. Through casual and friendly interaction, they gradually build rapport and familiarity, laying the groundwork for deeper connection.
  3. Send Mixed Signals:
    • Definition: Sending mixed signals involves deliberately alternating between behaviors that indicate interest and disinterest. This strategy creates confusion and intrigue in the target's mind, keeping them engaged and unsure of your intentions.
    • Example: A seducer might alternate between showing intense interest in their target one moment and then appearing aloof or distant the next. This unpredictable behavior triggers curiosity and desire in the target, compelling them to seek validation and clarity from the seducer.
  4. Lead the Target to the Mistake — Isolate the Victim:
    • Definition: This technique entails subtly guiding your target towards making a mistake or committing an indiscretion, which you can then exploit to deepen their emotional investment in you. Isolating the victim from external influences amplifies your control over their perception and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer might strategically arrange a scenario where they and their target find themselves alone together, away from the prying eyes of others. In this intimate setting, the seducer can foster a sense of closeness and exclusivity, leading the target to feel emotionally invested in the relationship.
  5. Prove Yourself:
    • Definition: Proving yourself involves demonstrating your worth, competence, or desirability to the target through actions or accomplishments. By showcasing desirable qualities or achievements, you enhance your attractiveness and appeal in the eyes of the target.
    • Example: A seducer might impress their target by showcasing their talents, skills, or achievements in a particular domain. Whether it's through a dazzling performance, a display of intellect, or acts of kindness, the seducer substantiates their value and allure, leaving a lasting impression on the target.
  6. Effect a Regression:
    • Definition: This technique involves inducing a regression in the target's behavior or mindset, leading them to revert to a more childlike or vulnerable state. By triggering feelings of dependency or nostalgia, you deepen your emotional bond with the target and increase their receptivity to your influence.
    • Example: A seducer might employ playful or nurturing behavior that evokes memories of childhood or simpler times. By creating a sense of comfort and security reminiscent of parental care, the seducer fosters emotional intimacy and trust, strengthening their connection with the targeT

  1. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  2. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  3. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  4. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.
  5. Despise the Free Lunch — What is offered for free is dangerous:
  • Definition: This technique advises being wary of gifts or favors offered freely, as they may come with hidden strings attached or ulterior motives. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining independence and not succumbing to manipulative tactics disguised as generosity.
  • Example: A seducer remains cautious when receiving lavish gifts or extravagant gestures from a potential suitor, recognizing that they may be used to exert control or influence over them. Instead of blindly accepting such offerings, they maintain their autonomy and evaluate the intentions behind them.
  1. Use Spiritual Lures — Lure the Target Deep into the Seduction Trap by Stirring Spiritual Longings and Hiding Reality:
  • Definition: This technique involves appealing to the target's spiritual or idealistic aspirations, creating an illusion of transcendence or enlightenment that obscures the harsh realities of the situation. By tapping into their deeper desires and yearnings, you captivate their imagination and lead them into the seduction trap.
  • Example: A seducer entices their target with promises of spiritual fulfillment or enlightenment, painting a utopian vision of a life together that transcends mundane concerns. By appealing to their higher ideals and aspirations, they create a sense of euphoria and ecstasy that blinds the target to the practical consequences of their actions.
  1. Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability — Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim:
  • Definition: This technique involves strategically revealing vulnerabilities or weaknesses to the target, fostering a sense of intimacy and trust. By selectively disclosing personal information or demonstrating vulnerability, you disarm their defenses and create an emotional bond.
  • Example: A seducer shares intimate details about their past struggles or insecurities with the target, demonstrating authenticity and vulnerability. This act of openness and honesty engenders empathy and compassion, strengthening the emotional connection between them.
  1. Confuse Desire and Reality — The Perfect Illusion:
    • Definition: This technique revolves around blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, creating an illusion of perfection or idealization that captivates the target's imagination. By distorting their perception of you and the relationship, you evoke intense desire and longing.
    • Example: A seducer creates an idealized image of themselves through carefully curated social media posts or romantic gestures, presenting a flawless facade that aligns with the target's fantasies. By projecting an image of perfection, they fuel the target's desire and obsession, leading them to overlook any flaws or imperfections.
  2. Isolate the Target — Lead the Target to the Dark Side of the Moon:
    • Definition: This technique involves gradually isolating the target from external influences and support systems, creating a sense of dependency on you for emotional fulfillment and validation. By controlling their access to alternative perspectives or sources of validation, you deepen your influence over their thoughts and behavior.
    • Example: A seducer gradually distances their target from friends and family, subtly undermining the importance of these relationships while emphasizing the exclusivity and intimacy of their connection. Through subtle manipulation and persuasion, they foster a reliance on themselves for emotional support and validation.
  3. Associate with the Satisfied and Happy — The Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advises aligning yourself with individuals who exude contentment, success, and happiness, as their positive aura will reflect positively on you and enhance your desirability. By associating with people who embody the traits and qualities you wish to be associated with, you elevate your own social status and attractiveness.
    • Example: A seducer strategically cultivates relationships with influential or charismatic individuals who radiate confidence and success. By surrounding themselves with people who exude positivity and fulfillment, they enhance their own reputation and appeal, positioning themselves as desirable and worthy of admiration.
  4. Create a Need — Stir Anxiety and Discontent:
    • Definition: This technique involves creating or exacerbating a sense of need or desire in the target by stirring feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, or discontent. By highlighting perceived deficiencies or unfulfilled desires, you stimulate their desire for change or improvement, positioning yourself as the solution to their problems.
    • Example: A seducer subtly highlights areas of dissatisfaction or unmet needs in the target's life, gently probing their insecurities and desires. By accentuating these areas of vulnerability, they instill a sense of longing or urgency, positioning themselves as the answer to the target's emotional or material needs.
  5. Master the Art of the Bold Move:
    • Definition: This technique advocates for bold and decisive action in pursuit of your seductive goals, eschewing hesitation or timidity in favor of confidence and assertiveness. By taking calculated risks and making bold gestures, you demonstrate your willingness to seize opportunities and assert your desires.
    • Example: A seducer boldly declares their romantic interest in the target, making their intentions clear and leaving no room for ambiguity. By taking decisive action and expressing their desires unabashedly, they convey confidence and determination, compelling the target to respond in kind.
  6. Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: This technique involves using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to sow seeds of doubt or confusion in the target's mind, destabilizing their sense of reality and perception. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you create an atmosphere of uncertainty and dependency on your interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer employs subtle innuendos or double entendres in their communication with the target, leaving them guessing about the true meaning or intentions behind their words. By casting doubt on their own motives or desires, they create an air of mystery and intrigue that draws the target deeper into the seductive web.
  7. Hit Them Where It Hurts — The Counterattack:
    • Definition: This technique involves strategically striking at the target's vulnerabilities or insecurities as a form of retaliation or defense against their resistance or rejection. By exploiting their weaknesses, you regain control of the situation and assert dominance in the interaction.
    • Example: If faced with rejection or resistance from the target, a seducer might subtly undermine their confidence or self-esteem by highlighting their flaws or shortcomings. This counterattack shifts the balance of power in the seducer's favor, making the target more susceptible to their influence.
  8. Sow Confusion — Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion:
    • Definition: Sowing confusion entails using verbal manipulation and ambiguity to create doubt or uncertainty in the target's mind. By employing cryptic language or contradictory statements, you instill a sense of bewilderment and dependency on your guidance and interpretation.
    • Example: A seducer might employ cryptic or enigmatic language when communicating with the target, leaving them puzzled and intrigued by the hidden meanings or intentions behind their words. This confusion fosters a sense of dependency on the seducer for clarity and understanding, strengthening their bond.
  9. Pay Attention to Detail — Sacrifice — Push and Pull:
    • Definition: Paying attention to detail involves meticulously observing and analyzing the target's behavior, preferences, and desires. By demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness to their needs, you create a sense of intimacy and connection that fosters trust and loyalty.
    • Example: A seducer pays close attention to the target's likes, dislikes, and emotional cues, using this information to tailor their interactions and responses accordingly. By making sacrifices or concessions that align with the target's preferences or desires, the seducer demonstrates their commitment and investment in the relationship, deepening the target's emotional attachment.
  10. Be Royal in Your Own Fashion — Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One:
    • Definition: This technique involves adopting an air of confidence, self-assurance, and superiority in your interactions with the target. By projecting authority and entitlement, you command respect and admiration, elevating your status and desirability in their eyes.
    • Example: A seducer exudes confidence and self-assurance in their demeanor and behavior, carrying themselves with poise and dignity. By asserting their worth and demanding reverence from others, they inspire admiration and deference, reinforcing their status as a desirable and sought-after partner.

thanks for reading , tell me if you want more summary like that , i read a lot of book during those time and i want to share what i learned.

dont forget that the greatest seductor were not the best looking guy (its bullshit looks matter)

not a pixel u gptcel
  • +1
Reactions: UZB_Strebl
Subhuman in question who made the book View attachment 2873863
He probably didn't sleep with any of these women (below), but he at least he's been able to be around them which is more than I can realistically do.

This is his girlfriend, he lives with (below):


Not that hot, but she SMV mogs him. The status, and allure he created about him self could be at play. Notice how he uses his own strategies in his writing, like being somewhat cryptic so they go to him as their guru.
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit
He probably didn't sleep with any of these women (below), but he at least he's been able to be around them which is more than I can realistically do.

This is his girlfriend, he lives with (below):


Not that hot, but she SMV mogs him. The status, and allure he created about him self could be at play. Notice how he uses his own strategies in his writing, like being somewhat cryptic so they go to him as their guru.
Not a molecule
Robert Greene is more of a scammer than Hamza is. I wonder when you guys will see this.
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies, ominion, albe.ORG and 1 other person
All this bullshit when it's just be chad
  • +1
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