

Nov 5, 2019
Last thread of today. Iā€™ve been giving you pure value today but this is the mother load. Been holding on this one for a long time. My original manifesto to get laid with matches on Tinder, same principles apply to IRL.


Opening message doesnā€™t really matter what you write from my experience, she either is on the app and finds you attractive enough to respond or not.

You could try starting with a bait text if you like which I use if things fizzled out with a girl I was sleeping with and I want to hit her up after a month or whatever.

Basically itā€™s anything that makes her want answer you back.

You could say hey I have a really important question I want to ask you.

If she responds and says whatā€™s that?

You ask her if sheā€™s a pizza lover or a little pizza hater?

(She donā€™t know this but sheā€™s basically agreeing to go on a date with you for pizza as you put the idea of you her and pizza in her mind)

(Pizza could be anything but donā€™t tKe the girl out for a fancy or expensive date. Keep it simple and low cost cuz your not trying to impress her. I recommend going on dates you want to do as long as she doesnā€™t hate sushi go for what you want. At the very least you got to try a new sushi restaurant or go to your favorite place.)

You say pizza lover or hater is just a more interesting way of saying do you like pizza?

You can say do you love or hater pizza. Pizza positive or pizza negative?

Come up with something that fits your personality type.

If she says pizza lover

Who hates pizza?

You say ā€œfirst and foremost itā€™s a good thing your a pizza lover cuz your ā€œsortaā€ cute and all but it you were a pizza hater I donā€™t think weā€™d be very compatible. 2nd Ghandi Hated pizza.

The first message was a push pull or pull push which pulls her to you and pushes her away from you

The answer to who hates pizza use any historical or notorious person or a celebrity that would fit that question good like maybe a huge guy whoā€™s known for eating everything in sight.

She may say who said I wanted us to be compatible?

You say I did

And your still talking to me so you know Iā€™m rightšŸ˜‰

When using emojis only use them to set tone and use them sparingly

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜šŸ’ÆšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Šā˜ŗļøšŸ’ÆšŸ˜œšŸ˜šŸ˜˜šŸ’Æthis means nothing

šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚that sets tone and if your being playful use the laughing emoji last, so the idea is 2-3 emojis max usually 2 and put the overall tone at the end. People read left to right so the wink face is a sub tone within with playful tone.

No matter what she says or does you want to come from a place if Iā€™m awesome , the man and your lucky your talking to me cuz I donā€™t talk to just anybodY. You want to use the emojis to convey that you also donā€™t take yourself to to seriously though and are half playing around but you also still said it soooo.......

After that ask her a few questions now these can be standard questions but what sets you apart is every 3 answers or so she give you your gonna tease her on her answer and every 3-5 answers you give either give her a fun answer or a fun or fun Ny interesting story about why you chose that answer.

Do not interview her! It kills attraction and puts you in with all the boring nice guys.

You want to ask questions so she feels comfortable meeting a stranger off the internet but donā€™t ask her question after question with like if you donā€™t get all her info ASAP sheā€™ll lose interest and move on.

Ask questions tease some of her answers and give her shit. When she tries to do the same to you donā€™t get rattled and hold your frame always. Donā€™t say sorry use self deprecating humor. If she mocks your shirt in your profile pic for example cuz you teased her shirt.

Say yeah i smell your bullshit lie through the phone you love that shirt.

How do I know cuz you swiped right?

She says I really donā€™t like it I swiped cuz I liked your other pics

You say stop hating on the shirt or Iā€™m gonna show up in it when we meet for pizza.

The idea is the get into a conversation with her so she feels comfortable meeting a stranger off the internet.

Your also building enough comfort that you can take most women hone on first date.

So after some stories and questions if it doesnā€™t come up naturally just say when are you free to meet up for pizza?

Sheā€™ll pick a day and you pick the time and place.

Be decisive and take the lead, donā€™t be all weā€™ll do you like this place? Where do you want to go? Is that time okay?

If she says maybe Friday take the date away cuz sheā€™s gonna flake. Maybe means maybe if Iā€™m bored and have nothing else going on and feel like gracing you with my presence.

You ask her when sheā€™s free so she picks the day. If you say are you free Thursday? No Friday? I have my sisters birthday, sat itā€™s my friends baby shower sun maybe sun will work.

You just sub communicated to this gir that her time is more valuable than yours and you have nothing else going on in your life.

She can have any time she wants and youā€™ll give it to her which means sheā€™s above you on the social ladder and she wonā€™t value you or your time.

You want to ask her for the date on the first night or second night at latest.

(Some girls are only on dating apps to seek validation and make themselves feel better when the guy theyā€™re fucking isnā€™t showing them the attention they want.)

You donā€™t want to waste your time talking to a girl for a week or two and then nothing happens is a waste of your time.

When you set the date say text me at (insert your phone number)

I want to call you before we meet up to make sure you can carry a conversation and arenā€™t a crazy cat lady or something to keep things light.

Sheā€™ll usually text you right away if she gives you her number and says I donā€™t text guys hereā€™s my number.

Text her in 20 min or so and when your messaging say so I saw right through that little power move you didšŸ˜‚

Having me text you lol itā€™s funny to me

Itā€™s like just let her know your onto her power play bullshit lol. But keep it playful like you donā€™t care but your aware.

Her ego will blind her to the fact your sorta doing the same thing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

The difference is when a women is in the leader role and power position they rarely respect or want the guy. If the girls cool cute and fun they guy wonā€™t care if sheā€™s under him.

Women date across and up mean date across and down on social, financial, power ladder.

Women all want the captain of the football team type guy. Even if not that guy specifically they may want the leader of the art program or leader of the music program or bad boy who leads nothing but himself.

They want the top guy all the other girls want and the guy who doesnā€™t need them.

They all want the guy whoā€™s a challenge because people donā€™t value things that are given easily to them.

Anyway now your in text at this point and have a date set for let say Friday night and you matched and first message on a Sunday night.

So sunday night your in text keep playing a little with her and be the one to end the conversation leaving her wanting more.

Tell her you gotta go and are gonna crash.

If she sends any kind of kiss emojis or anything donā€™t send them back.

You could write awww your giving me a kiss before bed thats cute and end it.

You donā€™t reciprocate. You might think this would turn her off but they want the guy who is a challenge to get and all the other suckers thinking sheā€™s super into then and they have a girlfriend on the line will send the kiss emoji back but they wonā€™t get her.

So monday morning text her again in the early afternoon. Letā€™s say 11 am and message her A little. After a little bit of texting tell her you gotta run and do something high value (gym,study,work) anything that says I get shit down without bragging.

Text her again at like 7 pm talk for a bit and leave her wanting more again.

Same thing Tuesday.

Wednesday you want to wait an hour or two later to text her so she has a chance to text you first which is the goal.

You want her to chase you and do 75% of the initiating.

So Wednesday you message her at 1 pm and 7 pm if she texts you first awesome if not just stick to the plan.

Thursday you donā€™t text her at all and see if she initiates but guess what you got a non needy reason to call her that night.

Your gonna call her wether she messages you or not and talk for 15-20 min max

Get off the phone and start off with a false time constraint.

Say I canā€™t talk long but I wanted to her your voice and make sure you can carry a conversation with me also make sure your not a crazy cat lady, yes I can tell by tone of voice lol

Itā€™s like be cocky playful and donā€™t be afraid to take a sexual joke if she sets one up unintentionally, just start soft like talk about spanking first or something with butt or boob is less aggressive then her pussy. Your gonna build your talking about her pussy but everything is a big compliance test. Start slow and build and pay attention to what sheā€™s okay complying to and what sheā€™s not.

In text if a girls giving me shit and teasing me maybe she says what are you gonna do about it ?

I might say well Iā€™m gonna give you a fair warning Iā€™m a spanker so use your imagination...šŸ˜‰

Now sheā€™ll 9.9/10 times respind positive and say thatā€™s not much of a punishment.....

In which case sheā€™s almost for sure ready for sex on first date.

The idea is to be playful challenging and banter with her. You always put yourself just a little bit above her as if you might agree sheā€™s cool but you view yourself just a little bit cooler.

You can also qualify her by if she says something you like or have in common dont just love it too and agree with her.

Itā€™s like she says I love breaking bad is my favorite show. Okay your doing good ranking up extra points.

Itā€™s like if she asks you to play piano for her or something you mentioned you do (in a non Bragg way)

You say well keep doing what your doing and maybe youā€™ll get to hear me playšŸ˜‰

The keyword is maybe and keep doing what your doing is like a low key way of saying I like how you been so far maybe youā€™ll get to see what you want with the piano playing.

The whole thing is basically saying sheā€™s selling herself to you and she has to work for your value.

If a girl sends you pics donā€™t compliment them directly cuz sheā€™s seeking. Validation and let some other sucker do that.

Make her work for any validation from you and sheā€™ll get it from sex. Cuz a high value man with lots of options chose her sexually is he validation she gets from you.

If she sends a pic I might say , you look ā€œdecentā€ or compliment the background or way she took the pic or filter or say nothing at all.

If you compliment her even on the date what happens when you say you look really good. She says thank you. Thatā€™s boring for her and she knows she looks good sheā€™s been told how pretty she is everyday by tons of thirsty internet dudes.

Letā€™s say she compliments me and says you look nice Iā€™ll say yup I knowšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚with that playful attitude almost like Iā€™m laughing about how cocky I am and then Iā€™ll say yeah you look ā€œalrightā€

She might say just alright?

You say yup just alright I want you to be able to fit your head through the restaurant doors lol

Or yeah your all right as in you want me to kiss you all right and kiss her ( maybe mid date if your not comfortable going for it super early)

When texting you want texts to be back and forth like machine gun is how you build comfort fast and make it feel like a conversation. If she waits 30 min donā€™t keep tryna force machine gun texts.

Match her 30 min for a few texts and then be the leader and try breaking the text time gap and on like the 4 th messages message her back fast to show her itā€™s okay to machine gun text.

Women match our text times too as not to be needy so if you both stay at 30 min then things wonā€™t progress the same as you want. If she still waits a half hour after you broke the time gap go back to 30 min for a few texts and try to cut it in half.

Then try to cut the 15 min to 5 then the5 to machine gun although if your at 5 min intervals isnā€™t bad. If sheā€™s waiting for hours to text you back and your matching her time and randomly showing her itā€™s okay to text back and forth and sheā€™s not biting your Probably not doing something right and might want to consider being a little bit ballsier

You canā€™t be afraid to lose a girl if you want to get or keep her.

If your afraid to rock the boat she wonā€™t hate or dislike you you but wonā€™t really like or love you and youā€™ll just be neutral and sheā€™ll tell you no connection, no spark or better as friends or youā€™ll just get ghosted.

They like a guy whoā€™s ballsy and not afraid to lose her or scare her off. If what you say doesnā€™t turn her off it will usually be turning her on.

Donā€™t bring up eating her pussy in the first conversation isnā€™t necessarily good ballsy.

That almost self sabotaging cuz chances are sheā€™s not gonna respond positively to that yet. By day 4 you should be safe to bring up more sexual topics no problem.

Most women are comfortable getting semi sexual via text before the date so anything. About massage, ass tits, my muscles, orgasms brought up properly, lips toungue nipples. Basically just build up to talking about your dick and her pussy.

So you went from match to message to set date to text to hopefully her texting you first but then to phone call and Friday date. Always leave her wanting more. Do you see how things are building fast?

On the date never set the second date on the first unless she literally brings up directly wanting to go on a second date and even then play it by ear.

Remain indifferently interested the whole time so obviously your interested since your talking to her and meeting with her but your not sure how much.....

If she asks what your looking for even if she says she wants a relationship you donā€™t tell her you want one too even if you do.instead say something like Iā€™m looking for a girl I enjoy spending free time with and Iā€™d be open to something more with the right girl

That gives her a challenge and your not willing to take just any girl. Your not desperate and are open to more but arenā€™t necessarily rushing into a relationship.

On the day of the date donā€™t get all insecure and ask if sheā€™s still coming.

Thereā€™s ways to do this without you being the needy one. Girls will be chasing and messaging me first at this point.

If they werenā€™t I would simply message them Iā€™ll see you at the place at the time.

As if Iā€™m presupposing sheā€™s gonna show up.the way you say stuff is huge to make it like all the girls always show up so why would it be any different for her you know she wants to show up cuz sheā€™s lucky to get to meet you so you know sheā€™ll show is the attitude.

On the date when you first see her grab her and give her a big hug like youā€™ve known her for ever. Squeeze her body right to yours hold for 3 seconds or so and donā€™t be afraid to smell her hair. Do what feels right and you want.

Donā€™t interview her on this date will turn her off or bore her most of the time.

Ask her 3 questions in more depth of whatā€™s something your passionate about?

What was it like where you grew up? And whatā€™s it actually like at your work or why did you choose that job.

You donā€™t have to learn her life story on the first date, since you know your getting a second date your just gonna her fun with her lead things to the bedroom and learn about her over time.

Kiss her within 15 min of the date.

You want to set the tone of man to woman sooner than later.

I might say okay letā€™s play a game I want you to pick a number between 1-10 and Iā€™m gonna read your mind.

Look into my eyes and try to send it to me.

Hey this doesnā€™t work when you keep tryi by to picture me naked.

Wait a few seconds

Stop picturing me naked!

Get up walk over to her side of the table take her by the chin and kiss her.

You could say You didnā€™t tell me you were a hypnotist, I canā€™t believe you just made me do that. Sheā€™ll say I didnā€™t make you do that and kiss her again. Then say okay I take responsibility for that one.

Then sit down. Thereā€™s a million ways you can run this kind of play.

I told a girl once in text my favorite feature on a girl was plush soft lips with lips gloss.

Then I just got up kissed her and said that was all your fault you knew what you were doing with that lip gloss.

Now youā€™ve give her a real body to body hug kissed the girl twice within 15 min and

Can just continues to relax and have fun.

When I say ask 3 questions I donā€™t mean you canā€™t ask anymore than 3 I just mean thatā€™s not you strategy or approach to the date. If a good question comes up naturally in the conversation absolutely ask it but your there to have fun and lead her to the bedroom not get to know her.

The 3 questions were literally asked so she can ask them back to you and she has something to tell her girlfriends more about you once sheā€™s slept with you.

If you met her online you e already got to know her a lot to get her comfortable enough to meet a stranger off the internet anyway.

So just have fun tease her and banter with her. Make sure you touch her on the date,

I may show her something on my phone but I donā€™t show it across the booth I get up and sit next to her then put the phone in her hand and put my hand over hers while I show her.

Iā€™ll probly kiss her there too and especially if I didnā€™t kiss her yet.

I might wrap my legs around hers under table after Iā€™ve kissed her once or twice.

Donā€™t do this if your not tall enough that your slinking down to do it, thatā€™s not a cool thing if your heads at the table or slunked down in your booth is not cool like if your tall enough to sit normal and do instead maybe rub her foot with yours.

I donā€™t split the bill but I say I got this check, if we decide to go out again you can get the next one.

A lot of times Iā€™ll pre frame this before the date maybe on the phone call Iā€™ll say it to her.

Getting every other check is a good way to split the bill without being cheap.

I also use it as an interest test cuz if sheā€™s low interest but has character she wonā€™t let you pay the check in which case your better off walking to your car after you leave the spot and not look back. She may call you when she realizes she doesnā€™t have you anymore but you knew to play it like you werenā€™t really into her cuz if she wanted to see you again she would known she was gonna pay the next check.

If things went well she split the check walk her to her car makeout with her for a min maybe and say Iā€™m going to the diner for coffee would you like to join me.

If she goes with you for dessert you can assume sheā€™s gonna be willing to go to your place.

You can also flat out ask her to come back after the pizza place but if your not sure or nervous about rejection or getting girls back to your place then take her to a second spot first.

After second spot walk her to her car and say you wanna come over and watch a movie?

Or if you have a more interesting reason she would want to come over even better.

Anything that gives her plausible deniability. Donā€™t say Netflix and chill directly even if thatā€™s what it is. If she says so Netflix and chill like a joke say you reading my mind just keep it light.

When back at your place donā€™t let her sit on the other side of the couch or different couch. What I mean by that is sheā€™s there to sit with you but is nervous so you take the lead and say

Come sit with me and have her sit in your arms from the start.

This will get rid of any of that awkward trying to inch closer to each other thing

They want a take charge guy who whey can feel comfortable being insecure or nervous around but his confidence balances things out and sheā€™s now sitting with him.

Have the put on a movie that light and not to captivating since your not trying to watch a movie anyway and make a move on her within 10-15 min before she can get sucked in the movie. Take her chin and kiss her again then snake out with her and escalate more by putting her on her back and just take your time going through the bases. If she stops you or is uncomfortable with anything donā€™t get angry bitter nervous or upset just simply say in a relaxing tone Iā€™m in no rush and go back to what you were doing for a bit then let her go.

The idea is act as if you know your gonna get it cuz you always do so you know it will happen and it doesnā€™t have to be right then. Sometimes this will relax her and make her feel alright to have sex that night but if not youā€™ll get her on the next date. The important thing is that things are at least progressing towards the direction of sex.

Tell her to text you when she gets hom safe and let her go.

This is a way to get her messaging you first after the date.

If she reaches out to you then youā€™ll respond if she doesnā€™t wait until your ready to set the second date to message her.

If we went out Thursday or Friday id probably call her maybe Tuesday, or even Wednesday night and ask her when sheā€™s free for another date.

If she initiated and messages me I donā€™t ignore her texts, I message her back when I can and am able to and always leave her wanting more so maybe Iā€™ll banter back and forth for 20-30 min or so and tell her I gotta go and do something high value.

Not chasing her after the date is equally as important as what you do before the first date.

If a girl rejects you before the first date basically you didnā€™t make her cut and were not a potential sexual partner. If she goes on the first date but wonā€™t go out again then you made her cut initially but you turned her off and not she no longer views you as a potential sexual partner so thereā€™s no reason to go out with you again.

Even if you want a relationship or something more you canā€™t let her know that and donā€™t show her you want more than sex by not sleeping with her and showing her how good a guy you are or how much you like her and then try to sleep with her cuz that donā€™t work.

Instead show her you want more by continuing to do the things you say your gonna do, continue to set dates and spend time with her while getting to know her over time. Sheā€™s gotta win you over and your not just giving her all your time and attention cuz sheā€™s hot.

Women will sleep with a guy they donā€™t want a relationship with but will not have a relationship with a guy they donā€™t want to have sex with

Make sure the things you say are high value without bragging. Donā€™t try to impress her, always hold frame so no matter what she says you know the truth and you said she thinks your hot so you believe it and know it and thatā€™s just the way it is.if she really doesnā€™t it doesnā€™t like you then she wonā€™t keep talking to you.

Be indifferently interested at all times so you obviously are interested cuz your talking with her and seeing her but not sure how much and you speak in ifs and maybes. If she knows she has you whenever before sheā€™s invested and basically in love donā€™t expect to see her again.

Women love a guy whoā€™s a challenge and you can do this several ways. Challenging her verbally and challenging her by making her put in effort for your time are the two simplest.

Women need time to miss you and wonder what your doing for their attraction to grow.

Donā€™t get stuck in the routine text trap.

If sheā€™s initiating routine text everyday sure respond to them but donā€™t get nervous or initiate with her just cuz she missed a day or two. You have to be cool with nobody initiating and you only initiating for dates even if sheā€™s your girl.

If your initiating good morning and good night texts all they do is piss the girl off when you oversleep or fall asleep early and forget to send it. They hold no value to her after about a month. If however your randomly wake up early and send her a good morning text one day cuz your thinking about her sheā€™ll be excited and thinking about that all day long.

The routine texts are just blah to her and puss her off when she donā€™t get them or sheā€™ll think somethings wrong.

Donā€™t ignore her texts but you donā€™t have to initiate. You want her to be the one chasing women get turned off by minor insecurity like texting through the day most men wonā€™t.

If my girl texts me twice a day wonā€™t turn me off but over time it will turn her off.

Most texts initiating is from a place of insecurity and itā€™s saying hey I still like you do you still like me or I donā€™t want you to forget about me. Even if thatā€™s not what your thinking or feeling you get lumped in with all the needy insecure guys who do text like that.

So she wants a guy who wants her not one who needs her. Even in your wording you want to lose the word need and sorry.

If she messages you in the morning and you canā€™t respond till that night donā€™t say sorry or explain yourself to her. Message her back and if she asks directly tell her what was happened but you donā€™t apologize for being busy.

You donā€™t try to impress this girl at all cuz thatā€™s something insecure guys do.

Donā€™t brag to her.

Just have fun with her tease her and challenge her.

TLDR: This is pure free unfiltered value not for ADHD-cels or Illiterate-cels
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  • So Sad
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After those 2 shit threads do you really expect me to ever read anything that ever write again
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@Htobrother @DutchPrettyBoy @Mohamad @Daw
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You know what to do
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  • JFL
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Can only imagine how many words I won't read in your next post
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longest thread ever jfl. high effort though. +1 bro ā¤
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Every chad reads this guide to get women
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dn read
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I donā€™t like his tldr :rage:
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God please just leave this forum. Nobody likes you here because of your shitty retarded threads
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Didnt read
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doesn't matter what you say if you're attractive, just don't be autistic
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ā€œGandhi hated Pizzaā€
Nigga there was no pizza in India at Gandhiā€™s time jfl
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Read all of it
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Time to put OP on my ignore list
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I got ADHD too bro

It shows in the way you write. It isn't length, but rather style that makes your post unreadable.

Also, when it comes to Tinder volume is all that matters. There is no "guaranteed". You can do everything right and the girl can lose interest because she just matched with another hotter guy, or she dropped her phone, or she felt fat, or she is actually a lesbian trying tinder to see what her straight friends put up with, or she is on there for validation, or 1 billion other different reasons.

But if you get enough matches, a few will stick.
  • +1
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The chronicles of cope
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Reactions: Deleted member 4332
It shows in the way you write. It isn't length, but rather style that makes your post unreadable.

Also, when it comes to Tinder volume is all that matters. There is no "guaranteed". You can do everything right and the girl can lose interest because she just matched with another hotter guy, or she dropped her phone, or she felt fat, or she is actually a lesbian trying tinder to see what her straight friends put up with, or she is on there for validation, or 1 billion other different reasons.

But if you get enough matches, a few will stick.
No for me it is guaranteed
mans out here writing his phd thesis
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>Be Chad
>Say "hi let's smash"
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Last thread of today. Iā€™ve been giving you pure value today but this is the mother load. Been holding on this one for a long time. My original manifesto to get laid with matches on Tinder, same principles apply to IRL.


Opening message doesnā€™t really matter what you write from my experience, she either is on the app and finds you attractive enough to respond or not.

You could try starting with a bait text if you like which I use if things fizzled out with a girl I was sleeping with and I want to hit her up after a month or whatever.

Basically itā€™s anything that makes her want answer you back.

You could say hey I have a really important question I want to ask you.

If she responds and says whatā€™s that?

You ask her if sheā€™s a pizza lover or a little pizza hater?

(She donā€™t know this but sheā€™s basically agreeing to go on a date with you for pizza as you put the idea of you her and pizza in her mind)

(Pizza could be anything but donā€™t tKe the girl out for a fancy or expensive date. Keep it simple and low cost cuz your not trying to impress her. I recommend going on dates you want to do as long as she doesnā€™t hate sushi go for what you want. At the very least you got to try a new sushi restaurant or go to your favorite place.)

You say pizza lover or hater is just a more interesting way of saying do you like pizza?

You can say do you love or hater pizza. Pizza positive or pizza negative?

Come up with something that fits your personality type.

If she says pizza lover

Who hates pizza?

You say ā€œfirst and foremost itā€™s a good thing your a pizza lover cuz your ā€œsortaā€ cute and all but it you were a pizza hater I donā€™t think weā€™d be very compatible. 2nd Ghandi Hated pizza.

The first message was a push pull or pull push which pulls her to you and pushes her away from you

The answer to who hates pizza use any historical or notorious person or a celebrity that would fit that question good like maybe a huge guy whoā€™s known for eating everything in sight.

She may say who said I wanted us to be compatible?

You say I did

And your still talking to me so you know Iā€™m rightšŸ˜‰

When using emojis only use them to set tone and use them sparingly

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜šŸ’ÆšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Šā˜ŗšŸ’ÆšŸ˜œšŸ˜šŸ˜˜šŸ’Æthis means nothing

šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚that sets tone and if your being playful use the laughing emoji last, so the idea is 2-3 emojis max usually 2 and put the overall tone at the end. People read left to right so the wink face is a sub tone within with playful tone.

No matter what she says or does you want to come from a place if Iā€™m awesome , the man and your lucky your talking to me cuz I donā€™t talk to just anybodY. You want to use the emojis to convey that you also donā€™t take yourself to to seriously though and are half playing around but you also still said it soooo.......

After that ask her a few questions now these can be standard questions but what sets you apart is every 3 answers or so she give you your gonna tease her on her answer and every 3-5 answers you give either give her a fun answer or a fun or fun Ny interesting story about why you chose that answer.

Do not interview her! It kills attraction and puts you in with all the boring nice guys.

You want to ask questions so she feels comfortable meeting a stranger off the internet but donā€™t ask her question after question with like if you donā€™t get all her info ASAP sheā€™ll lose interest and move on.

Ask questions tease some of her answers and give her shit. When she tries to do the same to you donā€™t get rattled and hold your frame always. Donā€™t say sorry use self deprecating humor. If she mocks your shirt in your profile pic for example cuz you teased her shirt.

Say yeah i smell your bullshit lie through the phone you love that shirt.

How do I know cuz you swiped right?

She says I really donā€™t like it I swiped cuz I liked your other pics

You say stop hating on the shirt or Iā€™m gonna show up in it when we meet for pizza.

The idea is the get into a conversation with her so she feels comfortable meeting a stranger off the internet.

Your also building enough comfort that you can take most women hone on first date.

So after some stories and questions if it doesnā€™t come up naturally just say when are you free to meet up for pizza?

Sheā€™ll pick a day and you pick the time and place.

Be decisive and take the lead, donā€™t be all weā€™ll do you like this place? Where do you want to go? Is that time okay?

If she says maybe Friday take the date away cuz sheā€™s gonna flake. Maybe means maybe if Iā€™m bored and have nothing else going on and feel like gracing you with my presence.

You ask her when sheā€™s free so she picks the day. If you say are you free Thursday? No Friday? I have my sisters birthday, sat itā€™s my friends baby shower sun maybe sun will work.

You just sub communicated to this gir that her time is more valuable than yours and you have nothing else going on in your life.

She can have any time she wants and youā€™ll give it to her which means sheā€™s above you on the social ladder and she wonā€™t value you or your time.

You want to ask her for the date on the first night or second night at latest.

(Some girls are only on dating apps to seek validation and make themselves feel better when the guy theyā€™re fucking isnā€™t showing them the attention they want.)

You donā€™t want to waste your time talking to a girl for a week or two and then nothing happens is a waste of your time.

When you set the date say text me at (insert your phone number)

I want to call you before we meet up to make sure you can carry a conversation and arenā€™t a crazy cat lady or something to keep things light.

Sheā€™ll usually text you right away if she gives you her number and says I donā€™t text guys hereā€™s my number.

Text her in 20 min or so and when your messaging say so I saw right through that little power move you didšŸ˜‚

Having me text you lol itā€™s funny to me

Itā€™s like just let her know your onto her power play bullshit lol. But keep it playful like you donā€™t care but your aware.

Her ego will blind her to the fact your sorta doing the same thing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

The difference is when a women is in the leader role and power position they rarely respect or want the guy. If the girls cool cute and fun they guy wonā€™t care if sheā€™s under him.

Women date across and up mean date across and down on social, financial, power ladder.

Women all want the captain of the football team type guy. Even if not that guy specifically they may want the leader of the art program or leader of the music program or bad boy who leads nothing but himself.

They want the top guy all the other girls want and the guy who doesnā€™t need them.

They all want the guy whoā€™s a challenge because people donā€™t value things that are given easily to them.

Anyway now your in text at this point and have a date set for let say Friday night and you matched and first message on a Sunday night.

So sunday night your in text keep playing a little with her and be the one to end the conversation leaving her wanting more.

Tell her you gotta go and are gonna crash.

If she sends any kind of kiss emojis or anything donā€™t send them back.

You could write awww your giving me a kiss before bed thats cute and end it.

You donā€™t reciprocate. You might think this would turn her off but they want the guy who is a challenge to get and all the other suckers thinking sheā€™s super into then and they have a girlfriend on the line will send the kiss emoji back but they wonā€™t get her.

So monday morning text her again in the early afternoon. Letā€™s say 11 am and message her A little. After a little bit of texting tell her you gotta run and do something high value (gym,study,work) anything that says I get shit down without bragging.

Text her again at like 7 pm talk for a bit and leave her wanting more again.

Same thing Tuesday.

Wednesday you want to wait an hour or two later to text her so she has a chance to text you first which is the goal.

You want her to chase you and do 75% of the initiating.

So Wednesday you message her at 1 pm and 7 pm if she texts you first awesome if not just stick to the plan.

Thursday you donā€™t text her at all and see if she initiates but guess what you got a non needy reason to call her that night.

Your gonna call her wether she messages you or not and talk for 15-20 min max

Get off the phone and start off with a false time constraint.

Say I canā€™t talk long but I wanted to her your voice and make sure you can carry a conversation with me also make sure your not a crazy cat lady, yes I can tell by tone of voice lol

Itā€™s like be cocky playful and donā€™t be afraid to take a sexual joke if she sets one up unintentionally, just start soft like talk about spanking first or something with butt or boob is less aggressive then her pussy. Your gonna build your talking about her pussy but everything is a big compliance test. Start slow and build and pay attention to what sheā€™s okay complying to and what sheā€™s not.

In text if a girls giving me shit and teasing me maybe she says what are you gonna do about it ?

I might say well Iā€™m gonna give you a fair warning Iā€™m a spanker so use your imagination...šŸ˜‰

Now sheā€™ll 9.9/10 times respind positive and say thatā€™s not much of a punishment.....

In which case sheā€™s almost for sure ready for sex on first date.

The idea is to be playful challenging and banter with her. You always put yourself just a little bit above her as if you might agree sheā€™s cool but you view yourself just a little bit cooler.

You can also qualify her by if she says something you like or have in common dont just love it too and agree with her.

Itā€™s like she says I love breaking bad is my favorite show. Okay your doing good ranking up extra points.

Itā€™s like if she asks you to play piano for her or something you mentioned you do (in a non Bragg way)

You say well keep doing what your doing and maybe youā€™ll get to hear me playšŸ˜‰

The keyword is maybe and keep doing what your doing is like a low key way of saying I like how you been so far maybe youā€™ll get to see what you want with the piano playing.

The whole thing is basically saying sheā€™s selling herself to you and she has to work for your value.

If a girl sends you pics donā€™t compliment them directly cuz sheā€™s seeking. Validation and let some other sucker do that.

Make her work for any validation from you and sheā€™ll get it from sex. Cuz a high value man with lots of options chose her sexually is he validation she gets from you.

If she sends a pic I might say , you look ā€œdecentā€ or compliment the background or way she took the pic or filter or say nothing at all.

If you compliment her even on the date what happens when you say you look really good. She says thank you. Thatā€™s boring for her and she knows she looks good sheā€™s been told how pretty she is everyday by tons of thirsty internet dudes.

Letā€™s say she compliments me and says you look nice Iā€™ll say yup I knowšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚with that playful attitude almost like Iā€™m laughing about how cocky I am and then Iā€™ll say yeah you look ā€œalrightā€

She might say just alright?

You say yup just alright I want you to be able to fit your head through the restaurant doors lol

Or yeah your all right as in you want me to kiss you all right and kiss her ( maybe mid date if your not comfortable going for it super early)

When texting you want texts to be back and forth like machine gun is how you build comfort fast and make it feel like a conversation. If she waits 30 min donā€™t keep tryna force machine gun texts.

Match her 30 min for a few texts and then be the leader and try breaking the text time gap and on like the 4 th messages message her back fast to show her itā€™s okay to machine gun text.

Women match our text times too as not to be needy so if you both stay at 30 min then things wonā€™t progress the same as you want. If she still waits a half hour after you broke the time gap go back to 30 min for a few texts and try to cut it in half.

Then try to cut the 15 min to 5 then the5 to machine gun although if your at 5 min intervals isnā€™t bad. If sheā€™s waiting for hours to text you back and your matching her time and randomly showing her itā€™s okay to text back and forth and sheā€™s not biting your Probably not doing something right and might want to consider being a little bit ballsier

You canā€™t be afraid to lose a girl if you want to get or keep her.

If your afraid to rock the boat she wonā€™t hate or dislike you you but wonā€™t really like or love you and youā€™ll just be neutral and sheā€™ll tell you no connection, no spark or better as friends or youā€™ll just get ghosted.

They like a guy whoā€™s ballsy and not afraid to lose her or scare her off. If what you say doesnā€™t turn her off it will usually be turning her on.

Donā€™t bring up eating her pussy in the first conversation isnā€™t necessarily good ballsy.

That almost self sabotaging cuz chances are sheā€™s not gonna respond positively to that yet. By day 4 you should be safe to bring up more sexual topics no problem.

Most women are comfortable getting semi sexual via text before the date so anything. About massage, ass tits, my muscles, orgasms brought up properly, lips toungue nipples. Basically just build up to talking about your dick and her pussy.

So you went from match to message to set date to text to hopefully her texting you first but then to phone call and Friday date. Always leave her wanting more. Do you see how things are building fast?

On the date never set the second date on the first unless she literally brings up directly wanting to go on a second date and even then play it by ear.

Remain indifferently interested the whole time so obviously your interested since your talking to her and meeting with her but your not sure how much.....

If she asks what your looking for even if she says she wants a relationship you donā€™t tell her you want one too even if you do.instead say something like Iā€™m looking for a girl I enjoy spending free time with and Iā€™d be open to something more with the right girl

That gives her a challenge and your not willing to take just any girl. Your not desperate and are open to more but arenā€™t necessarily rushing into a relationship.

On the day of the date donā€™t get all insecure and ask if sheā€™s still coming.

Thereā€™s ways to do this without you being the needy one. Girls will be chasing and messaging me first at this point.

If they werenā€™t I would simply message them Iā€™ll see you at the place at the time.

As if Iā€™m presupposing sheā€™s gonna show up.the way you say stuff is huge to make it like all the girls always show up so why would it be any different for her you know she wants to show up cuz sheā€™s lucky to get to meet you so you know sheā€™ll show is the attitude.

On the date when you first see her grab her and give her a big hug like youā€™ve known her for ever. Squeeze her body right to yours hold for 3 seconds or so and donā€™t be afraid to smell her hair. Do what feels right and you want.

Donā€™t interview her on this date will turn her off or bore her most of the time.

Ask her 3 questions in more depth of whatā€™s something your passionate about?

What was it like where you grew up? And whatā€™s it actually like at your work or why did you choose that job.

You donā€™t have to learn her life story on the first date, since you know your getting a second date your just gonna her fun with her lead things to the bedroom and learn about her over time.

Kiss her within 15 min of the date.

You want to set the tone of man to woman sooner than later.

I might say okay letā€™s play a game I want you to pick a number between 1-10 and Iā€™m gonna read your mind.

Look into my eyes and try to send it to me.

Hey this doesnā€™t work when you keep tryi by to picture me naked.

Wait a few seconds

Stop picturing me naked!

Get up walk over to her side of the table take her by the chin and kiss her.

You could say You didnā€™t tell me you were a hypnotist, I canā€™t believe you just made me do that. Sheā€™ll say I didnā€™t make you do that and kiss her again. Then say okay I take responsibility for that one.

Then sit down. Thereā€™s a million ways you can run this kind of play.

I told a girl once in text my favorite feature on a girl was plush soft lips with lips gloss.

Then I just got up kissed her and said that was all your fault you knew what you were doing with that lip gloss.

Now youā€™ve give her a real body to body hug kissed the girl twice within 15 min and

Can just continues to relax and have fun.

When I say ask 3 questions I donā€™t mean you canā€™t ask anymore than 3 I just mean thatā€™s not you strategy or approach to the date. If a good question comes up naturally in the conversation absolutely ask it but your there to have fun and lead her to the bedroom not get to know her.

The 3 questions were literally asked so she can ask them back to you and she has something to tell her girlfriends more about you once sheā€™s slept with you.

If you met her online you e already got to know her a lot to get her comfortable enough to meet a stranger off the internet anyway.

So just have fun tease her and banter with her. Make sure you touch her on the date,

I may show her something on my phone but I donā€™t show it across the booth I get up and sit next to her then put the phone in her hand and put my hand over hers while I show her.

Iā€™ll probly kiss her there too and especially if I didnā€™t kiss her yet.

I might wrap my legs around hers under table after Iā€™ve kissed her once or twice.

Donā€™t do this if your not tall enough that your slinking down to do it, thatā€™s not a cool thing if your heads at the table or slunked down in your booth is not cool like if your tall enough to sit normal and do instead maybe rub her foot with yours.

I donā€™t split the bill but I say I got this check, if we decide to go out again you can get the next one.

A lot of times Iā€™ll pre frame this before the date maybe on the phone call Iā€™ll say it to her.

Getting every other check is a good way to split the bill without being cheap.

I also use it as an interest test cuz if sheā€™s low interest but has character she wonā€™t let you pay the check in which case your better off walking to your car after you leave the spot and not look back. She may call you when she realizes she doesnā€™t have you anymore but you knew to play it like you werenā€™t really into her cuz if she wanted to see you again she would known she was gonna pay the next check.

If things went well she split the check walk her to her car makeout with her for a min maybe and say Iā€™m going to the diner for coffee would you like to join me.

If she goes with you for dessert you can assume sheā€™s gonna be willing to go to your place.

You can also flat out ask her to come back after the pizza place but if your not sure or nervous about rejection or getting girls back to your place then take her to a second spot first.

After second spot walk her to her car and say you wanna come over and watch a movie?

Or if you have a more interesting reason she would want to come over even better.

Anything that gives her plausible deniability. Donā€™t say Netflix and chill directly even if thatā€™s what it is. If she says so Netflix and chill like a joke say you reading my mind just keep it light.

When back at your place donā€™t let her sit on the other side of the couch or different couch. What I mean by that is sheā€™s there to sit with you but is nervous so you take the lead and say

Come sit with me and have her sit in your arms from the start.

This will get rid of any of that awkward trying to inch closer to each other thing

They want a take charge guy who whey can feel comfortable being insecure or nervous around but his confidence balances things out and sheā€™s now sitting with him.

Have the put on a movie that light and not to captivating since your not trying to watch a movie anyway and make a move on her within 10-15 min before she can get sucked in the movie. Take her chin and kiss her again then snake out with her and escalate more by putting her on her back and just take your time going through the bases. If she stops you or is uncomfortable with anything donā€™t get angry bitter nervous or upset just simply say in a relaxing tone Iā€™m in no rush and go back to what you were doing for a bit then let her go.

The idea is act as if you know your gonna get it cuz you always do so you know it will happen and it doesnā€™t have to be right then. Sometimes this will relax her and make her feel alright to have sex that night but if not youā€™ll get her on the next date. The important thing is that things are at least progressing towards the direction of sex.

Tell her to text you when she gets hom safe and let her go.

This is a way to get her messaging you first after the date.

If she reaches out to you then youā€™ll respond if she doesnā€™t wait until your ready to set the second date to message her.

If we went out Thursday or Friday id probably call her maybe Tuesday, or even Wednesday night and ask her when sheā€™s free for another date.

If she initiated and messages me I donā€™t ignore her texts, I message her back when I can and am able to and always leave her wanting more so maybe Iā€™ll banter back and forth for 20-30 min or so and tell her I gotta go and do something high value.

Not chasing her after the date is equally as important as what you do before the first date.

If a girl rejects you before the first date basically you didnā€™t make her cut and were not a potential sexual partner. If she goes on the first date but wonā€™t go out again then you made her cut initially but you turned her off and not she no longer views you as a potential sexual partner so thereā€™s no reason to go out with you again.

Even if you want a relationship or something more you canā€™t let her know that and donā€™t show her you want more than sex by not sleeping with her and showing her how good a guy you are or how much you like her and then try to sleep with her cuz that donā€™t work.

Instead show her you want more by continuing to do the things you say your gonna do, continue to set dates and spend time with her while getting to know her over time. Sheā€™s gotta win you over and your not just giving her all your time and attention cuz sheā€™s hot.

Women will sleep with a guy they donā€™t want a relationship with but will not have a relationship with a guy they donā€™t want to have sex with

Make sure the things you say are high value without bragging. Donā€™t try to impress her, always hold frame so no matter what she says you know the truth and you said she thinks your hot so you believe it and know it and thatā€™s just the way it is.if she really doesnā€™t it doesnā€™t like you then she wonā€™t keep talking to you.

Be indifferently interested at all times so you obviously are interested cuz your talking with her and seeing her but not sure how much and you speak in ifs and maybes. If she knows she has you whenever before sheā€™s invested and basically in love donā€™t expect to see her again.

Women love a guy whoā€™s a challenge and you can do this several ways. Challenging her verbally and challenging her by making her put in effort for your time are the two simplest.

Women need time to miss you and wonder what your doing for their attraction to grow.

Donā€™t get stuck in the routine text trap.

If sheā€™s initiating routine text everyday sure respond to them but donā€™t get nervous or initiate with her just cuz she missed a day or two. You have to be cool with nobody initiating and you only initiating for dates even if sheā€™s your girl.

If your initiating good morning and good night texts all they do is piss the girl off when you oversleep or fall asleep early and forget to send it. They hold no value to her after about a month. If however your randomly wake up early and send her a good morning text one day cuz your thinking about her sheā€™ll be excited and thinking about that all day long.

The routine texts are just blah to her and puss her off when she donā€™t get them or sheā€™ll think somethings wrong.

Donā€™t ignore her texts but you donā€™t have to initiate. You want her to be the one chasing women get turned off by minor insecurity like texting through the day most men wonā€™t.

If my girl texts me twice a day wonā€™t turn me off but over time it will turn her off.

Most texts initiating is from a place of insecurity and itā€™s saying hey I still like you do you still like me or I donā€™t want you to forget about me. Even if thatā€™s not what your thinking or feeling you get lumped in with all the needy insecure guys who do text like that.

So she wants a guy who wants her not one who needs her. Even in your wording you want to lose the word need and sorry.

If she messages you in the morning and you canā€™t respond till that night donā€™t say sorry or explain yourself to her. Message her back and if she asks directly tell her what was happened but you donā€™t apologize for being busy.

You donā€™t try to impress this girl at all cuz thatā€™s something insecure guys do.

Donā€™t brag to her.

Just have fun with her tease her and challenge her.

TLDR: This is pure free unfiltered value not for ADHD-cels or Illiterate-cels
sweet bro, me like it, gg
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After those 2 shit threads do you really expect me to ever read anything that ever write again
imagining that you made the same expression as in your avi makes this comment funnier
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Im scroling down and im like wtf
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fuck i missed this thread and opportunity to farm reactions
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"Gandhi hated pizza" reported for racism
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How pathetic is your life bro that u must do this
Stop harassing incels
You expect us to read this fucking journal?
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Last thread of today. Iā€™ve been giving you pure value today but this is the mother load. Been holding on this one for a long time. My original manifesto to get laid with matches on Tinder, same principles apply to IRL.


Opening message doesnā€™t really matter what you write from my experience, she either is on the app and finds you attractive enough to respond or not.

You could try starting with a bait text if you like which I use if things fizzled out with a girl I was sleeping with and I want to hit her up after a month or whatever.

Basically itā€™s anything that makes her want answer you back.

You could say hey I have a really important question I want to ask you.

If she responds and says whatā€™s that?

You ask her if sheā€™s a pizza lover or a little pizza hater?

(She donā€™t know this but sheā€™s basically agreeing to go on a date with you for pizza as you put the idea of you her and pizza in her mind)

(Pizza could be anything but donā€™t tKe the girl out for a fancy or expensive date. Keep it simple and low cost cuz your not trying to impress her. I recommend going on dates you want to do as long as she doesnā€™t hate sushi go for what you want. At the very least you got to try a new sushi restaurant or go to your favorite place.)

You say pizza lover or hater is just a more interesting way of saying do you like pizza?

You can say do you love or hater pizza. Pizza positive or pizza negative?

Come up with something that fits your personality type.

If she says pizza lover

Who hates pizza?

You say ā€œfirst and foremost itā€™s a good thing your a pizza lover cuz your ā€œsortaā€ cute and all but it you were a pizza hater I donā€™t think weā€™d be very compatible. 2nd Ghandi Hated pizza.

The first message was a push pull or pull push which pulls her to you and pushes her away from you

The answer to who hates pizza use any historical or notorious person or a celebrity that would fit that question good like maybe a huge guy whoā€™s known for eating everything in sight.

She may say who said I wanted us to be compatible?

You say I did

And your still talking to me so you know Iā€™m rightšŸ˜‰

When using emojis only use them to set tone and use them sparingly

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜šŸ’ÆšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Šā˜ŗšŸ’ÆšŸ˜œšŸ˜šŸ˜˜šŸ’Æthis means nothing

šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚that sets tone and if your being playful use the laughing emoji last, so the idea is 2-3 emojis max usually 2 and put the overall tone at the end. People read left to right so the wink face is a sub tone within with playful tone.

No matter what she says or does you want to come from a place if Iā€™m awesome , the man and your lucky your talking to me cuz I donā€™t talk to just anybodY. You want to use the emojis to convey that you also donā€™t take yourself to to seriously though and are half playing around but you also still said it soooo.......

After that ask her a few questions now these can be standard questions but what sets you apart is every 3 answers or so she give you your gonna tease her on her answer and every 3-5 answers you give either give her a fun answer or a fun or fun Ny interesting story about why you chose that answer.

Do not interview her! It kills attraction and puts you in with all the boring nice guys.

You want to ask questions so she feels comfortable meeting a stranger off the internet but donā€™t ask her question after question with like if you donā€™t get all her info ASAP sheā€™ll lose interest and move on.

Ask questions tease some of her answers and give her shit. When she tries to do the same to you donā€™t get rattled and hold your frame always. Donā€™t say sorry use self deprecating humor. If she mocks your shirt in your profile pic for example cuz you teased her shirt.

Say yeah i smell your bullshit lie through the phone you love that shirt.

How do I know cuz you swiped right?

She says I really donā€™t like it I swiped cuz I liked your other pics

You say stop hating on the shirt or Iā€™m gonna show up in it when we meet for pizza.

The idea is the get into a conversation with her so she feels comfortable meeting a stranger off the internet.

Your also building enough comfort that you can take most women hone on first date.

So after some stories and questions if it doesnā€™t come up naturally just say when are you free to meet up for pizza?

Sheā€™ll pick a day and you pick the time and place.

Be decisive and take the lead, donā€™t be all weā€™ll do you like this place? Where do you want to go? Is that time okay?

If she says maybe Friday take the date away cuz sheā€™s gonna flake. Maybe means maybe if Iā€™m bored and have nothing else going on and feel like gracing you with my presence.

You ask her when sheā€™s free so she picks the day. If you say are you free Thursday? No Friday? I have my sisters birthday, sat itā€™s my friends baby shower sun maybe sun will work.

You just sub communicated to this gir that her time is more valuable than yours and you have nothing else going on in your life.

She can have any time she wants and youā€™ll give it to her which means sheā€™s above you on the social ladder and she wonā€™t value you or your time.

You want to ask her for the date on the first night or second night at latest.

(Some girls are only on dating apps to seek validation and make themselves feel better when the guy theyā€™re fucking isnā€™t showing them the attention they want.)

You donā€™t want to waste your time talking to a girl for a week or two and then nothing happens is a waste of your time.

When you set the date say text me at (insert your phone number)

I want to call you before we meet up to make sure you can carry a conversation and arenā€™t a crazy cat lady or something to keep things light.

Sheā€™ll usually text you right away if she gives you her number and says I donā€™t text guys hereā€™s my number.

Text her in 20 min or so and when your messaging say so I saw right through that little power move you didšŸ˜‚

Having me text you lol itā€™s funny to me

Itā€™s like just let her know your onto her power play bullshit lol. But keep it playful like you donā€™t care but your aware.

Her ego will blind her to the fact your sorta doing the same thing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

The difference is when a women is in the leader role and power position they rarely respect or want the guy. If the girls cool cute and fun they guy wonā€™t care if sheā€™s under him.

Women date across and up mean date across and down on social, financial, power ladder.

Women all want the captain of the football team type guy. Even if not that guy specifically they may want the leader of the art program or leader of the music program or bad boy who leads nothing but himself.

They want the top guy all the other girls want and the guy who doesnā€™t need them.

They all want the guy whoā€™s a challenge because people donā€™t value things that are given easily to them.

Anyway now your in text at this point and have a date set for let say Friday night and you matched and first message on a Sunday night.

So sunday night your in text keep playing a little with her and be the one to end the conversation leaving her wanting more.

Tell her you gotta go and are gonna crash.

If she sends any kind of kiss emojis or anything donā€™t send them back.

You could write awww your giving me a kiss before bed thats cute and end it.

You donā€™t reciprocate. You might think this would turn her off but they want the guy who is a challenge to get and all the other suckers thinking sheā€™s super into then and they have a girlfriend on the line will send the kiss emoji back but they wonā€™t get her.

So monday morning text her again in the early afternoon. Letā€™s say 11 am and message her A little. After a little bit of texting tell her you gotta run and do something high value (gym,study,work) anything that says I get shit down without bragging.

Text her again at like 7 pm talk for a bit and leave her wanting more again.

Same thing Tuesday.

Wednesday you want to wait an hour or two later to text her so she has a chance to text you first which is the goal.

You want her to chase you and do 75% of the initiating.

So Wednesday you message her at 1 pm and 7 pm if she texts you first awesome if not just stick to the plan.

Thursday you donā€™t text her at all and see if she initiates but guess what you got a non needy reason to call her that night.

Your gonna call her wether she messages you or not and talk for 15-20 min max

Get off the phone and start off with a false time constraint.

Say I canā€™t talk long but I wanted to her your voice and make sure you can carry a conversation with me also make sure your not a crazy cat lady, yes I can tell by tone of voice lol

Itā€™s like be cocky playful and donā€™t be afraid to take a sexual joke if she sets one up unintentionally, just start soft like talk about spanking first or something with butt or boob is less aggressive then her pussy. Your gonna build your talking about her pussy but everything is a big compliance test. Start slow and build and pay attention to what sheā€™s okay complying to and what sheā€™s not.

In text if a girls giving me shit and teasing me maybe she says what are you gonna do about it ?

I might say well Iā€™m gonna give you a fair warning Iā€™m a spanker so use your imagination...šŸ˜‰

Now sheā€™ll 9.9/10 times respind positive and say thatā€™s not much of a punishment.....

In which case sheā€™s almost for sure ready for sex on first date.

The idea is to be playful challenging and banter with her. You always put yourself just a little bit above her as if you might agree sheā€™s cool but you view yourself just a little bit cooler.

You can also qualify her by if she says something you like or have in common dont just love it too and agree with her.

Itā€™s like she says I love breaking bad is my favorite show. Okay your doing good ranking up extra points.

Itā€™s like if she asks you to play piano for her or something you mentioned you do (in a non Bragg way)

You say well keep doing what your doing and maybe youā€™ll get to hear me playšŸ˜‰

The keyword is maybe and keep doing what your doing is like a low key way of saying I like how you been so far maybe youā€™ll get to see what you want with the piano playing.

The whole thing is basically saying sheā€™s selling herself to you and she has to work for your value.

If a girl sends you pics donā€™t compliment them directly cuz sheā€™s seeking. Validation and let some other sucker do that.

Make her work for any validation from you and sheā€™ll get it from sex. Cuz a high value man with lots of options chose her sexually is he validation she gets from you.

If she sends a pic I might say , you look ā€œdecentā€ or compliment the background or way she took the pic or filter or say nothing at all.

If you compliment her even on the date what happens when you say you look really good. She says thank you. Thatā€™s boring for her and she knows she looks good sheā€™s been told how pretty she is everyday by tons of thirsty internet dudes.

Letā€™s say she compliments me and says you look nice Iā€™ll say yup I knowšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚with that playful attitude almost like Iā€™m laughing about how cocky I am and then Iā€™ll say yeah you look ā€œalrightā€

She might say just alright?

You say yup just alright I want you to be able to fit your head through the restaurant doors lol

Or yeah your all right as in you want me to kiss you all right and kiss her ( maybe mid date if your not comfortable going for it super early)

When texting you want texts to be back and forth like machine gun is how you build comfort fast and make it feel like a conversation. If she waits 30 min donā€™t keep tryna force machine gun texts.

Match her 30 min for a few texts and then be the leader and try breaking the text time gap and on like the 4 th messages message her back fast to show her itā€™s okay to machine gun text.

Women match our text times too as not to be needy so if you both stay at 30 min then things wonā€™t progress the same as you want. If she still waits a half hour after you broke the time gap go back to 30 min for a few texts and try to cut it in half.

Then try to cut the 15 min to 5 then the5 to machine gun although if your at 5 min intervals isnā€™t bad. If sheā€™s waiting for hours to text you back and your matching her time and randomly showing her itā€™s okay to text back and forth and sheā€™s not biting your Probably not doing something right and might want to consider being a little bit ballsier

You canā€™t be afraid to lose a girl if you want to get or keep her.

If your afraid to rock the boat she wonā€™t hate or dislike you you but wonā€™t really like or love you and youā€™ll just be neutral and sheā€™ll tell you no connection, no spark or better as friends or youā€™ll just get ghosted.

They like a guy whoā€™s ballsy and not afraid to lose her or scare her off. If what you say doesnā€™t turn her off it will usually be turning her on.

Donā€™t bring up eating her pussy in the first conversation isnā€™t necessarily good ballsy.

That almost self sabotaging cuz chances are sheā€™s not gonna respond positively to that yet. By day 4 you should be safe to bring up more sexual topics no problem.

Most women are comfortable getting semi sexual via text before the date so anything. About massage, ass tits, my muscles, orgasms brought up properly, lips toungue nipples. Basically just build up to talking about your dick and her pussy.

So you went from match to message to set date to text to hopefully her texting you first but then to phone call and Friday date. Always leave her wanting more. Do you see how things are building fast?

On the date never set the second date on the first unless she literally brings up directly wanting to go on a second date and even then play it by ear.

Remain indifferently interested the whole time so obviously your interested since your talking to her and meeting with her but your not sure how much.....

If she asks what your looking for even if she says she wants a relationship you donā€™t tell her you want one too even if you do.instead say something like Iā€™m looking for a girl I enjoy spending free time with and Iā€™d be open to something more with the right girl

That gives her a challenge and your not willing to take just any girl. Your not desperate and are open to more but arenā€™t necessarily rushing into a relationship.

On the day of the date donā€™t get all insecure and ask if sheā€™s still coming.

Thereā€™s ways to do this without you being the needy one. Girls will be chasing and messaging me first at this point.

If they werenā€™t I would simply message them Iā€™ll see you at the place at the time.

As if Iā€™m presupposing sheā€™s gonna show up.the way you say stuff is huge to make it like all the girls always show up so why would it be any different for her you know she wants to show up cuz sheā€™s lucky to get to meet you so you know sheā€™ll show is the attitude.

On the date when you first see her grab her and give her a big hug like youā€™ve known her for ever. Squeeze her body right to yours hold for 3 seconds or so and donā€™t be afraid to smell her hair. Do what feels right and you want.

Donā€™t interview her on this date will turn her off or bore her most of the time.

Ask her 3 questions in more depth of whatā€™s something your passionate about?

What was it like where you grew up? And whatā€™s it actually like at your work or why did you choose that job.

You donā€™t have to learn her life story on the first date, since you know your getting a second date your just gonna her fun with her lead things to the bedroom and learn about her over time.

Kiss her within 15 min of the date.

You want to set the tone of man to woman sooner than later.

I might say okay letā€™s play a game I want you to pick a number between 1-10 and Iā€™m gonna read your mind.

Look into my eyes and try to send it to me.

Hey this doesnā€™t work when you keep tryi by to picture me naked.

Wait a few seconds

Stop picturing me naked!

Get up walk over to her side of the table take her by the chin and kiss her.

You could say You didnā€™t tell me you were a hypnotist, I canā€™t believe you just made me do that. Sheā€™ll say I didnā€™t make you do that and kiss her again. Then say okay I take responsibility for that one.

Then sit down. Thereā€™s a million ways you can run this kind of play.

I told a girl once in text my favorite feature on a girl was plush soft lips with lips gloss.

Then I just got up kissed her and said that was all your fault you knew what you were doing with that lip gloss.

Now youā€™ve give her a real body to body hug kissed the girl twice within 15 min and

Can just continues to relax and have fun.

When I say ask 3 questions I donā€™t mean you canā€™t ask anymore than 3 I just mean thatā€™s not you strategy or approach to the date. If a good question comes up naturally in the conversation absolutely ask it but your there to have fun and lead her to the bedroom not get to know her.

The 3 questions were literally asked so she can ask them back to you and she has something to tell her girlfriends more about you once sheā€™s slept with you.

If you met her online you e already got to know her a lot to get her comfortable enough to meet a stranger off the internet anyway.

So just have fun tease her and banter with her. Make sure you touch her on the date,

I may show her something on my phone but I donā€™t show it across the booth I get up and sit next to her then put the phone in her hand and put my hand over hers while I show her.

Iā€™ll probly kiss her there too and especially if I didnā€™t kiss her yet.

I might wrap my legs around hers under table after Iā€™ve kissed her once or twice.

Donā€™t do this if your not tall enough that your slinking down to do it, thatā€™s not a cool thing if your heads at the table or slunked down in your booth is not cool like if your tall enough to sit normal and do instead maybe rub her foot with yours.

I donā€™t split the bill but I say I got this check, if we decide to go out again you can get the next one.

A lot of times Iā€™ll pre frame this before the date maybe on the phone call Iā€™ll say it to her.

Getting every other check is a good way to split the bill without being cheap.

I also use it as an interest test cuz if sheā€™s low interest but has character she wonā€™t let you pay the check in which case your better off walking to your car after you leave the spot and not look back. She may call you when she realizes she doesnā€™t have you anymore but you knew to play it like you werenā€™t really into her cuz if she wanted to see you again she would known she was gonna pay the next check.

If things went well she split the check walk her to her car makeout with her for a min maybe and say Iā€™m going to the diner for coffee would you like to join me.

If she goes with you for dessert you can assume sheā€™s gonna be willing to go to your place.

You can also flat out ask her to come back after the pizza place but if your not sure or nervous about rejection or getting girls back to your place then take her to a second spot first.

After second spot walk her to her car and say you wanna come over and watch a movie?

Or if you have a more interesting reason she would want to come over even better.

Anything that gives her plausible deniability. Donā€™t say Netflix and chill directly even if thatā€™s what it is. If she says so Netflix and chill like a joke say you reading my mind just keep it light.

When back at your place donā€™t let her sit on the other side of the couch or different couch. What I mean by that is sheā€™s there to sit with you but is nervous so you take the lead and say

Come sit with me and have her sit in your arms from the start.

This will get rid of any of that awkward trying to inch closer to each other thing

They want a take charge guy who whey can feel comfortable being insecure or nervous around but his confidence balances things out and sheā€™s now sitting with him.

Have the put on a movie that light and not to captivating since your not trying to watch a movie anyway and make a move on her within 10-15 min before she can get sucked in the movie. Take her chin and kiss her again then snake out with her and escalate more by putting her on her back and just take your time going through the bases. If she stops you or is uncomfortable with anything donā€™t get angry bitter nervous or upset just simply say in a relaxing tone Iā€™m in no rush and go back to what you were doing for a bit then let her go.

The idea is act as if you know your gonna get it cuz you always do so you know it will happen and it doesnā€™t have to be right then. Sometimes this will relax her and make her feel alright to have sex that night but if not youā€™ll get her on the next date. The important thing is that things are at least progressing towards the direction of sex.

Tell her to text you when she gets hom safe and let her go.

This is a way to get her messaging you first after the date.

If she reaches out to you then youā€™ll respond if she doesnā€™t wait until your ready to set the second date to message her.

If we went out Thursday or Friday id probably call her maybe Tuesday, or even Wednesday night and ask her when sheā€™s free for another date.

If she initiated and messages me I donā€™t ignore her texts, I message her back when I can and am able to and always leave her wanting more so maybe Iā€™ll banter back and forth for 20-30 min or so and tell her I gotta go and do something high value.

Not chasing her after the date is equally as important as what you do before the first date.

If a girl rejects you before the first date basically you didnā€™t make her cut and were not a potential sexual partner. If she goes on the first date but wonā€™t go out again then you made her cut initially but you turned her off and not she no longer views you as a potential sexual partner so thereā€™s no reason to go out with you again.

Even if you want a relationship or something more you canā€™t let her know that and donā€™t show her you want more than sex by not sleeping with her and showing her how good a guy you are or how much you like her and then try to sleep with her cuz that donā€™t work.

Instead show her you want more by continuing to do the things you say your gonna do, continue to set dates and spend time with her while getting to know her over time. Sheā€™s gotta win you over and your not just giving her all your time and attention cuz sheā€™s hot.

Women will sleep with a guy they donā€™t want a relationship with but will not have a relationship with a guy they donā€™t want to have sex with

Make sure the things you say are high value without bragging. Donā€™t try to impress her, always hold frame so no matter what she says you know the truth and you said she thinks your hot so you believe it and know it and thatā€™s just the way it is.if she really doesnā€™t it doesnā€™t like you then she wonā€™t keep talking to you.

Be indifferently interested at all times so you obviously are interested cuz your talking with her and seeing her but not sure how much and you speak in ifs and maybes. If she knows she has you whenever before sheā€™s invested and basically in love donā€™t expect to see her again.

Women love a guy whoā€™s a challenge and you can do this several ways. Challenging her verbally and challenging her by making her put in effort for your time are the two simplest.

Women need time to miss you and wonder what your doing for their attraction to grow.

Donā€™t get stuck in the routine text trap.

If sheā€™s initiating routine text everyday sure respond to them but donā€™t get nervous or initiate with her just cuz she missed a day or two. You have to be cool with nobody initiating and you only initiating for dates even if sheā€™s your girl.

If your initiating good morning and good night texts all they do is piss the girl off when you oversleep or fall asleep early and forget to send it. They hold no value to her after about a month. If however your randomly wake up early and send her a good morning text one day cuz your thinking about her sheā€™ll be excited and thinking about that all day long.

The routine texts are just blah to her and puss her off when she donā€™t get them or sheā€™ll think somethings wrong.

Donā€™t ignore her texts but you donā€™t have to initiate. You want her to be the one chasing women get turned off by minor insecurity like texting through the day most men wonā€™t.

If my girl texts me twice a day wonā€™t turn me off but over time it will turn her off.

Most texts initiating is from a place of insecurity and itā€™s saying hey I still like you do you still like me or I donā€™t want you to forget about me. Even if thatā€™s not what your thinking or feeling you get lumped in with all the needy insecure guys who do text like that.

So she wants a guy who wants her not one who needs her. Even in your wording you want to lose the word need and sorry.

If she messages you in the morning and you canā€™t respond till that night donā€™t say sorry or explain yourself to her. Message her back and if she asks directly tell her what was happened but you donā€™t apologize for being busy.

You donā€™t try to impress this girl at all cuz thatā€™s something insecure guys do.

Donā€™t brag to her.

Just have fun with her tease her and challenge her.

TLDR: This is pure free unfiltered value not for ADHD-cels or Illiterate-cels

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