Having a job is literally the single most cucked thing you can do



Jan 2, 2019
This fucking retarded notion that not being employed in a 9-5 job makes you the scum of society somehow is hands down the epitome of cucked normie thinking and easily on par with the blackpill in terms of how retarded it is.

"You must contribute to society :soy: "
"You must have a purpose in life:soy:"
"All normal people have jobs:soy:"

But by FAR the worst and stupidest form of gaslighting I've heard from normie cucks (especially my bluepilled low IQ father) is this one:

"You'll be miserable and unhappy if you don't participate in society:feelsuhh:"

laughs cage GIF

Are you fucking serious?

Okay, first of all, nobody is really socializing at work because that's literally not what they are there for. Secondly, literally none of this matters if you're a sub-5 male that nobody wants anything to do with. I've got jackshit reasons to 'partake' in society.

It absolutely blows my mind that normies have unironically bought into this lie that they'll be miserable unless they're employed as if having all the free time in the world to do what you want while the rest of society slowly dies inside at their shitty job is this really horrible thing :feelskek:

And it's not even historically consistent. Up until recently, the aristocracy in most nations didn't even have to work. For 90% of human history, having a job was a sign of low-class status and you were literally mocked for working. NOBODY saw it as being something respect-worthy. If you told people you were working 18 hours a day they'd just laugh at you for being a filthy peasant while they relaxed at their mansion with their Stacy prostitutes and expensive drinks. :feelsgood:

Normie wagecucks be like:

Based NEETS be like:
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New Squid thread
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trust me, a year or 2 from now you will be a wage slave and post here how much
you enjoy your slavery.
A mod on lookism called Sin was just like you. Hated wageslaving, then 1 year later, couldnt
stop bragging about being a wage cuck working for unpaid overtime.
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First your cucked by your family’s expectations.
So guess what? You need money now.
Then you’ll cucked by your boss at a job.

If you’re smart, you can use your money from a 9 to 5 to make passive income so you never have to work again!
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This fucking retarded notion that not being employed in a 9-5 job makes you the scum of society somehow is hands down the epitome of cucked normie thinking and easily on par with the blackpill in terms of how retarded it is.

"You must contribute to society :soy: "
"You must have a purpose in life:soy:"
"All normal people have jobs:soy:"

But by FAR the worst and stupidest form of gaslighting I've heard from normie cucks (especially my bluepilled low IQ father) is this one:

"You'll be miserable and unhappy if you don't participate in society:feelsuhh:"

laughs cage GIF

Are you fucking serious?

Okay, first of all, nobody is really socializing at work because that's literally not what they are there for. Secondly, literally none of this matters if you're a sub-5 male that nobody wants anything to do with. I've got jackshit reasons to 'partake' in society.

It absolutely blows my mind that normies have unironically bought into this lie that they'll be miserable unless they're employed as if having all the free time in the world to do what you want while the rest of society slowly dies inside at their shitty job is this really horrible thing :feelskek:

And it's not even historically consistent. Up until recently, the aristocracy in most nations didn't even have to work. For 90% of human history, having a job was a sign of low-class status and you were literally mocked for working. NOBODY saw it as being something respect-worthy. If you told people you were working 18 hours a day they'd just laugh at you for being a filthy peasant while they relaxed at their mansion with their Stacy prostitutes and expensive drinks. :feelsgood:

Normie wagecucks be like:

Based NEETS be like:
stop man i already hate going to work. working a 9-5 as an incel is torture haha fuckkk i should NEET until my parents die and then kms.
This is true. I'm SERIOUSLY considering going NEET. The only thing I need is passive income which will be easily possible once I pay off my mortgage.

Shouldn't have sold all my shitcoins in 2018 and 2020 jfl.
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I have a personality disorder and get money from the gov
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i need money though
How can I fund my surgeries
This is true. I'm SERIOUSLY considering going NEET. The only thing I need is passive income which will be easily possible once I pay off my mortgage.

Shouldn't have sold all my shitcoins in 2018 and 2020 jfl.
me too man cant believe retards on /biz/ almost made me a multi millionaire.
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Just be a youtuber or scam people to make your own money
if some rich relative of mine were to die and leave me an inheritance of $1,000,000 sure I'd stop working

but sadly that doesn't seem to be happening soon
me too man cant believe retards on /biz/ almost made me a multi millionaire.
Are you oldcel? 2017/2018 shitcoin bubble was insane. But it turned me into a permabear and I got PTSD over it. Never thought things would get even better.

I was in private groups in Telegram and Discord. They had private deals on shitcoins like Avalanche, Polkadot and ICP which are like 1/100th of the price EVEN NOW. At the time I still thought it was 'overvalued' :lul:

Some of these people are millionaires or got six figures.
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Are you oldcel? 2017/2018 shitcoin bubble was insane. But it turned me into a permabear and I got PTSD over it. Never thought things would get even better.

I was in private groups in Telegram and Discord. They had private deals on shitcoins like Avalanche, Polkadot and ICP which are like 1/100th of the price EVEN NOW. At the time I still thought it was 'overvalued' :lul:

Some of these people are millionaires or got six figures.
yea im 27 and i joined in late 2017 got in close to chainlinks ICO and could have been a millionaire like three times over those 3 years and i fucked up all three times lmao. Yup crazy shit everything 1000xd I remember some NEET made like 10MM (maybe larp but not surprising) and would still uber places and didnt have his license JFL. Fucking insane man and i thought i got in late in 2017 cuz eth was like 3 bux at the end of 2016...
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I have a personality disorder and get money from the gov
this could be me if my mom wouldn't get them to throw me in a ward the second i get diagnosed
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Fuck work
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chad fucks with $23 in his bank account while you wagecuck and save for muh 401k
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How the fuck are we supposed to afford surgeries? Save neet peanuts?
chad fucks with $23 in his bank account while you wagecuck and save for muh 401k
Homeless Chad is slaying Stacie’s while 500k stemcel pajeet is getting cucked by his wife
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Homeless Chad is slaying Stacie’s while 500k stemcel pajeet is getting cucked by his wife
at least you realize it's not all about money
Not everyone can get disability benefits like you
water thread
This fucking retarded notion that not being employed in a 9-5 job makes you the scum of society somehow is hands down the epitome of cucked normie thinking and easily on par with the blackpill in terms of how retarded it is.

"You must contribute to society :soy: "
"You must have a purpose in life:soy:"
"All normal people have jobs:soy:"

But by FAR the worst and stupidest form of gaslighting I've heard from normie cucks (especially my bluepilled low IQ father) is this one:

"You'll be miserable and unhappy if you don't participate in society:feelsuhh:"

laughs cage GIF

Are you fucking serious?

Okay, first of all, nobody is really socializing at work because that's literally not what they are there for. Secondly, literally none of this matters if you're a sub-5 male that nobody wants anything to do with. I've got jackshit reasons to 'partake' in society.

It absolutely blows my mind that normies have unironically bought into this lie that they'll be miserable unless they're employed as if having all the free time in the world to do what you want while the rest of society slowly dies inside at their shitty job is this really horrible thing :feelskek:

And it's not even historically consistent. Up until recently, the aristocracy in most nations didn't even have to work. For 90% of human history, having a job was a sign of low-class status and you were literally mocked for working. NOBODY saw it as being something respect-worthy. If you told people you were working 18 hours a day they'd just laugh at you for being a filthy peasant while they relaxed at their mansion with their Stacy prostitutes and expensive drinks. :feelsgood:

Normie wagecucks be like:

Based NEETS be like:
they're(he's) right. and blackpill is true too. you have it all wrong. time for some deep introspection.

n337s can only exist inside of large city welfare landscape. it won't and can't last forever without the support of wageslaves. wageslaving is an honorable and necessary thing. it's ok if you want to be a miserable n337 loser, but don't denigrate those who keep society running
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There he was, Larry, or as most of the neighborhood knew him, "Loitering Larry", slumped on his perpetually stained, decade-old couch. A cascade of soda cans, half-eaten pizza boxes, and candy wrappers cluttered his one-room apartment. Larry was a welfare dweller, and damn proud of it. All his life, he had slacked and scrounged, proud to never hold a job longer than a hot second. Achievements, success, all that jazz was not for him. Larry, he was a guy of simple tastes - TV, chips, and a healthy dose of schadenfreude.

For a long time, Larry had been the brunt of every joke in town. There was a time when he used to feel the sting of the townsfolk's disapproval, their smirking faces, their snide remarks. The local artisans, the musicians, the tech-nerds, all prided themselves on their productivity, their ingenuity. Larry, on the other hand, was seen as a leech, a drain on society, always taking, never giving.

But, you see, that's the thing about life. It's got a wicked sense of humor.

When the Artificial Intelligence revolution hit town, all those high-falutin' folks who once looked down their noses at him had their world thrown upside down. The AI systems made their skills irrelevant overnight. Painters found themselves outdone by machines that could recreate the Sistine Chapel on a grain of rice. Musicians were left slack-jawed as algorithms started churning out symphonies that'd make Beethoven weep. The tech-nerds, oh, they were the best, their jobs were the first to go.

Larry, though, he was still on his couch, munching on his chips, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

He laughed, the sound echoing off the walls of his small apartment, until his sides ached and tears streamed down his face. The irony of it all nearly sent him into a coma. All those high-and-mighty people, all their accomplishments, now just as irrelevant as him.

"They ain't better'n me no more, ain't worse either," Larry mused, still chuckling. "We're all just bums now, ain't we?"

The AI revolution had leveled the playing field, making everyone just as useless as Larry. It was a turn of events that Larry relished, taking perverse joy in the irony of it all. And though his life hadn't changed one bit, his apartment still a mess, his welfare checks still coming, Larry felt a sense of triumph.

No longer was he "Loitering Larry," the town failure. No, now he was just Larry, the guy who had seen it coming all along. The AI revolution hadn't knocked him down a peg, it had brought everyone else down to his level. And there was something almost poetic about that, Larry thought, as he kicked back on his couch, a new sense of contentment washing over him.

He grinned, another fit of laughter bubbling up within him. Yes, life had a wicked sense of humor. But for once, Larry was in on the joke.

Once you have money satisfying your lifestyle and not having to work. Its all status(your connections and what you can get them to do for you)
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Idc abt my work its just for money
Not everyone has their mommy's warm blanket
Dnrd but 100% legit
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These niggas a re so dumb they dont see that if someone else wont wageslave then they will inevitably have too. They go on preaching shit theories without realising the position they are in is because of the societies structure. One has to remain poor and other middle class and some very few rich for things to function.
they're(he's) right. and blackpill is true too. you have it all wrong. time for some deep introspection.

n337s can only exist inside of large city welfare landscape. it won't and can't last forever without the support of wageslaves. wageslaving is an honorable and necessary thing. it's ok if you want to be a miserable n337 loser, but don't denigrate those who keep society running
These niggas a re so dumb they dont see that if someone else wont wageslave then they will inevitably have too. They go on preaching shit theories without realising the position they are in is because of the societies structure. One has to remain poor and other middle class and some very few rich for things to function.
Won't be true once AI starts cucking everybody out of their jobs.
It absolutely blows my mind that normies have unironically bought into this lie that they'll be miserable unless they're employed as if having all the free time in the world to do what you want while the rest of society slowly dies inside at their shitty job is this really horrible thing
This is something I've noticed for a while, normies have this "obsession" with being (or at least appearing to be) busy, like it was some kind of status symbol. Some, specially boomers, love to brag about having worked since they were 10 years old, and for what, having a job that will never give you finantial stability: a.k.a never need to worry about money?
youre kinda venting like a pussy but also water everyone wants to be neet that is high iq
Again ofc it’s just raging and providing no solutions lmao. Typical

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