I've given up on the PSL dream

Becoming NT = lowering anxiety + becoming more emotional.
When you become more emotional you will naturally do things that make you feel good.
This will increase self-confidence.
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster and FacialStructure404
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while

All tales from the basement.

You get approached, you have a 3 digit body count and do decently, and you’re good-looking.

Those are the facts, and what matters. "Muh ladies man" they’re rare, and mostly have some halo.

Non-NT guys like Amnesia, Ehren, Arvid etc there’s plenty of examples of slayers

Most guys pull either via looks or at worst: niche game and social circle.

If lacking all 3, you’re incel.
  • +1
Reactions: humanoidsub7 and borismonster
My brother it isnt even necessary being a psl god trust me. Being tall(which u are ig 6'4), good hair, white and htn facially is more than enough to get a hot wife and have kids
  • +1
Reactions: Mrxshmallow and borismonster
surgerymaxx theory
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while


  • dner.mov
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I learned that the problem with clubbing is it attracts a specific type of women who like clubbing. The type of high quality woman you would want to be in a LTR with isn't drunk in a club on a Friday night to get hit on by random guys (only rarely).
  • +1
Reactions: Mrxshmallow and borismonster
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: borismonster and sub5c3l
like I said time and time again, if you have issues with being 6’4 and HTN, you are clearly not a HTN.
If you have issues being HTN at all...
Legit IK 5'8 MTN niggas that get approached and slay (obviously not by higher then MTB girls but STILL). Ur telling me 6'4 htn (which is chad smv) is struggling in any way shape and form even if non NT?? Something isn't adding up
He has a 3 digit body count
Only on org is that considered struggling with women
All tales from the basement.

You get approached, you have a 3 digit body count and do decently, and you’re good-looking.

Those are the facts, and what matters. "Muh ladies man" they’re rare, and mostly have some halo.

Non-NT guys like Amnesia, Ehren, Arvid etc there’s plenty of examples of slayers

Most guys pull either via looks or at worst: niche game and social circle.

If lacking all 3, you’re incel.
Ehren isn’t a slayer u dickriding
Son, you didn't have to write an essay to explain this. You could have just asked me and I would have told you why it never began for you.
i dont even know what psl stands for
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
fat verion of first guy looked better
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
So brutal ur life is over
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

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Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

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If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
ur a loser bro imagine being 6 fucking 4 and still being so much of a little bitch jfl kys
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like I said time and time again, if you have issues with being 6’4 and HTN, you are clearly not a HTN.
Yh even as a 5'10 disputed htn i can get decent girls off of tinder. If you are 6'4 and htn you shouldn't be struggling unless you live in the highest class neighborhoods of hyperborea. If you're mogged left and right as a 6'4 man you are either mid mtn at best or not 6'4
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If you have issues being HTN at all...
If you're manlet, ethnic (and under 6' at the same time) or turbo autist (also under 6') i can see you having issues as htn tbh.

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