Just got osrtarine, hope the cycle goes well



Nov 29, 2022
have plans on getting clen too, does anyone know any sources for that, what should i know about this sarm and why? It’s apparently the most safe and researched sarm
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oh boy, get ready for all the steroidbros to run in here and call you a "sarm goblin"
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oh boy, get ready for all the steroidbros to run in here and call you a "sarm goblin"
Yuuuup, meh idrc tho im high af rn so I’ll probably just laugh
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Yuuuup, meh idrc tho im high af rn so I’ll probably just laugh
man, now I wanna hit a cart too. Last time i hit the penjamin i went schizo though
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man, now I wanna hit a cart too. Last time i hit the penjamin i went schizo though
Dude i just feel depressed and angry at my mum right now. But meh. It’s great having a job finally dude. Get high on weekend and get money for shit
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have plans on getting clen too, does anyone know any sources for that, what should i know about this sarm and why? It’s apparently the most safe and researched sarm
Very hepatoxic, mild supression, will raise metabolism from increase androgenic activity so you can cut without losing mass easily. Dont exceed 6-8 weeks.

It is NOT researched at all for bodybuilding purposes :lul:. Only tested at therepeutic doses (VERY LOW) compared to what you are taking so all research basically goes out of the window. Also it isn't safe at all, the compound is supressive and hepatoxic. Dont worry thoughthe supression is much milder than other SARM's and the hepatoxicity won't kill you, with a decent diet you will get your lipid profile andnatural test production back to reference ranges within a month.

Without a test base you will feel like shit or have low T symptoms after about 5-6 weeks. Don't worry too much unless it gets out of hand.
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Absolutely no reason for you to use cardarine bhai. Eating wholefoods and controlling how much you eat on Ostarine is enough to burn a good amount of fat off you tbh.

Cardarine only after a few cycles once you know what you are doing. Taking it as a shortcut is not a good idea.
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Absolutely no reason for you to use cardarine bhai. Eating wholefoods and controlling how much you eat on Ostarine is enough to burn a good amount of fat off you tbh.

Cardarine only after a few cycles once you know what you are doing. Taking it as a shortcut is not a good idea.
Thank you for being informative and high iq bhai, i know i shouldn’t do it but im muscular fat rn and i need to burn off the bf at the time. Clen should be safer and if the suppression is mild then it should be fine. What is a test base btw? And should i use pct?
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If ur serious about looksmax should be taking nothing other thn test with 5ar inhibitor. Also most researched sarm isn't saying much.
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If ur serious about looksmax should be taking nothing other thn test with 5ar inhibitor. Also most researched sarm isn't saying much.
Test is near impossible to get. As for irl no one at my gym sells too and the people who are on PEDs at my gym claim natty and gatekeep
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Thank you for being informative and high iq bhai, i know i shouldn’t do it but im muscular fat rn and i need to burn off the bf at the time. Clen should be safer and if the suppression is mild then it should be fine. What is a test base btw? And should i use pct?
Test base is basically when you inject test and use some other compounds like other AAS or SARM's. When you're natty test becomes supressed, your injected test base will act as a cushion for you to fall back on preventing low T symptoms.

Test bases are typically done at a lower dose if you are responsible. Then you use another compound like rad 140 ( example ) to then build the muscle.
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Test is near impossible to get. As for irl no one at my gym sells too and the people who are on PEDs at my gym claim natty and gatekeep
Wht country are u in? even in countries its illegal usually easy to find online.
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what is


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whats your goal
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whats your goal
Im not gonna use it right away. But my goal is to cut while on it but be able to build muscle. Planning a 2 week clen cycle beforehand. Currently 79kg wanna get to 85-90 kg lean then see how i look at 105kg
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Scotland. In a small rural area
Lol there is about 100 websites you can but it from then. I live in the UK and got access to whatever I want. Its also extremely cheap here and ur much better buying online as opposed to from a guy at the gym who will buy it online ihmself then upsell it to u at a higher price.
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Im not gonna use it right away. But my goal is to cut while on it but be able to build muscle. Planning a 2 week clen cycle beforehand. Currently 79kg wanna get to 85-90 kg lean then see how i look at 105kg
your T levels might suffer as what happened to me just so you know, but gl
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Lol there is about 100 websites you can but it from then. I live in the UK and got access to whatever I want. Its also extremely cheap here and ur much better buying online as opposed to from a guy at the gym who will buy it online ihmself then upsell it to u at a higher price.
Could you send if that’s okay?
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Bump. Will answer some these tomorrow in baked and tired
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If ur serious about looksmax should be taking nothing other thn test with 5ar inhibitor. Also most researched sarm isn't saying much.
larp sarms are stronger
larp sarms are stronger
People who say that never ran anadrol, superdrol or mtren. Also this is a looksmaxxing forum he can gain optimum amount of muscle on test and using a 5ar inhibitor keep his hair. No need for ostarine just risking hair loss for no extra benefits compared to using 500mg+ test and then cruising on 180mg.
People who say that never ran anadrol, superdrol or mtren. Also this is a looksmaxxing forum he can gain optimum amount of muscle on test and using a 5ar inhibitor keep his hair. No need for ostarine just risking hair loss for no extra benefits compared to using 500mg+ test and then cruising on 180mg.
people who say that have never ran a proper sarm cycle, sarms are the fucking worst for your health but they do the most, shit like yk-11 will make you put on mass like fucking crazy injectable yk-11 is even crazier or any injectable sarm tbh
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Why use it over steroids that have long term safety data and give massive results. Also I just don't believe any sarm out performs anadrol which we have long term safety data on and gives ridiculous strength and muscle gains in very short time.
Why use it over steroids that have long term safety data and give massive results. Also I just don't believe any sarm out performs anadrol which we have long term safety data on and gives ridiculous strength and muscle gains in very short time.
im not talking about safety im talking about strength and results
sarms ruined my test levels
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im not talking about safety im talking about strength and results
No same out performs anadrol in terms of gains. Sarms become more popular than they should be because people in the fitness industry saw the opportunity to sell something new. They have next to no benefit compared to using legit steroids. Only benefit is ease of access for some people.
You just have shit genes and were always meant to be low t. Probably indian so you didn’t respond well to it
i’m anglo i was made for that compound
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i’m anglo i was made for that compound
That’s odd then. Must be bad diet growing up or genes like i said. Ostarine is a safe sarm tho the suppression is mild. Ik rad140 is strong af tho
Absolutely no reason for you to use cardarine bhai. Eating wholefoods and controlling how much you eat on Ostarine is enough to burn a good amount of fat off you tbh.

Cardarine only after a few cycles once you know what you are doing. Taking it as a shortcut is not a good idea.
So ostarine safer than cardarine? Are u roided bro
So ostarine safer than cardarine?
Can't compare as they are completely different chemicals but I would say Ostarine is safer and is more "effective" if we are talking about a risk to reward ratio. Liver function and natty test production returns to baseline form bloodwork I've seen after a month or two of proper diet.
So ostarine safer than cardarine? Are u roided bro
Starting a cycle on an experimental compound too. So far I have never touched needles. Never touches test, any exogenous hormones, peptides or secretagouges. I am just a medical student with too much time on my hands and am interested in biohacking.
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what r u running with ostarine or r u doing it solo?
Can't compare as they are completely different chemicals but I would say Ostarine is safer and is more "effective" if we are talking about a risk to reward ratio. Liver function and natty test production returns to baseline form bloodwork I've seen after a month or two of proper diet.

Starting a cycle on an experimental compound too. So far I have never touched needles. Never touches test, any exogenous hormones, peptides or secretagouges. I am just a medical student with too much time on my hands and am interested in biohacking.
If I don’t want to do cardio cardarine is not that great right for fat loss?
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No im not roided currently. Should i have gotten cardarine instead?
You can burn fat off with your ostarine only cycle provided you have diet and training dialed in.
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You can burn fat off with your ostarine only cycle provided you have diet and training dialed in.
Diet rn is im bulking i work in a kitchen so i get free food i eat a lot of chicken and have chili sometimes. Training is 5x a week
Im taking it with mk677 as im already taking mk677 solo
ok good, ibutamoren+ostarine is very good, its well documented

i used to do that same stack last fall too, can recommend if u really have to do something then do those two

did superdrol after that too but thats another story lol
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If I don’t want to do cardio cardarine is not that great right for fat loss?
Not really it would just speed things up. Ostarine works in a similar way too it's just that ostarine binds with the AR and causes increased androgenic activity, which "speeds" up lipolysis and overall energy expenditure.
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ok good, ibutamoren+ostarine is very good, its well documented

i used to do that same stack last fall too, can recommend if u really have to do something then do those two

did superdrol after that too but thats another story lol
I just need a source for a test base rn because I want my testosterone to not be fucked over from this
Diet rn is im bulking i work in a kitchen so i get free food i eat a lot of chicken and have chili sometimes. Training is 5x a week
Dosage of ostarine?
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