What to do with sub girl in bed?

Quite LITERALLY, its in a girls evolutionary psychology to be submissive to a male that she percieves as alpha, obviously this standard will vary amongst girls sure, but girls are ALL naturally submissive to someone they consider "chad enough" to be submissive to.
bro i'm telling you, once they took enough dick they'll just push the chad onto the bed and ride him, regardless of how gl he is
@randomvanish some girls truly just act like guys
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bro i'm telling you, once they took enough dick they'll just push the chad onto the bed and ride him, regardless of his gl he is
@randomvanish some girls truly just act like guys
Yeah that just means she wasn't intimidated by him enough to be instinctually submissive to him. Gigasluts, need gigachads to be submissive to, normal chads wont cut it for them.
You obviously gave them dom vibes and they got angry once they found out you are a pussy ass beta bitch, inject the T already and you will want to fuck girls the proper way.

very relatable

my girlfriends just tell me they almost never orgasm and don't care about it and enjoy sex anyways.
is what it is
The semen has hormones or whatever that make them feel good.

My ex told me I was the best guy she's fucked ever, and she's been fucking experienced high n-count chads since she was 14yo.
I do feel like I am bad at sex though, but it's not based on female feedback in any case.
Women lie all the time and this was no exception.

I got a new gf and she's very sub. Meanwhile I feel like I am more into dom girls? Anyways I am a sub5PSL male so its not like I have options so I have to do with this girl. I feel like I have 2 options.

1) Command her to dom me. Seems plausible imo.
2) Appreciate the dom role and make her do fun shit to please me? Never had her reject me before and to make her wet all I need to do is choke her jfl.

Right now the sex is kinda mehh for me ngl. She seems to be fine, not pleased but also not dissapointed. This girl gives me full control over her body so I feel like it's my responsibility to make sex fun?

idk im new to all of this.

wtf do I do?

I kinda feel like doing 2). It feels unnatural to me right now cuz of my incel past, but it could be fun to tie her up and do all kinds of kinky shit I guess. Also could make her do anything basically.

I sorta talked about this with other friends and they couldn't relate. Like, both this girl and my past 2 girlfriends would refuse to even let me lick their pussy, cuz they considered it 'submissive' behavior and they found it not-sexy for a man to do. Legit never licked a girls pussy cuz they push me away from their pussy when I try. My friends say they never had this happen to them before (lol wtf?). So I seem to attract some weird girls ngl.

Considering this is chads.org there's prob other guys that experienced similar girls like this. Any advice for a former incel (23yo khhv)?

I feel like my ideas about sex are far too romantic and cucked compared to what I experienced IRL; with every girl just wanting to be dominated.

Fist into head

I got a new gf and she's very sub. Meanwhile I feel like I am more into dom girls? Anyways I am a sub5PSL male so its not like I have options so I have to do with this girl. I feel like I have 2 options.

1) Command her to dom me. Seems plausible imo.
2) Appreciate the dom role and make her do fun shit to please me? Never had her reject me before and to make her wet all I need to do is choke her jfl.

Right now the sex is kinda mehh for me ngl. She seems to be fine, not pleased but also not dissapointed. This girl gives me full control over her body so I feel like it's my responsibility to make sex fun?

idk im new to all of this.

wtf do I do?

I kinda feel like doing 2). It feels unnatural to me right now cuz of my incel past, but it could be fun to tie her up and do all kinds of kinky shit I guess. Also could make her do anything basically.

I sorta talked about this with other friends and they couldn't relate. Like, both this girl and my past 2 girlfriends would refuse to even let me lick their pussy, cuz they considered it 'submissive' behavior and they found it not-sexy for a man to do. Legit never licked a girls pussy cuz they push me away from their pussy when I try. My friends say they never had this happen to them before (lol wtf?). So I seem to attract some weird girls ngl.

Considering this is chads.org there's prob other guys that experienced similar girls like this. Any advice for a former incel (23yo khhv)?

I feel like my ideas about sex are far too romantic and cucked compared to what I experienced IRL; with every girl just wanting to be dominated.

Bro if she’s submissive and she also wants to fuck just follow your instinct and do what you want tbh, if anythings of the table she’ll probably tell you.
so idk i like to choke them a bit (search it up before so you do it on the right part of the neck), touch thighs, hips -> go up to ass , maybe play with her boobs, try something with her nipples..
slap/grope their ass?
Inner thighs are also a cheat code

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