18 Year Old MTN: A Guide to My Ascension Plan



just a dude on addy loving life
Aug 16, 2023
My Ascension Plan:


Two Options for the soundtrack:
Option 1 (Recommended): Watch the video before reading the thread and get hyped as balls.
Option 2 (Also Decent): Have it playing in the background but then you will miss out on the mogger video.​

Introduction and Current Appearance:

You have probably seen me in the rating section on occasion. I appreciate all the feedback whether it's BlackGymMax calling me a 4/10 or somebody dick-riding and calling me a mini-Arvid I appreciate it because it allowed me to create this post. I am an 18-year-old uni student with a part-time job. If I have enough time to do all this shit, you guys should get off your asses and at least try some softmaxxes if you haven't. Below you will find my current frontal and side profile. If some of you greycels have the same flaws as me, I recommend at least trying the same things I am doing.​


Eye Area:

Eyebrows: My eyebrows are on the weaker side, I would say probably average. However, I am combatting this by applying Minoxidil and Castor Oil on them every night in that order. Let the minox absorb for a bit before applying Castor Oil, and do not apply the castor oil first or the minox will not work. I also plan on dyeing my eyebrows darker than they are.

Eyelashes: My eyelashes are also weaker, not because of length, but color. I plan on dyeing them black, I believe this will help my eye area so much. I also have been putting castor oil on them, and they have been getting longer/thicker hairs it seems.

Tilted Sphenoid: This is the cause of my minor eye asymmetry. And is probably the cause of yours if you have it. Check if you have one foot that points more outward than the other and/or have lateral or an anterior pelvic tilt. Having these tilts in your sphenoid results in asymmetry. To fix it you have to start by walking normally, then fix your pelvic tilt through stretches then maybe just maybe your sphenoid will realign. Could be cope but worth a shot in my opinion, it is pretty easy to attempt.

NCT: The first thing you noticed when you opened up my frontal was probably my negative canthal tilt. If any of you know any softmaxxes to maybe fix it let me know. If there are none, I will probably result to a canthoplasty with Dr. Taban.​


Hydrating Cleanser​
Hydrating Cleanser​

Hydrating Toner​
Hydrating Toner​
Topical Clindamycin​
Azelaic Acid (This Helps w/redness)​
0.025 Tretinoin (Nightly)​
Benzoyl Peroxide (only on active acne)​

My Gym Plan:
Current Physique: 5’10 Barefoot, 158 lbs.

PEDs (Ostarine): I am currently 5 days in on a 12-week 25 mg dose of the SARM “Ostarine” or MK-2866. This is my second cycle of the SARM. My first cycle was an 8-week 17.5 mg dose, and I put on 18 lbs. I lost 5 pounds of water weight since the cycle ended. So I put on 13 lbs total I had zero side effects other than my test dropping while on cycle, but I combatted this with taking enclo. My test levels went exactly back to normal. No acne, no hair loss (jfl at taking Rad-140), and you won't look fat during the cycle (jfl at taking LGD). In my opinion, it is the perfect SARM to put on muscle, while also not having horrible sides. I should put way more muscle this time, I will create a Pnuemo-type post once I finish the cycle. PLEASE GET BLOODS BEFORE TAKING ANY PEDs. I got the ostarine from Sports Technology Labs (great company, highly recommend). And the enclo from receptor chem. The ostarine tastes like the Godzilla's asshole, and the enclo tastes like garlic bread that you left sitting out for three months. But it's worth it, and don't get pill formed, get liquid so it's easier to adjust the dosages as necessary.

"Female Gaze Day": I know it's incredibly unconventional and probably sub-optimal but I just find it so funny so I keep doing it. Every time I go to the gym im like “Time to look good for the chicks”, and during male gaze day I'm like “Time to look good for the homies”. Probably not ideal but everyone overcomplicates the gym, as long as ur hitting every muscle group and eating well you will get gains. My “female gaze” day consists of Shoulders and Back (V-Taper muscles), Chest, Neck, and Forearms.

Shoulders- Dumbbell Seated Overhead Press, Lateral Raises (spam the absolute fuck out of these I do like 6-8 sets), and a rear delt exercise of choice.

Back- Weighted Pullups, Dumbbell rows, Machine Rows, Lat Pulldown

Chest- Dumbbell Bench (normal bench if im at Uni), Dumbbell Incline, Pec-Dec Flies

Neck- Neck curls (front and back)

Forearms- Wrist Curls (behind back) and Reverse curls.

“Male Gaze Day”- Now that you look good for the broads, you can't leave the homies and gym bros hanging, gotta build some respect. My “Male Gaze Day” consists of the Biceps, Triceps, Legs, Neck, and Forearms. I alternate these every time I go to the gym which is usually 6-7 times a week. Who tf needs rest when ur on PEDs, just get good sleep and capitalize on them gains boyo.

Biceps- Normal Curls, Hammer Curls, Preacher Curls

Triceps- Rope Pushdowns, Bar Pushdowns, and skull crushers.

Legs- Quad Extensions, Hamstring Curls, Glute focused Leg Press

Neck- Same as the other day

Forearms- Same as other day

Sprinting: I sprint a mile daily on the treadmill after my gym session. It promotes growth hormone for you height maxxers, debloats you (will get into later), and is good for overall cardiovascular health. I plan on getting into MMA so I need to get my cardio in.​

My Diet Plan:

Food: I have completely cut out junk food of my diet, it may give u a quick dopamine hit, but it makes you feel worse in the long run anyways. (My dumbass used to pound cosmic brownies and cookies growing up.)

These are the foods I consume now:

Eggs, Chicken, Steak, Ham, Avocado, Blueberries, Strawberries, Bananas, Dark chocolate (yum), peanuts, Salmon, Protein Power (im counting this as a food fuck you). Probably missing some things but you get the point, nothing that will harm my body.

Liquids: The only things I drink are water, coconut water, and the occasional sports drink (rare). If you are still drinking shit like diet coke or soda and are on this website may I ask what in the actual fuck you are doing.

My Current Supplement Stack:

Youngevity Tangy Tangerine 2.5: I found this product through @Amnesia 's Diet Guide. When paired with the next product, it has every single vitamin/mineral your body needs and more. In forms that is easy for your body to use. You do not get this from the shitty Walmart Vitamins you buy. I take a scoop of this every single morning. Tastes pretty damn good as well for all the vitamins in it. Very pricy though so if you are on a strict “lookmaxxing” budget I recommend spending your money elsewhere. It is around $70 a month.

Youngevity Bone/Joint Support: Again, I found this product and brand through Amnesias diet guide. This hits every vitamin that your body needs for joint/bone support that is not in the tangy tangerine. Does not taste as good as the tangy tangerine, but still pretty good. Not as expensive as it either, think its around $40 a month. I have felt so much better since taking these two products. (I have been taking them for probably 3-4 weeks now)

K2 megadose: There is no point in doing this if you are not taking D3 with it as well. (There is plenty of d3 in the tangy tangerine and surprisingly no k2 in either youngevity product). I am currently taking 500 mcg a day of k2-mk4. Which is alot better than the mk-7 K2. Vitamin K2, specifically MK-4, is crucial for bone health and calcium regulation. It promotes bone strength by aiding calcium incorporation into the bone matrix and may help prevent arterial calcification, benefiting cardiovascular health. While further research is needed, including MK-4 in the diet or through supplements could support bone and cardiovascular well-being. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for personalized guidance. (THIS WAS DEFINETLEY NOT CHATGPT JFL). Also megadosing K2 its possible to have bone growth in the face. (I would be very surprised) but this is the main reason im taking it, especially paired with the Ostarine.

Beta Carotene: I take two pills from Puritans Pride every day to give me a fake tan. I am usually pale in the winter, but look at my avi, i look tan asf and this pic was taken during the winter, this shit works. And you don't have to age your skin/get skin cancer from using a tanning bed or the sun.

Astaxanthin: Using this to give me red/pink undertones. Which I already have but I'm trying to increase them even more. Pink/red undertones on somebody tanned is such a halo imo.

Milk Thistle: Yeah, so you guys probably do not need to take this. But I do, mainly because my liver is probably going to be fucked when I'm older if I don't. This helps detox your liver. Here is a list of things I have taken to destroy my liver. Prozac, Vyvanse ( I just took one so I could write this jfl), now ostarine, and I'm an avid drinker when I go partying. So yeah, I need to do all I can to try to not get liver failure at 40.

Magnesium Glycinate/Cherry Tart Extract/Melatonin: These are all things that help me fall asleep quickly and improve the quality of my sleep. My sleep score has gone up a good amount when taking these. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day as much as possible.​

Lips: My Biggest Flaw

Volufiline: I suffer from pretty thin lips. Not death tier but enough that getting thicker ones could help ascend me. So, I have been and will continue to put volufiline on both my upper and lower lips. I'm probably a month in and have seen decent results. I'm hoping for more though, so I don't have to resort to lip fillers. I take that back I am never getting lip fillers because they may look uncanny so let's just pray this works. I also apply it on my under eyes, and my nasal folds (smile lines).

Brushing Lips: I do this for two benefits. First of all they look more smooth when getting the dry skin off of them. And secondly, I dont know the exact science behind it and I dont feel like looking it up, but all I know is that they look larger after doing so. Maybe because they get inflamed? I have no clue, all I know is that it works.

Vaseline: Helps keep lips from chapping.​

Cheekbones and Jaw:

Bonesmashing Zygos: My zygos are high set. But not prominent enough. I am bone smashing my zygos with my knuckles, 3 times a week. Then let them rest for 4 days. This is the reason I'm mega-dosing on k2, trying to increase my zygo size. Even if this is cope long term, you get an increase in the size of them instantly due to the swelling.

Masseter Hypertrophy: I have a good jaw. But my biggest flaw is it looks round from the front/inward gonions. I believe this is due to having zero massester muscles. Chewing falim gum every day plus being on PEDs should help me grow them. And before you say its gonna make me look bloated, that's just on people with shit chins and my chin is good asf. As long as I dont activate my buccinator muscles I should be chilling.​

My Nose:

Dorsal Hump Removal: In the future I plan on doing this for $1-2k. Would probably give me a chadlite side profile, its really my only flaw from my 3/4th and side.

Alar Base Reduction: I have a wide alar base making my nose look very ethnic. I could fix this for 3-5k. Don't know if I'm going to, but it is on the table.

My Main Two Fragrances:

Everyday Fragrance: My everyday Fragrance of choice is Blue De Chanel Eau de Parfum. Makes me smell like a young CFO of a growing company JFL.

Going Out/Dates Fragrance: For going out/dates I wear Jean Paul Gaultier Elixer, a great smelling fragrance, and have received a good number of compliments.​
Social Plan:

Try to be less high inhib irl. I overthink everything when I am with my friends.

Social Media: Try to gain a following on social media, I wont post looksmaxxing content dont worry jfl. Also try to respond quicker to my friends on social media, I have almost lost some friends due to taking forever to respond.




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  • JFL
Reactions: teefight, K2VITAMIN, Clavicular and 120 others
@enchanted_elixir hows my formatting
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Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos| and enchanted_elixir
just get surgery JFL
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: kingpiin, hasba1feuj, aleksander and 23 others
Will read later bro
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Reactions: Deleted member 64865, aleksander, fuxkdakikez and 1 other person
  • JFL
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Reactions: DOHC, IndraBC, futuregigamogger and 7 others
not a single molecule
good luck tho :)
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: anthony111553, urielRanhel, curbyourlookism and 1 other person
Amazing thread! Looking forward to the ascension, also JFL at me for thinking you were Arvid WTF
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: IndraBC, futuregigamogger, flxsh and 7 others
Will read later bro
Over for ADHDcels… I have it too but somehow managed to read all of it, these threads are what revive the looksmax sub section
  • +1
  • JFL
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Reactions: IndraBC, SADA, flxsh and 5 others
Read the thread, not a bad plan.

too bad taking SARMS is going to take years off your life and age you lol
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: floppyshaft87, sirmimbing, Kristin and 3 others
bleu de chanel is shit ngl
  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Jacktheripper, the boss, Dystopian and 1 other person
Good thread bro good luck
  • +1
Reactions: NorwoodAscender and coisbhai
  • +1
Reactions: GabachoCopium
what do you recommend for an everyday cologne bro? im open for suggestions
idk i be using sauvage edp, i like bleudechanel but the scent is a bit generic in 2024
  • JFL
Reactions: mewman, mog_me, AsGoodAsItGets and 2 others
idk i be using sauvage edp, i like bleudechanel but the scent is a bit generic in 2024
have that as well, i rotate a bit. I just mainly go with bleu de chanel
Mirin bhai 💯
  • JFL
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Reactions: IndraBC and NorwoodAscender
idk i be using sauvage edp, i like bleudechanel but the scent is a bit generic in 2024
Sauvage is literally the most generic fragrance there is. Bleu de Chanel mogs it to oblivion
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, rares54, hardestmfintheroom and 1 other person
NCT: The first thing you noticed when you opened up my frontal was probably my negative canthal tilt. If any of you know any softmaxxes to maybe fix it let me know. If there are none, I will probably result to a canthoplasty with Dr. Taban.
talk to @Sondern , he could help
  • +1
Reactions: Sondern and Napoleon1800
Sauvage is literally the most generic fragrance there is. Bleu de Chanel mogs it to oblivion
shut the fuck up retard bleudechanel smells like any other y generic smelling fragrance, you only say this shit because you’re a fucking bot ass nigga, npc ass nigga, you have no original thoughts on your small ass brain headass nigga,
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: proxyy, goodgamebro, Kristin and 2 others
@FunkyFlamingo @DildoFaggins @MaestheticMaso @LooksThinker @Average Aryan @ConfusedBolivian
  • Hmm...
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Amazing thread! Looking forward to the ascension, also JFL at me for thinking you were Arvid WTF
you can take down my threads that are sticked.

You could also stick this, thanks.
  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
shut the fuck up retard bleudechanel smells like any other y generic smelling fragrance, you only say this shit because you’re a fucking bot ass nigga, npc ass nigga, you have no original thoughts on your small ass brain headass nigga,
watch fragrance videos like those ones where they approach women on the street, every girl laughs and is like ewwww when they smell Sauvage, it's a meme, it's made fun of and is the Zoomer equivalent of what One Million was to millennials
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: goodgamebro, GabachoCopium and enchanted_elixir
ive seen alot of ur posts, ur high IQ, can i get a personal rating + a surgery plan (im already saved up for surgery)
I can give you a rating, sure, but talk to someone better for surgery like @ccwarrior, etc.
Not the best at surgery.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: GabachoCopium
watch fragrance videos like those ones where they approach women on the street, every girl laughs and is like ewwww when they smell Sauvage, it's a meme, it's made fun of and is the Zoomer equivalent of what One Million was to millennials

Sauvage is very overused.
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer and GabachoCopium
watch fragrance videos like those ones where they approach women on the street, every girl laughs and is like ewwww when they smell Sauvage, it's a meme, it's made fun of and is the Zoomer equivalent of what One Million was to millennials
i said edp not the regular one you fucking imbecile ass nigga, completely different fragrance
read every single word
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Reactions: enchanted_elixir and NorwoodAscender
watch fragrance videos like those ones where they approach women on the street, every girl laughs and is like ewwww when they smell Sauvage, it's a meme, it's made fun of and is the Zoomer equivalent of what One Million was to millennials
it's always good to smell unique + great.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: GabachoCopium
read every word.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: GabachoCopium
That's a lot of text for someone who's almost HTN.

Pray to Gandy that your second name isn't prophetical though.
  • +1
Reactions: CyberPsychodelic
Could a SARM like ostarine stunt your growth? If you have any left?
You are not scared of that ?
I'm not reading all this tbh
then don’t? a mod posting this is crazy. guess i won’t put out any more high quality posts. fair enough
Could a SARM like ostarine stunt your growth? If you have any left?
You are not scared of that ?
the SARM wouldn’t but the thing stunting the growth. it would the enclo that raises my test back up quicker. will probably try not using the enclo this cycle just in case
I see a lot of cope though

"Tilted sphenoid" - bullshit
Bonesmashing - bullshit
Masseter hypertrophy - bullshit
Supplements - bullshit
Vollufiline - bullshit
so you did read it! thanks for the input lil bro! guess we won’t know till i try it right?
the SARM wouldn’t but the thing stunting the growth. it would the enclo that raises my test back up quicker. will probably try not using the enclo this cycle just in case
Its a weak ass sarm
Most people don't even need enclo
Its a weak ass sarm
Most people don't even need enclo
true. i prob won’t then. saves me money anyways
I skimmed over it

No, we do know. It's bullshit. You're not the first to try this, "lil bro"
hey retard people’s bodies react different to everything. now get back to modding :lul:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: tom69
  • Ugh..
Reactions: NorwoodAscender
What a creative cope.

I'll go listen to subliminals right now, maybe my body will "react differently"
maybe ur body will react differently if you stop wasting your life away moderating an incel form :lul: (no offense to other mods you guys are cool asf, this dudes just a fag)
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: tom69 and stimmaxxing
I DIDNT MEAN IT BRO UR COOL ASF. it’s just hard to insult people you know nothing about and that was the only thing i know about the guy
  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
Wild to think that you believe that you’re MTN while I’m rated Chadelite - Chad (HTN by users that hate me), and I honestly think you’re bare minimum just below my level.
You’re currently low chadelite imo, and after all this you might get to medium chadelite.
If you MT2maxxed and got thickers brows plus spent a few hundred on fillers, you’d be a genuine high chadelite capped at that due to your height.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ripikke, LooksThinker, sportsmogger and 4 others
Wild to think that you believe that you’re MTN while I’m rated Chadelite - Chad (HTN by users that hate me), and I honestly think you’re bare minimum just below my level.
You’re currently low chadelite imo, and after all this you might get to medium chadelite.
If you MT2maxxed and got thickers brows plus spent a few hundred on fillers, you’d be a genuine high chadelite capped at that due to your height.
appreciate it man. do you know if arvid was on MT2? is that how he got so tan?
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers
You are weakish HTN already tbh and what are you aiming for ? Chadlite?

Train arms and shoulders. They’re really lagging behind compared to your chest.
  • +1
Reactions: sportsmogger and NorwoodAscender
You are weakish HTN already tbh and what are you aiming for ? Chadlite?

Train arms and shoulders. They’re really lagging behind compared to your chest.
really hoping for like high htn. and yeah i’ve been killing my shoulders/arms every workout hopefully i see some results soon
I see a lot of cope though

"Tilted sphenoid" - bullshit
Bonesmashing - bullshit
Masseter hypertrophy - bullshit
Supplements - bullshit
Vollufiline - bullshit

And way too much overcomplication

Just go to the gym and eat well nigga
This is completely wrong, a lefort is not the only thing that works and you should know that.
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender

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