Describe a typical day for you, from waking up till going to bed.

Think of your past week, 7 days. What has been the most typical, average day for you in these past 7 days. Describe it.

The moment you wake up, what are you thinking? What time do you wake up? Alarm-clock or do you wake up naturally?
Do you get out of bed instantly or do you stay in bed for a while?

Do you have a morning routine? Morning stretches? Perhaps skincare stuff, hair routine to get it looking good, typical breakfast you prepare?

Anything interesting happening during your day. At work? At home? At college/university?

What do you think or worry about? Is there people you generally talk to on an average day, friends or family?

Do you prepare your own dinner or do you buy some take-away? Do you eat dinner alone or do you have company?

What do you do in the evening hours before you go to bed?


I will post my own routine although it is quite subhuman since I only work in the weekends so on an average day I have a NEET lifestyle.
Wake up
Grinding brawlstars
Edge 4 hours
Watch anime
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im kinda forced too sadly
You aren't forced to. If all it does is make you feel bad, stop doing it. Find better ways to socialize with girls that don't wear you down like this. It's not going to work out like this.
i get 0 dopamine from social interactons
Then focus on social interaction in relation to your hobbies. Talk with people about your hobbies, find people with similar interests as you.

You are extremely active on this forum and love to talk about the struggle of socializing/dating. There's many people like you IRL too.

MANY men struggle with socializing and dating. You are not alone. I am like you, if I lived in greece I would be friends with you and we would talk about our struggles together while having a drink at some bar. There's many people like you and me.

You could find friends, social circles where you can talk about this stuff and deal with this issue together instead of being all alone.
Wake up
Listen to music
Go for a walk
Work out
Drink water
Go to work
Come back

Some days if I don't work or don't have much to do I might hang out with people or rot with videogames
Eveything you do is my routine except swap around go for a walk with work and it’s the exact same
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ou aren't forced to. If all it does is make you feel bad, stop doing it. Find better ways to socialize with girls that don't wear you down like this. It's not going to work out like this.
she talks to me first

Then focus on social interaction in relation to your hobbies. Talk with people about your hobbies, find people with similar interests as you
noone cares about common interests
Alarm wakes me up
Sleep in for like an hour anyway
Go to uni
Have a brutal cortisol spike
What causes the brutal cortisol spike? Perhaps you can avoid it and/or cope with it in a better way. It seems to influence your mood and the rest of your day severely in a terrible way.
Feel nauseous on the walk home, keep cursing and scowling thinking about my life. Try staring at women to kid myself into believing I’m confident. Realise the futility of this and have a mental breakdown on the street.
Sounds bad, mental anguish from being unhappy with your life. Staring at women and being confronted with your inceldom ain't helping.

Maybe you can listen to relaxing music while going home, help you stay out of that negative mood. Otherwise it's just going to drain your energy and put you in a negative self-destructive mindset.

At the same time don't ignore the fact that you don't like your life. It's good to realize this fact, but don't let it torture and pain you. That will only drain your energy. Just because you don't like your life, doesn't mean you have to punish yourself with bad feelings/energy.

Maybe try writing down exactly what part of your life makes you feel bad, that way you don't have to think about it so much. You already wrote it down so why think so much about it.

Once you feel better and feel like you have more energy, think of a way to improve this part of your life you don't like, slowly, step by step.

If it's inceldom, lack of social interaction with women, lack of friends, etc. Loneliness. There's definitely ways to get more social interaction and get more social opportunities.
Be nice to yourself. Don't expect yourself to get a chad social life out of nowhere.

It's not hard to get more social interaction, you probably know many ways to get more social interaction with people. But it's probably not the social interaction you ultimately want (social interaction with attractive women and high-status men).

Start there and improve from there.
Sit on a park bench to calm down.
Get home and eat.
Try to get 20k steps in. If I can’t be bothered walking I go swimming.
Read before bed if i have the energy

If no uni I go to the gym in the morning
mirin the active lifestyle tbh. 20k steps or swimming. gym in the morning.

u got that going for you quite well. mogs the average uni student hard.
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if its a work day breakfast work back to home eat dinner watch some stupid shit or here if its off day replace work with working out and thats about it
what do you feel like you are missing in your daily life routine?
wake up
train to uni
observing people/socializing
go home
watch anime

in between all of those events I’m on .org
do you feel like you are missing out on anything in your daily routine?
Wake up
Grinding brawlstars
Edge 4 hours
Watch anime
whats brawlstars

edging 4 hours sounds pretty hardcore but I have some experience with stim-fapping so I know it can feel quite good to edge for hours. Without stim-drugs I don't enjoy edging for so long though. So can't really relate to fapping for 4 hours a day, but you do you.

Is there anything you would want to change in your daily routine?
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I’ve been rotting cause I don’t feel like taking a new project and meeting another group of clients and dealing with them. Thinking of going back to regular 9-5 so I’m forced to go out of my apartment and work 5 days a week. I’d not feel bad about rotting occassionally then.
whats brawlstars

edging 4 hours sounds pretty hardcore but I have some experience with stim-fapping so I know it can feel quite good to edge for hours. Without stim-drugs I don't enjoy edging for so long though. So can't really relate to fapping for 4 hours a day, but you do you.

Is there anything you would want to change in your daily routine?
Normally I am pretty productive but in exam periods I do nithing tbh. My whole day depends on studying and if I dont study I feel like shit afterwards. Toetsweek is kut man.

Ik fap niet echt 4 uurtjes maar soms weleens voor 2 uur en daarna voel je je dan echt kut. Heb weleens dan dat mn pik beetje brand
Wake up
Come home
Eat goyslop and rot
Go to bed
What causes the brutal cortisol spike? Perhaps you can avoid it and/or cope with it in a better way. It seems to influence your mood and the rest of your day severely in a terrible way.
being around my coursemates
Think of your past week, 7 days. What has been the most typical, average day for you in these past 7 days. Describe it.

The moment you wake up, what are you thinking? What time do you wake up? Alarm-clock or do you wake up naturally?
Do you get out of bed instantly or do you stay in bed for a while?

Do you have a morning routine? Morning stretches? Perhaps skincare stuff, hair routine to get it looking good, typical breakfast you prepare?

Anything interesting happening during your day. At work? At home? At college/university?

What do you think or worry about? Is there people you generally talk to on an average day, friends or family?

Do you prepare your own dinner or do you buy some take-away? Do you eat dinner alone or do you have company?

What do you do in the evening hours before you go to bed?


I will post my own routine although it is quite subhuman since I only work in the weekends so on an average day I have a NEET lifestyle.
wakeup after 4hrs of sleep
brush teeth and wash face
go to school
come back and rot at home
wake up
check tiktok, instagram and .org for notis
scroll on all three for 1-3 hours
watch some TV
go back to scrolling on phone
watch porn and masturbate (optional)
watch some more TV
stay up late and watch some HandsomeTruth and GypsyCrusader
scroll one last time and fall asleep to a YouTube video or some shit
After i wake up i first brush my teeth,wash my face and then put sun screen,i do dead hangs on the pull up rack,i eat breakfast,i go out(for a run or just hang out) then i come home eat lunch if i didnt eat out,eat some snacks(sandwiches or fruit) i take some time to workout at home to keep fit then i just go out again maybe swimming or running(if i didnt go in the morning)then eat dinner,brush my teeth,clean my face,put a cleansing cream,eat a yoghurt then go to sleep.
Wake up at 6 or 7 and go to school. Rot there until like 2 or 3pm. Go home, eat, get some sun exposure, shower. By that time it's like 5 or 6 pm. Rot on forums, plan to ascend, learn the things needed for tomorrow. Cry.
struggle to wake up between 9-10am, drift in and out of dream state. turn on laptop, check email, crypto, youtube, etc until noon. turn on gigger app and work until 4pm, driving back home to use laptop several times between lulls in customer activity, have grocery store food using food stamps for lunch. by 5pm, go back home to lie down in bed and start browsing internet on laptop again. do this until 1-2am while under constant distraction by intrusive and obsessive thoughts about aging, mortality, and existence, and either struggle to fall asleep at 2am or wait until i can no longer stay awake around 3 to 4am. repeat cycle next day. the life of the high sentience

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