First tren dream, wtf



OG poster
Aug 12, 2018
Day 4 of tren ace, pinned 3 times so far.

Had a dream where I was lifting weights in a room with some dumbells and I was the only one in there. Then some Indian janitor dude comes in and tells me that the room was not for lifting weights and I couldn't be in there. Then I told him there were signs saying I could lift weights and there were weights there so I was gonna keep lifting them.

Then I go back to lifting and do incline dumbell presses. The janitor comes and starts doing lateral raises in my space just to piss me off. I start feeling rage and I drop one dumbell on his foot then smash him with the other dumbell. At that point he is knocked to the ground and I jump on him and he's trying to fight me off. Then I basically started eating him alive mouthful by mouthful as he's screaming starting as his legs and going up. Then he starts begging for me not to eat him . It takes forever just ripping off mouthfuls of flesh but eventually I make it to his head. At this point there's just a bloody spinal cord with the head still screaming and begging attached to it. I start ripping off his face with my teeth. After I eat his face his mouth is still moving and screaming. Then I eat his mouth last.

After that I woke up with my heart pounding and a huge erection.

and literally right before that one I had that dream I had another dream where I was a monster who brutally killed thousands of people to force everybody to submit to me as their leader.

@ZUZZCEL @ZyzzReincarnate @Nibba @Extra Chromosome @Cretinous
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i had one where my brother was talking to me in the kitchen and then i turned to look and his face was half skull exposed, so i picked up a hatchet and murdered him while he screamed nnOOOOOOOOO
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juice of the gods
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This is the definition of high t.
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I wish I had the balls to do this in real life. Average T levels are a meme.
Cant wait to start pinnin
Thought it was really interesting that you woke up with an erection from a dream about eating some currycel alive. I went to check a dream dictionary to see how they would interpret it
If you dream about eating human meat and at the same time experience unprecedented pleasure, it promises the acquisition of undeserved power. However, do not rush to rejoice, because such a “gift” of fate is similar to a free cheese in a mousetrap. You will not be able to cope with new responsibilities, which will lead to significant troubles and problems of other people. Better reject such a proposal before it’s too late.

Put together these in regards to your monster massacre dream
When we dream about something aggressive and scary, this might be a representation of our own fear in real life that is caused by something or someone. So, the general idea of a monster in your dream as a symbol is that you have great deal of emotions and feelings bottled up inside you that need to get out.

Massacre dreams, like guns and killing, depict the same meaning: a suppressed anger, but the level of emotions vary. When you have a dream about a massacre, you have to relate it to yourself and think about what is causing the built up "anger." A strong emotion like anger cannot be contained. It will pile up and eventually you’ll lose control of yourself and act viciously.

"King dreams" can be triggered by these types of feelings.
1.POWER and AUTHORITY Do you hate someone because of the power and dominace that they have over you? Did you enjoy weilding power in some way yesterday

To dream about capturing people and holding power of them means that you like to be dominant and aggressive.

Interpret all of this as you wish
what ai do u use?
lmao sounds interesting, did u have trouble sleeping on it?

i usually forget my dreams as soon as i wake up unless its like something extreme
Do you know what your testosterone levels are?
I had the weirdest fucking dream that two bodybuilder nazi skinheads were shooting up the mall but they spared me because I was white.
what ai do u use?
None, only on 250mg/wk of test. I do use 0.2mg of prami before bed every day though.
lmao sounds interesting, did u have trouble sleeping on it?

i usually forget my dreams as soon as i wake up unless its like something extreme
I am not having any worse sleep since starting tren. Sleep might have actually gotten a bit better if anything. But I'm only 4 days in so idk, maybe it will hit me in another few days or weeks.
I wish I had the balls to do this in real life. Average T levels are a meme.
It's pretty funny, people are being extra careful to stay out of my way now. Was walking to the water fountain at the same time as this other guy and he was much closer but after looking at me for a second stopped to let me drink first. And just walking around ppl stand aside. Probably because I have an angry/violent look on my face without realizing it.
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Eats me tbh

The most high T post on this site

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