High IQ steroid guide - Low Effort



Htn, 5’6 (over 😔), Top 5 IQ, Low Inhib
Sep 2, 2023
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3rd language so translated and grammar checked by AI
There are alot of steroid guides on here but most are surface level and dont explain the science
If u have opinion on this give me opinion dont be a tard

Tier S (Chad Potency and Effectiveness):

1. Testosterone:
- Mechanism: Primary male sex hormone; activates gene transcription factors for muscle growth. Too much use may lead to testicular atrophy and infertility.

2. Trenbolone:
- Mechanism: Synthetic derivative of testosterone; highly anabolic with risks like cardiotoxicity and hepatic stress.

3. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone):
- Mechanism: Enhances muscle growth but hepatotoxic; may cause liver damage.

Tier A (Chadlite Potency and Selectivity):

4. Anadrol (Oxymetholone):
- Mechanism: Boosts erythropoiesis; associated with hepatotoxicity and polycythemia.

5. Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate):
- Mechanism: Boosts muscle growth with low androgenic activity; may suppress testosterone production and pose cardiovascular risks.

Tier B (HTN Efficacy and Target Specificity):

6. Winstrol (Stanozolol):
- Mechanism: Boosts protein synthesis and endurance but may cause hepatotoxicity and cardiovascular issues.

7. Anavar (Oxandrolone):
- Mechanism: Preserves lean muscle mass with minimal androgenic effects; potential hepatotoxicity and lipid profile alteration.

Tier C (MTN Efficacy and Safety Profile):

8. Primobolan (Methenolone):
- Mechanism: Mild anabolic effects with low hepatotoxicity; higher doses may increase risk.

9. Masteron (Drostanolone):
- Mechanism: Inhibits aromatase, enhancing definition; short half-life and androgenic properties.

10. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate):
- Mechanism: Causes slow muscle gains with weak anabolic potency; potential side effects.

Cutting Stack (Winstrol + Anavar):

- Supplements:
Milk Thistle
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Winstrol 50mg/day
Anavar 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks

Lean Muscle Building Stack (Testosterone + Deca Durabolin):

- Supplements:
Saw Palmetto
Coenzyme Q10
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Testosterone 500mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Bulking Stack (Dianabol + Testosterone + Deca Durabolin):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Cranberry Extract
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Dianabol 30-50mg/day
Testosterone 500mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 8-10 weeks

Muscle Growth and Fat Loss Stack (Trenbolone + Testosterone + Anavar):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Cranberry Extract
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Testosterone 500mg/week
Anavar 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Strength Stack (Anadrol + Trenbolone):

- Supplements:
Garlic Extract
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Anadrol 50-100mg/day
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks

Endurance Stack (Equipoise + Masteron):

- Supplements:
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Equipoise 400mg/week
Masteron 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Recomp Stack (Testosterone + Trenbolone + Winstrol):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Milk Thistle
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Testosterone 500mg/week
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Joint Health and Recovery Stack (Deca Durabolin + Equipoise):

- Supplements:
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Deca 400mg/week
Equipoise 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 8-10 weeks

Advanced Bulking with Focus on Vascularity Stack (Trenbolone + Anadrol + Testosterone):

- Supplements:
Garlic Extract
Fiber supplement
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Anadrol 50-100mg/day
Testosterone 500mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Aggressive Cutting Stack (Clenbuterol + Trenbolone + Winstrol):

- Supplements:
Coenzyme Q10
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Clenbuterol 40-120mcg/day
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks

Infertility and Testicular Atrophy:
- Counter: Incorporate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into the cycle to maintain testicular size and function.
- Consideration: PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like Clomid or Nolvadex to restore natural testosterone production.

Estrogen-related Side Effects (Gynecomastia, Water Retention):
- Counter: Use of aromatase inhibitors (AI) like Aromasin or Arimidex to control estrogen levels.
- Consideration: Monitoring estradiol levels regularly and adjusting AI dosage accordingly.

Androgen-related Side Effects (Acne, Hair Loss, Prostate Enlargement):
- Counter: Topical treatments for acne, such as benzoyl peroxide or retinoids; Finasteride or Dutasteride for hair loss prevention; Saw Palmetto for prostate health.
- Consideration: Proper hygiene and skincare routine; regular prostate checks if prone to prostate issues.

Cardiovascular Risks (Elevated Blood Pressure, Lipid Profile Changes):
- Counter: Cardiovascular exercises.
- Consideration: Monitoring blood pressure, cholesterol, and lipid profiles; supplement with Omega-3 fatty acids.

Liver Strain:
- Counter: Regular liver function tests; use of liver support supplements like Milk Thistle or N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC).
- Consideration: Limiting alcohol intake and avoiding hepatotoxic substances.

Mood Swings and Aggression:
- Counter: Anger and Depression isnt real watch Andrew Tate.
- Consideration: Join Hustlers University.

Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Sugar Management:
- Counter: Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly; dont take too many carbs.
- Consideration: Supplementing with Chromium or Alpha-Lipoic Acid to support insulin sensitivity.

Kidney Function:
- Counter: Much water negro; monitoring kidney function through blood tests.
- Consideration: Avoid too much use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which can strain the kidneys.

Red Blood Cell Count Elevation (Polycythemia):
- Counter: Monitoring hematocrit and hemoglobin levels; donating blood if necessary to reduce red blood cell count.
- Consideration: Adjusting dosage or frequency of testosterone administration to manage erythrocytosis.

Cholesterol Imbalances:
- Counter: Statin medications if needed.
- Consideration: Regular lipid profile monitoring to track changes and adjust interventions accordingly.


Bonus Suggestions:
1. TUDCA - Liver - Suggested by @NorwoodAscender
2. Telmisartan - High blood pressure - Suggested by a thug

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high iq. Dnr yet, bookmarked and will read later.
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Can already tell how retarded this post is, putting ANYONE on 50mgs of actual anavar is beyond dumb and shows just how garbage your UGL gear is. As far as mechanism works all of these are androgen receptor agonist you fucking retard, outside of some other pathways like glucocorticoid receptor antagonism or ER-beta agonism through aromatization the majority of drugs people here would be touching (test, primo, anavar, EQ) are 99% working through AR agonism
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  • JFL
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Can already tell how retarded this post is, putting ANYONE on 50mgs of actual anavar is beyond dumb and shows just how garbage your UGL gear is
1 its low effort 2 r u saying its too low or 2 high lol?
no TUDCA for liver?
Can already tell how retarded this post is, putting ANYONE on 50mgs of actual anavar is beyond dumb and shows just how garbage your UGL gear is
Actually no either way ur just wrong 50mg of anavar is good jfl and its recommended by professionals on sites i see
1 its low effort 2 r u saying its too low or 2 high lol?
It's high as balls, 50mgs of pharmaceutical grade anavar is fucking insane, the back pumps alone at 25mgs is a shit ton. Don't make these low effort posts on a convoluted subject because given how many autists are here you are gonna end up hurting retards here who should not be touching gear
  • +1
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Actually no either way ur just wrong 50mg of anavar is good jfl and its recommended by professionals on sites i see
Your "professionals" aren't actually the people who understand this shit you looked up anavar dose for men and chose that number, if you look at the top IFBB pro coaches even they don't put their open bodybuilder athletes on 50 mgs of anavar, not in the offseason and not pre contest. It shows you haven't taken 50mgs of actual anavar before because if you have you would not recommend it.
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Obviously you weren't blessed in your IQ, so I am going to help break this down for you in simple terms. People who are actually interested in steroid use aren't using the first result from google when searching "anavar dosage for men", it takes time to learn how these drugs work and "ndtv" is not a credible given if you go to the references for that article they cite Vox, MSN, and daily mail as some of their sources for creating that shit stain of an article. As hard as it is to believe you need to put fourth some effort to understanding this stuff if you want to learn I recommend watching this or going on forums dedicated to PED's. You are speaking on a topic which you know little to nothing about and it really shows.
  • +1
Reactions: truecel12, AySab and callisto
Your "professionals" aren't actually the people who understand this shit you looked up anavar dose for men and chose that number, if you look at the top IFBB pro coaches even they don't put their open bodybuilder athletes on 50 mgs of anavar, not in the offseason and not pre contest. It shows you haven't taken 50mgs of actual anavar before because if you have you would not recommend it.
Thats js not true, ifbb pro coaches dont recommend anavar or take it cause its week the info i have on anavar is from a video by dave palumbo
  • JFL
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Obviously you weren't blessed in your IQ, so I am going to help break this down for you in simple terms. People who are actually interested in steroid use aren't using the first result from google when searching "anavar dosage for men", it takes time to learn how these drugs work and "ndtv" is not a credible given if you go to the references for that article they cite Vox, MSN, and daily mail as some of their sources for creating that shit stain of an article. As hard as it is to believe you need to put fourth some effort to understanding this stuff if you want to learn I recommend watching this or going on forums dedicated to PED's. You are speaking on a topic which you know little to nothing about and it really shows.

It doesnt, ill show u sum proof then 1 sec
Obviously you weren't blessed in your IQ, so I am going to help break this down for you in simple terms. People who are actually interested in steroid use aren't using the first result from google when searching "anavar dosage for men", it takes time to learn how these drugs work and "ndtv" is not a credible given if you go to the references for that article they cite Vox, MSN, and daily mail as some of their sources for creating that shit stain of an article. As hard as it is to believe you need to put fourth some effort to understanding this stuff if you want to learn I recommend watching this or going on forums dedicated to PED's. You are speaking on a topic which you know little to nothing about and it really shows.

DE9FA14A A734 41C0 BAF3 E9D22F5B6DD2

Every time i post sum on this site i always have a person like u who thinks they know everything
Thats js not true, ifbb pro coaches dont recommend anavar or take it cause its week the info i have on anavar is from a video by dave palumbo
Yk how annoying and stressful it is to argue with people yesterday i had to argue with a nigga named snake for 3 hours just for him to end up telling me hes going to rape me on a subject he thought he knew so much about which yk what happened, he didnt know anything smh 3 hours wasted and its not the first time
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Yk how annoying and stressful it is to argue with people yesterday i had to argue with a nigga named snake for 3 hours just for him to end up telling me hes going to rape me on a subject he thought he knew so much about which yk what happened, he didnt know anything smh 3 hours wasted and its not the first time
@LooksmaxAutist meant to reply to u
Obviously you weren't blessed in your IQ, so I am going to help break this down for you in simple terms. People who are actually interested in steroid use aren't using the first result from google when searching "anavar dosage for men", it takes time to learn how these drugs work and "ndtv" is not a credible given if you go to the references for that article they cite Vox, MSN, and daily mail as some of their sources for creating that shit stain of an article. As hard as it is to believe you need to put fourth some effort to understanding this stuff if you want to learn I recommend watching this or going on forums dedicated to PED's. You are speaking on a topic which you know little to nothing about and it really shows.

Wanna know something too, ur not even wrong, some people can take 25 and some 50 thats the range of doses i always see, johndoebdb says 50 is a pain in the ass for him but he recommends 25-60 smh theres a reason theres a range
People these days smh its like everyone loves to argue just to argue 😔
I guarantee hes writing a 40 page essay rn just for it to be wrong smh
Thats js not true, ifbb pro coaches dont recommend anavar or take it cause its week the info i have on anavar is from a video by dave palumbo
Dave palumbo is the same fucking guy who said winstrol isn't HPTA supressive that being said yes Anavar is still used in the pro ranks as evidenced here:] upwards of 70mgs of anavar was used pre contest granted this was broken down by derek and steve for being unnecessary and it 100% was too much var even for a pre contest cycle, I speak the way I do because I am confident I know more than you or Dave about gear given how much effort I went into learning this shit.
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Dave palumbo is the same fucking guy who said winstrol isn't HPTA supressive that being said yes Anavar is still used in the pro ranks as evidenced here: upwards of 70mgs of anavar was used pre contest granted this was broken down by derek and steve for being unnecessary and it 100% was too much var even for a pre contest cycle, I speak the way I do because I am confident I know more than you or Dave about gear given how much effort I went into learning this shit.

steroids is not hard to learn about jfl it takes like 5 hours to learn most of it, ive been researching stuff related to steroids and enhances for like 1.5 years im sure uve been for longer but after the first week there wasnt much for me to learn
  • JFL
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Dave palumbo is the same fucking guy who said winstrol isn't HPTA supressive that being said yes Anavar is still used in the pro ranks as evidenced here:] upwards of 70mgs of anavar was used pre contest granted this was broken down by derek and steve for being unnecessary and it 100% was too much var even for a pre contest cycle, I speak the way I do because I am confident I know more than you or Dave about gear given how much effort I went into learning this shit.

also theres dose ranges smh u cant argue this because even if yk more than me “u claim to” u forgot a basic thing which is normal 🤷‍♀️
Dave palumbo is the same fucking guy who said winstrol isn't HPTA supressive that being said yes Anavar is still used in the pro ranks as evidenced here:] upwards of 70mgs of anavar was used pre contest granted this was broken down by derek and steve for being unnecessary and it 100% was too much var even for a pre contest cycle, I speak the way I do because I am confident I know more than you or Dave about gear given how much effort I went into learning this shit.

Personally i wouldnt normally care about arguing, but ppl believe whatever they see, in my last post someone was trolling and said “chatgpt” it got 15 rep my post got 5, so now the whole post i spent time writing is ruined because someone thought hed have a giggle
steroids is not hard to learn about jfl it takes like 5 hours to learn most of it, ive been researching stuff related to steroids and enhances for like 1.5 years im sure uve been for longer but after the first week there wasnt much for me to learn
also theres dose ranges smh u cant argue this because even if yk more than me “u claim to” u forgot a basic thing which is normal 🤷‍♀️
This is the last response I am giving, yes there are ranges for dosing and having said that the point I am making is 50mgs of pharma var is too fucking much even for the IFBB pro olympians. There is a shit to to learn about this stuff, if I asked you where the androgen receptor was located you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a DNA binding domain was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a cofactor was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what chemical alteration on oral steroids is done (which carbon atom functional group is modified) you wouldn't be able to tell me. You wrote this awful ass forum post and not ONCE mention taking an angiotensin 2 receptor blocker like for fucks sake learning what Telmisartan is and how it works is basic bodybuilding / physiology 101 and you couldn't even do that? I genuinely just can't understand how you think you know anything, I am guessing it has to be the Dunning-Kruger effect because I remember when I learned how the HPTA work I thought I knew everything about steroids at that point, stay the fuck off of gear until you actually spend several years learning about physiology, chemistry, and pharmacology you fucking noob.
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This is the last response I am giving, yes there are ranges for dosing and having said that the point I am making is 50mgs of pharma var is too fucking much even for the IFBB pro olympians. There is a shit to to learn about this stuff, if I asked you where the androgen receptor was located you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a DNA binding domain was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a cofactor was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what chemical alteration on oral steroids is done (which carbon atom functional group is modified) you wouldn't be able to tell me. You wrote this awful ass forum post and not ONCE mention taking an angiotensin 2 receptor blocker like for fucks sake learning what Telmisartan is and how it works is basic bodybuilding / physiology 101 and you couldn't even do that? I genuinely just can't understand how you think you know anything, I am guessing it has to be the Dunning-Kruger effect because I remember when I learned how the HPTA work I thought I knew everything about steroids at that point, stay the fuck off of gear until you actually spend several years learning about physiology, chemistry, and pharmacology you fucking noob.
I actually could answer everything u asked u could read my previous posts ud see im smarter than u by alot, also my guide is supposed to be a simple guide low effort not a definitive guide, also noob is crazy, this took me like an hour to write
This is the last response I am giving, yes there are ranges for dosing and having said that the point I am making is 50mgs of pharma var is too fucking much even for the IFBB pro olympians. There is a shit to to learn about this stuff, if I asked you where the androgen receptor was located you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a DNA binding domain was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a cofactor was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what chemical alteration on oral steroids is done (which carbon atom functional group is modified) you wouldn't be able to tell me. You wrote this awful ass forum post and not ONCE mention taking an angiotensin 2 receptor blocker like for fucks sake learning what Telmisartan is and how it works is basic bodybuilding / physiology 101 and you couldn't even do that? I genuinely just can't understand how you think you know anything, I am guessing it has to be the Dunning-Kruger effect because I remember when I learned how the HPTA work I thought I knew everything about steroids at that point, stay the fuck off of gear until you actually spend several years learning about physiology, chemistry, and pharmacology you fucking noob.
a low effort guide is one that give u a base plate not a final draft
This is the last response I am giving, yes there are ranges for dosing and having said that the point I am making is 50mgs of pharma var is too fucking much even for the IFBB pro olympians. There is a shit to to learn about this stuff, if I asked you where the androgen receptor was located you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a DNA binding domain was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a cofactor was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what chemical alteration on oral steroids is done (which carbon atom functional group is modified) you wouldn't be able to tell me. You wrote this awful ass forum post and not ONCE mention taking an angiotensin 2 receptor blocker like for fucks sake learning what Telmisartan is and how it works is basic bodybuilding / physiology 101 and you couldn't even do that? I genuinely just can't understand how you think you know anything, I am guessing it has to be the Dunning-Kruger effect because I remember when I learned how the HPTA work I thought I knew everything about steroids at that point, stay the fuck off of gear until you actually spend several years learning about physiology, chemistry, and pharmacology you fucking noob.
Mabe think that i wrote 90% of this stuff of the top of my head and its almost 99% accurate atleast be proud of that pookie
This is the last response I am giving, yes there are ranges for dosing and having said that the point I am making is 50mgs of pharma var is too fucking much even for the IFBB pro olympians. There is a shit to to learn about this stuff, if I asked you where the androgen receptor was located you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a DNA binding domain was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what a cofactor was you wouldn't be able to tell me, if I asked you what chemical alteration on oral steroids is done (which carbon atom functional group is modified) you wouldn't be able to tell me. You wrote this awful ass forum post and not ONCE mention taking an angiotensin 2 receptor blocker like for fucks sake learning what Telmisartan is and how it works is basic bodybuilding / physiology 101 and you couldn't even do that? I genuinely just can't understand how you think you know anything, I am guessing it has to be the Dunning-Kruger effect because I remember when I learned how the HPTA work I thought I knew everything about steroids at that point, stay the fuck off of gear until you actually spend several years learning about physiology, chemistry, and pharmacology you fucking noob.
Also heres the summary of our argument, u said my dose is wrong i explain its not cuz of ranges u then i think agreed, and then u pointed out that i missed telmisartan, and that makes my whole post null?, ive seen the vid the mid on telmisartan a year ago from sum guy, as i said i did most of this of the top of my head mb that i didnt remember 1 drug but got LITTERALY EVERYTHING ELSE RIGTH, means this whole post is trash garbage deleted, gotchu, @Snake.0359 i met another kid who argued like u thinks he knows everything just to be retarded jfl yall should have sex
great thread rigged
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
Can u add these to the bottom of the list right above the related thread thing i put, this stuffs fairly important since steroids is serious topic:

Bonus Suggestions:
1. TUDCA - Liver - Suggested by @NorwoodAscender
2. Telmisartan - High blood pressure - Suggested by a thug

Unrelated: How do i see staff list
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Can u add these to the bottom of the list right above the related thread thing i put, this stuffs fairly important since steroids is serious topic:

Bonus Suggestions:
1. TUDCA - Liver - Suggested by @NorwoodAscender
2. Telmisartan - High blood pressure - Suggested by a thug

Unrelated: How do i see staff list
informative, great examples of cycles and short/ easy to read.
Good thread OP
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Why is it ranked from potency and effectiveness. Making a steroid guide in this manner is completely stupid because you have trenbolone in S tier and tren should be used for cutting as it works better then other roids during a a calorie deficit.
  • +1
Reactions: truecel12
Why is it ranked from potency and effectiveness. Making a steroid guide in this manner is completely stupid because you have trenbolone in S tier and tren should be used for cutting as it works better then other roids during a a calorie deficit.
It isnt ranked based on potency and effectiveness the tier titles are jokes and the tier list is accurate i had other people on this forum confirm, tren is in the advanced cutting stack because anavar and winstrol are enough for a normal cutting stack
Why is it ranked from potency and effectiveness. Making a steroid guide in this manner is completely stupid because you have trenbolone in S tier and tren should be used for cutting as it works better then other roids during a a calorie deficit.
Cant really put a tier name for steroids that server different purposes :(
It isnt ranked based on potency and effectiveness the tier titles are jokes and the tier list is accurate i had other people on this forum confirm, tren is in the advanced cutting stack because anavar and winstrol are enough for a normal cutting stack
Fair I stand corrected
Cant really put a tier name for steroids that server different purposes :(
I wouldn't ever recommend trenbolone to anyone, the neurotoxicity and disgusting sides is crazy.
  • +1
Reactions: callisto and Rigged
I wouldn't ever recommend trenbolone to anyone, the neurotoxicity and disgusting sides is crazy.
I agree only recommended it for advanced, if someone dont know much about steroids and does tren thats their problem 🤷‍♂️
Dog shit tier list
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Reactions: truecel12, LegitUser, callisto and 2 others
It isnt 2nd jfl theres a stack guide at the bottom its in the advanced ones
spamming jfl in every post doesnt make u seem any less GrAYcel
  • +1
Reactions: truecel12, callisto and UrGirlsMcm
Can already tell how retarded this post is, putting ANYONE on 50mgs of actual anavar is beyond dumb and shows just how garbage your UGL gear is. As far as mechanism works all of these are androgen receptor agonist you fucking retard, outside of some other pathways like glucocorticoid receptor antagonism or ER-beta agonism through aromatization the majority of drugs people here would be touching (test, primo, anavar, EQ) are 99% working through AR agonism
Well make yourself a thread of everything you know about steriods if you can do it better

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