High IQ steroid guide - Low Effort

always niggas bringing up dave palumbo




@AySab @ u since u liked his comment letting u know this niggas a moron
I only gave him rep so he gets notified to come back so you guys can argue more
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  • JFL
Reactions: n9wiff
correct, one of the rare correct things in this thread

not in high tier, esp for looksmaxxing. will make everything but your muscles look like shit, skin quality, hair etc. also highly individual mental response.

wrong, should be low tier. bloat roid, aromatizes into 17-methylestradiol, which is only controllable with suicidal ais, which have androgenic sides like hair loss.

bad choice, bloat, good for strength, would rank lower.

bad choice for looksmaxxing again, bloat, mental deterioration, watery.

good roid, exept it can cause hairloss and will make your skin look older if you dont take care of it. should be in s or a tier depending on personal response. (which this guy @Rigged doesnt have, thats why he writes such shit threads)

good, but will trash your hdl (from 40s to high/low 10s depending on dosage. should be s or a tier.

very good, improves skin somehow in me, dry, full, controls e2, be careful with that. should be s tier but this retard put it in c tier lmao.

THE looksmaxxing steroid if youre not prone to balding. if you are, it will fuck you in the ass. eliminates any bloat, makes you look lean as fuck and angular. also great neurology driver.

similar to primo, should be s or a. only bad thing is long ester.

oral only stack, you wont have e2, will rip a tendon or something and you probably will get dick problems week 4-6 onwards due to the missing e2

lean??, wtf is this guy talking about.
watery as fuck, lethargy and he wants to control the e2 on this stack with DIM, mhm thatll work definitely.

same as before, but even more eytreme. this is the most retarded stack one could run. youll end up looking like a fat guy with a ballon face.

test too high, will cause tren sides like agression, insomnia. also your hdl will be in the single digits. very bad, very unhealthy. youll probably build a nice amount of arterial plaque with that cycle.

where tf is the test base???? this nigga.
horrible cycle. also he keeps putting in random supplements as if they would help tren sides. magnesium and garlic extract? what will that do?

no test base, shit stack. weird supplements again, like on all his shitty cycle suggestions.

its getting worse. test too high, again horrible for hdl and ldl. also, tren at this dose will cause hypoglycemia already, and this guy puts chromium in as a supplement, which will make that even worse. no AI also.

no test. shit cycle. e2 is needed for collagen deposition, esp. for rebuilding.

rage mode. steroids usually just exasperate your personality, but tren&anadrol will make you angry. all the time. youll be bloated as fuxk too, and will have high e2 sides again, which will make tren worse

no test.

decent advice. but too sparse

why not included in the cycle suggestions? stupid. also no dosage advice etc. even though this is very individual, theres still a general range of doses.

i personally dislike fin, but again, too vague. dosing, side effects of named ancillaries, etc.

tells you what to monitor, but not to do, if out of range. retarded. telmisartan, nebivolol, cardio, electrolyte intake.

tudca?? also too vague AGAIN.

lmao wtf is this

acceptable info once.

meh info, but doesnt even mention astragalus or jardiance

frequency or dosage wont help if youre prone to high hgb or high hct. naringin, much arrobic training (high volume, lower intensity, like running, cycling), lots of water and electrolytes. all this info missing. vague again.

statins, ok buddy.
how about 60min cardio a day, as a baseline, which should be written as the first thing in this thread, citrus bergamot, red yeast rice WITH monacolin k.

here @Rigged debunked your shitty thread.
90%+ of it is shit, you forgot baseline infos like test base always, have only baseline information by shitty info sources like the websites you cited and this generally feels like a randomly puzzled together thread with no associations to actual norms or "rules" used while on peds.

if you would be using peds for a substainable time yourself, which you havent, you would know that.
yet you insult guys like @Clavicular @ConfusedBolivian and me, who have ran stuff and figured out there body's responses before talking shit on the internet.
Then again @Rigged mentioned its low effort I dont think anyone will base a cycle of this. Best to just use the basic info he provided.

Still the cycles he suggested are very average meathead roid maniac cycles
  • JFL
Reactions: Rigged
  • JFL
Reactions: AySab
My bad bro I swear I replied bad memory, HCG at 16 can prematurely stimulate Leydig cells, possibly disrupting natural LH/FSH balance, u can recover from testicle atrophy normally without doing anything especially at such a low dose, honestly I'm debating pcting since i cant decide between
1. almost no risk for test atrophy (pct) but chance for growth plate closure
2. low but possible risk for test atrophy (no pct) ud still most likely recover at 16, but no chance for plate closure from serms

the thing is from what im understand the plate closure was from high dosage at long duration but the risk is present

i think if my plates are closed by then ill 100% pct
I'd go with 1 because growth plate maturation is only caused by e2 just keep that low with an aromatase inhibitor and you'll be good to go/also another question if we can recover testicular atrophy why can't we recover from HCG though Homeostasis please answer both of my questions if possible also you're working yourself too hard make sure to rest for a bit take care!
I'd go with 1 because growth plate maturation is only caused by e2 just keep that low with an aromatase inhibitor and you'll be good to go/also another question if we can recover testicular atrophy why can't we recover from HCG though Homeostasis please answer both of my questions if possible
1. Serms (pct) close plates outside of the E2 function
2. HCG mimics LH; long use disrupts natural LH production
also you're working yourself too hard make sure to rest for a bit take care!
1. Serms (pct) close plates outside of the E2 function
2. HCG mimics LH; long use disrupts natural LH production

disrupts? like kills it or just suppresses it?
but that's easily manageble as your body naturally fixes itself or you can just use clomid as pct after you're done with the cycle using hcg like here look

i go with the cycle and use hcg so my testicles don't shut down yes.

testicles don't shut down good.

after cycle done with cycle which in this case we're taking a long cycle our LH levels are supressed bad.

we take clomid so it goes back in it's normal level end of it good?
but that's easily manageble as your body naturally fixes itself or you can just use clomid as pct after you're done with the cycle using hcg like here look

i go with the cycle and use hcg so my testicles don't shut down yes.

testicles don't shut down good.

after cycle done with cycle which in this case we're taking a long cycle our LH levels are supressed bad.

we take clomid so it goes back in it's normal level end of it good?
yeh hcg last 5 weeks of cycle at 500iu 2x a week i think it was or 2x a day i dont remember but yeh
How should I use Anavar (25mg) in a 500mg per week, 15-week test cycle?

Kickstart the cycle with Anavar? Sub it in mid-cycle to help with plateaus? Run it the whole cycle?

PCT wise why do you frown upon Nova? Doesnt clomid give vision issues?

Thoughts on NO PCT?
How should I use Anavar (25mg) in a 500mg per week, 15-week test cycle?
30mg every day
Kickstart the cycle with Anavar? Sub it in mid-cycle to help with plateaus? Run it the whole cycle?
The point of var is to Kickstart it but run it the whole cycle
PCT wise why do you frown upon Nova? Doesnt clomid give vision issues?
Nolva is neurotoxic, clomid sides are dose dependent
Thoughts on NO PCT?
Im debating running no pct but worried abt losing all my gains and being low T for 14 weeks
  • +1
Reactions: MazoNitNit
Can already tell how retarded this post is, putting ANYONE on 50mgs of actual anavar is beyond dumb and shows just how garbage your UGL gear is. As far as mechanism works all of these are androgen receptor agonist you fucking retard, outside of some other pathways like glucocorticoid receptor antagonism or ER-beta agonism through aromatization the majority of drugs people here would be touching (test, primo, anavar, EQ) are 99% working through AR agonism
50mg anavar is the recommended dose faggot
How should I use Anavar (25mg) in a 500mg per week, 15-week test cycle?

Kickstart the cycle with Anavar? Sub it in mid-cycle to help with plateaus? Run it the whole cycle?

PCT wise why do you frown upon Nova? Doesnt clomid give vision issues?

Thoughts on NO PCT?
say bye to natural testosterone production and losing most gains without pct dumb fuck
kys retard your body will fix itself
ay bye to natural testosterone production and losing most gains without pct dumb fuck
kys retard your body will fix itself
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
say bye to natural testosterone production and losing most gains without pct dumb fuck
Body recovers naturally he will lose most his gains tho
  • +1
Reactions: MazoNitNit
kys retard your body will fix itself
Body recovers naturally he will lose most his gains tho
depends on cycle length retard. most times your body dont recover itself depending on cycle length. and you will be low t and shit for 12 weeks and losing most gains. thats why pct is needed to not be low t for 12 weeks, keep gains and not risk fucking up natural testosterone production.
depends on cycle length retard. most times your body dont recover itself depending on cycle length. and you will be low t and shit for 12 weeks and losing most gains. thats why pct is needed to not be low t for 12 weeks, keep gains and not risk fucking up natural testosterone production.
No 99% of the time ull revover also ur body will recover naturally as all PCT does is accelerate recovery not cause it as ive already stated but keep up yapping tho maybe ull get some recognition for looking a clown
Anyone who puts tren into high tier is a fucking retard

A Tier (gold standard)

B Tier (great but there are sides/better options)
MENT (controversial but it's more sustainable than tren)

C tier (situationally useful, juice sometimes ain't worth the squeeze)

D Tier (just don't)
  • +1
Reactions: LegitUser and Clavicular
Anyone who puts tren into high tier is a fucking retard

A Tier (gold standard)

B Tier (great but there are sides/better options)
MENT (controversial but it's more sustainable than tren)

C tier (situationally useful, juice sometimes ain't worth the squeeze)

D Tier (just don't)
Yeh no ur goofy i stated tren is for advanced bodybuilding
Yeh no ur goofy i stated tren is for advanced bodybuilding
By putting it into a guide and making it S tier you're encouraging dumbasses to do it. The top tier should be primo and var
By putting it into a guide and making it S tier you're encouraging dumbasses to do it. The top tier should be primo and var
Test var deca should be top tier primo isnt good, if those dumbasses dont want to read the full guide thats on them
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
By putting it into a guide and making it S tier you're encouraging dumbasses to do it. The top tier should be primo and var
Primo is legit garbage and has the most dogshit ROI out of any roid

why are there so many retards talking about roids here did no one use bodybuilding.com ?
  • +1
Reactions: LegitUser and xegigi
Test var deca should be top tier primo isnt good, if those dumbasses dont want to read the full guide thats on them
Primo is legit garbage and has the most dogshit ROI out of any roid

why are there so many retards talking about roids here did no one use bodybuilding.com ?
You don't use primo for the ROI, you use primo for its estrogen masking effects and because it's relatively safe and easy to bulk on. I find it feels way nicer than aromasin and easier to dial in. Its an important part of any heavy cycle - test + primo with a pre workout like anadrol/trestolone is normal
You don't use primo for the ROI, you use primo for its estrogen masking effects and because it's relatively safe and easy to bulk on. I find it feels way nicer than aromasin and easier to dial in. Its an important part of any heavy cycle - test + primo with a pre workout like anadrol/trestolone is normal
It (barely) affecting E dont >> the cost… there r better and stronger alternatives
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Its light affect on E doeant outweight the costs… there r better and stronger alternatives
Its not a light effect on e2, it's a masking effect. You can have high e2 while running primo and feel fine. Its then substantially easier to adjust the primo while running a predictable amount of AI to adjust for it. Your e2 gets slightly high? Guess what, your dick still works. You just feel better overall. And it's still putting mass on you, you can even cruise on it.

You can then blast liver toxic shit while keeping relatively stable bloodwork. I'm not saying that other shit doesnt put more mass on you, I'm saying that primo is something to think about in every cycle
Its not a light effect on e2, it's a masking effect. You can have high e2 while running primo and feel fine. Its then substantially easier to adjust the primo while running a predictable amount of AI to adjust for it. Your e2 gets slightly high? Guess what, your dick still works. You just feel better overall. And it's still putting mass on you, you can even cruise on it.

You can then blast liver toxic shit while keeping relatively stable bloodwork. I'm not saying that other shit doesnt put more mass on you, I'm saying that primo is something to think about in every cycle
i dont get what u mean by masking? Elaborate. Primo doesnt aromatize, if u have high E from test primo wont hide the sides it just wont increase it, ud still need to use an AI either way
Its not a light effect on e2, it's a masking effect.
You can have high e2 while running primo and feel fine.
no u cant
Its then substantially easier to adjust the primo while running a predictable amount of AI to adjust for it.
Why would u use AI to adjust for primo
Your e2 gets slightly high? Guess what, your dick still works.
The goal of AI is to have low E2 i get ur tryna say keeping it low enough but ideal especially for plates keeping it at 8-20 is ideal
You just feel better overall. And it's still putting mass on you, you can even cruise on it.
Barely putting on mass
You can then blast liver toxic shit while keeping relatively stable bloodwork. I'm not saying that other shit doesnt put more mass on you, I'm saying that primo is something to think about in every cycle
I think ur getting confused about the masking part as uve stated primo doesnt mask E2 it just dont convert to it
rare to respond bad to test as it already exists to ur body, yeh test + var is enough to get aesthetic tbh anything more will make u look like a powerlifter, if ur over 21 just run the cycle then blast and cruise
Id run
12-16 weeks
250mg test 2x a week
30mg anavar ever day
12.5 aromasin 2x a week or 0.25 arimidex 2x a week i prefer arimidex but ull have to cycle off arimidex with aromasin or ull get back alot of rebound
Pct with clomid never nolvadex as its extremely neurotoxic
If ur plates r still open dont pct at all, as all serms close growth plates, and all pct does is speed up post cycle healing, the difference is 4 weeks with pct vs 14 weeks without ull be fine
Hcg i think it was 500 iu 2x a week on ur last 4 weeks of the cycle
If ur younger than 20 u dont need hcg
im doing this u better be right
Holy shit this "guide" is beyond braindead. I hope no one actually took advice from this.
disrupts? like kills it or just suppresses it?
Pituitary usually bounces back quickly not a problem unless very long term use.
  • +1
Reactions: ShawarmaFilth and crestfallen
Holy shit this "guide" is beyond braindead. I hope no one actually took advice from this.

Pituitary usually bounces back quickly not a problem unless very long term use.
its literally not a bad guide nigga what r u talking about
  • Ugh..
Reactions: LegitUser
correct, one of the rare correct things in this thread

not in high tier, esp for looksmaxxing. will make everything but your muscles look like shit, skin quality, hair etc. also highly individual mental response.

wrong, should be low tier. bloat roid, aromatizes into 17-methylestradiol, which is only controllable with suicidal ais, which have androgenic sides like hair loss.

bad choice, bloat, good for strength, would rank lower.

bad choice for looksmaxxing again, bloat, mental deterioration, watery.

good roid, exept it can cause hairloss and will make your skin look older if you dont take care of it. should be in s or a tier depending on personal response. (which this guy @Rigged doesnt have, thats why he writes such shit threads)

good, but will trash your hdl (from 40s to high/low 10s depending on dosage. should be s or a tier.

very good, improves skin somehow in me, dry, full, controls e2, be careful with that. should be s tier but this retard put it in c tier lmao.

THE looksmaxxing steroid if youre not prone to balding. if you are, it will fuck you in the ass. eliminates any bloat, makes you look lean as fuck and angular. also great neurology driver.

similar to primo, should be s or a. only bad thing is long ester.

oral only stack, you wont have e2, will rip a tendon or something and you probably will get dick problems week 4-6 onwards due to the missing e2

lean??, wtf is this guy talking about.
watery as fuck, lethargy and he wants to control the e2 on this stack with DIM, mhm thatll work definitely.

same as before, but even more eytreme. this is the most retarded stack one could run. youll end up looking like a fat guy with a ballon face.

test too high, will cause tren sides like agression, insomnia. also your hdl will be in the single digits. very bad, very unhealthy. youll probably build a nice amount of arterial plaque with that cycle.

where tf is the test base???? this nigga.
horrible cycle. also he keeps putting in random supplements as if they would help tren sides. magnesium and garlic extract? what will that do?

no test base, shit stack. weird supplements again, like on all his shitty cycle suggestions.

its getting worse. test too high, again horrible for hdl and ldl. also, tren at this dose will cause hypoglycemia already, and this guy puts chromium in as a supplement, which will make that even worse. no AI also.

no test. shit cycle. e2 is needed for collagen deposition, esp. for rebuilding.

rage mode. steroids usually just exasperate your personality, but tren&anadrol will make you angry. all the time. youll be bloated as fuxk too, and will have high e2 sides again, which will make tren worse

no test.

decent advice. but too sparse

why not included in the cycle suggestions? stupid. also no dosage advice etc. even though this is very individual, theres still a general range of doses.

i personally dislike fin, but again, too vague. dosing, side effects of named ancillaries, etc.

tells you what to monitor, but not to do, if out of range. retarded. telmisartan, nebivolol, cardio, electrolyte intake.

tudca?? also too vague AGAIN.

lmao wtf is this

acceptable info once.

meh info, but doesnt even mention astragalus or jardiance

frequency or dosage wont help if youre prone to high hgb or high hct. naringin, much arrobic training (high volume, lower intensity, like running, cycling), lots of water and electrolytes. all this info missing. vague again.

statins, ok buddy.
how about 60min cardio a day, as a baseline, which should be written as the first thing in this thread, citrus bergamot, red yeast rice WITH monacolin k.

here @Rigged debunked your shitty thread.
90%+ of it is shit, you forgot baseline infos like test base always, have only baseline information by shitty info sources like the websites you cited and this generally feels like a randomly puzzled together thread with no associations to actual norms or "rules" used while on peds.

if you would be using peds for a substainable time yourself, which you havent, you would know that.
yet you insult guys like @Clavicular @ConfusedBolivian and me, who have ran stuff and figured out there body's responses before talking shit on the internet.
Dbol aromatization can be controlled by aromasin on slightly higher dose and dbol is a top 5 roid the downside is bloat mainly other than that i had nosebleeds on it

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