Malformed Craniofacial Complex - the ONLY thing that determines your looks



Dec 6, 2021


To understand facial attractiveness all you need to understand is optimal facial growth (no it is not forward growth) & the one way it can fuck up. Knowing any ratios or measurements is cool but actually completely useless because it tells us nothing about harmony - all we need is to have a good understanding of correct craniofacial growth. Forget everything you know about aesthetics - this thread will tell you everything you need.

Because yes in reality there is only one difference in facial growth between these 2 specimen. Can you tell what it is?

3784050 3163484 3670364B 2197 433F A68D 3F130CDB3E29

Do you see it yet?

3784274 bbbbbbbbbbbb

Maybe this morph will make it visible to you:

3784120 asdsadasd

So what I did is, I just ccw (counter-clockwise) rotated entire sections of her face to the right place. You can see the amount of rotation I did via the magenta area. The red line works as a point of measurement.

Most of you will know about downgrowth in the Maxilla but the reality is that it actually effects our whole fucking skull. It s basically that the bone grows & expands into the wrong direction. It is usually most extreme in the Orbitals & Maxilla but it can also start at the frontal bone (forehead). Sometimes it can just affect different parts of the face - sometimes it affects the whole face. I will explain why this happens later.

Lets look at some more extreme examples and morphs where I ccw-ed different sections of their faces:

3784124 incel example

It should be evident that this is the only thing that actually makes an unattractive face.

3784126 incel2

So let's look at some very attractive people and turn them into gods now:

Gandy from Slayer to biggest Gigachad you will see.

O'Pry from attractive model to warlord of Bronze Age armies.

Barrett from alien mogger to most beautiful celestial looking being.
3784288 jordan barett2

-> These guys have way less facial downgrowth than the average population or it just affects 1 area of their face which makes them look very harmonious.

You can see that good looks are not really a problem of forward growth. The problem is deeper & affects the plasticity of the whole craniofacial complex. To prove my point let's look at this common example which is used to explain forward growth.

3784331 forward growth

And now my morph which looks much more realistic & closer to real people, again done by just rotating sections of their faces:
3784194 asdsadsad

Have Sfs? Really? How about we just rotate the entire forehead lmao.

3784157 1700945940237

Ever wondered why Brad Pitt looks way more attractive than his brother Doug Pitt? Both of their foreheads are slightly downward grown which is why they have slightly negative canthal tilt. However the rest of Brad Pitt's face seemed to have developed very well. On the other hand his brother has the downgrowth in his orbits as well. What a difference this makes.

3784364 rex doug brad pitt nt 120703 wmain

Gummy Smile?
Upper Eyelid Exposure?
Negative Cantal Tilt?
Thin Upper Lip?

It is all a question of perspective. In reality none of those things really exist - It is just that you are looking at parts of your face from the wrong angle. Just look in the mirror and tilt your head in different ways and you will see none of those issues from the right viewpoint. If your craniofacial complex grew normally it would all be the same perspective. It is the only difference between an attractive and a not so attractive front profile.

3784217 1700947511389

I used this ( software I randomly found to show that the way your soft tissue looks all depends on perspective.

Last but not least the difference being visible in the skull itself:

3784740 aaaaaaaaa



"Dear Dr. Muller please cut my skull at these 5 spots & rotate each 5° degree. That will be all thanks!" ~Looksmaxxer in 2050

Currently there is no way to really fix all of this. Facial downgrowth is mostly irreversible. Surgeons would have to rotate entire sections of the face to fix it. Bimax with ccw rotation is the only real option currently available but it can only fix downgrowth in the Maxilla and even then it will not fix the Ramus. Lefort III would work in theory but can only move the midface forward - it is rotation that is needed so it is not useful. Here you can see examples of why it does not work.
Implants can also be used to camouflage a few of the issues and is actually the best bet. However depending on the part of the face that is downward grown it will usually give slightly uncanny looking results. Syrian Psycho is a good example of how Implants can take you far by hiding the actual problems. Tagging @RealSurgerymax to provide us with very well designed implants
Soft tissue operations are also only really camouflage. If you are doing a Canthoplasty you are most likely cutting off perfectly normal grown eyelids. Yes they do not look normal on your face & it can be a looks improvement - but please think twice before doing anything with your soft tissue.

To Coceancig, Pagnoni, or any other surgeon - I know you guys are lurking here: PLEASE find an affordable & safe solution to rotate entire sections of the face lmao.
So what now? We are degenerated for life. There is no going back. Is this our destiny? Should we give up?


Is the question we should all ask ourselves. I have researched this topic for some time now & finding the answer was no easy task. This piece of knowledge you are about to read is of higher value than all the money in the world.
I am going to elaborate now why this is NOT GENETIC. It is NOT caused by your GENES. Thinking like this works like a trick on yourself to keep you trapped - you can not change it, you are born like this and every next generation will be born like this as well - there are no reasons for existence at this point - no meaning - only Nihilism.

Genes and how they work are completely misunderstood. Yes our genes do influence how you look & play a role, they are the reason for different looking phenotypes. However - they are not a blueprint for our traits & features.
  • Genes are far more complex than you think. Source
  • Gene expression can vary depending on the environment. Source Source2 Source3 Source4
  • We share 60% of our genes with fruit flies, 94% with dogs & 98.8% with chimpanzees Source
  • Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count with the rest being microorganisms, bacteria etc. Source
  • Ninety-nine percent of the unique genes in your body are bacterial. Only about one percent is human. Source
  • The microbes within us alter our genes Source
-> You are a highly complex system of trillions of microorganism working in conjunction to create - well - you. Your DNA is only the code for those microorganisms to start the process of creating your body in the womb. Yes even your bones are not solid material but they are a living organ and will remain so for your entire life (cutting them open is a traumatic experience which your whole body will remember - even if you and the brain are not aware of it, so please do not take jaw surgery lightly).
The development of the craniofacial complex starts right at the beginning of fetal development by microorganisms.

1. Fetal Heavy Metal Poisoning:

Heavy metals are a highly toxic compound for any living organism. Humans have been exposed to them since antiquity but increasingly with the age of industrialisation. But just recently we started directly putting them inside us. Amalgam fillings have been around for over 100 years and have been very comon to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. It is bad enough when heavy metals are being passed through our digestive tract, causing only minor absorption into the body - but no nowdays we also inject them directly into out bodies with hardly any way to get rid of them. This is what most vaccines are, which according to our health professionals is not a problem. Apparently heavy metals need to be inside of vaccines to "help stimulate a stronger immune response in the body" - which sounds surprising considering modern science is not even close to have a grasp of our highly complex microbial.

So heavy metals get inside the body. The body ‘mistakes’ them for calcium which is why it is deposited in bone. When a woman is pregnant
her body will start delivering calcium to the baby via the placenta by the 4th month - at the same time her body will dump lots of heavy metals that were stored in her bones into the embryo.
Heavy metals can easily bypass the blood-placental barrier. The developing infants body will be overloaded by toxic heavy metals. Their body will also dump the heavy metals into their yet developing bones which negatively affects osteogenesis (bone metabolism) and leads to the degenerative growth of the skull.
The skull is the most complex arrangement of bones within the body. If one of these bones does not grow properly it will be of damaging consequence for the development of the whole craniofacial complex.

Sometimes it can affect firstborns most because by the time there is a second child there will be less heavy metals in the mothers body. I would argue that Amalgan fillings and vaccines (especially at the time of pregnancy) in the mother lead to the most severe cases of craniofacial degeneration. Also stay away from women with tattoos.

This brings me back to genetics. Different genetic systems might store the toxins slightly different. In one the heavy metals will end up in the bone that will grow to be the Maxilla, or the Ethmoid, or the Splendoid. One can only imagine what happens when different parts of the skull cannot develop properly -> There will be a wide variety of outcomes. Ever wondered why in a species all animals look mostly the same but the appearance of humans varies so much? This is also why the same kind of degenerations run within a family and makes it look like the issue is genetic. But the code for correct maxilofacial growth is still in all of us.

Development of the Skull:
Cadmium in the kidneys leads to the disruption of calcium homeostasis or calcium metabolism which leads to the degeneration of bone. 1 2
Heavy metals in human bones in different historical epochs:
A Record of Pollution During Antiquity:
Heavy metals exposure levels and their correlation with different clinical forms of fetal growth restriction:
Prenatal Heavy Metal Exposure and Adverse Birth Outcomes:
Effects of heavy metal exposure during pregnancy on birth outcomes:
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of heavy metals and neurodevelopment in infants at 6 months:
Prenatal exposure to heavy metal mixtures and anthropometric birth outcomes: a cross-sectional study:
Heavy metals in bones:
Study on the relationship between age and the concentrations of heavy metal elements in human bone:
Exposure to heavy metals and the risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis:
Adverse Impact of Heavy Metals on Bone Cells and Bone Metabolism Dependently and Independently through Anemia:
A Review of Metal Exposure and Its Effects on Bone Health:
Embryology, Bone Ossification

2. Insufficient Nutrition of the Embryo:
Is very comon because most women who are on modern diets (low on animal fats, high in sugars) do not have healthy organ systems and are often times glycemic. Their bodies are unable to produce the optimal amount of nutrients that the fetus needs. Especially the lack of Calcium can be devastating. The baby needs to absorb about 30 grams of this important mineral over the course of nine months. Source
We all know that alcohol is very toxic for an unborn child but did you know that sugar and alcohol are metabolised virtually identically in the liver? Source
Even after birth most humans get an insufficient amount of nutrition because of their unnatural lifestyle (diet & lack of sunlight). Source

Pottengers Cats is a very interesting multi-generational experiment done on cats. The verdict we can take from it is that if a species is not fed their natural diet in a raw form - then within generations the bodies & skulls will start to degenerate. The raw milk our ancestors mainly lived from has been replaced by pasteurized milk & turned into an unnatural food we cannot diggest.


tldr; you have an ugly face because you have been poisoned

Is this all it takes? Being raised on a natural lifestyle without enviromental toxins? Let's take a look at the biography of a few very well-turned out men:
Brad Pitt, Henry Cavill, Johnny Depp, Christian Bale etc. etc - were all raised on the countryside in mostly relatively traditional living families.

How did we even end up in this unnatural world if it is so hostile & poisonous to us? Is it really worth living a life of safety & comfort if it leads to the physical degeneration of our species? Why did our ancestors settle for this? Or did they even do so?
Check out this Video if these are topics of your interest.

Tacticus on Germanic tribes:
"They would rather shed blood than sweat."

Would you slave away your entire life if you were born with a godly looking face? We need a revolt against the modern world.

For more KNOWLEDGE follow: mogthewxrld on Instagram.


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most people are ugly bc there parents are ugly stop coping,most of the health freaks i know are very ugly looking
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  • WTF
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Dnr complex words
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Malformed Craniofacial Complex​

Is it bones
  • JFL
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Just get lefort III theory.
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Blud really thought that he is getting botb with this :lul: :lul:
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  • WTF
Reactions: greywind, Mewton, m0ss26 and 8 others
most probably I have this subhuman trait
  • +1
Reactions: humanoidsub7 and LooksThinker
Water, humans aren't meant to be recessed downgrown freaks naturally.
However it's genes that determine your resistance to this universally shitty environment, and environment is also completely predetermined since most parents don't care for their child to come out as best as they can, don't either have a clue or either are not willing to give up modern luxuries just so their child develops better.
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Reactions: Manfrommars, iabsolvejordan, sozz and 8 others
  • Woah
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
nigga kys ofc there is examples of good looking ppl with ugly parents but 90 percent of good looking ppl also have good looking parents and thats a fact stop coping
I explained it in the thread you low iq retard
  • JFL
Reactions: got.daim, It'snotover and chosen-one
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: CyberPsychodelic, brianxx, Deleted member 33579 and 2 others
I explained it in the thread you low iq retard
you are clueless the reason why brad pitt mogsd his brother is bc of eye spacing THATS IT,his brother has too close set eyes you are just a cope nigga
  • JFL
Reactions: got.daim
So forward growth? Jfl
Wtf?? You cannot compare a 40 y grandpa to a 8 year old lookswise

Using one cherrypicker picture"s is just simple dumb and stupid, outliers exist

I can do the same btw

Stupid take man stupid take i don"t wanna see it more from you
funny part is even tho this is a 10 percent example of a good looking guy with 'ugly parents' he still has his dads nose and his moms eyes he took the best of both worlds these faggot copers think ugly kids can just 'eat mroe clean' and that will make them look better
funny part is even tho this is a 10 percent example of a good looking guy with 'ugly parents' he still has his dads nose and his moms eyes he took the best of both worlds these faggot copers think ugly kids can just 'eat mroe clean' and that will make them look better
no obviously there isn't much you can do after your birth & early childhood. but you can do something for your children and childrens children. show me one PSL god that has a father or son that looks just as good.
you are clueless the reason why brad pitt mogsd his brother is bc of eye spacing THATS IT,his brother has too close set eyes you are just a cope nigga
yes his skull is also narrower. you have 2 digit iq? 70 is my guess
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: got.daim, efidescontinuado and 5'7 zoomer
you are clueless the reason why brad pitt mogsd his brother is bc of eye spacing THATS IT,his brother has too close set eyes you are just a cope nigga
No no no no

His brother is paler then him
and he got black hair

only these reasons why brat pitt mog his brother

they look 100% the same
  • Ugh..
Reactions: efidescontinuado
High effort thread 🤙nice
3296854 0Rickson Logaspi 1

This or death tbh
  • JFL
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No no no no

His brother is paler then him
and he got black hair

only these reasons why brat pitt mog his brother

they look 100% the same
took all them out the eqation and the left still looks sub human next to brad pitt even tho thy have the same nose and teeth too ,hey nickga im sorry to hear you have close set eyes bro
View attachment 2572917View attachment 2572919 took all them out the eqation and the left still looks sub human next to brad pitt even tho thy have the same nose and teeth too ,hey nickga im sorry to hear you have close set eyes bro
they have the same nose, same teeth, same everything but we are looking at Doug's features from the wrong perspective because of the facial downgrowth in his orbits. Brad's profile is the first line, Doug's profile the second.
  • +1
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they have the same nose, same teeth, same everything but we are looking at Doug's features from the wrong perspective because of the facial downgrowth in his orbits. Brad's profile is the first line, Doug's profile the second.
View attachment 2572927
'facial downgrowth of the orbits' and proceeds to send a picture of two lines jesus christ your patheitc I WOULD BET ANY AMOUNT YOU HAVE CLOSE SET EYES HOLY FUCK
  • JFL
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Reactions: chicolachowskijr, Manfrommars and It'snotover
View attachment 2572917View attachment 2572919 took all them out the eqation and the left still looks sub human next to brad pitt even tho thy have the same nose and teeth too ,hey nickga im sorry to hear you have close set eyes bro

his brother is still paller

hmm brade pit his eye are narrower then his, ok thaaat is it

bradd pit is tanted (not pale) and he got narrower eyes, so he mog
saggital= genetic potential=everything
  • +1
Reactions: temporomandibular32
This is true, most truecels have been poisoned by their parents.
  • +1
Reactions: CyberPsychodelic, BecomingHuman, Manfrommars and 1 other person
Then why do I have an almost asian tier maxilla , when my mom likely wasn't vaccinated when with me in the womb and she ate a health diet all her life especially steaks , organs when being pregnant
If this is true we need to make the LF3 safer
And is there a way to improve during puberty ?
Then why do I have an almost asian tier maxilla , when my mom likely wasn't vaccinated when with me in the womb and she ate a health diet all her life especially steaks , organs when being pregnant
they get stored in bones for the entire life & during pregnancy they will be absorb into the womb
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MaestheticMaso and gigell
doesnt make sense as she had a healthy life
they get stored in bones for the entire life & during pregnancy they will be absorb into the womb


Some more examples
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  • JFL
Reactions: tom69, Deleted member 4397, Looks234 and 1 other person
How do you remove heavy metal from bones? Would detoxing working? More calcium and k2 to replace it?
How do you remove heavy metal from bones? Would detoxing working? More calcium and k2 to replace it?
No no you readed it wrong

you cannot undo bad facial development (caused by heavy metals from bones) with calcium and k2

replacing it will not undo the bad facial bone development that is caused by the heavy metals
  • +1
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  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 42566, MaestheticMaso and gigell
No no you readed it wrong

you cannot undo bad facial development (caused by heavy metals from bones) with calcium and k2

replacing it will not undo the bad facial bone development that is caused by the heavy metals
i dont see why not. If you dissolved your bones and replaced it with calicum and k2 your body would correct itself
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MaestheticMaso
good thread as always.
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Reactions: anticel and ccwarrior
View attachment 2572869 most people are ugly bc there parents are ugly stop coping,most of the health freaks i know are very ugly looking
If your parents are "very ugly" the odds they had some sort of nutritional defect is almost 100%, and that poor structure gets passed onto the next generation but the ROOT cause is not genetic.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall, Manfrommars and anticel
also op in your morphs I feel like you could get the same effect by just rotating the cranium and keeping the maxilla in place? IE something like this
  • +1
Reactions: ripikke and mogstars


To understand facial attractiveness all you need to understand is optimal facial growth (no it is not forward growth) & the one way it can fuck up. Knowing any ratios or measurements is cool but actually completely useless because it tells us nothing about harmony - all we need is to have a good understanding of correct craniofacial growth. Forget everything you know about aesthetics - this thread will tell you everything you need.

Because yes in reality there is only one difference in facial growth between these 2 specimen. Can you tell what it is?

View attachment 2572775

Do you see it yet?

View attachment 2572777

Maybe this morph will make it visible to you:

View attachment 2572779

So what I did is, I just ccw (counter-clockwise) rotated entire sections of her face to the right place. You can see the amount of rotation I did via the magenta area. The red line works as a point of measurement.

Most of you will know about downgrowth in the Maxilla but the reality is that it actually effects our whole fucking skull. It s basically that the bone grows & expands into the wrong direction. It is usually most extreme in the Orbitals & Maxilla but it can also start at the frontal bone (forehead). Sometimes it can just affect different parts of the face - sometimes it affects the whole face. I will explain why this happens later.

Lets look at some more extreme examples and morphs where I ccw-ed different sections of their faces:

View attachment 2572780

It should be evident that this is the only thing that actually makes an unattractive face.

View attachment 2572786

So let's look at some very attractive people and turn them into gods now:

Gandy from Slayer to biggest Gigachad you will see.
View attachment 2572795

O'Pry from attractive model to warlord of Bronze Age armies.
View attachment 2572796

Barrett from alien mogger to most beautiful celestial looking being.
View attachment 2572797

-> These guys have way less facial downgrowth than the average population or it just affects 1 area of their face which makes them look very harmonious.

You can see that good looks are not really a problem of forward growth. The problem is deeper & affects the plasticity of the whole craniofacial complex. To prove my point let's look at this common example which is used to explain forward growth.

View attachment 2572809

And now my morph which looks much more realistic & closer to real people, again done by just rotating sections of their faces:
View attachment 2572810

Have Sfs? Really? How about we just rotate the entire forehead lmao.

View attachment 2572813

Ever wondered why Brad Pitt looks way more attractive than his brother Doug Pitt? Both of their foreheads are slightly downward grown which is why they have slightly negative canthal tilt. However the rest of Brad Pitt's face seemed to have developed very well. On the other hand his brother has the downgrowth in his orbits as well. What a difference this makes.

View attachment 2572816

Gummy Smile?
Upper Eyelid Exposure?
Negative Cantal Tilt?
Thin Upper Lip?

It is all a question of perspective. In reality none of those things really exist - It is just that you are looking at parts of your face from the wrong angle. Just look in the mirror and tilt your head in different ways and you will see none of those issues from the right viewpoint. If your craniofacial complex grew normally it would all be the same perspective. It is the only difference between an attractive and a not so attractive front profile.

View attachment 2572825

I used this ( software I randomly found to show that the way your soft tissue looks all depends on perspective.

Last but not least the difference being visible in the skull itself:

View attachment 2572826
View attachment 2572830


"Dear Dr. Muller please cut my skull at these 5 spots & rotate each 5° degree. That will be all thanks!" ~Looksmaxxer in 2050

Currently there is no way to really fix all of this. Facial downgrowth is mostly irreversible. Surgeons would have to rotate entire sections of the face to fix it. Bimax with ccw rotation is the only real option currently available but it can only fix downgrowth in the Maxilla and even then it will not fix the Ramus. Lefort III would work in theory but can only move the midface forward - it is rotation that is needed so it is not useful. Here you can see examples of why it does not work.
Implants can also be used to camouflage a few of the issues and is actually the best bet. However depending on the part of the face that is downward grown it will usually give slightly uncanny looking results. Syrian Psycho is a good example of how Implants can take you far by hiding the actual problems. Tagging @RealSurgerymax to provide us with very well designed implants
Soft tissue operations are also only really camouflage. If you are doing a Canthoplasty you are most likely cutting off perfectly normal grown eyelids. Yes they do not look normal on your face & it can be a looks improvement - but please think twice before doing anything with your soft tissue.

To Coceancig, Pagnoni, or any other surgeon - I know you guys are lurking here: PLEASE find an affordable & safe solution to rotate entire sections of the face lmao.
So what now? We are degenerated for life. There is no going back. Is this our destiny? Should we give up?


Is the question we should all ask ourselves. I have researched this topic for some time now & finding the answer was no easy task. This piece of knowledge you are about to read is of higher value than all the money in the world.
I am going to elaborate now why this is NOT GENETIC. It is NOT caused by your GENES. Thinking like this works like a trick on yourself to keep you trapped - you can not change it, you are born like this and every next generation will be born like this as well - there are no reasons for existence at this point - no meaning - only Nihilism.

Genes and how they work are completely misunderstood. Yes our genes do influence how you look & play a role, they are the reason for different looking phenotypes. However - they are not a blueprint for our traits & features.
  • Genes are far more complex than you think. Source
  • Gene expression can vary depending on the environment. Source Source2 Source3 Source4
  • We share 60% of our genes with fruit flies, 94% with dogs & 98.8% with chimpanzees Source
  • Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count with the rest being microorganisms, bacteria etc. Source
  • Ninety-nine percent of the unique genes in your body are bacterial. Only about one percent is human. Source
  • The microbes within us alter our genes Source
-> You are a highly complex system of trillions of microorganism working in conjunction to create - well - you. Your DNA is only the code for those microorganisms to start the process of creating your body in the womb. Yes even your bones are not solid material but they are a living organ and will remain so for your entire life (cutting them open is a traumatic experience which your whole body will remember - even if you and the brain are not aware of it, so please do not take jaw surgery lightly).
The development of the craniofacial complex starts right at the beginning of fetal development by microorganisms.

1. Fetal Heavy Metal Poisoning:

Heavy metals are a highly toxic compound for any living organism. Humans have been exposed to them since antiquity but increasingly with the age of industrialisation. But just recently we started directly putting them inside us. Amalgam fillings have been around for over 100 years and have been very comon to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. It is bad enough when heavy metals are being passed through our digestive tract, causing only minor absorption into the body - but no nowdays we also inject them directly into out bodies with hardly any way to get rid of them. This is what most vaccines are, which according to our health professionals is not a problem. Apparently heavy metals need to be inside of vaccines to "help stimulate a stronger immune response in the body" - which sounds surprising considering modern science is not even close to have a grasp of our highly complex microbial.

So heavy metals get inside the body. The body ‘mistakes’ them for calcium which is why it is deposited in bone. When a woman is pregnant
her body will start delivering calcium to the baby via the placenta by the 4th month - at the same time her body will dump lots of heavy metals that were stored in her bones into the embryo.
Heavy metals can easily bypass the blood-placental barrier. The developing infants body will be overloaded by toxic heavy metals. Their body will also dump the heavy metals into their yet developing bones which negatively affects osteogenesis (bone metabolism) and leads to the degenerative growth of the skull.
The skull is the most complex arrangement of bones within the body. If one of these bones does not grow properly it will be of damaging consequence for the development of the whole craniofacial complex.

Sometimes it can affect firstborns most because by the time there is a second child there will be less heavy metals in the mothers body. I would argue that Amalgan fillings and vaccines (especially at the time of pregnancy) in the mother lead to the most severe cases of craniofacial degeneration. Also stay away from women with tattoos.

This brings me back to genetics. Different genetic systems might store the toxins slightly different. In one the heavy metals will end up in the bone that will grow to be the Maxilla, or the Ethmoid, or the Splendoid. One can only imagine what happens when different parts of the skull cannot develop properly -> There will be a wide variety of outcomes. Ever wondered why in a species all animals look mostly the same but the appearance of humans varies so much? This is also why the same kind of degenerations run within a family and makes it look like the issue is genetic. But the code for correct maxilofacial growth is still in all of us.

Development of the Skull:
Cadmium in the kidneys leads to the disruption of calcium homeostasis or calcium metabolism which leads to the degeneration of bone. 1 2
Heavy metals in human bones in different historical epochs:
A Record of Pollution During Antiquity:
Heavy metals exposure levels and their correlation with different clinical forms of fetal growth restriction:
Prenatal Heavy Metal Exposure and Adverse Birth Outcomes:
Effects of heavy metal exposure during pregnancy on birth outcomes:
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of heavy metals and neurodevelopment in infants at 6 months:
Prenatal exposure to heavy metal mixtures and anthropometric birth outcomes: a cross-sectional study:
Heavy metals in bones:
Study on the relationship between age and the concentrations of heavy metal elements in human bone:
Exposure to heavy metals and the risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis:
Adverse Impact of Heavy Metals on Bone Cells and Bone Metabolism Dependently and Independently through Anemia:
A Review of Metal Exposure and Its Effects on Bone Health:
Embryology, Bone Ossification

2. Insufficient Nutrition of the Embryo:
Is very comon because most women who are on modern diets (low on animal fats, high in sugars) do not have healthy organ systems and are often times glycemic. Their bodies are unable to produce the optimal amount of nutrients that the fetus needs. Especially the lack of Calcium can be devastating. The baby needs to absorb about 30 grams of this important mineral over the course of nine months. Source
We all know that alcohol is very toxic for an unborn child but did you know that sugar and alcohol are metabolised virtually identically in the liver? Source
Even after birth most humans get an insufficient amount of nutrition because of their unnatural lifestyle (diet & lack of sunlight). Source

Pottengers Cats is a very interesting multi-generational experiment done on cats. The verdict we can take from it is that if a species is not fed their natural diet in a raw form - then within generations the bodies & skulls will start to degenerate. The raw milk our ancestors mainly lived from has been replaced by pasteurized milk & turned into an unnatural food we cannot diggest.


tldr; you have an ugly face because you have been poisoned

Is this all it takes? Being raised on a natural lifestyle without enviromental toxins? Let's take a look at the biography of a few very well-turned out men:
Brad Pitt, Henry Cavill, Johnny Depp, Christian Bale etc. etc - were all raised on the countryside in mostly relatively traditional living families.

How did we even end up in this unnatural world if it is so hostile & poisonous to us? Is it really worth living a life of safety & comfort if it leads to the physical degeneration of our species? Why did our ancestors settle for this? Or did they even do so?
Check out this Video if these are topics of your interest.

Tacticus on Germanic tribes:
"They would rather shed blood than sweat."

Would you slave away your entire life if you were born with a godly looking face? We need a revolt against the modern world.

For more KNOWLEDGE follow: mogthewxrld on Instagram.
I mean you can’t really avoid heavy metals tbh it’s inevitably gonna get into a pregnant women
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To understand facial attractiveness all you need to understand is optimal facial growth (no it is not forward growth) & the one way it can fuck up. Knowing any ratios or measurements is cool but actually completely useless because it tells us nothing about harmony - all we need is to have a good understanding of correct craniofacial growth. Forget everything you know about aesthetics - this thread will tell you everything you need.

Because yes in reality there is only one difference in facial growth between these 2 specimen. Can you tell what it is?

View attachment 2572775

Do you see it yet?

View attachment 2572777

Maybe this morph will make it visible to you:

View attachment 2572779

So what I did is, I just ccw (counter-clockwise) rotated entire sections of her face to the right place. You can see the amount of rotation I did via the magenta area. The red line works as a point of measurement.

Most of you will know about downgrowth in the Maxilla but the reality is that it actually effects our whole fucking skull. It s basically that the bone grows & expands into the wrong direction. It is usually most extreme in the Orbitals & Maxilla but it can also start at the frontal bone (forehead). Sometimes it can just affect different parts of the face - sometimes it affects the whole face. I will explain why this happens later.

Lets look at some more extreme examples and morphs where I ccw-ed different sections of their faces:

View attachment 2572780

It should be evident that this is the only thing that actually makes an unattractive face.

View attachment 2572786

So let's look at some very attractive people and turn them into gods now:

Gandy from Slayer to biggest Gigachad you will see.
View attachment 2572795

O'Pry from attractive model to warlord of Bronze Age armies.
View attachment 2572796

Barrett from alien mogger to most beautiful celestial looking being.
View attachment 2572797

-> These guys have way less facial downgrowth than the average population or it just affects 1 area of their face which makes them look very harmonious.

You can see that good looks are not really a problem of forward growth. The problem is deeper & affects the plasticity of the whole craniofacial complex. To prove my point let's look at this common example which is used to explain forward growth.

View attachment 2572809

And now my morph which looks much more realistic & closer to real people, again done by just rotating sections of their faces:
View attachment 2572810

Have Sfs? Really? How about we just rotate the entire forehead lmao.

View attachment 2572813

Ever wondered why Brad Pitt looks way more attractive than his brother Doug Pitt? Both of their foreheads are slightly downward grown which is why they have slightly negative canthal tilt. However the rest of Brad Pitt's face seemed to have developed very well. On the other hand his brother has the downgrowth in his orbits as well. What a difference this makes.

View attachment 2572816

Gummy Smile?
Upper Eyelid Exposure?
Negative Cantal Tilt?
Thin Upper Lip?

It is all a question of perspective. In reality none of those things really exist - It is just that you are looking at parts of your face from the wrong angle. Just look in the mirror and tilt your head in different ways and you will see none of those issues from the right viewpoint. If your craniofacial complex grew normally it would all be the same perspective. It is the only difference between an attractive and a not so attractive front profile.

View attachment 2572825

I used this ( software I randomly found to show that the way your soft tissue looks all depends on perspective.

Last but not least the difference being visible in the skull itself:

View attachment 2572826
View attachment 2572830


"Dear Dr. Muller please cut my skull at these 5 spots & rotate each 5° degree. That will be all thanks!" ~Looksmaxxer in 2050

Currently there is no way to really fix all of this. Facial downgrowth is mostly irreversible. Surgeons would have to rotate entire sections of the face to fix it. Bimax with ccw rotation is the only real option currently available but it can only fix downgrowth in the Maxilla and even then it will not fix the Ramus. Lefort III would work in theory but can only move the midface forward - it is rotation that is needed so it is not useful. Here you can see examples of why it does not work.
Implants can also be used to camouflage a few of the issues and is actually the best bet. However depending on the part of the face that is downward grown it will usually give slightly uncanny looking results. Syrian Psycho is a good example of how Implants can take you far by hiding the actual problems. Tagging @RealSurgerymax to provide us with very well designed implants
Soft tissue operations are also only really camouflage. If you are doing a Canthoplasty you are most likely cutting off perfectly normal grown eyelids. Yes they do not look normal on your face & it can be a looks improvement - but please think twice before doing anything with your soft tissue.

To Coceancig, Pagnoni, or any other surgeon - I know you guys are lurking here: PLEASE find an affordable & safe solution to rotate entire sections of the face lmao.
So what now? We are degenerated for life. There is no going back. Is this our destiny? Should we give up?


Is the question we should all ask ourselves. I have researched this topic for some time now & finding the answer was no easy task. This piece of knowledge you are about to read is of higher value than all the money in the world.
I am going to elaborate now why this is NOT GENETIC. It is NOT caused by your GENES. Thinking like this works like a trick on yourself to keep you trapped - you can not change it, you are born like this and every next generation will be born like this as well - there are no reasons for existence at this point - no meaning - only Nihilism.

Genes and how they work are completely misunderstood. Yes our genes do influence how you look & play a role, they are the reason for different looking phenotypes. However - they are not a blueprint for our traits & features.
  • Genes are far more complex than you think. Source
  • Gene expression can vary depending on the environment. Source Source2 Source3 Source4
  • We share 60% of our genes with fruit flies, 94% with dogs & 98.8% with chimpanzees Source
  • Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count with the rest being microorganisms, bacteria etc. Source
  • Ninety-nine percent of the unique genes in your body are bacterial. Only about one percent is human. Source
  • The microbes within us alter our genes Source
-> You are a highly complex system of trillions of microorganism working in conjunction to create - well - you. Your DNA is only the code for those microorganisms to start the process of creating your body in the womb. Yes even your bones are not solid material but they are a living organ and will remain so for your entire life (cutting them open is a traumatic experience which your whole body will remember - even if you and the brain are not aware of it, so please do not take jaw surgery lightly).
The development of the craniofacial complex starts right at the beginning of fetal development by microorganisms.

1. Fetal Heavy Metal Poisoning:

Heavy metals are a highly toxic compound for any living organism. Humans have been exposed to them since antiquity but increasingly with the age of industrialisation. But just recently we started directly putting them inside us. Amalgam fillings have been around for over 100 years and have been very comon to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. It is bad enough when heavy metals are being passed through our digestive tract, causing only minor absorption into the body - but no nowdays we also inject them directly into out bodies with hardly any way to get rid of them. This is what most vaccines are, which according to our health professionals is not a problem. Apparently heavy metals need to be inside of vaccines to "help stimulate a stronger immune response in the body" - which sounds surprising considering modern science is not even close to have a grasp of our highly complex microbial.

So heavy metals get inside the body. The body ‘mistakes’ them for calcium which is why it is deposited in bone. When a woman is pregnant
her body will start delivering calcium to the baby via the placenta by the 4th month - at the same time her body will dump lots of heavy metals that were stored in her bones into the embryo.
Heavy metals can easily bypass the blood-placental barrier. The developing infants body will be overloaded by toxic heavy metals. Their body will also dump the heavy metals into their yet developing bones which negatively affects osteogenesis (bone metabolism) and leads to the degenerative growth of the skull.
The skull is the most complex arrangement of bones within the body. If one of these bones does not grow properly it will be of damaging consequence for the development of the whole craniofacial complex.

Sometimes it can affect firstborns most because by the time there is a second child there will be less heavy metals in the mothers body. I would argue that Amalgan fillings and vaccines (especially at the time of pregnancy) in the mother lead to the most severe cases of craniofacial degeneration. Also stay away from women with tattoos.

This brings me back to genetics. Different genetic systems might store the toxins slightly different. In one the heavy metals will end up in the bone that will grow to be the Maxilla, or the Ethmoid, or the Splendoid. One can only imagine what happens when different parts of the skull cannot develop properly -> There will be a wide variety of outcomes. Ever wondered why in a species all animals look mostly the same but the appearance of humans varies so much? This is also why the same kind of degenerations run within a family and makes it look like the issue is genetic. But the code for correct maxilofacial growth is still in all of us.

Development of the Skull:
Cadmium in the kidneys leads to the disruption of calcium homeostasis or calcium metabolism which leads to the degeneration of bone. 1 2
Heavy metals in human bones in different historical epochs:
A Record of Pollution During Antiquity:
Heavy metals exposure levels and their correlation with different clinical forms of fetal growth restriction:
Prenatal Heavy Metal Exposure and Adverse Birth Outcomes:
Effects of heavy metal exposure during pregnancy on birth outcomes:
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of heavy metals and neurodevelopment in infants at 6 months:
Prenatal exposure to heavy metal mixtures and anthropometric birth outcomes: a cross-sectional study:
Heavy metals in bones:
Study on the relationship between age and the concentrations of heavy metal elements in human bone:
Exposure to heavy metals and the risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis:
Adverse Impact of Heavy Metals on Bone Cells and Bone Metabolism Dependently and Independently through Anemia:
A Review of Metal Exposure and Its Effects on Bone Health:
Embryology, Bone Ossification

2. Insufficient Nutrition of the Embryo:
Is very comon because most women who are on modern diets (low on animal fats, high in sugars) do not have healthy organ systems and are often times glycemic. Their bodies are unable to produce the optimal amount of nutrients that the fetus needs. Especially the lack of Calcium can be devastating. The baby needs to absorb about 30 grams of this important mineral over the course of nine months. Source
We all know that alcohol is very toxic for an unborn child but did you know that sugar and alcohol are metabolised virtually identically in the liver? Source
Even after birth most humans get an insufficient amount of nutrition because of their unnatural lifestyle (diet & lack of sunlight). Source

Pottengers Cats is a very interesting multi-generational experiment done on cats. The verdict we can take from it is that if a species is not fed their natural diet in a raw form - then within generations the bodies & skulls will start to degenerate. The raw milk our ancestors mainly lived from has been replaced by pasteurized milk & turned into an unnatural food we cannot diggest.


tldr; you have an ugly face because you have been poisoned

Is this all it takes? Being raised on a natural lifestyle without enviromental toxins? Let's take a look at the biography of a few very well-turned out men:
Brad Pitt, Henry Cavill, Johnny Depp, Christian Bale etc. etc - were all raised on the countryside in mostly relatively traditional living families.

How did we even end up in this unnatural world if it is so hostile & poisonous to us? Is it really worth living a life of safety & comfort if it leads to the physical degeneration of our species? Why did our ancestors settle for this? Or did they even do so?
Check out this Video if these are topics of your interest.

Tacticus on Germanic tribes:
"They would rather shed blood than sweat."

Would you slave away your entire life if you were born with a godly looking face? We need a revolt against the modern world.

For more KNOWLEDGE follow: mogthewxrld on Instagram.
Good thread but I think there is more to it then just CCW. Otherwise modified lefort 3 CCW would yield very aesthetic results. But it does not. Looks weird.
looks weird imo. there must be something missing to this understanding. I would read Mike mews original paper on craniofacial dystrophy.
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It’s good to have this knowledge so we can design implants to perfectly mask these issues. I think a CCW bimax plus carefully designed implants is still the gold standard.

This explains why zoomers and Gen alpha have flatter, more melted faces. There’s also the fact the Pren T and pubertal T is decreasing due to many of the same issues.
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So basically a more harmonic version of the classic concept of forward growth. Thanks, High IQ.
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W thread, although I think it's worth mentioning that genetics do play a role even if a small one. Many people have very different resistance profiles to toxins and heavy metals. You use the Pitt brothers as an example but fail to consider this. They came from the same family and likely lived similar lifestyles with similar diets, so why did Brad turn out better? Partially due to genetics.
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W thread, although I think it's worth mentioning that genetics do play a role even if a small one. Many people have very different resistance profiles to toxins and heavy metals. You use the Pitt brothers as an example but fail to consider this. They came from the same family and likely lived similar lifestyles with similar diets, so why did Brad turn out better? Partially due to genetics.
i did mention that yeah

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