Money is ENERGY



Jun 22, 2021
I don't wanna go too deep on this cause I don't have time but i'm gonna explain a bit

So this morning I saw this thread and it remind me something Tate explained is his courses but I forget

And before we start, you need to know that i'm brokecel and I don't fucking really have the experiences with business, i'm just another guy writing shit without really being sucessfull

Money is nothing but energy. Money is just a potential energy that you stocks in your bank account/your wallet.

With money you can buy food --> you convert your money energy into caloric energy which will convert into alot of energy that our body need.
With money you can "buy" women --> you convert your money into sexual energy
With money you can buy a car --> you convert your money into mechanical energy to travel the space
With money you can buy a factory --> you convert your money into an organisation which contains itself energy

For example as a factory owner, you own mechanical energy of engine, motors... But you also own the energy of your employees which will make their task thanks to their OWN energy and then the combinaison of these energy will make you MORE ENERGY

So making money is ONLY gaining ENERGY.

That's the main purpose of money and that's why status and money are different but can give you the same result.

For example a President have alot of status energy (and probably also alot of money energy) and a businessman like Elon is more into money energy (but again can have also status energy)

ALL WE WANT in this life is not women, money, status, making history, eating or some shit


Having a big bank account --> Having a fucking ultimate energy stocks

So now, WHY do we want ENERGY ? Why are we so obsessed with this ? It's not even materials ?

I don't fucking know and that's really interesting.
Maybe to approach god power ? Maybe to BECOME GOD ?
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So if you want money, YOU HAVE TO CATCH the energy in nature

You have to see where is going the flux and you have to be in that position in that momentum to get the energy
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  • Hmm...
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you're so real for that
  • JFL
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, poopoohead and Deleted member 43398
Please tell me what do you think about this theory i'm very open
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Nobody would work for free
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: thereallegend, poopoohead and Deleted member 43398
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: poopoohead and Deleted member 43398
read kaczynski
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Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS and poopoohead
Absolutely. The rich don’t want you to know this because they want all the good energy for themselves. My life satisfaction has increased drastically as I’ve moved ahead in status/career.
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Working is using your own bodies energy and getting the energy repaid in versatile energy you can transform into any type of energy. Hmm cool perspective tbh.
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I wonder if these energy concepts have some truth to it.
I wonder if these energy concepts have some truth to it.
i'm not talking about esoteric facts, only science.

When you move and activate muscle, you spend calories which ARE energy. If you own a factory, then you own people move and engine move so you basically own people caloric action and engine mechanical action

In fact, you litterally own other peoples and engines energies.

It's just common sense, nothing irrationnal.
When you hunt, you're searching for calories and calories is energy.

Even music "is" energy because music is made of sound waves which contains energy.

This sounds like pure magic but it's not
@John Cracovizk
I don't wanna go too deep on this cause I don't have time but i'm gonna explain a bit

So this morning I saw this thread and it remind me something Tate explained is his courses but I forget

And before we start, you need to know that i'm brokecel and I don't fucking really have the experiences with business, i'm just another guy writing shit without really being sucessfull

Money is nothing but energy. Money is just a potential energy that you stocks in your bank account/your wallet.

With money you can buy food --> you convert your money energy into caloric energy which will convert into alot of energy that our body need.
With money you can "buy" women --> you convert your money into sexual energy
With money you can buy a car --> you convert your money into mechanical energy to travel the space
With money you can buy a factory --> you convert your money into an organisation which contains itself energy

For example as a factory owner, you own mechanical energy of engine, motors... But you also own the energy of your employees which will make their task thanks to their OWN energy and then the combinaison of these energy will make you MORE ENERGY

So making money is ONLY gaining ENERGY.

That's the main purpose of money and that's why status and money are different but can give you the same result.

For example a President have alot of status energy (and probably also alot of money energy) and a businessman like Elon is more into money energy (but again can have also status energy)

ALL WE WANT in this life is not women, money, status, making history, eating or some shit


Having a big bank account --> Having a fucking ultimate energy stocks

So now, WHY do we want ENERGY ? Why are we so obsessed with this ? It's not even materials ?

I don't fucking know and that's really interesting.
Maybe to approach god power ? Maybe to BECOME GOD ?
Very interesting pov.

Money is a passive (won't help you if you don't do something with it), feminine (look at all the feminine correlations you can make) and fluid (it is promiscuous and will go to the hands of those who already have a lot) energy, it is converted and created to trade real wealth (workforce, food, guns, weapons) which has energy that it's value is intrinsic.
Money is not real
i need cash to fucking live
I don't wanna go too deep on this cause I don't have time but i'm gonna explain a bit

So this morning I saw this thread and it remind me something Tate explained is his courses but I forget

And before we start, you need to know that i'm brokecel and I don't fucking really have the experiences with business, i'm just another guy writing shit without really being sucessfull

Money is nothing but energy. Money is just a potential energy that you stocks in your bank account/your wallet.

With money you can buy food --> you convert your money energy into caloric energy which will convert into alot of energy that our body need.
With money you can "buy" women --> you convert your money into sexual energy
With money you can buy a car --> you convert your money into mechanical energy to travel the space
With money you can buy a factory --> you convert your money into an organisation which contains itself energy

For example as a factory owner, you own mechanical energy of engine, motors... But you also own the energy of your employees which will make their task thanks to their OWN energy and then the combinaison of these energy will make you MORE ENERGY

So making money is ONLY gaining ENERGY.

That's the main purpose of money and that's why status and money are different but can give you the same result.

For example a President have alot of status energy (and probably also alot of money energy) and a businessman like Elon is more into money energy (but again can have also status energy)

ALL WE WANT in this life is not women, money, status, making history, eating or some shit


Having a big bank account --> Having a fucking ultimate energy stocks

So now, WHY do we want ENERGY ? Why are we so obsessed with this ? It's not even materials ?

I don't fucking know and that's really interesting.
Maybe to approach god power ? Maybe to BECOME GOD ?
It’s just capital everything is capital. You can say the reverse that even energy like light and gravity are god-controlled capital without which the solar system cannot exist, so nothing can exist. This is water it’s in the name capitalism. Nature is capitalism and capitalism is nature. Money is an example of capital that is under human control though, height is capital, more height more social capital, this is out of human control
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