Mouth Widening Guide



Apr 15, 2019
Mouth Widening Guide
Make your mouth wider!​

Why is mouth width important?
Like every other facial feature, the mouth needs to be of a certain dimensions and be proportional to the whole of the face in order to make it harmonious.
The things that determine if you have a good mouth area are: lips shape, lips size and mouth width.

A wide mouth is a dimorphic trait, wide mouths are more preferable than narrow ones.

“The width of the mouth correlates with perceived leadership ability and actual leadership performance”
Previous studies have found that facial appearance can predict both the selection and performance of leaders. Little is known about the specific facial features responsible for this relationship, however. One possible feature is mouth width, which correlates with the propensity for physical combat in primates and could therefore be linked to one's perceived dominance and achievement of greater social rank. Here, we found that mouth width correlated with leader selection in experimentally standardized (Study 1A) and experimentally manipulated (Study 1B) faces. Applying these findings to real leaders, we observed that mouth width correlated with judgments of CEOs' leadership ability and with a measure of their actual leadership success (i.e., the profitability of their companies; Study 2). Individuals with wider mouths were also more likely to have won U.S. senate, but not gubernatorial, races (Study 3). Mouth width may therefore be a valid cue to leadership selection and success.

Case in point, observe how this man looks better morphed with a wider mouth.


How wide should the mouth be?
The width of the mouth should be around 1.5 ~ 1.6 times the width of the nose

This only applies if you have a nose in the average range for males

Mouth width for comparison:

Example of the measurement in Sean O'Pry:

Examples of wide mouths:

Male model Sean O'Pry morphed with a slightly wider mouth (amongst other things):

How to make the mouth wider
There are 3 possible ways to widen the mouth:
  1. Lateral commisuroplasty:


    Known as a lateral commisuroplasty, the corners of the mouth are opened up and the horizontal width (length) of the corners are expanded. This is done by making a 1/4 inch (6mms) incision in the skin from the vermilion-cutaneous junction horizontally outward. Then the vermilion lining (pink part of the lip) is advanced from the inside out to make a new lining and corner point. While an incision is necessary, all scars line remain along the vermilion-cutaneous junction (skin-lining edge) and not beyond the corners of the mouth. When done on both sides this amounts to a 1/2 inch mouth widening. When you factor in scar contracture of about 25% to 33%, that still leaves one with a 1/4 inch or more increased mouth width.This is a very simple procedure that can be done under local anesthesia.

    Some results of Eppley patients who underwent this procedure:

  2. Mouth Stretching:
    You could utilize a microstomia prevention splint or make your own mouth expander device like this:

    Detailed Guide
    The idea here is to stretch the mouth in such a way that the lips vermillion (skin) doesn’t tear, but instead gradually thickens and adjusts to being stretched wider than normal so that a greater width can be maintained without conscious effort. A very positive long-term benefit of the stretching techniques I will describe is a greatly reduced or totally cured tendency toward chapped lips.This is a challenge because the human mouth is surrounded by one of the most forgiving and stretchable muscles in the body, the orbicularis oris. It’s basically a sphincter that forms an unbroken loop around a normal mouth. That’s why it’s possible to form your lips into the tiny circle needed for whistling, then open wide during a yawn to over twice the width and height of your normally relaxed mouth size.

    What you need to do is to stretch this muscle, and the neighboring cheek muscles, beyond your normal maximum width that you can achieve with just cheek and lips muscles efforts alone. That will require a horizontal lips stretcher, the most familiar method being a splint.

    The object is to force (without tearing!!!) your orbiculus oris muscle to stretch beyond its normal limit and get the adjoining cheek muscles to adapt to the greater desired width. This will require lots of smiling and other expression efforts while wearing the splint (you may not see much actual movement at first, but in time you will see it as your cheek muscles adapt to the mouth opening being much closer than usual to where the muscles insert into cheekbones, etc. by shortening somewhat, but not losing their maximum stretches) This won’t be very comfortable, but if you’re motivated, you’ll push through the most painful first few days and gradually start to see results.

    The above splint and muscles pictures are from “Microstomia Treatment & Management” by Homere Al Moutran, MD, and Arlen D. Meyers, MD, MBA.
    This is what you’re up against (another type of splint). Those loose-looking muscles over the person’s stretched mouth below will in time straighten out as their relaxed length shortens some, allowing a larger overall range of motion. There are a good number of accessory muscles that will need to be exercised and stretched for this to work (see picture below this one).


    I developed my own mouth stretching apparatus and used it successfully to widen my mouth somewhat.
    Edit (6/22/19). Due to increased interest I am now showing my favorite mouth stretcher design. This mouth stretching brace uses perforated springy semi-rigid stainless steel sheets. It takes into account the need to have something to stretch my mouth, some tabs on the ends to stabilize and hold the ends in my lateral commissures, and a wide portion where my entire upper and lower lips are supported in a stretched natural curvature. The other splint designs require you to manually hold your mouth wide with sustained conscious effort, limiting the time that you can wear the splint to what your muscles can endure.
    My “10 cm” mouth brace uses blue electrical tape to spread the pressure over a wider area, and my “11 cm” mouth brace uses sports mouth guard silicone to soften its end edges. The perforations permit normal breathing and somewhat coherent speech while the brace is being worn.
    Here’s what they look like.


    Please excuse the so-so quality of my selfie. I’m 57 and not a model. This shows what the 10 cm one it looks like worn properly. I can wear this for a couple of hours or the 11 cm one for maybe 20 minutes before removing it due to discomfort. The most important thing to notice about my appliance is that you do not need to keep your cheek muscles tensed up to keep it from popping out of your mouth like other splints might. Your lips themselves hold the appliance in place. This way the only limit on how long you can wear it is the need to relieve discomfort from an extreme stretch or to eat or talk normally.

    If anyone wants something like this, let me know. You will need a series with 0.5 to 1.0 cm increments wider as your mouth stretching progresses. I’m not doing this for profit, but instead I have gone to the trouble of describing my methods because I think wider mouths look beautiful and I want to see more people enjoying both the visual and practical aspects of having them—and I know my appliance works.
    My mouth used to be between 4.5 and 5 cm wide when relaxed and closed and is now 6 cm wide. My maximum smile width used to be about 7.5 cm wide and is now 9+ cm (10+ for a couple of hours immediately after a stretching session) with muscular efforts alone. To get this result I had to gradually work my way up from 9 cm forced stretches (the effort hurt, especially at first!) to now 12 cm wide with very little pain (if it hurts, I stop—I have learned to heed the warnings my body makes). I can still whistle, so I haven’t injured anything. This took about six months of serious effort and my designing and testing several novel apparatuses on myself to achieve this (other models involve stainless steel hooks or headgear).
    I’m starting to get my own wraparound smile, though I also need to drop about 40–50 pounds so my thick cheeks stop getting in the way (picture from 6/22/19).

    My most recent trip to the dentist with my more stretchable mouth resulted in the easiest teeth cleaning I’ve ever had, and I can now open my mouth much wider for singing without cheek cramps. It’s not just for looks alone I did this. I haven’t had chapped lips at all (I guess the stretching toughened them up) this year, either. Finally, to my pleasant surprise, I have not acquired additional wrinkles around my mouth and face (I’m 55).
    This requires time and commitment, and like you having to wear a retainer daily for the rest of your life after orthodontic treatment, you may have to do a daily mouth stretch to maintain the desired final width of your mouth.
    Update 12/30/18: One of the most amazing positive side-effects of my own mouth stretching regimen is I have not had chapped lips in two years. I used to get painful and sometimes bleeding chapped lips every winter several times a month, and even sometimes in other seasons—even with regular use of chapstick. A lot of this had to do with living in semi-arid, low-humidity southern Idaho. I still live in southern Idaho, but my mouth stretching has toughened up my lips’ vermilion enough that I can sing and widely smile all I want to even in the winter without fear of painfully splitting my lips, and I almost never use chapstick anymore. The only exception now is for sunscreen protection while surface-mining opal or spending a lot of time on sunlit snow.
    Even if the stretching regimen doesn’t result in you getting a much wider mouth, curing your lips’ tendencies toward painful chapping is likely worth the regular horizontal mouth stretching all by itself.
    Another person who'd answered this question more recently has a very good idea on how to compensate for mouths returning to normal size despite frequent stretches. It's the use of injectable lips fillers on the lateral portions of the lips, possibly augmented by fat injections later on to make it permanent. After your lips are toughened up by regular daily stretches beyond the ideal relaxed width you want, you can partially stretch your mouth a bit beyond your ideal, get the injections, and your mouth will naturally relax wider than before.
    Let's say you have a 5 cm wide mouth and 5 cm wide nose and want your mouth to nose width ratio to be near the Golden Ratio (1.618..), meaning a mouth about 8 cm wide. Stretch beyond 10 cm if you can to toughen up the lips vermillion against splits and chapping. Then more lightly stretch your mouth with some sort of splint to about 8.5 cm wide while receiving the lateral lips injections, the extra 0.5 cm to compensate for inevitable shrinkage. For a time (not sure how long) you'll have a 7.5–8 cm wide mouth to 'test drive' so you'll know if you like the look or not, especially if you're considering the surgical option.
    If you feel you just cannot handle the discomfort and commitment of daily forcing your mouth beyond its normal width, there is the plastic surgery option. When completely healed, your wider mouth will not require stretching to maintain its new width—except perhaps a little to keep scars from causing contractures.

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    This is a microstomia prevention splint:

    This is the only microstomia splint available online to buy i could find, is a bit expensive:

  3. Palate Expander:
    Mouth width can be estimated from the intercanine width so increasing the intercanine distance through a palate expander could result in an increase of the mouth width.

    However, unless your palate is really narrow, you probably will not see a significant increase in mouth width through palate expansion.

    LINK: correlation between inter-canine width and mouth width

    QUOTE from the study:
    It has been suggested that inter-canine width plus 57% of the cumulative distance between the lateral aspect of the canines and the pupil centers can be used to estimate mouth width. Evidence also suggests that the distance between the medial irises approximates actual mouth width fairly well. However, these soft tissue prediction guidelines are limited because they rely on accurate medio-lateral positioning of the pupils within the orbits, for which no systematic empirical evidence appears to exist at this stage. It would, therefore, be more appropriate to use only known hard tissue landmarks in mouth width prediction. This study reports the results of using inter-canine width as a percentage of mouth width for its prediction. This method seems favorable in comparison to the other guidelines because it is as accurate, uses known hard tissue landmarks, and does not rely on assumptions concerning pupil location. Estimating mouth width by using the canines alone, therefore, seems the best guideline to use in facial approximation techniques, at least given knowledge existing at this stage.

    Full PDF

How to make the mouth appear to be wider
  • Alar Base reduction:
    A nose that is too wide could make your mouth look narrower than what it really is.

  • Lip reduction::
    Lips that are too big could make the mouth appear narrower than what it really is.
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nice, I need a wider mouth
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@Zuvay i remeber you said you were trying a mouth expander, how is it? Have you noticed changes?
just have some braces when you're 9-12 years old bro.
  • WTF
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I've heard mouth widening surgery is very damgerous and can leave permanent scars in your face. Are these claims true? In every single mouth-qidening surgery I see there are scars left in the after picture.
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I've heard mouth widening surgery is very damgerous and can leave permanent scars in your face. Are these claims true? In every single mouth-qidening surgery I see there are scars left in the after picture.
I dont think, i guess the reason there are scars in the two first 'after' pictures is because were taken before it healed, but in the third picture doesn't seem to have scars remaining.

You could always send an email to Eppley asking him this tho.
I guess there are scars in the two first 'after' pictures because were taken before it healed, but in the third picture doesn't seem to have scars remaining.

You could always send an email to Eppley asking him this tho.
I don't trust Eppley. He's a sociopathic jew.
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links to any good palate expanders?
@Zuvay i remeber you said you were trying a mouth expander, how is it? Have you noticed changes?
It's a homemadeone,i don't know if it will work
I noticed nose and lips are the harmony carrieres, if one of the ratios related to them is fucked your harmony is fucked. Thats why some people with otherwise shit individual facial features can still look good
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Good thread
You mods know what to do
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jesus eppley did a horrible rhinoplasty job. There's definitely going to be a visible scar permanently, i'd prefer a closed rhino.
That's not a rhino, it's a bullhorn lip lift. And maybe a corner lip lift.
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Finally some based advice. Good job bro!

It's a homemadeone,i don't know if it will work
How do you make one at.home? Pm me pls!
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Does anyone know a place to buy those stretching appliances?
I bought my miobraces on AliExpress, maybe we can find it on one of these chink sites
Makes me proud to see plebs following my theories that I brought to the lookism communities years ago and also at the beginning of this site.

Hurr durr jaw and eye area is everything. Stfu kido, its all about the mouth/nose area.

1. However eppley is a scammer, ever wondered why he never uploaded a pic without those scars? There aint, cuz it doesnt heal. There was a patient that had bad experience with that. So its risky

2. Mouth stretcher will give you folds around the mouth area in the long term and you will have to stretch your mouth for your lifetime, since it will get narrower once u stop, guaranteed wrinkles and folds + its not like it will work.

3. This might be an option, but the change will probably not be very visible, depends on the person and many ppl here dont have a narrow palate, so only narrow 30mm palatecels like me ((could)) ascend with that.

All in all, it's over.
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This is what I needed all along. Thanks op
Makes me proud to see plebs following my theories that I brought to the lookism communities years ago and also at the beginning of this site.

Hurr durr jaw and eye area is everything. Stfu kido, its all about the mouth/nose area.

1. However eppley is a scammer, ever wondered why he never uploaded a pic without those scars? There aint, cuz it doesnt heal. There was a patient that had bad experience with that. So its risky

2. Mouth stretcher will give you folds around the mouth area in the long term and you will have to stretch your mouth for your lifetime, since it will get narrower once u stop, guaranteed wrinkles and folds + its not like it will work.

3. This might be an option, but the change will probably not be very visible, depends on the person and many ppl here dont have a narrow palate, so only narrow 30mm palatecels like me ((could)) ascend with that.

All in all, it's over.
What about corner lift surgery? Is it legit?

Ik its not corner lift, but I want to get of rid of the lines that appear at the end of my lips. It's a major failo imo, it makes me look grumpy all the time. Instead I want the tinside of my lips to take it's place, or completely get rid of it.

The pic is an example of what I want to do, but it's lip lengthening done by Eppley. Bruh is it cope?


  • main-qimg-11003326d05cadac1c8e12ddb94631d5.jpeg.jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 445
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  • Hmm...
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1. However eppley is a scammer, ever wondered why he never uploaded a pic without those scars? There aint, cuz it doesnt heal. There was a patient that had bad experience with that. So its risky
I dont see scars in the third pic, why wouldnt the scars heal?
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i want to make my mouth wider without surgery - what device can i use to do it? - i don;t fully understand the quora post
  • Hmm...
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Does anyone know a place to buy those stretching appliances?
I bought my miobraces on AliExpress, maybe we can find it on one of these chink sites
i want to make my mouth wider without surgery - what device can i use to do it? - i don;t fully understand the quora post
You guys could search for microstomia splints, but i found one online and it was expensive, you could make your own device like the dude on the Quora post did, thats what @Zuvay did

You could look for an object slightly wider than your mouth and use it.
What about corner lift surgery? Is it legit?

Ik its not corner lift, but I want to get of rid of the lines that appear at the end of my lips. It's a major failo imo, it makes me look grumpy all the time. Instead I want the tinside of my lips to take it's place, or completely get rid of it.

The pic is an example of what I want to do, but it's lip lengthening done by Eppley. Bruh is it cope?
I think you could achieve that with fillers
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Yeah it's a homemade like that just keep my mouth open,not a special thing,it's rather ridiculous
You guys could search for microstomia splints, but i found one online and it was expensive, you could make your own device like the dude on the Quora post did, thats what @Zuvay did

You could look for an object slightly wider than your mouth and use it.

I think you could achieve that with fillers
im going to try make my own, this site is amazing, so much info that the companies doesn't want us to know is on here.
Yeah it's a homemade like that just keep my mouth open,not a special thing,it's rather ridiculous
how did you make it?
Just smile lmao
Wait. Eppley. Looks like. Jonah falcon
Lip scars tend to heal much worse than your face and it tends to darken too unfortunately. I don't think palate expanders will help much. Nevertheless, my palate is really really narrow and I have to rotate the expander everyday for 6 months straight, so I think I'll see some good results. Lucky me! 🥰
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Discovered I have ideal lip width. :chad:
I have a small pallet i think, but my mouth is the same width as my IPD.
What do i do.

i think maybe the dentist made my pallet smaller bc ive got a wide skull

you can see my mouth looks smaller in the one where i dont smile

used to be able to smile with my teeth, but ever since braces teeth smile just looks retarded bc it looks like he moved my molars inwards.

is it worth getting palate expansion? or just stay with no teeth smile
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I have a small pallet i think, but my mouth is the same width as my IPD.
What do i do.

i think maybe the dentist made my pallet smaller bc ive got a wide skull
View attachment 98893View attachment 98895
you can see my mouth looks smaller in the one where i dont smile

used to be able to smile with my teeth, but ever since braces teeth smile just looks retarded bc it looks like he moved my molars inwards.

is it worth getting palate expansion? or just stay with no teeth smile
Your mouth doesnt really look bad to me, do you have large buccal corridors when smiling? If so get a palate expander, but your main priority should be your nose tbh
I have a small pallet i think, but my mouth is the same width as my IPD.
What do i do.

i think maybe the dentist made my pallet smaller bc ive got a wide skull
View attachment 98893View attachment 98895
you can see my mouth looks smaller in the one where i dont smile

used to be able to smile with my teeth, but ever since braces teeth smile just looks retarded bc it looks like he moved my molars inwards.

is it worth getting palate expansion? or just stay with no teeth smile
losing weight can also make your mouth appear wider @Alarico8
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ive got a narrow little geisha girl mouth, such a poor excuse for a man tbh
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natural bone stucture or fillers/surgery?
structure, im like 14/ 15% bodyfat ish

I intend on getting tear troughs and maybe some forward projection from fillers though before summer ends will see
I have a small pallet i think, but my mouth is the same width as my IPD.
What do i do.

i think maybe the dentist made my pallet smaller bc ive got a wide skull
View attachment 98893View attachment 98895
you can see my mouth looks smaller in the one where i dont smile

used to be able to smile with my teeth, but ever since braces teeth smile just looks retarded bc it looks like he moved my molars inwards.

is it worth getting palate expansion? or just stay with no teeth smile

Holy fuck this you ? if so giga slayer @Salludon really did make you in his image tbh
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SARPE the fuck out of your maxilla
LeFort1 the fuck out of it again, so it is protruding and the wide maxilla lifts the lips (like a duckface)
ideally, get a chin widening DO
wide jaw and "jaw lift" (tightening the muscles)
this should give wider lips
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There is a fourth way.
Flex the muscles at back of your head that you use to move your ears. These muscle will instantly give you a face lift and widen your face, mouth area. You will need to keep them tensioned 24/7. But once it becomes automatic you should be good.
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why should it fit your IPD ?
the mouth as far as i know should be 1.6 larger than your widest part of your nose, so you need to have a very wide nose if you have a high IPD - on average it's in the high 60s so.
why should it fit your IPD ?
the mouth as far as i know should be 1.6 larger than your widest part of your nose, so you need to have a very wide nose if you have a high IPD - on average it's in the high 60s so.
now the thread has been updated with more realistic ratios
Makes me proud to see plebs following my theories that I brought to the lookism communities years ago and also at the beginning of this site.

Hurr durr jaw and eye area is everything. Stfu kido, its all about the mouth/nose area.

1. However eppley is a scammer, ever wondered why he never uploaded a pic without those scars? There aint, cuz it doesnt heal. There was a patient that had bad experience with that. So its risky

2. Mouth stretcher will give you folds around the mouth area in the long term and you will have to stretch your mouth for your lifetime, since it will get narrower once u stop, guaranteed wrinkles and folds + its not like it will work.

3. This might be an option, but the change will probably not be very visible, depends on the person and many ppl here dont have a narrow palate, so only narrow 30mm palatecels like me ((could)) ascend with that.

All in all, it's over.
i need to ascend my mouth area. i have a 34mm palate which is narrow but not narrow enough for a 3 piece lefort

I'm thinking get the mouth widening and then scar revision or some.shit
Last edited:
i need to ascend my mouth area. i have a 34mm palate which is narrow but not narrow enough for a 3 piece lefort

I'm thinking get the mouth widening and then scar revision or some.shit

Pls get it done and report back. The scars will be small anyway (if they r even visible).
  • +1
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Pls get it done and report back. The scars will be small anyway (if they r even visible).
I have to get it done lol, it's an insane failo on me.

Since im combining it with lip lift (and maybe even upper lip tattooing since it has lost its color jfl) I most likely have to get it done after my bimax. But in my consult ill ask him if I can do it before
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Pls get it done and report back. The scars will be small anyway (if they r even visible).
how many mm can you expect on average with palate expander ?

and how do you measure your palate ?

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