My Arnold Split + Training Tips



Sep 17, 2023
Incline dumbbell bench press - 3x6-8
Barbell bent over row - 3x6-8
Hammer strength press (flat) - 3x8-10
Neutral grip lat pulldown - 3x10
Pec deck/cable fly - 3x10-12
DB row - 3x10
Rear delt fly - 5x11-13

Seated DB shoulder press - 4x6-8
V-bar/Rope pushdowns - 3x11-13
EZ bar JM press - 3x6-8
Overhead rope extension - 3x11-13
DB curl - 4x11-13
Rope/DB hammer curl - 4x11-13
Cable lateral raise - 5x11-13

Hack squat - 4x5-8
Barbell RDL - 4x6-8
Leg press - 2x8-10
Leg extension, myo-rep sets - 2x25
Seated hamstring curl - 2x10-12
Machine crunch - 3x10-12
Hanging leg raise- 3x15

Switched to this split after a long time doing PPL. It’s a lot of fun, if you haven’t tried it I would recommend giving it a shot. In my mind, this split allows each muscle group to get the proper amount of attention they deserve. You can focus completely on chest and back, without having to throw in shoulders/arms/delts as an afterthought. The pump after shoulder and arm day is awesome as well. You will notice I have more volume on certain body parts, like delts and quads- with these particular muscles, more volume is generally beneficial and conducive to growth. Personally I can handle this amount of volume, if you can’t, you can drop a few sets.

Chest training tips:

  • Try making a heavy dumbbell bench press your primary compound movement for chest. Dumbbells are great for actually making your pecs bigger, they stretch your chest fibers and require more stability and strength than barbell does.
  • Machine press and pec deck, go higher rep on these. Really make your pecs burn. You have to keep scapula tightly retracted, don’t cheat with shoulders.

Back training tips:
  • For a long time I was a pussy and messed around on machines. Stop avoiding the hard stuff, if you want a big back you have to get strong with heavy rows- barbell, Tbar, and dumbbell.
  • Lat pulldown machine, focus on getting a proper contraction and stretch. Use neutral grip. Wide grip is ass in my opinion, you can contract your lats better when your elbows and hands are closer to your body.

Bicep training:

  • With biceps, you need to have proper form on your curls and not ego lift. You really need to make them burn. Keep your curl form always strict. I primarily use dumbbells now because it’s less stable and harder to use momentum. Seated curls are also great for this reason.
  • Control the eccentric, let it down slow. Always keep your palm up, don’t do half hammer curls.
  • Drop setting is also great for arms. On my last set of curls, I curl the 40s until my arms fail, then the 30s, then the 20s, then the 15s.

Tricep training

  • They are a powerful muscle and you will see good growth by loading them up heavy. You need to incorporate a heavy pressing movement into your tricep training, such as close grip bench or JM press. 6-8 reps. If you get your triceps really strong they won’t be small.
  • Go higher rep on other tricep accessories. French press or overhead extensions, sit at the bottom of the movement and let them stretch out. Pushdowns, always pause and contract as hard as possible. Rope pushdowns are good for true isolation, it’s harder to swing the weight around with momentum.
Leg training
  • Myo-reps on leg machines. I learned this from John meadows. Usually I do it on leg extension or calf raise- quads and calves really benefit from this. On leg extension, take a heavy weight you which you can only do 6 reps with good form. Bang out 6 reps, hop off the machine for 5-10 sec and stretch your legs. Get back on, immediately do more reps until your form breaks down. Repeat until you get 25 reps. This is incredibly hard but your quads will get massive with this technique.
  • RDLs. This is how you add slabs of meat onto your hamstrings. Get strong on barbell RDLs, add in a few sets of high rep hamstring curls. That’s all you need
Shoulder training

  • Get your shoulders strong with heavy DB press/barbell press. You don’t need to do front delt isolation work
  • Always train rear delts with flys. Again, make them burn. Don’t ego lift and do cheat reps. Hammer down your technique, because it’s very easy to let your traps/side delts take over. Have a partner put a finger on your rear delt while you do the movement. Rear and side delts, high volume training, 5 sets per session.
  • Cables over all else for side lateral raises. Constant tension on the muscle. Drop cable to the ground.
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  • WTF
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Arnold split is so cope, the worst split ever jfl, he just wanted to sell more training stuff and said something just to be different jfl
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how are ppl still using 80’s bro splits in 2024
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  • JFL
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Sounds fun tbh. I may try it in future
how are ppl still using 80’s bro splits in 2024
You want the honest answer? It’s fun as fuck to have delts, biceps, and triceps pumped all at one time. Also, when I do chest and back on the same day, they have my full attention instead of having to worry about throwing in arms or shoulders at the end of the workout. I bet you do Jeff Nippard’s PPL and follow it to a T. Faggot.
  • JFL
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arnold split is fun, but too much volume, pretty much useless if ur natty, im currently switching to Mentzer's heavy duty method
arnold split is fun, but too much volume, pretty much useless if ur natty, im currently switching to Mentzer's heavy duty method
H duty is useless for a natty too, Bulgar is where the key is for a natty even tho it’s built for strength
only noodle armed faggots vouch for ppl, arnold is the way to go
arnold split is fun, but too much volume, pretty much useless if ur natty, im currently switching to Mentzer's heavy duty method
It’s not too much volume, I recover from it fine. My sets are reasonable on everything except side/rear delts and biceps which recover quickly for me and have benefited from high volume
Would keep 1 rowing motion and 2 pull downs (1 wide and 1 narrow) for back. Range of motion for pulldown is more and it hits lower traps, rhomboids and lats and biceps lot more than simple bent over rowing motion, which might hit upper traps better. But too big of upper traps with lack of v taper from wide lats make your shoulder span look narrow, not aesthetic.
Would hit some variation of abs everyday as they recover fastest. I would go higher rep count on shoulder as it's also fast twitch mostly, with lower weight and would move rear delt reverse flys to shoulder day.
Chest, would not do any decline or flat press as it adds to man boob saggage, would do only incline press and push up with legs elevated. Peck dec and flys are a waste of time (good for pump but not actual growth). Would not do that much volume on legs, just 1 hack squat or leg extensions and rdl and ham curls. Walking and jogging etc cardio is plenty for quads. Too thick of quads gives girly hips look. Would add calf raises.
Too much volume on arms, would do 2 exercises for triceps and 1 for biceps. Arms respond better to calisthenics like diamond push ups and close grip chin up, so might exchange those here and there.
H duty is useless for a natty too, Bulgar is where the key is for a natty even tho it’s built for strength
try a gentlemens split from NH one of the best splits to do if natty

Arnold split is so cope, the worst split ever jfl, he just wanted to sell more training stuff and said something just to be different jfl
you probably wear gloves for pull ups faggot
  • JFL
Reactions: RealNinja and gabbeascend
try a gentlemens split from NH one of the best splits to do if natty

holy wow mirin the nh promo i'm proud to be from the same country as this goat
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holy wow mirin the nh promo i'm proud to be from the same country as this goat
H duty is useless for a natty too, Bulgar is where the key is for a natty even tho it’s built for strength
I dont even think split matters that much bro, deadass just workout right? Shouldnt make a noticible difference
ridiculous amount of volume. i do like half or third of this
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I dont even think split matters that much bro, deadass just workout right? Shouldnt make a noticible difference
it's not as simple as you described it but it is quite simpler than doing math with split. just workout according to your physique. that's how you know you got out of the beginner phase: once you can explain your program with the whats and whys and that it takes into consideration your genetics, your preferences etc.

long story short, do things, see what they do to you and if you like them, then apply universal rules such as:
no junk volume
proper form
high intensity
first sets close to failure (2rir) and last to failure

u could be doing toes and shoulders on monday and cock and neck on tuesday it's your program do whtv bro
Incline dumbbell bench press - 3x6-8
Barbell bent over row - 3x6-8
Hammer strength press (flat) - 3x8-10
Neutral grip lat pulldown - 3x10
Pec deck/cable fly - 3x10-12
DB row - 3x10
Rear delt fly - 5x11-13

Seated DB shoulder press - 4x6-8
V-bar/Rope pushdowns - 3x11-13
EZ bar JM press - 3x6-8
Overhead rope extension - 3x11-13
DB curl - 4x11-13
Rope/DB hammer curl - 4x11-13
Cable lateral raise - 5x11-13

Hack squat - 4x5-8
Barbell RDL - 4x6-8
Leg press - 2x8-10
Leg extension, myo-rep sets - 2x25
Seated hamstring curl - 2x10-12
Machine crunch - 3x10-12
Hanging leg raise- 3x15

Switched to this split after a long time doing PPL. It’s a lot of fun, if you haven’t tried it I would recommend giving it a shot. In my mind, this split allows each muscle group to get the proper amount of attention they deserve. You can focus completely on chest and back, without having to throw in shoulders/arms/delts as an afterthought. The pump after shoulder and arm day is awesome as well. You will notice I have more volume on certain body parts, like delts and quads- with these particular muscles, more volume is generally beneficial and conducive to growth. Personally I can handle this amount of volume, if you can’t, you can drop a few sets.

Chest training tips:

  • Try making a heavy dumbbell bench press your primary compound movement for chest. Dumbbells are great for actually making your pecs bigger, they stretch your chest fibers and require more stability and strength than barbell does.
  • Machine press and pec deck, go higher rep on these. Really make your pecs burn. You have to keep scapula tightly retracted, don’t cheat with shoulders.

Back training tips:
  • For a long time I was a pussy and messed around on machines. Stop avoiding the hard stuff, if you want a big back you have to get strong with heavy rows- barbell, Tbar, and dumbbell.
  • Lat pulldown machine, focus on getting a proper contraction and stretch. Use neutral grip. Wide grip is ass in my opinion, you can contract your lats better when your elbows and hands are closer to your body.

Bicep training:

  • With biceps, you need to have proper form on your curls and not ego lift. You really need to make them burn. Keep your curl form always strict. I primarily use dumbbells now because it’s less stable and harder to use momentum. Seated curls are also great for this reason.
  • Control the eccentric, let it down slow. Always keep your palm up, don’t do half hammer curls.
  • Drop setting is also great for arms. On my last set of curls, I curl the 40s until my arms fail, then the 30s, then the 20s, then the 15s.

Tricep training

  • They are a powerful muscle and you will see good growth by loading them up heavy. You need to incorporate a heavy pressing movement into your tricep training, such as close grip bench or JM press. 6-8 reps. If you get your triceps really strong they won’t be small.
  • Go higher rep on other tricep accessories. French press or overhead extensions, sit at the bottom of the movement and let them stretch out. Pushdowns, always pause and contract as hard as possible. Rope pushdowns are good for true isolation, it’s harder to swing the weight around with momentum.
Leg training
  • Myo-reps on leg machines. I learned this from John meadows. Usually I do it on leg extension or calf raise- quads and calves really benefit from this. On leg extension, take a heavy weight you which you can only do 6 reps with good form. Bang out 6 reps, hop off the machine for 5-10 sec and stretch your legs. Get back on, immediately do more reps until your form breaks down. Repeat until you get 25 reps. This is incredibly hard but your quads will get massive with this technique.
  • RDLs. This is how you add slabs of meat onto your hamstrings. Get strong on barbell RDLs, add in a few sets of high rep hamstring curls. That’s all you need
Shoulder training

  • Get your shoulders strong with heavy DB press/barbell press. You don’t need to do front delt isolation work
  • Always train rear delts with flys. Again, make them burn. Don’t ego lift and do cheat reps. Hammer down your technique, because it’s very easy to let your traps/side delts take over. Have a partner put a finger on your rear delt while you do the movement. Rear and side delts, high volume training, 5 sets per session.
  • Cables over all else for side lateral raises. Constant tension on the muscle. Drop cable to the ground.
Good split, not ideal for natties tho
ridiculous amount of volume. i do like half or third of this
mfw i asked this broccoli headed twink how many sets he got left on the pulley and he answers 6.
one piece shock GIF by Funimation
  • JFL
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then just change the volume lol
No bro doesnt work like that it is not about volume, it us about recovery and stress management, natties should do full body 2 or 3 times a week
Good split, not ideal for natties tho
ridiculous amount of volume. i do like half or third of this
I’ve actually reduced my volume a lot in the past few weeks. I trained high volume like this 6-7 days a week since probably November and saw massive muscle gains. It’s not an issue of muscle recovery, because if you eat/sleep enough and you’re in your teens or 20s your muscles can recover fine. But you probably will fuck up your tendons and ligaments eventually. I’m currently nursing my right shoulder and rehabbing a disc bulge I gave myself. So yeah control the volume
Arnold split is honestly too much fun. I do ppl x arnold but I work biceps in push days and triceps in pulls. Also do additional ohp as I feel my shoulders recovered fully.
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Lol didn’t you post about being on PEDs at like 16 or 17? You could train like a retarded person and get big if you’re eating and sleeping. Dont try to preach about what’s best for natties
No i am 20 ad i stared steroids in december so 6 months, i had 18 inch arms natty anyways at 17 because u train since i am 15, listen to the people that mog u dont be silly drop the ego
Lol didn’t you post about being on PEDs at like 16 or 17? You could train like a retarded person and get big if you’re eating and sleeping. Dont try to preach about what’s best for natties
I was natty for 3 years
No bro doesnt work like that it is not about volume, it us about recovery and stress management, natties should do full body 2 or 3 times a week
I think overtraining is a myth. I do 40 sets of direct chest work a week and not once I felt not recovered.
I think overtraining is a myth. I do 40 sets of direct chest work a week and not once I felt not recovered.
Yeah bcs you train like a bitch with light weights,
I think overtraining is a myth. I do 40 sets of direct chest work a week and not once I felt not recovered.
Muscles can adapt to a lot but it’s all the other shit that needs time to recover like your nervous system, joints, tendons, etc. If you’re natty you don’t get the benefits of quicker recovery throughout your whole body. Your pecs can adapt to 40 sets a week but if you did that long term you’d inevitably get some kind of shoulder injury/impingement
No i am 20 ad i stared steroids in december so 6 months, i had 18 inch arms natty anyways at 17 because u train since i am 15, listen to the people that mog u dont be silly drop the ego
I’m sure you know How to train but suggesting full body 2 times a week is not the best way to train even for natties. You can probably get away with that as a beginner. But after you train for a while you need to up the volume especially for muscles like delts, traps, back, biceps. You COULD get the same gains on full body 2x week vs PPL 6x week, but on fullbody split you’d be in the gym for like 2-3 hours. Vs training 6 days a week it’s 30-60mins in and out
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Muscles can adapt to a lot but it’s all the other shit that needs time to recover like your nervous system, joints, tendons, etc. If you’re natty you don’t get the benefits of quicker recovery throughout your whole body. Your pecs can adapt to 40 sets a week but if you did that long term you’d inevitably get some kind of shoulder injury/impingement

I’m sure you know How to train but suggesting full body 2 times a week is not the best way to train even for natties. You can probably get away with that as a beginner. But after you train for a while you need to up the volume especially for muscles like delts, traps, back, biceps. You COULD get the same gains on full body 2x week vs PPL 6x week, but on fullbody split you’d be in the gym for like 2-3 hours. Vs training 6 days a week it’s 30-60mins in and out
I dont agree based on personal experience but you do you
nah I go beyond failure half the sets I do and rir 1-2 for the other half.
I do 2 or 3 sets to failure super heavy and after my heavy compounds only do pump work with high reps
  • +1
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I do 2 or 3 sets to failure super heavy and after my heavy compounds only do pump work with high reps
Do you hit a plateu while cruising or progress weekly at your weights?
Do you hit a plateu while cruising or progress weekly at your weights?
I am just getting bigger and stronger even while on cruise, i also dl mtor reset ad myostain reset wich helps alot
  • +1
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it's not as simple as you described it but it is quite simpler than doing math with split. just workout according to your physique. that's how you know you got out of the beginner phase: once you can explain your program with the whats and whys and that it takes into consideration your genetics, your preferences etc.

long story short, do things, see what they do to you and if you like them, then apply universal rules such as:
no junk volume
proper form
high intensity
first sets close to failure (2rir) and last to failure

u could be doing toes and shoulders on monday and cock and neck on tuesday it's your program do whtv bro
Oh well i got a chat gpt split jfl drop a solid natty one for me
  • +1
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Incline dumbbell bench press - 3x6-8
Barbell bent over row - 3x6-8
Hammer strength press (flat) - 3x8-10
Neutral grip lat pulldown - 3x10
Pec deck/cable fly - 3x10-12
DB row - 3x10
Rear delt fly - 5x11-13

Seated DB shoulder press - 4x6-8
V-bar/Rope pushdowns - 3x11-13
EZ bar JM press - 3x6-8
Overhead rope extension - 3x11-13
DB curl - 4x11-13
Rope/DB hammer curl - 4x11-13
Cable lateral raise - 5x11-13

Hack squat - 4x5-8
Barbell RDL - 4x6-8
Leg press - 2x8-10
Leg extension, myo-rep sets - 2x25
Seated hamstring curl - 2x10-12
Machine crunch - 3x10-12
Hanging leg raise- 3x15

Switched to this split after a long time doing PPL. It’s a lot of fun, if you haven’t tried it I would recommend giving it a shot. In my mind, this split allows each muscle group to get the proper amount of attention they deserve. You can focus completely on chest and back, without having to throw in shoulders/arms/delts as an afterthought. The pump after shoulder and arm day is awesome as well. You will notice I have more volume on certain body parts, like delts and quads- with these particular muscles, more volume is generally beneficial and conducive to growth. Personally I can handle this amount of volume, if you can’t, you can drop a few sets.

Chest training tips:

  • Try making a heavy dumbbell bench press your primary compound movement for chest. Dumbbells are great for actually making your pecs bigger, they stretch your chest fibers and require more stability and strength than barbell does.
  • Machine press and pec deck, go higher rep on these. Really make your pecs burn. You have to keep scapula tightly retracted, don’t cheat with shoulders.

Back training tips:
  • For a long time I was a pussy and messed around on machines. Stop avoiding the hard stuff, if you want a big back you have to get strong with heavy rows- barbell, Tbar, and dumbbell.
  • Lat pulldown machine, focus on getting a proper contraction and stretch. Use neutral grip. Wide grip is ass in my opinion, you can contract your lats better when your elbows and hands are closer to your body.

Bicep training:

  • With biceps, you need to have proper form on your curls and not ego lift. You really need to make them burn. Keep your curl form always strict. I primarily use dumbbells now because it’s less stable and harder to use momentum. Seated curls are also great for this reason.
  • Control the eccentric, let it down slow. Always keep your palm up, don’t do half hammer curls.
  • Drop setting is also great for arms. On my last set of curls, I curl the 40s until my arms fail, then the 30s, then the 20s, then the 15s.

Tricep training

  • They are a powerful muscle and you will see good growth by loading them up heavy. You need to incorporate a heavy pressing movement into your tricep training, such as close grip bench or JM press. 6-8 reps. If you get your triceps really strong they won’t be small.
  • Go higher rep on other tricep accessories. French press or overhead extensions, sit at the bottom of the movement and let them stretch out. Pushdowns, always pause and contract as hard as possible. Rope pushdowns are good for true isolation, it’s harder to swing the weight around with momentum.
Leg training
  • Myo-reps on leg machines. I learned this from John meadows. Usually I do it on leg extension or calf raise- quads and calves really benefit from this. On leg extension, take a heavy weight you which you can only do 6 reps with good form. Bang out 6 reps, hop off the machine for 5-10 sec and stretch your legs. Get back on, immediately do more reps until your form breaks down. Repeat until you get 25 reps. This is incredibly hard but your quads will get massive with this technique.
  • RDLs. This is how you add slabs of meat onto your hamstrings. Get strong on barbell RDLs, add in a few sets of high rep hamstring curls. That’s all you need
Shoulder training

  • Get your shoulders strong with heavy DB press/barbell press. You don’t need to do front delt isolation work
  • Always train rear delts with flys. Again, make them burn. Don’t ego lift and do cheat reps. Hammer down your technique, because it’s very easy to let your traps/side delts take over. Have a partner put a finger on your rear delt while you do the movement. Rear and side delts, high volume training, 5 sets per session.
  • Cables over all else for side lateral raises. Constant tension on the muscle. Drop cable to the ground.
im natty for now not long tho,so take my opinion as you want ive been doing arnold split for most of my years of lifting and my physique was built on it, its the best shit ever and thats the only split you will ever need and id say your overdoing it but not on volume side but there is too much shit in there pick 3 excersises per muscle group and set that by 4 sets and your gonna be golden on arm days do 2 exercises and set them 4 sets and legs is enough once a week but you really have to do alot for them

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