[NEWS] Top 15 Billion $ Business Ideas



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019
Number 1: Weight Loss Pill with minimal to no side effects
As of 2018, the diet & weight loss industry is worth around 80 billion dollars in the US alone and expected to reach a value of half a trillion worldwide in the coming years.

The world is changing, and for the first time ever, more people are dying from obesity than from starvation!

Most people are lazy and would gladly pay a premium for an easy solution to the weight problem. That’s why all the big pharma companies are spending billions on R&D in order to find a mainstream solution to the problem.

A pill like this could quickly become of the most profitable and used drugs all around the world.

Viagra alone is doing 1.5 billion dollars in revenue per year in the US alone and a weight loss pill could be valuable for both genders.

Number 2: Viable Plastic Replacement
Yeah, we’re ruining our planet and don’t know what to do about it, because we don’t really want to change.

That’s where you come in!

The plastic market as a whole is worth 650 billion dollars at the moment with the plastic packaging industry expected to hit 350 billion by 2020.

As you’ve seen in the videos of turtles and fish caught up in plastic, the world needs a viable alternative that is:

– As practical
– As cheap to produce
– Of which we have large quantities of – preferably renewable
– And which doesn’t kill all life on earth on the long run.

Everybody understands the potential of being the next plastic and we’re already seeing tests with fungus, algae, corn and even hemp.

The only thing they need to do now, is get the price down and be able to mass produce.

Before we move on to the next problem do you want to hear something crazy?

It is estimated that more than 500 million single-use plastic straws are used and thrown away every day in the U.S. alone, according to the National Park Service. That translates into 175 billion straws a year. The numbers globally are even more at least 5X that.

Just think about it, you get a drink with a plastic straw which you use for under 15 minutes and then you throw it away. A large portion of those straws are not recycled.

Number 3: Bio Printing & Organ Printing
There are several sub-industries to this which will be worth billions of dollars each as the technology advances.
Starting with personalized prosthetics, to 3d printed skin for burn victims, bone printing to actually printing working organs.

Globally, the organ transplant market is worth around 20 billion dollars per year, which is expected to become a trillion dollar industry in the next decades.

Just the Organ Preservation Market is valued at 250 billion right now, so the potential in this space is massive.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire buying heart on the black market for 1 million dollars
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire buying heart on the black market for 1 million dollars
As the population of the world increases and on average we tend to get richer, replacing an organ will become as common as eye surgery or dental implants.

To put things into perspective, you can purchase a heart on the black market in the US, for a little bit under 1 million dollars, with a liver being sold for around half a million.

The fact that there is a black market for organs proves that there isn’t sufficient supply for the existing demand.

Studies show that 1 in 3 deaths could be delayed or prevented if we were to have access to enough spare organs.

Number 4: Water scarcity
As of 2016, 1 in 9 people in the world live without access to clean water. That’s close to 850 million people.

Towards the end of 2018, scientists are expecting that number to get close to 1.1 billion people.

By 2025, it is expected that two-thirds of the world’s population will find it difficult to have access to clean water.

You wouldn’t think that the blue planet is running out of water, but the thing is, it’s not the planet, it’s us, who are running out of water that fits our bodies. Despite the planet being covered 70% in water only 3% of it is actually freshwater that is fit for human consumption. Around two-thirds of that is tucked in frozen glaciers and unavailable for our use. So we’re in big trouble.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1 billion people don't have access to water
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1 billion people don’t have access to water
This year even big cities like Cape Town almost ran out of water and situations like this one will be more popular in the coming years. So you might soon get rations of water no matter where you live.

The economical impact of the water crisis is huge, not only people can’t grow crops but they die of a plethora of illnesses associated with unclean water. Providing access to water will be like connecting yourself to a network for internet access and we will start paying a premium on it.

Some of the solutions to water scarcity have to deal with the masses. For example, technology which will allow to optimize the water consumption per household so people don’t waste water, followed by improving the sewage systems so that the water can be filtered and deployed to nearby farms which are one of the biggest water wasters in the world.

You might not realize this, but it meat production is incredibly water-expensive. It takes 15,400 liters of water just to produce 1 kilo of beef. 6000 liters for 1 kilo of pig meat and 4500 liters for 1 kilo of chicken meat.

Number 5: Artificial intelligence
A.I. is the holy grail of inventions and for good reason.

Artificial intelligence is probably the last invention humans will have to invent.

That’s because it will either optimize and solve all our problems or.. It will realize how meaningless we are a species and wipe us all out as it evolves to god-like status.

Let’s say it will not wipe us out and look at what A.I could mean for humanity.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire Artificial intelligence is probably the last invention humans will have to invent
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire Artificial intelligence is probably the last invention humans will have to invent
As of 2018, A.I. is already generation over 1 trillion dollars in value, with customer experience solutions creating the most business value.

AI-derived business value is projected to reach up to $3.9 trillion by 2022.

And that isn’t taking into account Strong A.I. who’s value is so hard to estimate that even the smartest minds are a little on the edge of making predictions.

Artificial intelligence is going to be the largest disruptor the world has ever seen, dramatically changing the way we exist and could accelerate our transition towards a type II civilization.

It could cure diseases for us, revolutionize farming & bioengineering and even be the gateway to immortality.

We will do a dedicated video on A.I. and the applications and implications something like a Strong Artificial Intelligence could have on humankind in the future.

But, this automation will come at a cost, rendering a large portion of the population useless & with no economic value.

If you’re curious to know which Jobs will be replaced by Automation & A.I. in the next 2 decades. We’ve made a video about the industries which the automation will hit first.

Number 6: Energy storage
It has already been decided that the future is electric, that is, until we can come up with something better.

Before we’ll be able to do that, our computers, homes and even cars are electric.

The uprise of clean energy from solar, wind, hydro & geothermal is opening a lot of business opportunities.

Probably the biggest of opportunities lies in energy storage. In the US alone it’s roughly a 8 billion dollar industry right now, but growing with almost 25% year to year.

This is just the beginning of an energy revolution. We’ve already seen companies like Tesla come into this space aggressively with their powerwall storage options, but the tech hasn’t gone mainstream yet.

More and more people from western countries are trying to get off the grid or have a strong backup for their systems, while on the opposite end of the spectrum, we’re seeing the need for this tech in undeveloped areas who simply do no have access to electricity.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1.3 billion people don't have access to electricity industry growing fast
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1.3 billion people don’t have access to electricity industry growing fast
Mainstream energy storage will bring these communities into the 21 century.

Just to give you guys a glimpse of the numbers, 1.3 billion people currently, do not have access to electricity.

There’s another angle to this which is even bigger than the powerwall type tech, it’s that of batteries.

Cars will need bigger ranges, mobile phones need to be charged every single day & whoever’s going to figure out a way to dramatically increase battery life will be rewarded in the billions.

Here’s what we want you need to know if you’re planning on making a bid for energy storage:

The light bulb was not created by incrementally improving the candle!

Number 7: Food Production & Alternatives
We’re almost 8 billion people & we have to eat every single day. Somebody’s got to figure out how to make this happen.

The problem doesn’t seem to lie in our ability to produce food, but instead it’s in optimizing the process: creating as much food as possible with the minimum ressource spend

Distributing food to everyone.

At the moment we humans are really inefficient with our food products. Here in the west we consume way more food than we need to and we end up throwing away large quantities of it as well.

We’re not sure if you now this, but FOOD & Agriculture is actually the biggest industry in the world.

In our research 10% of the gross domestic product of the entire world lies in food. That’s around 50 trillion dollars.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire food industry eating bugs
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire food industry eating bugs
Wanna hear something shocking?

One third of the entire food produced in the world is wasted. Food losses and waste amounts to roughly$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries. Per year.

That’s how much money we’re throwing away, it’s your opportunity to capture as much of it as possible.

Even if we managed to optimize food consumption so that we don’t waste so much of it, there’s still the big issue of production costs.

Growing food consumes so many resources that we will be faced with a serious dilemma, because we can not sustain this kind of production over extended periods of time.

The biggest issues are related to water, grain & deforestation in order to grow crops.

If the world doesn’t move quickly into alternative food sources and we keep growing our population numbers we’re in big trouble.

The obvious viable option we have is transitioning for big protein sources to smaller ones. Yes people, we’re talking about eating bugs.

This might sound disgusting to most of you, but bugs are probably the future of nutrition for humans. Insects require 2000 times less water to produce the equivalent of 1kg of meat from a nutritional standpoint, they also require less space, produce less waste and are 80% eatable compared to only 40% of a cow.

Plus, you’re already consuming bugs in your food right now, you just don’t know it. Bugs are in your chocolate, in your peanut butter and almost any fruit and vegetable product.

We’re already seeing a lot of money going to Insect Farming Startups all around the world, so if you’re planning to jump on this trend you gotta hurry.

Number 8: Digital Military Tech
Just keeping up with the big numbers, 2.5% of the global domestic product goes to the military in one form or the other. That’s roughly 1.7 trillion dollars per year.

Out of that entire number, the United States is responsible for a third of that.

The world is changing and although we still need some apache helicopters and submarines, the war-zone has shifted to a more technological approach than who has the most panzers.

A simple ad-buying campaign can push the critical vote in order to get someone elected. It could start revolutions or dramatically change the public’s perception on an issue.

That’s what the CIA has been doing for years, but now, wealthy individuals have the same tools at their disposal. Cambridge Analytica were just the ones who got caught.

Point is, governments want to have the option to both protect and attack from their comforts of their bunkers.

Cyber-warfare, as an industry is just a tad under 100 billion dollars.

When countries go to war with each-other, they no longer send tens of thousands of troupes, instead they destabilize an economy, create massive protests and then use drones or AI-driven missiles to take out strategic objectives in order to give through to the Linchpin effect.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire over 1 trillion dollars goes to the military per year
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire over 1 trillion dollars goes to the military per year
A surprising correlation is with the gaming industry, because the military is currently recruiting apt gamers for their remote missions. Someone who’s been virtually crushing enemy bases since he was born will make a great soldier when time comes to remotely fly a drone and deploy bombs. Who knows, Ender’s game might turn out to be a documentary instead of a science fiction movie after all and you can finally tell your parents that the number of hours you’ve clocked in on Steam is just military training.

Number 9: Internet for Everybody
Wanna hear some great news? As of the end of 2017 we have finally tipped the balance with 51% of humanity connected to the internet.

It’s really hard to put a value on the internet right now, because the next google or facebook could be just around the corner and all our math would go out the window.

To give a very rough estimate, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 20 trillion dollars and that’s with only have the population connected to it.
Just think of what will happen when everybody will have stable access to the internet. Just the educational aspect of it is mind blowing, followed by trade and commerce and then the marketplace of innovation and new ideas.

Some might argue that access to internet is a basic human right in this day and age, and to be honest, we agree.

Our entire reality has been dramatically changed since we got access to the internet. Despite our formal education, we got more value for getting educated on the internet on topics which we could apply to our everyday lives, up to the point where our entire company is internet centered.

The employees and families we have under our company are all getting value based on the incredible innovation that is the internet.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire half of the population is connected to the internet
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire half of the population is connected to the internet
Now, let’s talk opportunity.

A guy selling things on the internet is currently the richest man in the world. A guy with a website where you can posts your pictures and see what your friends are up to, has over 2.2 billion monthly users making him the 5th richest man in the world and you can now outsource manufacturing to a chinese factory thanks to Jack Ma’s Alibaba without even going to China.

The race for connecting the world to the internet has already began and we’re seeing giants come out to play.

Facebook wants to beam internet over remote geographies with their electric planes, Google with their balloons and Elon Musk is racing Richard Branson both wanting a fleet of satellites orbiting earth bringing cat videos to everyone.

We’re not sure if you’ve got a chance of competing head to head with these guys, but approaching the issue for a creative angle you might find yourself with a very lucrative industry on your hands.

Number 10: Private data & Home security
Cyber security is a 200 billion dollar industry right now!

Most of that money comes from companies and businesses who are looking to protect their information and are willing to pay a premium for it.

With the recent facebook scandal, that conversation is slowly shifting to the consumer market and ohhh boy that number will skyrocket.

At this point, people have no idea how valuable their data is, that’s why they give it away for free, or close to free.
We believe that in the future, personal data security will become one of the most lucrative businesses even overtaking the home security industry.

Just for your information, the global home security industry is worth 50 billion dollar per year.

The average consumer owns more and more devices, which all contain and track sensitive information about the owner. With the rise of internet of things and mainstream adoption, we will need viable options to protect that data.

Everything that makes you, you, is being carefully organized on the internet for our convenience. The downside is that, everything that makes you, you can now be accessed remotely by people who are after that information.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cyber security
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cyber security
Just to give you guys a glimpse into how big this problem can be: Last year, a US company called Equifax got hacked. They are in charge of maintaining the credit scores for americans.

The information of 143 million people got hacked. This includes name, address, birth date, social security number and your financial history.

With this kind of information, someone could easily impersonate you, buy property, get a credit line and ruin your life completely.

If you’re curious to learn more about the tech industry we recommend you check out our video below:

Also, every Wednesday we tackle a different industry on this channel where we break down how the big players are shaping the world and how things are evolving something you might be interested in.

Number 11: Male Birth-control
The Contraceptives Market size is set to exceed $33 Billion by 2023

That’s at the current rate of growth.

If you’re looking to becoming a billionaire in the pharma space, you might want to put your money and focus into male birth-control.

This is why this problem is so big. A female can get pregnant once per year – 1.2 times if you’re really good at getting pregnant- but a male can easily impregnate at least 365 females if given the opportunity and the right conditions.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire male birth control
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire male birth control
Having kids is damn expensive and a simple pill which could take the guessing out of the game of who’s the father, would skyrocket in popularity. It’s about control and people are always willing to pay for control.

There are already multiple companies with pills in trials for this solution, but most of them seem to come with serious side effects, so we’re not there yet.

Number 12: Space exploration/resource capture
We are entering an exciting era in space where we expect more advances in the next few decades than throughout human history.

Space is a 3 trillion dollar opportunity for the next few decades.

We know this is not one of those problems that the average Joe will be able to solve or make good use of, but the opportunity is still there.

While you probably need to already be a billionaire to join the exclusive club of people who are looking to mine asteroid and take people from planet to planet, those who will take part in it, will enjoy richest beyond those we’ve seen on earth… literally!

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire asteroid mining
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire asteroid mining
There’s this thing called a Space Act Bill which states:

“Any asteroid resources obtained in outer space are the property of the entity that obtained such resources, which shall be entitled to all property rights thereto, consistent with applicable provisions of Federal law and existing international obligations.” -H.R. 1508

Is this the new gold rush? You bet! The only thing is, there are a handful of people who have the option to access all the gold they can get.

Just the asteroid mining industry has the potential to be a 100 trillion dollar industry.

Now you understand why the likes of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are so eager to get their tech right as soon as possible.

Number 13: Sex-Robots
Yes people, sex-robots will be a real things and the world is patiently waiting for them with both their wallets and weiners out… – and with that joke you can say goodbye to getting this video monetized, but hey, do it for the lols right?!

We’re currently in the middle of a 30 billion dollars race to create the first premium sex-robot.

The thing is, we’re still not there yet!

The world doesn’t want to… get frisky with Sophia the robot.. Because she’s creepy as hell, instead we’re all waiting for the West-World equivalent or at least something like ex-machina

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire sex robots
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire sex robots
The good news is, with the advances we’re seeing in animatronics, 3d printing and AI, we should have a mass market Version 1 available in the next 15 years.

People will buy these like crazy- anonymously through the internet.. But like crazy.

This will open up entire new niches we’ve never even considered, like accessories for your robot, wigs, software updates, voice packs, different faces etc.

Any way you come after it, this industry will blow up as humans are already evolving to being more and more anti-social, so it’s up to you if you want to make bank on a trend like this.

Number 14: Hair-regeneration
One of the seemingly unsolvable problems the world is facing.

Did you know that the global hair transplant is a 9 billion dollar industry?

Yep, we people love our hair. The bulk of this industry cost is carried by men, who simply do not want to be bald so they’re willing to pay a premium, to have hair moved from one part of their body to their head.

Even the WIG market is worth over 1 billion dollars.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire hair regeneration
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire hair regeneration
Now think how valuable a product that solves this issue in a non surgical matter would be.

Something like a creme or even a laser-like treatment which would reverse the balding process and allow your body to create new hair.

Plastic surgery is a 45 billion dollar per year industry, because humans are obsessed with the way they look.

If you’ve seen our video on 15 brutal truths people don’t like to hear, you know that we tend to judge a book by the cover among other things. The way we look makes all the difference.

By the way, you can check out that video below, we’ve pissed a bunch of people with it, so you might enjoy it.

Number 15: Death
The first person to solve death not only will become extremely rich, but will go down in history as the one who transitioned humans from animals to gods.

Larry Elison and Peter Thiel are just two of the titans who are looking to solve the death problems we humans have.
If you think about it, Death is very much like a disease and our track record shows we’ve been pretty successful at curing most of them.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cure death
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cure death
What’s one more to add to the list?

At number 3 we’ve mentioned organ printing, which could be our first solution for life extensions.

The reality is, if one of your organs fail you, you will die, despite the remaining ones doing ok.

Organs as we know them have a fairly short lifespan, but what if we could re-engineer them, out of more durable materials. It’s like switching the parts in a very intricate machine.

This would also solve the problem of aging, nobody wants to live forever if you’re going to get older and older.

Artificial bodies will probably be the largest industry of the 22nd century and we’re lucky to see the early stages of this coming to light today.

The 20 billion dollar funeral home industry is about to get disrupted in the near future and we have a front row seat.

For everything you need a background in chemical or computer degrees
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  • +1
  • Love it
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 18032, Deleted member 6695, .👽. and 20 others
@Papabakvet @reptiles
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Deleted member 6873
How about starting some hype fashion brand?

The dumb shit people are willing to throw money at is insane, look at Abloh's (off white) work.
  • +1
Reactions: aleksander, Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 5048 and 5 others
Just make a 300 IQ invention theory
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: aleksander, Be_ConfidentBro, one job away and 10 others
How about starting some hype fashion brand?

The dumb shit people are willing to throw money at is insane, look at Abloh's (off white) work.
Only chads or extremely NT Chadlites can start their own hype fashion brands

Today using social media for fashion is essential

Look at Tom Ford
  • +1
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 6128, Lev Peshkov and 2 others
Only chads or extremely NT Chadlites can start their own hype fashion brands

Look at Tom Ford
Abloh isn't goodlooking tbh.
I think it's more about building connections and promotion.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Abloh isn't goodlooking tbh.
I think it's more about building connections and promotion.
Its more about owning the traffic nowadays

A chadlite influencer like TMF can easily start his own fashion brand
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6873
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 5522, BigBiceps and 1 other person
Just make a 300 IQ invention theory
The Inventor of the rubics cube is worth 100 million $

Tbh the Toys & Gimmicks Niche is also a good one

Imagine selling or patenting the fidget spinner
its crazy how baldness still cannot be 100 percent eradicated its literally harvesting innocent souls
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6128 and PubertyMaxxer
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9391
I hope you copy pasted cause not even the First Word
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, bimaximum and PubertyMaxxer
ive always thought that whoever can invent an actually long lasting battery will make bezos look poor.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
ive always thought that whoever can invent an actually long lasting battery will make bezos look poor.
Tbh Inventing a viral Toy or design is enough to become a multimillionaire
its crazy how baldness still cannot be 100 percent eradicated its literally harvesting innocent souls
Some crazy high IQ .me users will one day create & patent anti-baldness pills, become billionaires and then donate it to the users here for their surgeries
  • Love it
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro
Fix male pattern baldness and you will be the worlds first trillionaire
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees, Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 6997 and 1 other person
Excellent post. Bump.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
There are plenty of billionaires

I meant trillionaire
I don't think it would make richer than Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford & Bezos combined?
Too bad Stem is not my talent
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Teleportation, time travel, holographic TV, CRISPR chad genes, dead pet revival, designer dreams, anti-telephaty tin foil, powdered water, meth vending machine, Donald Trump's tears.
  • JFL
Reactions: AlexAP
Teleportation, time travel, holographic TV, CRISPR chad genes, dead pet revival, designer dreams, anti-telephaty tin foil, powdered water, meth vending machine, Donald Trump's tears.
time travel and CRISPR chad genes sound really good. Many people in this forum would wageslave decades to have it.
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
just solve death bro
CRISPR and u will turn into a billionaire
Dn read

This post is sponsored by neets.me
Number 1: Weight Loss Pill with minimal to no side effects
As of 2018, the diet & weight loss industry is worth around 80 billion dollars in the US alone and expected to reach a value of half a trillion worldwide in the coming years.

The world is changing, and for the first time ever, more people are dying from obesity than from starvation!

Most people are lazy and would gladly pay a premium for an easy solution to the weight problem. That’s why all the big pharma companies are spending billions on R&D in order to find a mainstream solution to the problem.

A pill like this could quickly become of the most profitable and used drugs all around the world.

Viagra alone is doing 1.5 billion dollars in revenue per year in the US alone and a weight loss pill could be valuable for both genders.

Number 2: Viable Plastic Replacement
Yeah, we’re ruining our planet and don’t know what to do about it, because we don’t really want to change.

That’s where you come in!

The plastic market as a whole is worth 650 billion dollars at the moment with the plastic packaging industry expected to hit 350 billion by 2020.

As you’ve seen in the videos of turtles and fish caught up in plastic, the world needs a viable alternative that is:

– As practical
– As cheap to produce
– Of which we have large quantities of – preferably renewable
– And which doesn’t kill all life on earth on the long run.

Everybody understands the potential of being the next plastic and we’re already seeing tests with fungus, algae, corn and even hemp.

The only thing they need to do now, is get the price down and be able to mass produce.

Before we move on to the next problem do you want to hear something crazy?

It is estimated that more than 500 million single-use plastic straws are used and thrown away every day in the U.S. alone, according to the National Park Service. That translates into 175 billion straws a year. The numbers globally are even more at least 5X that.

Just think about it, you get a drink with a plastic straw which you use for under 15 minutes and then you throw it away. A large portion of those straws are not recycled.

Number 3: Bio Printing & Organ Printing
There are several sub-industries to this which will be worth billions of dollars each as the technology advances.
Starting with personalized prosthetics, to 3d printed skin for burn victims, bone printing to actually printing working organs.

Globally, the organ transplant market is worth around 20 billion dollars per year, which is expected to become a trillion dollar industry in the next decades.

Just the Organ Preservation Market is valued at 250 billion right now, so the potential in this space is massive.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire buying heart on the black market for 1 million dollars
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire buying heart on the black market for 1 million dollars
As the population of the world increases and on average we tend to get richer, replacing an organ will become as common as eye surgery or dental implants.

To put things into perspective, you can purchase a heart on the black market in the US, for a little bit under 1 million dollars, with a liver being sold for around half a million.

The fact that there is a black market for organs proves that there isn’t sufficient supply for the existing demand.

Studies show that 1 in 3 deaths could be delayed or prevented if we were to have access to enough spare organs.

Number 4: Water scarcity
As of 2016, 1 in 9 people in the world live without access to clean water. That’s close to 850 million people.

Towards the end of 2018, scientists are expecting that number to get close to 1.1 billion people.

By 2025, it is expected that two-thirds of the world’s population will find it difficult to have access to clean water.

You wouldn’t think that the blue planet is running out of water, but the thing is, it’s not the planet, it’s us, who are running out of water that fits our bodies. Despite the planet being covered 70% in water only 3% of it is actually freshwater that is fit for human consumption. Around two-thirds of that is tucked in frozen glaciers and unavailable for our use. So we’re in big trouble.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1 billion people don't have access to water
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1 billion people don’t have access to water
This year even big cities like Cape Town almost ran out of water and situations like this one will be more popular in the coming years. So you might soon get rations of water no matter where you live.

The economical impact of the water crisis is huge, not only people can’t grow crops but they die of a plethora of illnesses associated with unclean water. Providing access to water will be like connecting yourself to a network for internet access and we will start paying a premium on it.

Some of the solutions to water scarcity have to deal with the masses. For example, technology which will allow to optimize the water consumption per household so people don’t waste water, followed by improving the sewage systems so that the water can be filtered and deployed to nearby farms which are one of the biggest water wasters in the world.

You might not realize this, but it meat production is incredibly water-expensive. It takes 15,400 liters of water just to produce 1 kilo of beef. 6000 liters for 1 kilo of pig meat and 4500 liters for 1 kilo of chicken meat.

Number 5: Artificial intelligence
A.I. is the holy grail of inventions and for good reason.

Artificial intelligence is probably the last invention humans will have to invent.

That’s because it will either optimize and solve all our problems or.. It will realize how meaningless we are a species and wipe us all out as it evolves to god-like status.

Let’s say it will not wipe us out and look at what A.I could mean for humanity.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire Artificial intelligence is probably the last invention humans will have to invent
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire Artificial intelligence is probably the last invention humans will have to invent
As of 2018, A.I. is already generation over 1 trillion dollars in value, with customer experience solutions creating the most business value.

AI-derived business value is projected to reach up to $3.9 trillion by 2022.

And that isn’t taking into account Strong A.I. who’s value is so hard to estimate that even the smartest minds are a little on the edge of making predictions.

Artificial intelligence is going to be the largest disruptor the world has ever seen, dramatically changing the way we exist and could accelerate our transition towards a type II civilization.

It could cure diseases for us, revolutionize farming & bioengineering and even be the gateway to immortality.

We will do a dedicated video on A.I. and the applications and implications something like a Strong Artificial Intelligence could have on humankind in the future.

But, this automation will come at a cost, rendering a large portion of the population useless & with no economic value.

If you’re curious to know which Jobs will be replaced by Automation & A.I. in the next 2 decades. We’ve made a video about the industries which the automation will hit first.

Number 6: Energy storage
It has already been decided that the future is electric, that is, until we can come up with something better.

Before we’ll be able to do that, our computers, homes and even cars are electric.

The uprise of clean energy from solar, wind, hydro & geothermal is opening a lot of business opportunities.

Probably the biggest of opportunities lies in energy storage. In the US alone it’s roughly a 8 billion dollar industry right now, but growing with almost 25% year to year.

This is just the beginning of an energy revolution. We’ve already seen companies like Tesla come into this space aggressively with their powerwall storage options, but the tech hasn’t gone mainstream yet.

More and more people from western countries are trying to get off the grid or have a strong backup for their systems, while on the opposite end of the spectrum, we’re seeing the need for this tech in undeveloped areas who simply do no have access to electricity.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1.3 billion people don't have access to electricity industry growing fast
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire 1.3 billion people don’t have access to electricity industry growing fast
Mainstream energy storage will bring these communities into the 21 century.

Just to give you guys a glimpse of the numbers, 1.3 billion people currently, do not have access to electricity.

There’s another angle to this which is even bigger than the powerwall type tech, it’s that of batteries.

Cars will need bigger ranges, mobile phones need to be charged every single day & whoever’s going to figure out a way to dramatically increase battery life will be rewarded in the billions.

Here’s what we want you need to know if you’re planning on making a bid for energy storage:

The light bulb was not created by incrementally improving the candle!

Number 7: Food Production & Alternatives
We’re almost 8 billion people & we have to eat every single day. Somebody’s got to figure out how to make this happen.

The problem doesn’t seem to lie in our ability to produce food, but instead it’s in optimizing the process: creating as much food as possible with the minimum ressource spend

Distributing food to everyone.

At the moment we humans are really inefficient with our food products. Here in the west we consume way more food than we need to and we end up throwing away large quantities of it as well.

We’re not sure if you now this, but FOOD & Agriculture is actually the biggest industry in the world.

In our research 10% of the gross domestic product of the entire world lies in food. That’s around 50 trillion dollars.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire food industry eating bugs
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire food industry eating bugs
Wanna hear something shocking?

One third of the entire food produced in the world is wasted. Food losses and waste amounts to roughly$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries. Per year.

That’s how much money we’re throwing away, it’s your opportunity to capture as much of it as possible.

Even if we managed to optimize food consumption so that we don’t waste so much of it, there’s still the big issue of production costs.

Growing food consumes so many resources that we will be faced with a serious dilemma, because we can not sustain this kind of production over extended periods of time.

The biggest issues are related to water, grain & deforestation in order to grow crops.

If the world doesn’t move quickly into alternative food sources and we keep growing our population numbers we’re in big trouble.

The obvious viable option we have is transitioning for big protein sources to smaller ones. Yes people, we’re talking about eating bugs.

This might sound disgusting to most of you, but bugs are probably the future of nutrition for humans. Insects require 2000 times less water to produce the equivalent of 1kg of meat from a nutritional standpoint, they also require less space, produce less waste and are 80% eatable compared to only 40% of a cow.

Plus, you’re already consuming bugs in your food right now, you just don’t know it. Bugs are in your chocolate, in your peanut butter and almost any fruit and vegetable product.

We’re already seeing a lot of money going to Insect Farming Startups all around the world, so if you’re planning to jump on this trend you gotta hurry.

Number 8: Digital Military Tech
Just keeping up with the big numbers, 2.5% of the global domestic product goes to the military in one form or the other. That’s roughly 1.7 trillion dollars per year.

Out of that entire number, the United States is responsible for a third of that.

The world is changing and although we still need some apache helicopters and submarines, the war-zone has shifted to a more technological approach than who has the most panzers.

A simple ad-buying campaign can push the critical vote in order to get someone elected. It could start revolutions or dramatically change the public’s perception on an issue.

That’s what the CIA has been doing for years, but now, wealthy individuals have the same tools at their disposal. Cambridge Analytica were just the ones who got caught.

Point is, governments want to have the option to both protect and attack from their comforts of their bunkers.

Cyber-warfare, as an industry is just a tad under 100 billion dollars.

When countries go to war with each-other, they no longer send tens of thousands of troupes, instead they destabilize an economy, create massive protests and then use drones or AI-driven missiles to take out strategic objectives in order to give through to the Linchpin effect.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire over 1 trillion dollars goes to the military per year
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire over 1 trillion dollars goes to the military per year
A surprising correlation is with the gaming industry, because the military is currently recruiting apt gamers for their remote missions. Someone who’s been virtually crushing enemy bases since he was born will make a great soldier when time comes to remotely fly a drone and deploy bombs. Who knows, Ender’s game might turn out to be a documentary instead of a science fiction movie after all and you can finally tell your parents that the number of hours you’ve clocked in on Steam is just military training.

Number 9: Internet for Everybody
Wanna hear some great news? As of the end of 2017 we have finally tipped the balance with 51% of humanity connected to the internet.

It’s really hard to put a value on the internet right now, because the next google or facebook could be just around the corner and all our math would go out the window.

To give a very rough estimate, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 20 trillion dollars and that’s with only have the population connected to it.
Just think of what will happen when everybody will have stable access to the internet. Just the educational aspect of it is mind blowing, followed by trade and commerce and then the marketplace of innovation and new ideas.

Some might argue that access to internet is a basic human right in this day and age, and to be honest, we agree.

Our entire reality has been dramatically changed since we got access to the internet. Despite our formal education, we got more value for getting educated on the internet on topics which we could apply to our everyday lives, up to the point where our entire company is internet centered.

The employees and families we have under our company are all getting value based on the incredible innovation that is the internet.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire half of the population is connected to the internet
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire half of the population is connected to the internet
Now, let’s talk opportunity.

A guy selling things on the internet is currently the richest man in the world. A guy with a website where you can posts your pictures and see what your friends are up to, has over 2.2 billion monthly users making him the 5th richest man in the world and you can now outsource manufacturing to a chinese factory thanks to Jack Ma’s Alibaba without even going to China.

The race for connecting the world to the internet has already began and we’re seeing giants come out to play.

Facebook wants to beam internet over remote geographies with their electric planes, Google with their balloons and Elon Musk is racing Richard Branson both wanting a fleet of satellites orbiting earth bringing cat videos to everyone.

We’re not sure if you’ve got a chance of competing head to head with these guys, but approaching the issue for a creative angle you might find yourself with a very lucrative industry on your hands.

Number 10: Private data & Home security
Cyber security is a 200 billion dollar industry right now!

Most of that money comes from companies and businesses who are looking to protect their information and are willing to pay a premium for it.

With the recent facebook scandal, that conversation is slowly shifting to the consumer market and ohhh boy that number will skyrocket.

At this point, people have no idea how valuable their data is, that’s why they give it away for free, or close to free.
We believe that in the future, personal data security will become one of the most lucrative businesses even overtaking the home security industry.

Just for your information, the global home security industry is worth 50 billion dollar per year.

The average consumer owns more and more devices, which all contain and track sensitive information about the owner. With the rise of internet of things and mainstream adoption, we will need viable options to protect that data.

Everything that makes you, you, is being carefully organized on the internet for our convenience. The downside is that, everything that makes you, you can now be accessed remotely by people who are after that information.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cyber security
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cyber security
Just to give you guys a glimpse into how big this problem can be: Last year, a US company called Equifax got hacked. They are in charge of maintaining the credit scores for americans.

The information of 143 million people got hacked. This includes name, address, birth date, social security number and your financial history.

With this kind of information, someone could easily impersonate you, buy property, get a credit line and ruin your life completely.

If you’re curious to learn more about the tech industry we recommend you check out our video below:

Also, every Wednesday we tackle a different industry on this channel where we break down how the big players are shaping the world and how things are evolving something you might be interested in.

Number 11: Male Birth-control
The Contraceptives Market size is set to exceed $33 Billion by 2023

That’s at the current rate of growth.

If you’re looking to becoming a billionaire in the pharma space, you might want to put your money and focus into male birth-control.

This is why this problem is so big. A female can get pregnant once per year – 1.2 times if you’re really good at getting pregnant- but a male can easily impregnate at least 365 females if given the opportunity and the right conditions.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire male birth control
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire male birth control
Having kids is damn expensive and a simple pill which could take the guessing out of the game of who’s the father, would skyrocket in popularity. It’s about control and people are always willing to pay for control.

There are already multiple companies with pills in trials for this solution, but most of them seem to come with serious side effects, so we’re not there yet.

Number 12: Space exploration/resource capture
We are entering an exciting era in space where we expect more advances in the next few decades than throughout human history.

Space is a 3 trillion dollar opportunity for the next few decades.

We know this is not one of those problems that the average Joe will be able to solve or make good use of, but the opportunity is still there.

While you probably need to already be a billionaire to join the exclusive club of people who are looking to mine asteroid and take people from planet to planet, those who will take part in it, will enjoy richest beyond those we’ve seen on earth… literally!

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire asteroid mining
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire asteroid mining
There’s this thing called a Space Act Bill which states:

“Any asteroid resources obtained in outer space are the property of the entity that obtained such resources, which shall be entitled to all property rights thereto, consistent with applicable provisions of Federal law and existing international obligations.” -H.R. 1508

Is this the new gold rush? You bet! The only thing is, there are a handful of people who have the option to access all the gold they can get.

Just the asteroid mining industry has the potential to be a 100 trillion dollar industry.

Now you understand why the likes of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are so eager to get their tech right as soon as possible.

Number 13: Sex-Robots
Yes people, sex-robots will be a real things and the world is patiently waiting for them with both their wallets and weiners out… – and with that joke you can say goodbye to getting this video monetized, but hey, do it for the lols right?!

We’re currently in the middle of a 30 billion dollars race to create the first premium sex-robot.

The thing is, we’re still not there yet!

The world doesn’t want to… get frisky with Sophia the robot.. Because she’s creepy as hell, instead we’re all waiting for the West-World equivalent or at least something like ex-machina

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire sex robots
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire sex robots
The good news is, with the advances we’re seeing in animatronics, 3d printing and AI, we should have a mass market Version 1 available in the next 15 years.

People will buy these like crazy- anonymously through the internet.. But like crazy.

This will open up entire new niches we’ve never even considered, like accessories for your robot, wigs, software updates, voice packs, different faces etc.

Any way you come after it, this industry will blow up as humans are already evolving to being more and more anti-social, so it’s up to you if you want to make bank on a trend like this.

Number 14: Hair-regeneration
One of the seemingly unsolvable problems the world is facing.

Did you know that the global hair transplant is a 9 billion dollar industry?

Yep, we people love our hair. The bulk of this industry cost is carried by men, who simply do not want to be bald so they’re willing to pay a premium, to have hair moved from one part of their body to their head.

Even the WIG market is worth over 1 billion dollars.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire hair regeneration
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire hair regeneration
Now think how valuable a product that solves this issue in a non surgical matter would be.

Something like a creme or even a laser-like treatment which would reverse the balding process and allow your body to create new hair.

Plastic surgery is a 45 billion dollar per year industry, because humans are obsessed with the way they look.

If you’ve seen our video on 15 brutal truths people don’t like to hear, you know that we tend to judge a book by the cover among other things. The way we look makes all the difference.

By the way, you can check out that video below, we’ve pissed a bunch of people with it, so you might enjoy it.

Number 15: Death
The first person to solve death not only will become extremely rich, but will go down in history as the one who transitioned humans from animals to gods.

Larry Elison and Peter Thiel are just two of the titans who are looking to solve the death problems we humans have.
If you think about it, Death is very much like a disease and our track record shows we’ve been pretty successful at curing most of them.

alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cure death
alux 15 problems to solve if you want to be a billionaire cure death
What’s one more to add to the list?

At number 3 we’ve mentioned organ printing, which could be our first solution for life extensions.

The reality is, if one of your organs fail you, you will die, despite the remaining ones doing ok.

Organs as we know them have a fairly short lifespan, but what if we could re-engineer them, out of more durable materials. It’s like switching the parts in a very intricate machine.

This would also solve the problem of aging, nobody wants to live forever if you’re going to get older and older.

Artificial bodies will probably be the largest industry of the 22nd century and we’re lucky to see the early stages of this coming to light today.

The 20 billion dollar funeral home industry is about to get disrupted in the near future and we have a front row seat.

For everything you need a background in chemical or computer degrees
Ideally you would work in Finance Tech medicine or one of these high scalable industries save up money/connections then start a business.

I also think VR relationship tech will become a big thing soon real sex bots are a while off the uncanny valley effects makes designing realistic sex bots very hard but VR stuff has potential
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