Hey bro do u think it effects height

everything described in the anterior pelvic tilt is in that video, check out the video if you can't read
Bookmark this thread here ^

Face | Hair | Body | Skin | Penis | Voice | Fragrance | Posture | Social Media | Money | Clothing | Behavior


Bibi (Birgit Kos)

This will be my first Attractionmax thread of a series of similar threads that I'll be making during this year.

In 2020, it's not about looksmax, but about attractionmax, if you're not taking advantage of all Face Multipliers (FM) you'll be left behind by those who are maxing beyond their faces alone. Most FMs require little effort and minimal money investment, maxing these FMs will NOT restrict or minimize your facemaxing journey in any way, you can easily do them at the same time.

The very first Face Multiplier that I'll be covering in this thread is your Posture.

Keywords: Posture, Posturemaxing, Back pain, Heightmax, Framemax.


In this thread, I'll be covering the characteristics and effects that a bad posture can have on your aesthetic and psychosocial attractiveness. Later, I'll also show you how you can correct a bad posture to obtain the best benefits from this Face Multiplier.

View attachment 225551



In this section, we'll take a closer look at the main characteristics of a bad body posture and how it develops. This thread will cover those bad postures that are a result of certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak creating muscle imbalances on your body.

This thread will not cover spine problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis. If you have any of those it's over, seek medical treatment.


How Does A Bad Posture Looks Like?

First, let's take a look at the examples below to identify the common characteristics of a bad body posture:

View attachment 225555

As we can see above, they all share a couple of posture characteristics similar to each other, they are the following:

- Excessive Lumbar Curvature
- Belly Prominence
- Hunched Upper Back
- Slouched Shoulders
- Arms Rotated Inward
- Collapsed Chest
- Forward Head Posture

Only by assessing these characteristics we'll be able to understand the underneath causes that lead someone to have such posture and what are the necessary measures that need to be done to fix it.

Here is an illustration with all these characteristics perfectly exemplified:

View attachment 225559


What Causes This Type Of Bad Posture?

As previously mentioned, the cause of such bad body posture is mainly a result of muscle imbalances due to certain muscles being more required than others during our daily activities.

In this case, the imbalance happens on the following muscles:

- Abdominals
- Erector Spinae
- Hip Flexors
- Glutes
- Hamstrings



This imbalance leads to a condition where the front of the pelvis drops in relationship to the back of the pelvis, also known as Anterior Pelvic Tilt. The main characteristics of it are an exaggerated lumbar curvature, the butt sticking out, and a rounded belly.

In many cases, this Anterior Pelvic Tilt is also the cause of the Hunched Back, as the lumbar curvature gets accentuated a compensatory curvature on the upper back is triggered. Apart from that, the neck extends forward to compensate for the new curvature on the upper back, and as it extends forward you're left with your face directed to the ground and a new compensation has to be made by tilting your head upwards to maintain your vision aligned with the horizon line. This last compensation is known as Forward Head Posture.

Below is a flowchart to illustrate the initial chain that leads someone to have this bad posture:

Daily Activities

Muscle Imbalances

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Hunched Back

Forward Head Position


It's worth mentioning that a few secondary characteristics are also triggered by the Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Hunched Back. These are:

- Slouched Shoulders
- Belly Sticking Out
- Butt Sticking Out

(As the shoulders get slouched, the hands rotate inward and the chest gets collapsed in itself.)



In this section, we'll now discuss the main aesthetic and psychophysiological benefits that you can expect to gain from a better body posture.

The Aesthetic Benefits


One of the most noticeable and instant aesthetic benefits from correcting body posture is the increase in height, or in some cases the lack of height loss. The height difference between a bad and a good posture can be of up to even 2 inches depending on how bad your posture is. This does not necessarily mean that you will be taller than you currently are but avoiding getting a bad posture (without even realizing that you changed your posture) throughout the day or in social situations will help you maintain your maximum height.

View attachment 225562


A secondary aesthetic benefit is that a good body posture will help to improve the waist: shoulders ratio. As you fix your slouched shoulders you'll achieve your maximum bideltoid distance and by correcting the overall spine curvatures your torso will be elongated making your waist a bit narrower.

View attachment 225564
(He's obviously flexing as well)


Lastly, another aesthetic benefit from fixing your body posture, in this case, the anterior pelvic tilt, is that your penis will be the most prominent part of your body, assuming you have low body fat, which will make your bulge appear bigger.

View attachment 225569

The Psychophysiological Benefits

Cortisol & Confidence

One strong conceit about correcting body posture is that it helps to improve hormonal levels (testosterone and cortisol) and that it improves someone's confidence and self-esteem. However, a few studies have been done to investigate this effect in different situations and no significant improvement was observed, especially on hormonal levels.



Finding Out If You Have Tight Hip Flexors

You can do a test to evaluate your hip flexors' tightness. Lying on your back on a table or bench, pull one knee up toward your chest and hold it there. Let the other leg relax downward over the edge of the table.

If your hip flexors are fine you should be able to fully extend the thigh so its parallel to the floor and bend the knee to 90 degrees without the thigh rising up. Any difficulty with these movements indicates tight hip flexor muscles.

View attachment 225606

Fixing Muscle Imbalances

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Let's now take a look at some stretches and exercises that can be done to target the main muscles to correct an Anterior Pelvic Tilt and restore a proper body posture.

You can do this routine before or after your workout session as a warm-up or warm-down. You can do 30 seconds of each of these exercises every day. The more series you do, the quicker you'll be able to correct your posture.

- Stretching the hip flexors -

This exercise will help you to stretch the hip flexors, you can either do multiple repetitions like on the gif or simply hold it for 30 seconds. When doing this exercise it's important that you maintain your spine in a vertical position and that you try to maintain a neutral or positive pelvic tilt for a more efficient stretch.

Do this exercise for both sides



- Strengthing the Glutes, Hamstrings, and Abs -

Do this exercise to strengthen those muscles.


Two things are important to take notice when doing this exercise. The first one is that you want to maintain a neutral pelvic tilt when doing this exercise as it's shown below. On the concentric part of the exercise (when you've elevated your pelvis up) you can try to push the pelvis up enough to stretch your hip flexors as well and get a better contraction on the glutes. The second one is that you need to maintain your abs contracted when doing this exercise to better activate them.

View attachment 225831

Comparison (Anterior-Neutral-Posterior):



- Stretching the Quads -

Lastly, do this stretching exercise to stretch the quads.



Hunched Back & Forward Head Position

- Back and Posterior Shoulder Strengthening -

To strentgh your upper back and posterior shoulders to help correct the hunched back and slouched shoulders you can include a face pull exercise in your workout routine



- Fixing forward head posture -

Perform chin tuck exercise


Daily Activities

For most people, the biggest cause of tightness on the hip flexors is due to what we do all day long: sitting for too long, especially with a bad posture, is a major culprit in tightening these muscles.

Some athletes are also more prone to tightness. Runners use the hip flexors, especially the iliopsoas, to lift the leg up with each stride. This repeated shortening of the muscle isn’t compensated for by a lengthening movement. Runners often end up with tight hip flexors for this reason.

Having a weak core can also be an issue that contributes to tight hip flexors. Because these muscles are connected to and stabilize the spine, they often take over when the core is not strong. This can lead to tightening and pain.

For a few tips on how to properly adjust your working station, check this video:


Final Note

As a final note, I'd like to mention that, from a health perspective, it is also equally important that you assess your frontal posture as well to ensure that you don't have other muscle imbalances. This is crucial especially for those who go to the gym to gain muscle mass for two reasons. First, any form of muscle imbalances that alter your body posture will generate some muscle asymmetry creating an unaesthetic physique. Second, correcting these muscle imbalances is important for your health and to avoid lesions during your workout.

I've decided not to include bad frontal posture in this thread because, besides the asymmetrical muscle development that it can cause, it has little influence on the overall aesthetic component.

View attachment 225607


For more content follow me here:

Instagram | Youtube

Don't forget your :love: reaction!​

ive had
Bookmark this thread here ^

Face | Hair | Body | Skin | Penis | Voice | Fragrance | Posture | Social Media | Money | Clothing | Behavior


Bibi (Birgit Kos)

This will be my first Attractionmax thread of a series of similar threads that I'll be making during this year.

In 2020, it's not about looksmax, but about attractionmax, if you're not taking advantage of all Face Multipliers (FM) you'll be left behind by those who are maxing beyond their faces alone. Most FMs require little effort and minimal money investment, maxing these FMs will NOT restrict or minimize your facemaxing journey in any way, you can easily do them at the same time.

The very first Face Multiplier that I'll be covering in this thread is your Posture.

Keywords: Posture, Posturemaxing, Back pain, Heightmax, Framemax.


In this thread, I'll be covering the characteristics and effects that a bad posture can have on your aesthetic and psychosocial attractiveness. Later, I'll also show you how you can correct a bad posture to obtain the best benefits from this Face Multiplier.

View attachment 225551



In this section, we'll take a closer look at the main characteristics of a bad body posture and how it develops. This thread will cover those bad postures that are a result of certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak creating muscle imbalances on your body.

This thread will not cover spine problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis. If you have any of those it's over, seek medical treatment.


How Does A Bad Posture Looks Like?

First, let's take a look at the examples below to identify the common characteristics of a bad body posture:

View attachment 225555

As we can see above, they all share a couple of posture characteristics similar to each other, they are the following:

- Excessive Lumbar Curvature
- Belly Prominence
- Hunched Upper Back
- Slouched Shoulders
- Arms Rotated Inward
- Collapsed Chest
- Forward Head Posture

Only by assessing these characteristics we'll be able to understand the underneath causes that lead someone to have such posture and what are the necessary measures that need to be done to fix it.

Here is an illustration with all these characteristics perfectly exemplified:

View attachment 225559


What Causes This Type Of Bad Posture?

As previously mentioned, the cause of such bad body posture is mainly a result of muscle imbalances due to certain muscles being more required than others during our daily activities.

In this case, the imbalance happens on the following muscles:

- Abdominals
- Erector Spinae
- Hip Flexors
- Glutes
- Hamstrings



This imbalance leads to a condition where the front of the pelvis drops in relationship to the back of the pelvis, also known as Anterior Pelvic Tilt. The main characteristics of it are an exaggerated lumbar curvature, the butt sticking out, and a rounded belly.

In many cases, this Anterior Pelvic Tilt is also the cause of the Hunched Back, as the lumbar curvature gets accentuated a compensatory curvature on the upper back is triggered. Apart from that, the neck extends forward to compensate for the new curvature on the upper back, and as it extends forward you're left with your face directed to the ground and a new compensation has to be made by tilting your head upwards to maintain your vision aligned with the horizon line. This last compensation is known as Forward Head Posture.

Below is a flowchart to illustrate the initial chain that leads someone to have this bad posture:

Daily Activities

Muscle Imbalances

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Hunched Back

Forward Head Position


It's worth mentioning that a few secondary characteristics are also triggered by the Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Hunched Back. These are:

- Slouched Shoulders
- Belly Sticking Out
- Butt Sticking Out

(As the shoulders get slouched, the hands rotate inward and the chest gets collapsed in itself.)



In this section, we'll now discuss the main aesthetic and psychophysiological benefits that you can expect to gain from a better body posture.

The Aesthetic Benefits


One of the most noticeable and instant aesthetic benefits from correcting body posture is the increase in height, or in some cases the lack of height loss. The height difference between a bad and a good posture can be of up to even 2 inches depending on how bad your posture is. This does not necessarily mean that you will be taller than you currently are but avoiding getting a bad posture (without even realizing that you changed your posture) throughout the day or in social situations will help you maintain your maximum height.

View attachment 225562


A secondary aesthetic benefit is that a good body posture will help to improve the waist: shoulders ratio. As you fix your slouched shoulders you'll achieve your maximum bideltoid distance and by correcting the overall spine curvatures your torso will be elongated making your waist a bit narrower.

View attachment 225564
(He's obviously flexing as well)


Lastly, another aesthetic benefit from fixing your body posture, in this case, the anterior pelvic tilt, is that your penis will be the most prominent part of your body, assuming you have low body fat, which will make your bulge appear bigger.

View attachment 225569

The Psychophysiological Benefits

Cortisol & Confidence

One strong conceit about correcting body posture is that it helps to improve hormonal levels (testosterone and cortisol) and that it improves someone's confidence and self-esteem. However, a few studies have been done to investigate this effect in different situations and no significant improvement was observed, especially on hormonal levels.



Finding Out If You Have Tight Hip Flexors

You can do a test to evaluate your hip flexors' tightness. Lying on your back on a table or bench, pull one knee up toward your chest and hold it there. Let the other leg relax downward over the edge of the table.

If your hip flexors are fine you should be able to fully extend the thigh so its parallel to the floor and bend the knee to 90 degrees without the thigh rising up. Any difficulty with these movements indicates tight hip flexor muscles.

View attachment 225606

Fixing Muscle Imbalances

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Let's now take a look at some stretches and exercises that can be done to target the main muscles to correct an Anterior Pelvic Tilt and restore a proper body posture.

You can do this routine before or after your workout session as a warm-up or warm-down. You can do 30 seconds of each of these exercises every day. The more series you do, the quicker you'll be able to correct your posture.

- Stretching the hip flexors -

This exercise will help you to stretch the hip flexors, you can either do multiple repetitions like on the gif or simply hold it for 30 seconds. When doing this exercise it's important that you maintain your spine in a vertical position and that you try to maintain a neutral or positive pelvic tilt for a more efficient stretch.

Do this exercise for both sides



- Strengthing the Glutes, Hamstrings, and Abs -

Do this exercise to strengthen those muscles.


Two things are important to take notice when doing this exercise. The first one is that you want to maintain a neutral pelvic tilt when doing this exercise as it's shown below. On the concentric part of the exercise (when you've elevated your pelvis up) you can try to push the pelvis up enough to stretch your hip flexors as well and get a better contraction on the glutes. The second one is that you need to maintain your abs contracted when doing this exercise to better activate them.

View attachment 225831

Comparison (Anterior-Neutral-Posterior):



- Stretching the Quads -

Lastly, do this stretching exercise to stretch the quads.



Hunched Back & Forward Head Position

- Back and Posterior Shoulder Strengthening -

To strentgh your upper back and posterior shoulders to help correct the hunched back and slouched shoulders you can include a face pull exercise in your workout routine



- Fixing forward head posture -

Perform chin tuck exercise


Daily Activities

For most people, the biggest cause of tightness on the hip flexors is due to what we do all day long: sitting for too long, especially with a bad posture, is a major culprit in tightening these muscles.

Some athletes are also more prone to tightness. Runners use the hip flexors, especially the iliopsoas, to lift the leg up with each stride. This repeated shortening of the muscle isn’t compensated for by a lengthening movement. Runners often end up with tight hip flexors for this reason.

Having a weak core can also be an issue that contributes to tight hip flexors. Because these muscles are connected to and stabilize the spine, they often take over when the core is not strong. This can lead to tightening and pain.

For a few tips on how to properly adjust your working station, check this video:


Final Note

As a final note, I'd like to mention that, from a health perspective, it is also equally important that you assess your frontal posture as well to ensure that you don't have other muscle imbalances. This is crucial especially for those who go to the gym to gain muscle mass for two reasons. First, any form of muscle imbalances that alter your body posture will generate some muscle asymmetry creating an unaesthetic physique. Second, correcting these muscle imbalances is important for your health and to avoid lesions during your workout.

I've decided not to include bad frontal posture in this thread because, besides the asymmetrical muscle development that it can cause, it has little influence on the overall aesthetic component.

View attachment 225607


For more content follow me here:

Instagram | Youtube

Don't forget your :love: reaction!​

good ass fucking thread when are all the other categories coming out
It’s been two months bro where are the other attractionmaxx threads
Bookmark this thread here ^

Face | Hair | Body | Skin | Penis | Voice | Fragrance | Posture | Social Media | Money | Clothing | Behavior


Bibi (Birgit Kos)

This will be my first Attractionmax thread of a series of similar threads that I'll be making during this year.

In 2020, it's not about looksmax, but about attractionmax, if you're not taking advantage of all Face Multipliers (FM) you'll be left behind by those who are maxing beyond their faces alone. Most FMs require little effort and minimal money investment, maxing these FMs will NOT restrict or minimize your facemaxing journey in any way, you can easily do them at the same time.

The very first Face Multiplier that I'll be covering in this thread is your Posture.

Keywords: Posture, Posturemaxing, Back pain, Heightmax, Framemax.


In this thread, I'll be covering the characteristics and effects that a bad posture can have on your aesthetic and psychosocial attractiveness. Later, I'll also show you how you can correct a bad posture to obtain the best benefits from this Face Multiplier.

View attachment 225551



In this section, we'll take a closer look at the main characteristics of a bad body posture and how it develops. This thread will cover those bad postures that are a result of certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak creating muscle imbalances on your body.

This thread will not cover spine problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis. If you have any of those it's over, seek medical treatment.


How Does A Bad Posture Looks Like?

First, let's take a look at the examples below to identify the common characteristics of a bad body posture:

View attachment 225555

As we can see above, they all share a couple of posture characteristics similar to each other, they are the following:

- Excessive Lumbar Curvature
- Belly Prominence
- Hunched Upper Back
- Slouched Shoulders
- Arms Rotated Inward
- Collapsed Chest
- Forward Head Posture

Only by assessing these characteristics we'll be able to understand the underneath causes that lead someone to have such posture and what are the necessary measures that need to be done to fix it.

Here is an illustration with all these characteristics perfectly exemplified:

View attachment 225559


What Causes This Type Of Bad Posture?

As previously mentioned, the cause of such bad body posture is mainly a result of muscle imbalances due to certain muscles being more required than others during our daily activities.

In this case, the imbalance happens on the following muscles:

- Abdominals
- Erector Spinae
- Hip Flexors
- Glutes
- Hamstrings



This imbalance leads to a condition where the front of the pelvis drops in relationship to the back of the pelvis, also known as Anterior Pelvic Tilt. The main characteristics of it are an exaggerated lumbar curvature, the butt sticking out, and a rounded belly.

In many cases, this Anterior Pelvic Tilt is also the cause of the Hunched Back, as the lumbar curvature gets accentuated a compensatory curvature on the upper back is triggered. Apart from that, the neck extends forward to compensate for the new curvature on the upper back, and as it extends forward you're left with your face directed to the ground and a new compensation has to be made by tilting your head upwards to maintain your vision aligned with the horizon line. This last compensation is known as Forward Head Posture.

Below is a flowchart to illustrate the initial chain that leads someone to have this bad posture:

Daily Activities

Muscle Imbalances

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Hunched Back

Forward Head Position


It's worth mentioning that a few secondary characteristics are also triggered by the Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Hunched Back. These are:

- Slouched Shoulders
- Belly Sticking Out
- Butt Sticking Out

(As the shoulders get slouched, the hands rotate inward and the chest gets collapsed in itself.)



In this section, we'll now discuss the main aesthetic and psychophysiological benefits that you can expect to gain from a better body posture.

The Aesthetic Benefits


One of the most noticeable and instant aesthetic benefits from correcting body posture is the increase in height, or in some cases the lack of height loss. The height difference between a bad and a good posture can be of up to even 2 inches depending on how bad your posture is. This does not necessarily mean that you will be taller than you currently are but avoiding getting a bad posture (without even realizing that you changed your posture) throughout the day or in social situations will help you maintain your maximum height.

View attachment 225562


A secondary aesthetic benefit is that a good body posture will help to improve the waist: shoulders ratio. As you fix your slouched shoulders you'll achieve your maximum bideltoid distance and by correcting the overall spine curvatures your torso will be elongated making your waist a bit narrower.

View attachment 225564
(He's obviously flexing as well)


Lastly, another aesthetic benefit from fixing your body posture, in this case, the anterior pelvic tilt, is that your penis will be the most prominent part of your body, assuming you have low body fat, which will make your bulge appear bigger.

View attachment 225569

The Psychophysiological Benefits

Cortisol & Confidence

One strong conceit about correcting body posture is that it helps to improve hormonal levels (testosterone and cortisol) and that it improves someone's confidence and self-esteem. However, a few studies have been done to investigate this effect in different situations and no significant improvement was observed, especially on hormonal levels.



Finding Out If You Have Tight Hip Flexors

You can do a test to evaluate your hip flexors' tightness. Lying on your back on a table or bench, pull one knee up toward your chest and hold it there. Let the other leg relax downward over the edge of the table.

If your hip flexors are fine you should be able to fully extend the thigh so its parallel to the floor and bend the knee to 90 degrees without the thigh rising up. Any difficulty with these movements indicates tight hip flexor muscles.

View attachment 225606

Fixing Muscle Imbalances

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Let's now take a look at some stretches and exercises that can be done to target the main muscles to correct an Anterior Pelvic Tilt and restore a proper body posture.

You can do this routine before or after your workout session as a warm-up or warm-down. You can do 30 seconds of each of these exercises every day. The more series you do, the quicker you'll be able to correct your posture.

- Stretching the hip flexors -

This exercise will help you to stretch the hip flexors, you can either do multiple repetitions like on the gif or simply hold it for 30 seconds. When doing this exercise it's important that you maintain your spine in a vertical position and that you try to maintain a neutral or positive pelvic tilt for a more efficient stretch.

Do this exercise for both sides



- Strengthing the Glutes, Hamstrings, and Abs -

Do this exercise to strengthen those muscles.


Two things are important to take notice when doing this exercise. The first one is that you want to maintain a neutral pelvic tilt when doing this exercise as it's shown below. On the concentric part of the exercise (when you've elevated your pelvis up) you can try to push the pelvis up enough to stretch your hip flexors as well and get a better contraction on the glutes. The second one is that you need to maintain your abs contracted when doing this exercise to better activate them.

View attachment 225831

Comparison (Anterior-Neutral-Posterior):



- Stretching the Quads -

Lastly, do this stretching exercise to stretch the quads.



Hunched Back & Forward Head Position

- Back and Posterior Shoulder Strengthening -

To strentgh your upper back and posterior shoulders to help correct the hunched back and slouched shoulders you can include a face pull exercise in your workout routine



- Fixing forward head posture -

Perform chin tuck exercise


Daily Activities

For most people, the biggest cause of tightness on the hip flexors is due to what we do all day long: sitting for too long, especially with a bad posture, is a major culprit in tightening these muscles.

Some athletes are also more prone to tightness. Runners use the hip flexors, especially the iliopsoas, to lift the leg up with each stride. This repeated shortening of the muscle isn’t compensated for by a lengthening movement. Runners often end up with tight hip flexors for this reason.

Having a weak core can also be an issue that contributes to tight hip flexors. Because these muscles are connected to and stabilize the spine, they often take over when the core is not strong. This can lead to tightening and pain.

For a few tips on how to properly adjust your working station, check this video:


Final Note

As a final note, I'd like to mention that, from a health perspective, it is also equally important that you assess your frontal posture as well to ensure that you don't have other muscle imbalances. This is crucial especially for those who go to the gym to gain muscle mass for two reasons. First, any form of muscle imbalances that alter your body posture will generate some muscle asymmetry creating an unaesthetic physique. Second, correcting these muscle imbalances is important for your health and to avoid lesions during your workout.

I've decided not to include bad frontal posture in this thread because, besides the asymmetrical muscle development that it can cause, it has little influence on the overall aesthetic component.

View attachment 225607


For more content follow me here:

Instagram | Youtube

Don't forget your :love: reaction!​

never thought abt posture below the hip, huge thanks
will read later, good thread

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