Stop Wasting Time; A Proven Guide to Eliminating Distractions and Maximizing Productivity



Sep 8, 2023
Stop Wasting Time; A Proven Guide to Eliminating Distractions and Maximizing Productivity
By: @noobs
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Willpower
  • Drugs
  • Actionable Steps
  • Sources
This article is a rewrite and improvement of my first thread on this. I thought people wouldnt take my advice but it seems a lot of people liked it, so I will finish it here.
There was an study where kids were sat infront of a marshmellow and told they get another marshmellow if they didnt eat the marshmellow when they came back into the room. The kids who didnt eat the marshmellow became more successful in life in almost every aspect of life.

A alcoholic who has a fully stocked mini fridge full of alcohol uses a lot of effort to resist getting drunk.
  • Willpower Is Finite

Another study had 67 people who havent eaten in atleast 3 hours, walk into a room with a bowl of chocolate chip cookies, and the other bowl filled with radishes. half were told that they had to eat the radishes, and the other could eat the cookies.
After that they were told to solve a impossible puzzle. The people who ate the radishes gave up in 8 minutes and the people who ate the cookies gave up in 19 minutes while the control group gave up in 21 minutes.

  • This means willpower is a limited resource.

In this next study asked people if they were the type to be good at resisting temptations, they people who said they could resist temptations well, had less temptations than the people that couldnt resist temptation well.
In the marshmellow study, the kids that could resist the intial marshmellow, covered their eyes, talked to themselves, they sang, invented games with their feet, and didnt rely on willpower.

Dont rely on willpower; get as far away mentally from the concept of the marshmellow.
Not all drugs are the same, most that are talked about are bad. So, What makes a drug bad? A drug is bad when it is not sustainable in the long term, and/or causes defects that harms the indivdual. Adderall is bad because of the long term effects of it. Adderrall increases the effect of enjoyment chemicals.
Drugs make you dependant on them, its better and more viable in the long term to not have any drugs.
This is due to tolerances increasing over time. Of course, some drugs can have execptions due to their effects often not being harsh like one cup of coffee in the morning, which only blocks adenosine for a few hours which can actually improve sleep schedules on low doses. Drugs that are universally bad are ones that affect your reward pathways.

Things like adderall increase the tolerance of reward pathways, causing you to become a slave to your adderall, needing more chemical rewards over time.
This is due to adderall working by increasing the effect of the reward chemicals that are released.

A precursor you need to know before you read this is the concept of how addiction works. Every time you do something that you like doing, you get a flush of enjoyment chemicals.
This is fine in theory, but social media, video games and other addictions make the brain give you chemical rewards when you don’t deserve them. Yes, ADDICTIONS, your video games, social media, and porn are addictions. Social media and video games gives you ADHD. This is not an exaggeration either. These platforms are designed to spike your enjoyment chemicals to the maximum possible level, when you get this spike of enjoyment, your required rate needed to enjoy life increases. There is not terms for these so I will establish a couple term here for later usage. RROE, Required Rate Of Enjoyment. Spike, a relatively large flush of enjoyment chemicals. Spikes universally cause RROE to increase making you less happy. Distractions are anything that arent moving you or moving you backward in the direction relative to your life goals. Universal distractions are video games, social media, porn, adderall, weed and other drugs. Adderall is a distraction due to its inherent quality to increase the effects of enjoyment chemicals, this causes spikes. Which isn’t viable in the long term. From this thesis a stoic would be way happier than a hedonist.

In 2006, world pornography revenue was 97 billion dollars, more than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix combined.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Childress conducted a study in which they took fMRI scans of cocaine addicted patients presented with rapid (33 millisecond), preconscious visual cues (drug-related images). The same subjects were later shown preconscious sexually related visual cues (erotic images). The researchers found activation of the same limbic system/reward circuitry in subjects shown sexual cues as when shown drug-related cues. In their literature review of the neuroimaging studies of the human sexual response cycle, Georgiadis and Kringelbach concluded, “it is clear that the networks involved in human sexual behavior are remarkably similar to the networks involved in processing other rewards” You fucking drug addicts. Anatomically, loss of frontal control systems is most apparent following trauma, exemplified by progressive atrophy of the frontal lobes seen in serial MRI scans over time.

In 2002, a study on cocaine addiction demonstrated measurable volume loss in several areas of the brain, including the frontal lobes.
Another VBM study was published in 2004 on methamphetamine, with very similar findings. While interesting, these findings may not be surprising to either the scientist or the layperson, as these are “real drugs” used illicitly. Nevertheless, it was noteworthy that addiction could produce measurable, anatomical change in the brain.
In addicted patients shown hypofrontal syndromes. Key elements of hypofrontal syndromes include impulsivity, compulsivity, emotional lability, impaired judgment
hypofrontality, Fowler et al. noted, “studies of addicts show reduced cellular activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area…[relied upon]…to make strategic, rather than impulsive, decisions. Patients with traumatic injuries to this area of the brain display problems–aggressiveness, poor judgment of future consequences, inability to inhibit inappropriate responses that are similar to those observed in substance abusers.” For they are also seen with tumors, strokes, and trauma.

The researchers examined the "age of onset" for adult pornography use to see if early exposure led to desensitization and an increased likelihood of transitioning to deviant pornography. Out of the respondents, 254 reported nondeviant adult pornography use, 54 reported using animal pornography, and 33 reported using child pornography. Interestingly, those who reported child pornography use were more likely to consume both adult and animal pornography, indicating a potential progression.

The findings suggested a Guttman-like progression, where individuals with an earlier "age of onset" for adult pornography were more likely to engage in deviant pornography (bestiality or child). The study highlighted the need for broader, representative samples to understand the collections of child pornography users beyond case studies of convicted offenders.

The introduction emphasized that child pornography collections often include various genres, and some consumers may move through different types due to desensitization or compulsivity. The study addressed the gap in quantitative research by exploring whether those using nondeviant pornography are at a greater risk of consuming deviant forms, considering the age of onset as a key factor.

The three main objectives of the study were to determine if the age of onset is a risk factor for deviant pornography use, assess the prevalence of female child pornography use, and explore the frequency of pornography use across categories.

Results indicated that 5.2% of respondents self-reported child pornography use, with more male users than females. Only 8.6% reported bestiality pornography use, while 40.3% reported adult-only pornography use. The discussion emphasized the study's improvement over prior case studies, moving from clinical populations to the general population.

You dont need drugs, you need a new lifestyle before its too late.
I have followed this myself, and I can say it works.
These settings, as long as they arent removed, you will succeed in having no distractions. Delete all unnecessary apps off your phone.

Youtube: > Turn off Youtube history, then clear your youtube history. This will stop your youtube home page, and shorts. Now you need to clear your subscriptions, but you can keep the channels you want a lot. On PC, to simpify this, follow this guide.
Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale > Max intensity
Search, "Night shift" > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable
Search, "Tap to Wake" > disable

Search, "Color Correction" > Greyscale
Search, "Night mode > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Wake screen" > disable
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable

I deleted everything off my computer execpt my browser, and any work related items. You can do this by opening anything that you dont want to delete, then go to File Explorer > Local Disk > Users > Select all > Delete. Then delete the program files.
Windows Key > Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale
Night light > Intensity 75 > Scheduled 12 am to 11:45 pm
Install Ublock Origin > Mass delete youtube subscriptions that you dont care about > Delete and pause youtube watch history, this will disable reccomended videos. You will rely on the few channel subscriptions that you kept, and that will dwindle over time as your interest changes. This is espesically good because this time frame that when your interest change occurs is when you should be trying to be productive, > Ublock settings > Paste this:

! Hide all videos containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[page-subtype="subscriptions"]:has(ytd-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]))

! Hide shorts button in sidebar

! Hide shorts section on homepage

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages
! Old style
! New style (2023-10)^Shorts$/)

! Hide shorts in video descriptions"Shorts remixing this video")

! Remove empty spaces in grid,#contents.ytd-rich-grid-row:style(display: contents !important)

!!! MOBILE !!!

! Hide all videos in home feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos in subscription feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide shorts button in the bottom navigation bar

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[data-style="SHORTS"])

! Hide shorts sections

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages>a:has-text(Shorts)
! 2024-02-04
||$image > > yt-button-shape > > > > yt-button-shape
! 2024-02-04 >
Last edited:
  • +1
  • Love it
  • Woah
Reactions: not__cel, 2beltshawty, LVZZO and 24 others
good thread but overkill imo
Stop Wasting Time; A Proven Guide to Eliminating Distractions and Maximizing Productivity
By: @noobs
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Willpower
  • Drugs
  • Actionable Steps
  • Sources
This article is a rewrite and improvement of my first thread on this. I thought people wouldnt take my advice but it seems a lot of people liked it, so I will finish it here.
There was an study where kids were sat infront of a marshmellow and told they get another marshmellow if they didnt eat the marshmellow when they came back into the room. The kids who didnt eat the marshmellow became more successful in life in almost every aspect of life.

A alcoholic who has a fully stocked mini fridge full of alcohol uses a lot of effort to resist getting drunk.
  • Willpower Is Finite

Another study had 67 people who havent eaten in atleast 3 hours, walk into a room with a bowl of chocolate chip cookies, and the other bowl filled with radishes. half were told that they had to eat the radishes, and the other could eat the cookies.
After that they were told to solve a impossible puzzle. The people who ate the radishes gave up in 8 minutes and the people who ate the cookies gave up in 19 minutes while the control group gave up in 21 minutes.

  • This means willpower is a limited resource.

In this next study asked people if they were the type to be good at resisting temptations, they people who said they could resist temptations well, had less temptations than the people that couldnt resist temptation well.
In the marshmellow study, the kids that could resist the intial marshmellow, covered their eyes, talked to themselves, they sang, invented games with their feet, and didnt rely on willpower.

Dont rely on willpower; get as far away mentally from the concept of the marshmellow.
Not all drugs are the same, most that are talked about are bad. So, What makes a drug bad? A drug is bad when it is not sustainable in the long term, and/or causes defects that harms the indivdual. Adderall is bad because of the long term effects of it. Adderrall increases the effect of enjoyment chemicals.
Drugs make you dependant on them, its better and more viable in the long term to not have any drugs.
This is due to tolerances increasing over time. Of course, some drugs can have execptions due to their effects often not being harsh like one cup of coffee in the morning, which only blocks adenosine for a few hours which can actually improve sleep schedules on low doses. Drugs that are universally bad are ones that affect your reward pathways.

Things like adderall increase the tolerance of reward pathways, causing you to become a slave to your adderall, needing more chemical rewards over time.
This is due to adderall working by increasing the effect of the reward chemicals that are released.

A precursor you need to know before you read this is the concept of how addiction works. Every time you do something that you like doing, you get a flush of enjoyment chemicals.
This is fine in theory, but social media, video games and other addictions make the brain give you chemical rewards when you don’t deserve them. Yes, ADDICTIONS, your video games, social media, and porn are addictions. Social media and video games gives you ADHD. This is not an exaggeration either. These platforms are designed to spike your enjoyment chemicals to the maximum possible level, when you get this spike of enjoyment, your required rate needed to enjoy life increases. There is not terms for these so I will establish a couple term here for later usage. RROE, Required Rate Of Enjoyment. Spike, a relatively large flush of enjoyment chemicals. Spikes universally cause RROE to increase making you less happy. Distractions are anything that arent moving you or moving you backward in the direction relative to your life goals. Universal distractions are video games, social media, porn, adderall, weed and other drugs. Adderall is a distraction due to its inherent quality to increase the effects of enjoyment chemicals, this causes spikes. Which isn’t viable in the long term. From this thesis a stoic would be way happier than a hedonist.

In 2006, world pornography revenue was 97 billion dollars, more than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix combined.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Childress conducted a study in which they took fMRI scans of cocaine addicted patients presented with rapid (33 millisecond), preconscious visual cues (drug-related images). The same subjects were later shown preconscious sexually related visual cues (erotic images). The researchers found activation of the same limbic system/reward circuitry in subjects shown sexual cues as when shown drug-related cues. In their literature review of the neuroimaging studies of the human sexual response cycle, Georgiadis and Kringelbach concluded, “it is clear that the networks involved in human sexual behavior are remarkably similar to the networks involved in processing other rewards” You fucking drug addicts. Anatomically, loss of frontal control systems is most apparent following trauma, exemplified by progressive atrophy of the frontal lobes seen in serial MRI scans over time.

In 2002, a study on cocaine addiction demonstrated measurable volume loss in several areas of the brain, including the frontal lobes.
Another VBM study was published in 2004 on methamphetamine, with very similar findings. While interesting, these findings may not be surprising to either the scientist or the layperson, as these are “real drugs” used illicitly. Nevertheless, it was noteworthy that addiction could produce measurable, anatomical change in the brain.
In addicted patients shown hypofrontal syndromes. Key elements of hypofrontal syndromes include impulsivity, compulsivity, emotional lability, impaired judgment
hypofrontality, Fowler et al. noted, “studies of addicts show reduced cellular activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area…[relied upon]…to make strategic, rather than impulsive, decisions. Patients with traumatic injuries to this area of the brain display problems–aggressiveness, poor judgment of future consequences, inability to inhibit inappropriate responses that are similar to those observed in substance abusers.” For they are also seen with tumors, strokes, and trauma.

The researchers examined the "age of onset" for adult pornography use to see if early exposure led to desensitization and an increased likelihood of transitioning to deviant pornography. Out of the respondents, 254 reported nondeviant adult pornography use, 54 reported using animal pornography, and 33 reported using child pornography. Interestingly, those who reported child pornography use were more likely to consume both adult and animal pornography, indicating a potential progression.

The findings suggested a Guttman-like progression, where individuals with an earlier "age of onset" for adult pornography were more likely to engage in deviant pornography (bestiality or child). The study highlighted the need for broader, representative samples to understand the collections of child pornography users beyond case studies of convicted offenders.

The introduction emphasized that child pornography collections often include various genres, and some consumers may move through different types due to desensitization or compulsivity. The study addressed the gap in quantitative research by exploring whether those using nondeviant pornography are at a greater risk of consuming deviant forms, considering the age of onset as a key factor.

The three main objectives of the study were to determine if the age of onset is a risk factor for deviant pornography use, assess the prevalence of female child pornography use, and explore the frequency of pornography use across categories.

Results indicated that 5.2% of respondents self-reported child pornography use, with more male users than females. Only 8.6% reported bestiality pornography use, while 40.3% reported adult-only pornography use. The discussion emphasized the study's improvement over prior case studies, moving from clinical populations to the general population.

You dont need drugs, you need a new lifestyle before its too late.
I have followed this myself, and I can say it works.
These settings, as long as they arent removed, you will succeed in having no distractions. Delete all unnecessary apps off your phone.

Youtube: > Turn off Youtube history, then clear your youtube history. This will stop your youtube home page, and shorts. Now you need to clear your subscriptions, but you can keep the channels you want a lot. On PC, to simpify this, follow this guide.
Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale > Max intensity
Search, "Night shift" > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable
Search, "Tap to Wake" > disable

Search, "Color Correction" > Greyscale
Search, "Night mode > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Wake screen" > disable
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable

I deleted everything off my computer execpt my browser, and any work related items. You can do this by opening anything that you dont want to delete, then go to File Explorer > Local Disk > Users > Select all > Delete. Then delete the program files.
Windows Key > Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale
Night light > Intensity 75 > Scheduled 12 am to 11:45 pm
Install Ublock Origin > Mass delete youtube subscriptions that you dont care about > Delete and pause youtube watch history, this will disable reccomended videos. You will rely on the few channel subscriptions that you kept, and that will dwindle over time as your interest changes. This is espesically good because this time frame that when your interest change occurs is when you should be trying to be productive, > Ublock settings > Paste this:

! Hide all videos containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[page-subtype="subscriptions"]:has(ytd-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]))

! Hide shorts button in sidebar

! Hide shorts section on homepage

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages
! Old style
! New style (2023-10)^Shorts$/)

! Hide shorts in video descriptions"Shorts remixing this video")

! Remove empty spaces in grid,#contents.ytd-rich-grid-row:style(display: contents !important)

!!! MOBILE !!!

! Hide all videos in home feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos in subscription feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide shorts button in the bottom navigation bar

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[data-style="SHORTS"])

! Hide shorts sections

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages>a:has-text(Shorts)
! 2024-02-04
||$image > > yt-button-shape > > > > yt-button-shape
! 2024-02-04 >

Cool thread but too much yapping and water
  • +1
Reactions: dragomaxxer and pig_face
  • +1
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: ManletBlackcel, IAMNOTANINCEL, Splinter901 and 4 others
Tell me what I have to take in which dose and how often i ain't doing allat
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 51465, N1666, dragomaxxer and 3 others
so adderall and other productivity supplements are a cope? so what can we do to max out productivity?
so adderall and other productivity supplements are a cope? so what can we do to max out productivity?
do nothing but work work should be your entertainment, become based off of results, most people are process based but you gotta test out different aspects of your life (not drugs) to see what gives you best results and follow the process of that
  • +1
Reactions: robtical
do nothing but work work should be your entertainment, become based off of results, most people are process based but you gotta test out different aspects of your life (not drugs) to see what gives you best results and follow the process of that
thats hard if you dont have a passion in that subject like me. i dont enjoy math and physics. so how do i be productive
thats hard if you dont have a passion in that subject like me. i dont enjoy math and physics. so how do i be productive
You got to learn to enjoy it, you need to ability to learn to like anything. I didn’t enjoy work until a few weeks after quitting 90% of modern entertainment like video games and tiktok. You need a goal, and find the best way to achieve it. Most school teaching of the subjects is boring. I often use chatgpt and other videos to learn the concepts taught in school and learn it out of school. Solving any problem should be fun. It’s for you to figure how what and how do I enjoy these things.
  • +1
Reactions: lemonnz, robtical and zylaro
I couldn't even get past the title
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: lemonnz and dragomaxxer
so adderall and other productivity supplements are a cope? so what can we do to max out productivity?
they arent cope, just use them sparringly and carefully, plus just doing maths once with adderal could actually show you that you do enjoy it just have never been able to get the full enjoyment out of it yet
  • +1
Reactions: owie
nice thread
  • +1
Reactions: noobs and robtical
Stop Wasting Time; A Proven Guide to Eliminating Distractions and Maximizing Productivity
By: @noobs
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Willpower
  • Drugs
  • Actionable Steps
  • Sources
This article is a rewrite and improvement of my first thread on this. I thought people wouldnt take my advice but it seems a lot of people liked it, so I will finish it here.
There was an study where kids were sat infront of a marshmellow and told they get another marshmellow if they didnt eat the marshmellow when they came back into the room. The kids who didnt eat the marshmellow became more successful in life in almost every aspect of life.

A alcoholic who has a fully stocked mini fridge full of alcohol uses a lot of effort to resist getting drunk.
  • Willpower Is Finite

Another study had 67 people who havent eaten in atleast 3 hours, walk into a room with a bowl of chocolate chip cookies, and the other bowl filled with radishes. half were told that they had to eat the radishes, and the other could eat the cookies.
After that they were told to solve a impossible puzzle. The people who ate the radishes gave up in 8 minutes and the people who ate the cookies gave up in 19 minutes while the control group gave up in 21 minutes.

  • This means willpower is a limited resource.

In this next study asked people if they were the type to be good at resisting temptations, they people who said they could resist temptations well, had less temptations than the people that couldnt resist temptation well.
In the marshmellow study, the kids that could resist the intial marshmellow, covered their eyes, talked to themselves, they sang, invented games with their feet, and didnt rely on willpower.

Dont rely on willpower; get as far away mentally from the concept of the marshmellow.
Not all drugs are the same, most that are talked about are bad. So, What makes a drug bad? A drug is bad when it is not sustainable in the long term, and/or causes defects that harms the indivdual. Adderall is bad because of the long term effects of it. Adderrall increases the effect of enjoyment chemicals.
Drugs make you dependant on them, its better and more viable in the long term to not have any drugs.
This is due to tolerances increasing over time. Of course, some drugs can have execptions due to their effects often not being harsh like one cup of coffee in the morning, which only blocks adenosine for a few hours which can actually improve sleep schedules on low doses. Drugs that are universally bad are ones that affect your reward pathways.

Things like adderall increase the tolerance of reward pathways, causing you to become a slave to your adderall, needing more chemical rewards over time.
This is due to adderall working by increasing the effect of the reward chemicals that are released.

A precursor you need to know before you read this is the concept of how addiction works. Every time you do something that you like doing, you get a flush of enjoyment chemicals.
This is fine in theory, but social media, video games and other addictions make the brain give you chemical rewards when you don’t deserve them. Yes, ADDICTIONS, your video games, social media, and porn are addictions. Social media and video games gives you ADHD. This is not an exaggeration either. These platforms are designed to spike your enjoyment chemicals to the maximum possible level, when you get this spike of enjoyment, your required rate needed to enjoy life increases. There is not terms for these so I will establish a couple term here for later usage. RROE, Required Rate Of Enjoyment. Spike, a relatively large flush of enjoyment chemicals. Spikes universally cause RROE to increase making you less happy. Distractions are anything that arent moving you or moving you backward in the direction relative to your life goals. Universal distractions are video games, social media, porn, adderall, weed and other drugs. Adderall is a distraction due to its inherent quality to increase the effects of enjoyment chemicals, this causes spikes. Which isn’t viable in the long term. From this thesis a stoic would be way happier than a hedonist.

In 2006, world pornography revenue was 97 billion dollars, more than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix combined.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Childress conducted a study in which they took fMRI scans of cocaine addicted patients presented with rapid (33 millisecond), preconscious visual cues (drug-related images). The same subjects were later shown preconscious sexually related visual cues (erotic images). The researchers found activation of the same limbic system/reward circuitry in subjects shown sexual cues as when shown drug-related cues. In their literature review of the neuroimaging studies of the human sexual response cycle, Georgiadis and Kringelbach concluded, “it is clear that the networks involved in human sexual behavior are remarkably similar to the networks involved in processing other rewards” You fucking drug addicts. Anatomically, loss of frontal control systems is most apparent following trauma, exemplified by progressive atrophy of the frontal lobes seen in serial MRI scans over time.

In 2002, a study on cocaine addiction demonstrated measurable volume loss in several areas of the brain, including the frontal lobes.
Another VBM study was published in 2004 on methamphetamine, with very similar findings. While interesting, these findings may not be surprising to either the scientist or the layperson, as these are “real drugs” used illicitly. Nevertheless, it was noteworthy that addiction could produce measurable, anatomical change in the brain.
In addicted patients shown hypofrontal syndromes. Key elements of hypofrontal syndromes include impulsivity, compulsivity, emotional lability, impaired judgment
hypofrontality, Fowler et al. noted, “studies of addicts show reduced cellular activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area…[relied upon]…to make strategic, rather than impulsive, decisions. Patients with traumatic injuries to this area of the brain display problems–aggressiveness, poor judgment of future consequences, inability to inhibit inappropriate responses that are similar to those observed in substance abusers.” For they are also seen with tumors, strokes, and trauma.

The researchers examined the "age of onset" for adult pornography use to see if early exposure led to desensitization and an increased likelihood of transitioning to deviant pornography. Out of the respondents, 254 reported nondeviant adult pornography use, 54 reported using animal pornography, and 33 reported using child pornography. Interestingly, those who reported child pornography use were more likely to consume both adult and animal pornography, indicating a potential progression.

The findings suggested a Guttman-like progression, where individuals with an earlier "age of onset" for adult pornography were more likely to engage in deviant pornography (bestiality or child). The study highlighted the need for broader, representative samples to understand the collections of child pornography users beyond case studies of convicted offenders.

The introduction emphasized that child pornography collections often include various genres, and some consumers may move through different types due to desensitization or compulsivity. The study addressed the gap in quantitative research by exploring whether those using nondeviant pornography are at a greater risk of consuming deviant forms, considering the age of onset as a key factor.

The three main objectives of the study were to determine if the age of onset is a risk factor for deviant pornography use, assess the prevalence of female child pornography use, and explore the frequency of pornography use across categories.

Results indicated that 5.2% of respondents self-reported child pornography use, with more male users than females. Only 8.6% reported bestiality pornography use, while 40.3% reported adult-only pornography use. The discussion emphasized the study's improvement over prior case studies, moving from clinical populations to the general population.

You dont need drugs, you need a new lifestyle before its too late.
I have followed this myself, and I can say it works.
These settings, as long as they arent removed, you will succeed in having no distractions. Delete all unnecessary apps off your phone.

Youtube: > Turn off Youtube history, then clear your youtube history. This will stop your youtube home page, and shorts. Now you need to clear your subscriptions, but you can keep the channels you want a lot. On PC, to simpify this, follow this guide.
Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale > Max intensity
Search, "Night shift" > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable
Search, "Tap to Wake" > disable

Search, "Color Correction" > Greyscale
Search, "Night mode > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Wake screen" > disable
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable

I deleted everything off my computer execpt my browser, and any work related items. You can do this by opening anything that you dont want to delete, then go to File Explorer > Local Disk > Users > Select all > Delete. Then delete the program files.
Windows Key > Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale
Night light > Intensity 75 > Scheduled 12 am to 11:45 pm
Install Ublock Origin > Mass delete youtube subscriptions that you dont care about > Delete and pause youtube watch history, this will disable reccomended videos. You will rely on the few channel subscriptions that you kept, and that will dwindle over time as your interest changes. This is espesically good because this time frame that when your interest change occurs is when you should be trying to be productive, > Ublock settings > Paste this:

! Hide all videos containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[page-subtype="subscriptions"]:has(ytd-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]))

! Hide shorts button in sidebar

! Hide shorts section on homepage

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages
! Old style
! New style (2023-10)^Shorts$/)

! Hide shorts in video descriptions"Shorts remixing this video")

! Remove empty spaces in grid,#contents.ytd-rich-grid-row:style(display: contents !important)

!!! MOBILE !!!

! Hide all videos in home feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos in subscription feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide shorts button in the bottom navigation bar

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[data-style="SHORTS"])

! Hide shorts sections

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages>a:has-text(Shorts)
! 2024-02-04
||$image > > yt-button-shape > > > > yt-button-shape
! 2024-02-04 >

Okay I did the grayscale thing os that so I wont be tempted to look at my phone. Like are the colors what draw me in?
Yes, colors are a factor of drawing you into your phone. Greyscale will make your phone more boring.
Okay I did the grayscale thing os that so I wont be tempted to look at my phone. Like are the colors what draw me in?
  • +1
Reactions: Softboymaxx
Stop Wasting Time; A Proven Guide to Eliminating Distractions and Maximizing Productivity
By: @noobs
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Willpower
  • Drugs
  • Actionable Steps
  • Sources
This article is a rewrite and improvement of my first thread on this. I thought people wouldnt take my advice but it seems a lot of people liked it, so I will finish it here.
There was an study where kids were sat infront of a marshmellow and told they get another marshmellow if they didnt eat the marshmellow when they came back into the room. The kids who didnt eat the marshmellow became more successful in life in almost every aspect of life.

A alcoholic who has a fully stocked mini fridge full of alcohol uses a lot of effort to resist getting drunk.
  • Willpower Is Finite

Another study had 67 people who havent eaten in atleast 3 hours, walk into a room with a bowl of chocolate chip cookies, and the other bowl filled with radishes. half were told that they had to eat the radishes, and the other could eat the cookies.
After that they were told to solve a impossible puzzle. The people who ate the radishes gave up in 8 minutes and the people who ate the cookies gave up in 19 minutes while the control group gave up in 21 minutes.

  • This means willpower is a limited resource.

In this next study asked people if they were the type to be good at resisting temptations, they people who said they could resist temptations well, had less temptations than the people that couldnt resist temptation well.
In the marshmellow study, the kids that could resist the intial marshmellow, covered their eyes, talked to themselves, they sang, invented games with their feet, and didnt rely on willpower.

Dont rely on willpower; get as far away mentally from the concept of the marshmellow.
Not all drugs are the same, most that are talked about are bad. So, What makes a drug bad? A drug is bad when it is not sustainable in the long term, and/or causes defects that harms the indivdual. Adderall is bad because of the long term effects of it. Adderrall increases the effect of enjoyment chemicals.
Drugs make you dependant on them, its better and more viable in the long term to not have any drugs.
This is due to tolerances increasing over time. Of course, some drugs can have execptions due to their effects often not being harsh like one cup of coffee in the morning, which only blocks adenosine for a few hours which can actually improve sleep schedules on low doses. Drugs that are universally bad are ones that affect your reward pathways.

Things like adderall increase the tolerance of reward pathways, causing you to become a slave to your adderall, needing more chemical rewards over time.
This is due to adderall working by increasing the effect of the reward chemicals that are released.

A precursor you need to know before you read this is the concept of how addiction works. Every time you do something that you like doing, you get a flush of enjoyment chemicals.
This is fine in theory, but social media, video games and other addictions make the brain give you chemical rewards when you don’t deserve them. Yes, ADDICTIONS, your video games, social media, and porn are addictions. Social media and video games gives you ADHD. This is not an exaggeration either. These platforms are designed to spike your enjoyment chemicals to the maximum possible level, when you get this spike of enjoyment, your required rate needed to enjoy life increases. There is not terms for these so I will establish a couple term here for later usage. RROE, Required Rate Of Enjoyment. Spike, a relatively large flush of enjoyment chemicals. Spikes universally cause RROE to increase making you less happy. Distractions are anything that arent moving you or moving you backward in the direction relative to your life goals. Universal distractions are video games, social media, porn, adderall, weed and other drugs. Adderall is a distraction due to its inherent quality to increase the effects of enjoyment chemicals, this causes spikes. Which isn’t viable in the long term. From this thesis a stoic would be way happier than a hedonist.

In 2006, world pornography revenue was 97 billion dollars, more than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix combined.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Childress conducted a study in which they took fMRI scans of cocaine addicted patients presented with rapid (33 millisecond), preconscious visual cues (drug-related images). The same subjects were later shown preconscious sexually related visual cues (erotic images). The researchers found activation of the same limbic system/reward circuitry in subjects shown sexual cues as when shown drug-related cues. In their literature review of the neuroimaging studies of the human sexual response cycle, Georgiadis and Kringelbach concluded, “it is clear that the networks involved in human sexual behavior are remarkably similar to the networks involved in processing other rewards” You fucking drug addicts. Anatomically, loss of frontal control systems is most apparent following trauma, exemplified by progressive atrophy of the frontal lobes seen in serial MRI scans over time.

In 2002, a study on cocaine addiction demonstrated measurable volume loss in several areas of the brain, including the frontal lobes.
Another VBM study was published in 2004 on methamphetamine, with very similar findings. While interesting, these findings may not be surprising to either the scientist or the layperson, as these are “real drugs” used illicitly. Nevertheless, it was noteworthy that addiction could produce measurable, anatomical change in the brain.
In addicted patients shown hypofrontal syndromes. Key elements of hypofrontal syndromes include impulsivity, compulsivity, emotional lability, impaired judgment
hypofrontality, Fowler et al. noted, “studies of addicts show reduced cellular activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area…[relied upon]…to make strategic, rather than impulsive, decisions. Patients with traumatic injuries to this area of the brain display problems–aggressiveness, poor judgment of future consequences, inability to inhibit inappropriate responses that are similar to those observed in substance abusers.” For they are also seen with tumors, strokes, and trauma.

The researchers examined the "age of onset" for adult pornography use to see if early exposure led to desensitization and an increased likelihood of transitioning to deviant pornography. Out of the respondents, 254 reported nondeviant adult pornography use, 54 reported using animal pornography, and 33 reported using child pornography. Interestingly, those who reported child pornography use were more likely to consume both adult and animal pornography, indicating a potential progression.

The findings suggested a Guttman-like progression, where individuals with an earlier "age of onset" for adult pornography were more likely to engage in deviant pornography (bestiality or child). The study highlighted the need for broader, representative samples to understand the collections of child pornography users beyond case studies of convicted offenders.

The introduction emphasized that child pornography collections often include various genres, and some consumers may move through different types due to desensitization or compulsivity. The study addressed the gap in quantitative research by exploring whether those using nondeviant pornography are at a greater risk of consuming deviant forms, considering the age of onset as a key factor.

The three main objectives of the study were to determine if the age of onset is a risk factor for deviant pornography use, assess the prevalence of female child pornography use, and explore the frequency of pornography use across categories.

Results indicated that 5.2% of respondents self-reported child pornography use, with more male users than females. Only 8.6% reported bestiality pornography use, while 40.3% reported adult-only pornography use. The discussion emphasized the study's improvement over prior case studies, moving from clinical populations to the general population.

You dont need drugs, you need a new lifestyle before its too late.
I have followed this myself, and I can say it works.
These settings, as long as they arent removed, you will succeed in having no distractions. Delete all unnecessary apps off your phone.

Youtube: > Turn off Youtube history, then clear your youtube history. This will stop your youtube home page, and shorts. Now you need to clear your subscriptions, but you can keep the channels you want a lot. On PC, to simpify this, follow this guide.
Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale > Max intensity
Search, "Night shift" > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable
Search, "Tap to Wake" > disable

Search, "Color Correction" > Greyscale
Search, "Night mode > Scheduled 00:01 to 23:59 or 12:01 am to 11:59 pm
Search, "Wake screen" > disable
Search, "Raise to Wake" > disable

I deleted everything off my computer execpt my browser, and any work related items. You can do this by opening anything that you dont want to delete, then go to File Explorer > Local Disk > Users > Select all > Delete. Then delete the program files.
Windows Key > Search, "Color filters" > Greyscale
Night light > Intensity 75 > Scheduled 12 am to 11:45 pm
Install Ublock Origin > Mass delete youtube subscriptions that you dont care about > Delete and pause youtube watch history, this will disable reccomended videos. You will rely on the few channel subscriptions that you kept, and that will dwindle over time as your interest changes. This is espesically good because this time frame that when your interest change occurs is when you should be trying to be productive, > Ublock settings > Paste this:

! Hide all videos containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[overlay-style="SHORTS"])[page-subtype="subscriptions"]:has(ytd-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]))

! Hide shorts button in sidebar

! Hide shorts section on homepage

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages
! Old style
! New style (2023-10)^Shorts$/)

! Hide shorts in video descriptions"Shorts remixing this video")

! Remove empty spaces in grid,#contents.ytd-rich-grid-row:style(display: contents !important)

!!! MOBILE !!!

! Hide all videos in home feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide all videos in subscription feed containing the phrase "#shorts"

! Hide shorts button in the bottom navigation bar

! Hide all videos with the shorts indicator on the thumbnail[data-style="SHORTS"])

! Hide shorts sections

! Hide shorts tab on channel pages>a:has-text(Shorts)
! 2024-02-04
||$image > > yt-button-shape > > > > yt-button-shape
! 2024-02-04 >

Ping me in all your next posts pls
  • +1
Reactions: noobs
The people who ate the radishes gave up in 8 minutes and the people who ate the cookies gave up in 19 minutes while the control group gave up in 21 minutes.
  • This means willpower is a limited resource.

Or they just figured out the test was fucking retarded faster
thats hard if you dont have a passion in that subject like me. i dont enjoy math and physics. so how do i be productive
imagine not enjoying math and physics couldnt be me

atleast one positive from curry genes
  • JFL
Reactions: future_mogger
Okay I did the grayscale thing os that so I wont be tempted to look at my phone. Like are the colors what draw me in?
More colours, more dopamine. Greyscale = boring and u dont get as much dopamine from doing it.
  • +1
Reactions: Softboymaxx

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