The Nose: Importance of the nasal base and how to find the correct nasal surgery for your nose


The nose can be a deciding factor on whether an individual is deemed attractive or not, a large proportion of this forum will claim that a good nose is only a necessity to facial aesthetics and is not a critical aspect when analysing the face. Although, they are partially correct, the severity of your nose is dependent on how well it harmonises with the rest of your facial features, your upbringing and genetics. An extremely crooked, bulbous, wide and long nose will not be supported by a striking lower third area or A10 eye colour, extremely small and minimal imperfections of a nose will not affect how others perceive your attractiveness, however, large ones will:

Take this image for example, as some will view this as the “ideal nose” due to great projection, exposure of infra glabellar notch, and no dorsal hump, it’s safe to say this nose looks great on this person despite his side profile being quite average with little chin projection and a short ramus, we can all collectively agree that his nose serves great value to his appearance.

IMG 8695

Now, observe this image of the same individual with a different, undesirable nose, his face is not supported by his nose anymore and therefore has nothing striking about him, a girl wouldn’t even bother looking twice at him in the streets.
IMG 8696

Now this concept does not apply to everyone, before you say “B-B-B-But Gandy has bad nose and still mogs muhhh”.

You are not David Gandy, you do not have his eye area, you do not have his height, his phenotype, his hair, his lower third, you look nothing like him, there is nothing you can do to change your eye colour in order to remove attention away from your nose, a good nose will greatly improve your appearance especially if you have extremely average features to begin with.

Aside from PSL, the nose is usually the first thing a person sees when they see you for the first time, it is the central, big, large, ethnic thing people see therefore, it’s able to leave some first impressions, as in, the most common feature a child is bullied for is their nose.

You’ll also notice that many guys on TikTok that rack up millions and millions of views and thousands of girls shamelessly simping for them in the comments, usually have good noses

Now we can’t move forward witnout examining whether your nose is good and ideal or not, a good nose should include:
- Slight flatness to dorsum/ No dorsal hump
- Nasal Projection
- Moderately long nose (Not too short)
- Symmetrical and no deviation
- Slight exposure of nostrils
- Slightly hanging columella
- Refined Nasal Tip
- Mouth to Nose Width Ratio should ideally be 1.50 to 1.62

No one will have every single one of these features but if you tick some of the boxes then you shouldn’t be worrying about your nose

Now moving onto surgical procedures on how to improve and achieve the features stated above

A reduction rhinoplasty aims to alter the size, shape and proportion of the nose, it is able to reduce assymetry of the nose and also includes dorsal humps, during the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, they are then able to sculpt the nasal structure to the desired outcome of the patient, rearrangement of tissues is also done, cartilage grafts may also be necessary dependant on the patient’s nose, the surgeon will then puts the skin and tissue back in place after sculpting, close the incisions previously made, and the patient goes into recovery period which usually lasts a few weeks.
- Improved facial harmony
- Surgeon may be able to improve internal issues regarding the nose

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

An augmentation rhinoplasty aims to enhance the size, shape and projection of the nose, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that lack the height, volume and definition in their nose. The procedure involves the surgeon making incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, the surgeon can utilise cartilage grafts harvested from the patient’s body, more often from the septum, rib or even ears, however, synthetic implants such as silicone can be used.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

A nasal refinement rhinoplasty aims to perfect the subtle imperfection of the nose and tried to adjust them, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that have an issue with the three things, bulbous nose tip (requires nasal tip refinement), wide or broken nose bridge (requires nasal bridge refinement) and or a minor profile refinement (for example a minor dorsal hump). The procedure is generally similar to other rhinoplasty techniques however it is less invasive due to the smaller scales of adjustments being used by the surgeon, these small and delicate adjustments include changes to the cartilage, bone and tissue, however, most of these issues can be solved with consistent and annual visits to a clinic that is able to provide fillers.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence
- Low cost for beneficial procedure
- Low risk of risks associated with surgical procedure
- Short recovery

- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being a delicate procedure
An ethnic rhinoplasty is a nasal surgery where the nose is carefully altered to create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing nose that suits the individual patient’s face without diminishing the patient’s ethnic characteristics, this is common in all POC and not Caucasians, however you may be the extremely unlucky anomaly with monkey lips and double barrel shotgun nostrils. The surgical procedure includes the ones I have stated above, did you really think every MBBS in the world was gonna be learning how to fix a curry nose in their 5th year lecture?
- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost


Moving onto more important stuff than facial aesthetics (will still talk about facial aesthetics anyways), nasal health, home remedies, and surgical procedures. Nasal health is quite an important aspect especially since it affects your jaw as well, mouth breathing can cause a significant increase in incisor proclination, worsened lips and a convex side profile, this will not only ruin your face but will become a forced, lifetime habit. The health of the nose is crucial for our wellbeing. It serves as a gateway for efficient breathing, ensuring optimal airflow and oxygen intake vital for our body's respiratory function. It also maintains our olfactory receptors, influencing our sense of smell, which in result affects taste and our ability to detect potential hazards in our environment. Additionally, the nose acts as a frontline defence mechanism by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air we breathe, safeguarding our respiratory system from harmful particles, allergens, and pathogens. The health of the nose contributes significantly to facial structure, impacting aesthetics and overall facial balance. Prioritizing nasal health through proper hygiene, addressing any breathing concerns, and seeking timely medical care for nasal issues are fundamental steps toward maintaining overall wellbeing and quality of life.

There are many home remedies that can be put into action in the comfort of your own bathroom which will help reduce nose congestion and improve nose health


Improved general hygiene is a must (may have annoyed 99% of the forum), in all seriousness, standard procedures like replacing your bedsheets and pillowcases with clean sheets 2-3 times a week will reduce dirt and dust which is the main cause for hay fever, in result, triggering nasal congestion symptoms, more ways to improve general hygiene is trimming your nose hairs, cleaning your room regularly, eating healthier foods, as you all know, extremely basic and mandatory stuff I hope the majority of this forum is doing.


Nasal Douching involves using a Sinus Rinse Bottle, filling it up with water mixed with salt in a 8:2 ratio, and pushing it through one nostril and blowing it out the other, it sounds excruciatingly painful but you feel refreshed after, and less congested with the majority of mucus removed from inside your nose (obviously there will still be mucus stuck to the cilia hair like structures which you can see at a microscopic level)


Nasal sprays are once again, more often prescribed to hay fever patients, but you can use it too if your local GP/doctor thinks you’re lying even though you suffer from nose aches, insomnia, cystic fibrosis level mucus build up and constant nose bleeds :lasereyes: The most popular brands used are Sudafed and Vix, I’ll link them down here for you guys to buy.

As someone with diagnosed hay fever, it does help, but requires constant use, multiple times a day and is meant to be used for a long time, however there are more surgical alternatives to solve internal nasal problems.



A septoplasty aims to correct a deviated or crooked septum, the septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils, a deviated septum can severely impact an individuals life as it restricts airflow into the nostrils dependant on which side the deviation is, the negative effects it can cause are breathing difficulties, recurring sinus infections, nose bleeds, nasal aches, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia. The procedure involves the standard incision of the nostrils to access the base of the nose, the deviated portions of the septum are then carefully repositioned and in some cases, cartilage and bone grafts may be necessary dependant on the severity of the patient’s case.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon

A turbinoplasty, also known as turbinate reduction surgery, aims to reduce the size of swollen or enlarged turbinates, turbinates are the structures that help filter, warm and humidify the air we inhale/inspirate, which is important in the process of ventilation, of course in a more biological aspect. Turbinates can become enlarged due to several factors, some include allergies, hay fever and chronic sinusitis etcetera. The procedure involves the standard incisions required to access the nose base, the surgeon then may try a various set of techniques to reduce the size of the enlarged turbinates such as trimming, cauterisation, or using radio frequency energy.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon
- Risk of empty nose syndrome (a.k.a fucking your nose up for all of eternity)


I hope this thread that I have spent a decent amount of time on and should be considered for a certain sub forum which I need 20 positive reactions for, has convinced you that every single aspect of the nose can play quite a big role in your daily life, and or quality of life, that’s enough from me, I apologise for the constant parts of the thread where I was informal and also formal, I tried to keep the thread as professional and serious as I could, hope this helps as many people as it reaches out to and gets to, also I apologise for talking about noses a lot it’s a mega failo which will be fixed soon :feelshehe:



@Fiqh @wsada @garoupilled_ @lightskinbengali @enchanted_elixir @TRUE_CEL @Orc @Osie @ascendedd @Meraki @kebab @User28823 @IndraBC @BrahminBoss @Sondern
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Hi saar talking about mee nigga?
worm regards
PAjeet Suneel Surgeon (MIlf lover )
@TRUE_CEL pls delete shit posters from my thread it was funny at first now he’s being a beg
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insane thread gj
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Holy fuck a real thread
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great thread
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The looksmaxxing section is so back
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Reactions: silencio, meowingtwentyfour7, poopyballs911 and 4 others
amazing thread

been saying this

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This easily BOTB, congrats
Thanks man let’s hope so, really appreciate the support

Good to know the forum still has good users and not just shit posting trolls
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The nose can be a deciding factor on whether an individual is deemed attractive or not, a large proportion of this forum will claim that a good nose is only a necessity to facial aesthetics and is not a critical aspect when analysing the face. Although, they are partially correct, the severity of your nose is dependent on how well it harmonises with the rest of your facial features, your upbringing and genetics. An extremely crooked, bulbous, wide and long nose will not be supported by a striking lower third area or A10 eye colour, extremely small and minimal imperfections of a nose will not affect how others perceive your attractiveness, however, large ones will:

Take this image for example, as some will view this as the “ideal nose” due to great projection, exposure of infra glabellar notch, and no dorsal hump, it’s safe to say this nose looks great on this person despite his side profile being quite average with little chin projection and a short ramus, we can all collectively agree that his nose serves great value to his appearance.

Now, observe this image of the same individual with a different, undesirable nose, his face is not supported by his nose anymore and therefore has nothing striking about him, a girl wouldn’t even bother looking twice at him in the streets.

Now this concept does not apply to everyone, before you say “B-B-B-But Gandy has bad nose and still mogs muhhh”.

You are not David Gandy, you do not have his eye area, you do not have his height, his phenotype, his hair, his lower third, you look nothing like him, there is nothing you can do to change your eye colour in order to remove attention away from your nose, a good nose will greatly improve your appearance especially if you have extremely average features to begin with.

Aside from PSL, the nose is usually the first thing a person sees when they see you for the first time, it is the central, big, large, ethnic thing people see therefore, it’s able to leave some first impressions, as in, the most common feature a child is bullied for is their nose.

You’ll also notice that many guys on TikTok that rack up millions and millions of views and thousands of girls shamelessly simping for them in the comments, usually have good noses

Now we can’t move forward witnout examining whether your nose is good and ideal or not, a good nose should include:
- Slight flatness to dorsum/ No dorsal hump
- Nasal Projection
- Moderately long nose (Not too short)
- Symmetrical and no deviation
- Slight exposure of nostrils
- Slightly hanging columella
- Refined Nasal Tip
- Mouth to Nose Width Ratio should ideally be 1.50 to 1.62

No one will have every single one of these features but if you tick some of the boxes then you shouldn’t be worrying about your nose

Now moving onto surgical procedures on how to improve and achieve the features stated above

A reduction rhinoplasty aims to alter the size, shape and proportion of the nose, it is able to reduce assymetry of the nose and also includes dorsal humps, during the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, they are then able to sculpt the nasal structure to the desired outcome of the patient, rearrangement of tissues is also done, cartilage grafts may also be necessary dependant on the patient’s nose, the surgeon will then puts the skin and tissue back in place after sculpting, close the incisions previously made, and the patient goes into recovery period which usually lasts a few weeks.
- Improved facial harmony
- Surgeon may be able to improve internal issues regarding the nose

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

An augmentation rhinoplasty aims to enhance the size, shape and projection of the nose, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that lack the height, volume and definition in their nose. The procedure involves the surgeon making incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, the surgeon can utilise cartilage grafts harvested from the patient’s body, more often from the septum, rib or even ears, however, synthetic implants such as silicone can be used.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

A nasal refinement rhinoplasty aims to perfect the subtle imperfection of the nose and tried to adjust them, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that have an issue with the three things, bulbous nose tip (requires nasal tip refinement), wide or broken nose bridge (requires nasal bridge refinement) and or a minor profile refinement (for example a minor dorsal hump). The procedure is generally similar to other rhinoplasty techniques however it is less invasive due to the smaller scales of adjustments being used by the surgeon, these small and delicate adjustments include changes to the cartilage, bone and tissue, however, most of these issues can be solved with consistent and annual visits to a clinic that is able to provide fillers.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence
- Low cost for beneficial procedure
- Low risk of risks associated with surgical procedure
- Short recovery

- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being a delicate procedure
An ethnic rhinoplasty is a nasal surgery where the nose is carefully altered to create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing nose that suits the individual patient’s face without diminishing the patient’s ethnic characteristics, this is common in all POC and not Caucasians, however you may be the extremely unlucky anomaly with monkey lips and double barrel shotgun nostrils. The surgical procedure includes the ones I have stated above, did you really think every MBBS in the world was gonna be learning how to fix a curry nose in their 5th year lecture?
- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost


Moving onto more important stuff than facial aesthetics (will still talk about facial aesthetics anyways), nasal health, home remedies, and surgical procedures. Nasal health is quite an important aspect especially since it affects your jaw as well, mouth breathing can cause a significant increase in incisor proclination, worsened lips and a convex side profile, this will not only ruin your face but will become a forced, lifetime habit. The health of the nose is crucial for our wellbeing. It serves as a gateway for efficient breathing, ensuring optimal airflow and oxygen intake vital for our body's respiratory function. It also maintains our olfactory receptors, influencing our sense of smell, which in result affects taste and our ability to detect potential hazards in our environment. Additionally, the nose acts as a frontline defence mechanism by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air we breathe, safeguarding our respiratory system from harmful particles, allergens, and pathogens. The health of the nose contributes significantly to facial structure, impacting aesthetics and overall facial balance. Prioritizing nasal health through proper hygiene, addressing any breathing concerns, and seeking timely medical care for nasal issues are fundamental steps toward maintaining overall wellbeing and quality of life.

There are many home remedies that can be put into action in the comfort of your own bathroom which will help reduce nose congestion and improve nose health


Improved general hygiene is a must (may have annoyed 99% of the forum), in all seriousness, standard procedures like replacing your bedsheets and pillowcases with clean sheets 2-3 times a week will reduce dirt and dust which is the main cause for hay fever, in result, triggering nasal congestion symptoms, more ways to improve general hygiene is trimming your nose hairs, cleaning your room regularly, eating healthier foods, as you all know, extremely basic and mandatory stuff I hope the majority of this forum is doing.


Nasal Douching involves using a Sinus Rinse Bottle, filling it up with water mixed with salt in a 8:2 ratio, and pushing it through one nostril and blowing it out the other, it sounds excruciatingly painful but you feel refreshed after, and less congested with the majority of mucus removed from inside your nose (obviously there will still be mucus stuck to the cilia hair like structures which you can see at a microscopic level)


Nasal sprays are once again, more often prescribed to hay fever patients, but you can use it too if your local GP/doctor thinks you’re lying even though you suffer from nose aches, insomnia, cystic fibrosis level mucus build up and constant nose bleeds :lasereyes: The most popular brands used are Sudafed and Vix, I’ll link them down here for you guys to buy.

As someone with diagnosed hay fever, it does help, but requires constant use, multiple times a day and is meant to be used for a long time, however there are more surgical alternatives to solve internal nasal problems.



A septoplasty aims to correct a deviated or crooked septum, the septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils, a deviated septum can severely impact an individuals life as it restricts airflow into the nostrils dependant on which side the deviation is, the negative effects it can cause are breathing difficulties, recurring sinus infections, nose bleeds, nasal aches, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia. The procedure involves the standard incision of the nostrils to access the base of the nose, the deviated portions of the septum are then carefully repositioned and in some cases, cartilage and bone grafts may be necessary dependant on the severity of the patient’s case.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon

A turbinoplasty, also known as turbinate reduction surgery, aims to reduce the size of swollen or enlarged turbinates, turbinates are the structures that help filter, warm and humidify the air we inhale/inspirate, which is important in the process of ventilation, of course in a more biological aspect. Turbinates can become enlarged due to several factors, some include allergies, hay fever and chronic sinusitis etcetera. The procedure involves the standard incisions required to access the nose base, the surgeon then may try a various set of techniques to reduce the size of the enlarged turbinates such as trimming, cauterisation, or using radio frequency energy.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon
- Risk of empty nose syndrome (a.k.a fucking your nose up for all of eternity)


I hope this thread that I have spent a decent amount of time on and should be considered for a certain sub forum which I need 20 positive reactions for, has convinced you that every single aspect of the nose can play quite a big role in your daily life, and or quality of life, that’s enough from me, I apologise for the constant parts of the thread where I was informal and also formal, I tried to keep the thread as professional and serious as I could, hope this helps as many people as it reaches out to and gets to, also I apologise for talking about noses a lot it’s a mega failo which will be fixed soon :feelshehe:



@Fiqh @wsada @garoupilled_ @lightskinbengali @enchanted_elixir @TRUE_CEL @Orc @Osie @ascendedd @Meraki @kebab @User28823 @IndraBC @BrahminBoss @Sondern
CARTI DROPPINNN 🗣️🗣️🗣️🦇🦇🧛‍♂️
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amazing thread

been saying this

Thanks broski

Rhino will benefit a person a lot people really underestimate the power of it
Read it all, really good thread.
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Thanks broski

Rhino will benefit a person a lot people really underestimate the power of it
in the early years (18-21) rhino can separate you from a ogre to a prettyboy
  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
in the early years (18-21) rhino can separate you from a ogre to a prettyboy
Why do you think I made this thread haha my nose is my only failo which I hope to correct with rhino, I posted another thread today for my ascension you’ll see it’s the only failo I really have
Slight flatness to dorsum/ No dorsal hump
- Nasal Projection
- Moderately long nose (Not too short)
- Symmetrical and no deviation
- Slight exposure of nostrils
- Slightly hanging columella
- Refined Nasal Tip
- Mouth to Nose Width Ratio should ideally be 1.50 to 1.62
I have all of these.

Great thread tbh, people here wayyyy underestimate nose, from my research, 80% of “harmony” is nose.
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The nose can be a deciding factor on whether an individual is deemed attractive or not, a large proportion of this forum will claim that a good nose is only a necessity to facial aesthetics and is not a critical aspect when analysing the face. Although, they are partially correct, the severity of your nose is dependent on how well it harmonises with the rest of your facial features, your upbringing and genetics. An extremely crooked, bulbous, wide and long nose will not be supported by a striking lower third area or A10 eye colour, extremely small and minimal imperfections of a nose will not affect how others perceive your attractiveness, however, large ones will:

Take this image for example, as some will view this as the “ideal nose” due to great projection, exposure of infra glabellar notch, and no dorsal hump, it’s safe to say this nose looks great on this person despite his side profile being quite average with little chin projection and a short ramus, we can all collectively agree that his nose serves great value to his appearance.

Now, observe this image of the same individual with a different, undesirable nose, his face is not supported by his nose anymore and therefore has nothing striking about him, a girl wouldn’t even bother looking twice at him in the streets.

Now this concept does not apply to everyone, before you say “B-B-B-But Gandy has bad nose and still mogs muhhh”.

You are not David Gandy, you do not have his eye area, you do not have his height, his phenotype, his hair, his lower third, you look nothing like him, there is nothing you can do to change your eye colour in order to remove attention away from your nose, a good nose will greatly improve your appearance especially if you have extremely average features to begin with.

Aside from PSL, the nose is usually the first thing a person sees when they see you for the first time, it is the central, big, large, ethnic thing people see therefore, it’s able to leave some first impressions, as in, the most common feature a child is bullied for is their nose.

You’ll also notice that many guys on TikTok that rack up millions and millions of views and thousands of girls shamelessly simping for them in the comments, usually have good noses

Now we can’t move forward witnout examining whether your nose is good and ideal or not, a good nose should include:
- Slight flatness to dorsum/ No dorsal hump
- Nasal Projection
- Moderately long nose (Not too short)
- Symmetrical and no deviation
- Slight exposure of nostrils
- Slightly hanging columella
- Refined Nasal Tip
- Mouth to Nose Width Ratio should ideally be 1.50 to 1.62

No one will have every single one of these features but if you tick some of the boxes then you shouldn’t be worrying about your nose

Now moving onto surgical procedures on how to improve and achieve the features stated above

A reduction rhinoplasty aims to alter the size, shape and proportion of the nose, it is able to reduce assymetry of the nose and also includes dorsal humps, during the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, they are then able to sculpt the nasal structure to the desired outcome of the patient, rearrangement of tissues is also done, cartilage grafts may also be necessary dependant on the patient’s nose, the surgeon will then puts the skin and tissue back in place after sculpting, close the incisions previously made, and the patient goes into recovery period which usually lasts a few weeks.
- Improved facial harmony
- Surgeon may be able to improve internal issues regarding the nose

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

An augmentation rhinoplasty aims to enhance the size, shape and projection of the nose, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that lack the height, volume and definition in their nose. The procedure involves the surgeon making incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, the surgeon can utilise cartilage grafts harvested from the patient’s body, more often from the septum, rib or even ears, however, synthetic implants such as silicone can be used.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

A nasal refinement rhinoplasty aims to perfect the subtle imperfection of the nose and tried to adjust them, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that have an issue with the three things, bulbous nose tip (requires nasal tip refinement), wide or broken nose bridge (requires nasal bridge refinement) and or a minor profile refinement (for example a minor dorsal hump). The procedure is generally similar to other rhinoplasty techniques however it is less invasive due to the smaller scales of adjustments being used by the surgeon, these small and delicate adjustments include changes to the cartilage, bone and tissue, however, most of these issues can be solved with consistent and annual visits to a clinic that is able to provide fillers.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence
- Low cost for beneficial procedure
- Low risk of risks associated with surgical procedure
- Short recovery

- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being a delicate procedure
An ethnic rhinoplasty is a nasal surgery where the nose is carefully altered to create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing nose that suits the individual patient’s face without diminishing the patient’s ethnic characteristics, this is common in all POC and not Caucasians, however you may be the extremely unlucky anomaly with monkey lips and double barrel shotgun nostrils. The surgical procedure includes the ones I have stated above, did you really think every MBBS in the world was gonna be learning how to fix a curry nose in their 5th year lecture?
- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost


Moving onto more important stuff than facial aesthetics (will still talk about facial aesthetics anyways), nasal health, home remedies, and surgical procedures. Nasal health is quite an important aspect especially since it affects your jaw as well, mouth breathing can cause a significant increase in incisor proclination, worsened lips and a convex side profile, this will not only ruin your face but will become a forced, lifetime habit. The health of the nose is crucial for our wellbeing. It serves as a gateway for efficient breathing, ensuring optimal airflow and oxygen intake vital for our body's respiratory function. It also maintains our olfactory receptors, influencing our sense of smell, which in result affects taste and our ability to detect potential hazards in our environment. Additionally, the nose acts as a frontline defence mechanism by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air we breathe, safeguarding our respiratory system from harmful particles, allergens, and pathogens. The health of the nose contributes significantly to facial structure, impacting aesthetics and overall facial balance. Prioritizing nasal health through proper hygiene, addressing any breathing concerns, and seeking timely medical care for nasal issues are fundamental steps toward maintaining overall wellbeing and quality of life.

There are many home remedies that can be put into action in the comfort of your own bathroom which will help reduce nose congestion and improve nose health


Improved general hygiene is a must (may have annoyed 99% of the forum), in all seriousness, standard procedures like replacing your bedsheets and pillowcases with clean sheets 2-3 times a week will reduce dirt and dust which is the main cause for hay fever, in result, triggering nasal congestion symptoms, more ways to improve general hygiene is trimming your nose hairs, cleaning your room regularly, eating healthier foods, as you all know, extremely basic and mandatory stuff I hope the majority of this forum is doing.


Nasal Douching involves using a Sinus Rinse Bottle, filling it up with water mixed with salt in a 8:2 ratio, and pushing it through one nostril and blowing it out the other, it sounds excruciatingly painful but you feel refreshed after, and less congested with the majority of mucus removed from inside your nose (obviously there will still be mucus stuck to the cilia hair like structures which you can see at a microscopic level)


Nasal sprays are once again, more often prescribed to hay fever patients, but you can use it too if your local GP/doctor thinks you’re lying even though you suffer from nose aches, insomnia, cystic fibrosis level mucus build up and constant nose bleeds :lasereyes: The most popular brands used are Sudafed and Vix, I’ll link them down here for you guys to buy.

As someone with diagnosed hay fever, it does help, but requires constant use, multiple times a day and is meant to be used for a long time, however there are more surgical alternatives to solve internal nasal problems.



A septoplasty aims to correct a deviated or crooked septum, the septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils, a deviated septum can severely impact an individuals life as it restricts airflow into the nostrils dependant on which side the deviation is, the negative effects it can cause are breathing difficulties, recurring sinus infections, nose bleeds, nasal aches, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia. The procedure involves the standard incision of the nostrils to access the base of the nose, the deviated portions of the septum are then carefully repositioned and in some cases, cartilage and bone grafts may be necessary dependant on the severity of the patient’s case.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon

A turbinoplasty, also known as turbinate reduction surgery, aims to reduce the size of swollen or enlarged turbinates, turbinates are the structures that help filter, warm and humidify the air we inhale/inspirate, which is important in the process of ventilation, of course in a more biological aspect. Turbinates can become enlarged due to several factors, some include allergies, hay fever and chronic sinusitis etcetera. The procedure involves the standard incisions required to access the nose base, the surgeon then may try a various set of techniques to reduce the size of the enlarged turbinates such as trimming, cauterisation, or using radio frequency energy.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon
- Risk of empty nose syndrome (a.k.a fucking your nose up for all of eternity)


I hope this thread that I have spent a decent amount of time on and should be considered for a certain sub forum which I need 20 positive reactions for, has convinced you that every single aspect of the nose can play quite a big role in your daily life, and or quality of life, that’s enough from me, I apologise for the constant parts of the thread where I was informal and also formal, I tried to keep the thread as professional and serious as I could, hope this helps as many people as it reaches out to and gets to, also I apologise for talking about noses a lot it’s a mega failo which will be fixed soon :feelshehe:



@Fiqh @wsada @garoupilled_ @lightskinbengali @enchanted_elixir @TRUE_CEL @Orc @Osie @ascendedd @Meraki @kebab @User28823 @IndraBC @BrahminBoss @Sondern
as a nosecel, bookmarked immediately
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Did read really fantastic thread!! Sadly surgery is haram so I'm gonna be stuck with being called gargamel
  • So Sad
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  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
Good thread, you have amassed a good amount of knowledge :feelsokman:
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  • Love it
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appreciate it broski also accidentally reacted jfl

(You mean so much to me boyo)
I was interested the most about the nasal hygiene part because it feels as if I chronically have congested nostrils. I can breath but I have a pretty poor sense of smell and it probably has some influence on wellbeing.
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss and coisbhai
I was interested the most about the nasal hygiene part because it feels as if I chronically have congested nostrils. I can breath but I have a pretty poor sense of smell and it probably has some influence on wellbeing.
Yeah same lol hay fever is sucha bitch
  • +1
Reactions: Debetro
I have all of these.

Great thread tbh, people here wayyyy underestimate nose, from my research, 80% of “harmony” is nose.
Wait how tf is 80% of harmony nose? Gandy would be subhuman with that logic. Heck even opry is subhuman since his is crooked and very assymetrical from the front
Wait how tf is 80% of harmony nose? Gandy would be subhuman with that logic. Heck even opry is subhuman since his is crooked and very assymetrical from the front
Yeah 80% is outlandish claim but your nose is a great factor

The nose can be a deciding factor on whether an individual is deemed attractive or not, a large proportion of this forum will claim that a good nose is only a necessity to facial aesthetics and is not a critical aspect when analysing the face. Although, they are partially correct, the severity of your nose is dependent on how well it harmonises with the rest of your facial features, your upbringing and genetics. An extremely crooked, bulbous, wide and long nose will not be supported by a striking lower third area or A10 eye colour, extremely small and minimal imperfections of a nose will not affect how others perceive your attractiveness, however, large ones will:

Take this image for example, as some will view this as the “ideal nose” due to great projection, exposure of infra glabellar notch, and no dorsal hump, it’s safe to say this nose looks great on this person despite his side profile being quite average with little chin projection and a short ramus, we can all collectively agree that his nose serves great value to his appearance.

Now, observe this image of the same individual with a different, undesirable nose, his face is not supported by his nose anymore and therefore has nothing striking about him, a girl wouldn’t even bother looking twice at him in the streets.

Now this concept does not apply to everyone, before you say “B-B-B-But Gandy has bad nose and still mogs muhhh”.

You are not David Gandy, you do not have his eye area, you do not have his height, his phenotype, his hair, his lower third, you look nothing like him, there is nothing you can do to change your eye colour in order to remove attention away from your nose, a good nose will greatly improve your appearance especially if you have extremely average features to begin with.

Aside from PSL, the nose is usually the first thing a person sees when they see you for the first time, it is the central, big, large, ethnic thing people see therefore, it’s able to leave some first impressions, as in, the most common feature a child is bullied for is their nose.

You’ll also notice that many guys on TikTok that rack up millions and millions of views and thousands of girls shamelessly simping for them in the comments, usually have good noses

Now we can’t move forward witnout examining whether your nose is good and ideal or not, a good nose should include:
- Slight flatness to dorsum/ No dorsal hump
- Nasal Projection
- Moderately long nose (Not too short)
- Symmetrical and no deviation
- Slight exposure of nostrils
- Slightly hanging columella
- Refined Nasal Tip
- Mouth to Nose Width Ratio should ideally be 1.50 to 1.62

No one will have every single one of these features but if you tick some of the boxes then you shouldn’t be worrying about your nose

Now moving onto surgical procedures on how to improve and achieve the features stated above

A reduction rhinoplasty aims to alter the size, shape and proportion of the nose, it is able to reduce assymetry of the nose and also includes dorsal humps, during the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, they are then able to sculpt the nasal structure to the desired outcome of the patient, rearrangement of tissues is also done, cartilage grafts may also be necessary dependant on the patient’s nose, the surgeon will then puts the skin and tissue back in place after sculpting, close the incisions previously made, and the patient goes into recovery period which usually lasts a few weeks.
- Improved facial harmony
- Surgeon may be able to improve internal issues regarding the nose

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

An augmentation rhinoplasty aims to enhance the size, shape and projection of the nose, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that lack the height, volume and definition in their nose. The procedure involves the surgeon making incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, the surgeon can utilise cartilage grafts harvested from the patient’s body, more often from the septum, rib or even ears, however, synthetic implants such as silicone can be used.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

A nasal refinement rhinoplasty aims to perfect the subtle imperfection of the nose and tried to adjust them, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that have an issue with the three things, bulbous nose tip (requires nasal tip refinement), wide or broken nose bridge (requires nasal bridge refinement) and or a minor profile refinement (for example a minor dorsal hump). The procedure is generally similar to other rhinoplasty techniques however it is less invasive due to the smaller scales of adjustments being used by the surgeon, these small and delicate adjustments include changes to the cartilage, bone and tissue, however, most of these issues can be solved with consistent and annual visits to a clinic that is able to provide fillers.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence
- Low cost for beneficial procedure
- Low risk of risks associated with surgical procedure
- Short recovery

- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being a delicate procedure
An ethnic rhinoplasty is a nasal surgery where the nose is carefully altered to create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing nose that suits the individual patient’s face without diminishing the patient’s ethnic characteristics, this is common in all POC and not Caucasians, however you may be the extremely unlucky anomaly with monkey lips and double barrel shotgun nostrils. The surgical procedure includes the ones I have stated above, did you really think every MBBS in the world was gonna be learning how to fix a curry nose in their 5th year lecture?
- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost


Moving onto more important stuff than facial aesthetics (will still talk about facial aesthetics anyways), nasal health, home remedies, and surgical procedures. Nasal health is quite an important aspect especially since it affects your jaw as well, mouth breathing can cause a significant increase in incisor proclination, worsened lips and a convex side profile, this will not only ruin your face but will become a forced, lifetime habit. The health of the nose is crucial for our wellbeing. It serves as a gateway for efficient breathing, ensuring optimal airflow and oxygen intake vital for our body's respiratory function. It also maintains our olfactory receptors, influencing our sense of smell, which in result affects taste and our ability to detect potential hazards in our environment. Additionally, the nose acts as a frontline defence mechanism by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air we breathe, safeguarding our respiratory system from harmful particles, allergens, and pathogens. The health of the nose contributes significantly to facial structure, impacting aesthetics and overall facial balance. Prioritizing nasal health through proper hygiene, addressing any breathing concerns, and seeking timely medical care for nasal issues are fundamental steps toward maintaining overall wellbeing and quality of life.

There are many home remedies that can be put into action in the comfort of your own bathroom which will help reduce nose congestion and improve nose health


Improved general hygiene is a must (may have annoyed 99% of the forum), in all seriousness, standard procedures like replacing your bedsheets and pillowcases with clean sheets 2-3 times a week will reduce dirt and dust which is the main cause for hay fever, in result, triggering nasal congestion symptoms, more ways to improve general hygiene is trimming your nose hairs, cleaning your room regularly, eating healthier foods, as you all know, extremely basic and mandatory stuff I hope the majority of this forum is doing.


Nasal Douching involves using a Sinus Rinse Bottle, filling it up with water mixed with salt in a 8:2 ratio, and pushing it through one nostril and blowing it out the other, it sounds excruciatingly painful but you feel refreshed after, and less congested with the majority of mucus removed from inside your nose (obviously there will still be mucus stuck to the cilia hair like structures which you can see at a microscopic level)


Nasal sprays are once again, more often prescribed to hay fever patients, but you can use it too if your local GP/doctor thinks you’re lying even though you suffer from nose aches, insomnia, cystic fibrosis level mucus build up and constant nose bleeds :lasereyes: The most popular brands used are Sudafed and Vix, I’ll link them down here for you guys to buy.

As someone with diagnosed hay fever, it does help, but requires constant use, multiple times a day and is meant to be used for a long time, however there are more surgical alternatives to solve internal nasal problems.



A septoplasty aims to correct a deviated or crooked septum, the septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils, a deviated septum can severely impact an individuals life as it restricts airflow into the nostrils dependant on which side the deviation is, the negative effects it can cause are breathing difficulties, recurring sinus infections, nose bleeds, nasal aches, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia. The procedure involves the standard incision of the nostrils to access the base of the nose, the deviated portions of the septum are then carefully repositioned and in some cases, cartilage and bone grafts may be necessary dependant on the severity of the patient’s case.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon

A turbinoplasty, also known as turbinate reduction surgery, aims to reduce the size of swollen or enlarged turbinates, turbinates are the structures that help filter, warm and humidify the air we inhale/inspirate, which is important in the process of ventilation, of course in a more biological aspect. Turbinates can become enlarged due to several factors, some include allergies, hay fever and chronic sinusitis etcetera. The procedure involves the standard incisions required to access the nose base, the surgeon then may try a various set of techniques to reduce the size of the enlarged turbinates such as trimming, cauterisation, or using radio frequency energy.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon
- Risk of empty nose syndrome (a.k.a fucking your nose up for all of eternity)


I hope this thread that I have spent a decent amount of time on and should be considered for a certain sub forum which I need 20 positive reactions for, has convinced you that every single aspect of the nose can play quite a big role in your daily life, and or quality of life, that’s enough from me, I apologise for the constant parts of the thread where I was informal and also formal, I tried to keep the thread as professional and serious as I could, hope this helps as many people as it reaches out to and gets to, also I apologise for talking about noses a lot it’s a mega failo which will be fixed soon :feelshehe:



@Fiqh @wsada @garoupilled_ @lightskinbengali @enchanted_elixir @TRUE_CEL @Orc @Osie @ascendedd @Meraki @kebab @User28823 @IndraBC @BrahminBoss @Sondern
Gonna read this thread once I’m on pc. You tagged me because I’m a nosecel innit? :p
  • So Sad
Reactions: coisbhai
Holy shit! This thread is fantastic man! Great Job! Looking forward to more great threads from you!
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Holy shit! This thread is fantastic man! Great Job! Looking forward to more great threads from you!
Thanks man, just waiting for this to reach 20 reactions then I’ll tag you again for BOTB review :)
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Thanks man, just waiting for this to reach 20 reactions then I’ll tag you again for BOTB review :)
You already got 20. Just waiting on the other mods to promote it. We have to vote together.
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BotB gang :feelshehe: :sneaky:
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Congrats on BOTB 🎉
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I really don't think the nose is that important. It just CAN'T be disproportionate for your face. Your edit makes the nose too large. That nose is for a larger face, and body, and so it's disproportionate. the size so it become proporonate.
Straight noses are better, but proportion is the difference between a good nose and a terrible nose. One argument I've heard is that crooked noses more resemble broken noses, so it's unattractive.
EDIT: NVM. Disregard my coping here.
EDIT2: You know OP I wouldn't be so sure. It might honestly be just about the size and not so much the form of the nose. The poor edit bellow keep the same nasio-frontal angle, but the nose area is reduced.
What do you think @coispet

Last edited:
I really don't think the nose is that important. It just CAN'T be disproportionate for your face. Your edit makes the nose too large. That nose is for a larger face, and body, and so it's disproportionate. the size so it become proporonate.
Straight noses are better, but proportion is the difference between a good nose and a terrible nose. One argument I've heard is that crooked noses more resemble broken noses, so it's unattractive.
EDIT: NVM. Disregard my coping here.
EDIT2: You know OP I wouldn't be so sure. It might honestly be just about the size and not so much the form of the nose. The poor edit bellow keep the same nasio-frontal angle, but the nose area is reduced.
What do you think @coispet
View attachment 2601935
the edit may be drastic but my point is that having a more better nose is still a marginal improvement

Good nose > bad nose

nose serves great importance
  • +1
Reactions: forevermirin, Deleted member 29581 and Lookologist003
Very good thread, i am getting a rhinoplasty in 2024
  • +1
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if i have opry/gandy jew/roman nose just get septopplasty if greatest fear is ENS?
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Reactions: Spiritualcell

The nose can be a deciding factor on whether an individual is deemed attractive or not, a large proportion of this forum will claim that a good nose is only a necessity to facial aesthetics and is not a critical aspect when analysing the face. Although, they are partially correct, the severity of your nose is dependent on how well it harmonises with the rest of your facial features, your upbringing and genetics. An extremely crooked, bulbous, wide and long nose will not be supported by a striking lower third area or A10 eye colour, extremely small and minimal imperfections of a nose will not affect how others perceive your attractiveness, however, large ones will:

Take this image for example, as some will view this as the “ideal nose” due to great projection, exposure of infra glabellar notch, and no dorsal hump, it’s safe to say this nose looks great on this person despite his side profile being quite average with little chin projection and a short ramus, we can all collectively agree that his nose serves great value to his appearance.

Now, observe this image of the same individual with a different, undesirable nose, his face is not supported by his nose anymore and therefore has nothing striking about him, a girl wouldn’t even bother looking twice at him in the streets.

Now this concept does not apply to everyone, before you say “B-B-B-But Gandy has bad nose and still mogs muhhh”.

You are not David Gandy, you do not have his eye area, you do not have his height, his phenotype, his hair, his lower third, you look nothing like him, there is nothing you can do to change your eye colour in order to remove attention away from your nose, a good nose will greatly improve your appearance especially if you have extremely average features to begin with.

Aside from PSL, the nose is usually the first thing a person sees when they see you for the first time, it is the central, big, large, ethnic thing people see therefore, it’s able to leave some first impressions, as in, the most common feature a child is bullied for is their nose.

You’ll also notice that many guys on TikTok that rack up millions and millions of views and thousands of girls shamelessly simping for them in the comments, usually have good noses

Now we can’t move forward witnout examining whether your nose is good and ideal or not, a good nose should include:
- Slight flatness to dorsum/ No dorsal hump
- Nasal Projection
- Moderately long nose (Not too short)
- Symmetrical and no deviation
- Slight exposure of nostrils
- Slightly hanging columella
- Refined Nasal Tip
- Mouth to Nose Width Ratio should ideally be 1.50 to 1.62

No one will have every single one of these features but if you tick some of the boxes then you shouldn’t be worrying about your nose

Now moving onto surgical procedures on how to improve and achieve the features stated above

A reduction rhinoplasty aims to alter the size, shape and proportion of the nose, it is able to reduce assymetry of the nose and also includes dorsal humps, during the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, they are then able to sculpt the nasal structure to the desired outcome of the patient, rearrangement of tissues is also done, cartilage grafts may also be necessary dependant on the patient’s nose, the surgeon will then puts the skin and tissue back in place after sculpting, close the incisions previously made, and the patient goes into recovery period which usually lasts a few weeks.
- Improved facial harmony
- Surgeon may be able to improve internal issues regarding the nose

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

An augmentation rhinoplasty aims to enhance the size, shape and projection of the nose, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that lack the height, volume and definition in their nose. The procedure involves the surgeon making incisions usually inside the nostrils but also across the base of the nose in order to access the bone and cartilage, the surgeon can utilise cartilage grafts harvested from the patient’s body, more often from the septum, rib or even ears, however, synthetic implants such as silicone can be used.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost

A nasal refinement rhinoplasty aims to perfect the subtle imperfection of the nose and tried to adjust them, it is most commonly recommended for individuals that have an issue with the three things, bulbous nose tip (requires nasal tip refinement), wide or broken nose bridge (requires nasal bridge refinement) and or a minor profile refinement (for example a minor dorsal hump). The procedure is generally similar to other rhinoplasty techniques however it is less invasive due to the smaller scales of adjustments being used by the surgeon, these small and delicate adjustments include changes to the cartilage, bone and tissue, however, most of these issues can be solved with consistent and annual visits to a clinic that is able to provide fillers.

- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence
- Low cost for beneficial procedure
- Low risk of risks associated with surgical procedure
- Short recovery

- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being a delicate procedure
An ethnic rhinoplasty is a nasal surgery where the nose is carefully altered to create a more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing nose that suits the individual patient’s face without diminishing the patient’s ethnic characteristics, this is common in all POC and not Caucasians, however you may be the extremely unlucky anomaly with monkey lips and double barrel shotgun nostrils. The surgical procedure includes the ones I have stated above, did you really think every MBBS in the world was gonna be learning how to fix a curry nose in their 5th year lecture?
- Improved facial harmony
- Increased confidence

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Higher risk of getting botched due to the procedure being an open rhinoplasty with more factors in play
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Extremely high cost


Moving onto more important stuff than facial aesthetics (will still talk about facial aesthetics anyways), nasal health, home remedies, and surgical procedures. Nasal health is quite an important aspect especially since it affects your jaw as well, mouth breathing can cause a significant increase in incisor proclination, worsened lips and a convex side profile, this will not only ruin your face but will become a forced, lifetime habit. The health of the nose is crucial for our wellbeing. It serves as a gateway for efficient breathing, ensuring optimal airflow and oxygen intake vital for our body's respiratory function. It also maintains our olfactory receptors, influencing our sense of smell, which in result affects taste and our ability to detect potential hazards in our environment. Additionally, the nose acts as a frontline defence mechanism by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air we breathe, safeguarding our respiratory system from harmful particles, allergens, and pathogens. The health of the nose contributes significantly to facial structure, impacting aesthetics and overall facial balance. Prioritizing nasal health through proper hygiene, addressing any breathing concerns, and seeking timely medical care for nasal issues are fundamental steps toward maintaining overall wellbeing and quality of life.

There are many home remedies that can be put into action in the comfort of your own bathroom which will help reduce nose congestion and improve nose health


Improved general hygiene is a must (may have annoyed 99% of the forum), in all seriousness, standard procedures like replacing your bedsheets and pillowcases with clean sheets 2-3 times a week will reduce dirt and dust which is the main cause for hay fever, in result, triggering nasal congestion symptoms, more ways to improve general hygiene is trimming your nose hairs, cleaning your room regularly, eating healthier foods, as you all know, extremely basic and mandatory stuff I hope the majority of this forum is doing.


Nasal Douching involves using a Sinus Rinse Bottle, filling it up with water mixed with salt in a 8:2 ratio, and pushing it through one nostril and blowing it out the other, it sounds excruciatingly painful but you feel refreshed after, and less congested with the majority of mucus removed from inside your nose (obviously there will still be mucus stuck to the cilia hair like structures which you can see at a microscopic level)


Nasal sprays are once again, more often prescribed to hay fever patients, but you can use it too if your local GP/doctor thinks you’re lying even though you suffer from nose aches, insomnia, cystic fibrosis level mucus build up and constant nose bleeds :lasereyes: The most popular brands used are Sudafed and Vix, I’ll link them down here for you guys to buy.

As someone with diagnosed hay fever, it does help, but requires constant use, multiple times a day and is meant to be used for a long time, however there are more surgical alternatives to solve internal nasal problems.



A septoplasty aims to correct a deviated or crooked septum, the septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils, a deviated septum can severely impact an individuals life as it restricts airflow into the nostrils dependant on which side the deviation is, the negative effects it can cause are breathing difficulties, recurring sinus infections, nose bleeds, nasal aches, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia. The procedure involves the standard incision of the nostrils to access the base of the nose, the deviated portions of the septum are then carefully repositioned and in some cases, cartilage and bone grafts may be necessary dependant on the severity of the patient’s case.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon

A turbinoplasty, also known as turbinate reduction surgery, aims to reduce the size of swollen or enlarged turbinates, turbinates are the structures that help filter, warm and humidify the air we inhale/inspirate, which is important in the process of ventilation, of course in a more biological aspect. Turbinates can become enlarged due to several factors, some include allergies, hay fever and chronic sinusitis etcetera. The procedure involves the standard incisions required to access the nose base, the surgeon then may try a various set of techniques to reduce the size of the enlarged turbinates such as trimming, cauterisation, or using radio frequency energy.

- Improved quality of life
- Surgeon is able to improve internal issues regarding the nose
- Usually free due to health insurance/NHS fund
- No risk of getting botched

- The common risks associated with surgical procedures which include infection, bleeding, scarring, negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Long recovery which may have permanent damage, for example, the person may experience swelling
- Dissatisfied results due to lousy and lazy surgeon
- Risk of empty nose syndrome (a.k.a fucking your nose up for all of eternity)


I hope this thread that I have spent a decent amount of time on and should be considered for a certain sub forum which I need 20 positive reactions for, has convinced you that every single aspect of the nose can play quite a big role in your daily life, and or quality of life, that’s enough from me, I apologise for the constant parts of the thread where I was informal and also formal, I tried to keep the thread as professional and serious as I could, hope this helps as many people as it reaches out to and gets to, also I apologise for talking about noses a lot it’s a mega failo which will be fixed soon :feelshehe:



@Fiqh @wsada @garoupilled_ @lightskinbengali @enchanted_elixir @TRUE_CEL @Orc @Osie @ascendedd @Meraki @kebab @User28823 @IndraBC @BrahminBoss @Sondern
Amazing thread OP, will get this done once I'm 18
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Great thread
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