which combat sport should i learn?

Boxing hands down 100%, its the basics for self defense and offensive attacks on the street, it has the most flexibility as in you can fight on your own since you’ve got literal hands, you can ends fight in seconds if you have good shot placement or power, and the element of surprise is god tier with boxing, another thing is if you can light someone up before they get to your legs then it stuns them enough not to grab your legs where you can just keep lighting them up. And also you can run since your on your feet most of the time.
yeah i think boxing is def the #1 base then i get some leg kicks after
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what you train should depend if you have any power

and if you dont then there is no point in training striking when you’d be better off spending your time training wrestling

look at Garcia vs Haney, talent vs hard work and talent won
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Leg kicks are underrated, but they do not work well in a street fight setting when you have shoes on and considering your opponent is not going to stay in one fucking spot the entire time. Is he just gonna stand there and let you hit him ? No hes gonna fucking rush you anx by the time you throw the ko kick hes gonna caught u with u one leg in the air and thats up to your imagination what happens.
brutal when his friend joins in and starts soccer kicking your head
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legit for oblique kicks
in a street fight I’d just kick their knee, their nuts, and if they wrestle then bite them and then run
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if you want brain damage yeah.

wrestlers have nerve damage rather than brain damage.
brutal to take damage

never get taken down theory @Bonesbonesbonesbone
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the best would be kickboxing

Muay Thai hasn’t been proven to transfer to MMA as well as kick boxing
anderson the spider silva theory
it’s usually punches then either the person who is losing trying to take it to the ground or the person who is winning tries to slam them
upper cuts and bodyshots theory
in a street fight I’d just kick their knee, their nuts, and if they wrestle then bite them and then run
in a street fight ima bring out the stick
This is what i was trying to say, the element of suprise and the violent monetum that comes with bare knuckle fists hitting you is so violent you will get selpt.
meanwhile boxers either never become good or get brain damage and retire.

oh no you get more scrapes and bruises, the horror.
You’re thinking too logically youre not going to be shit with hands from doing extra kicks. Jfl at accumulating brain damage from boxing everyone at my Muay Thai gym would destroy the average street guy
Could Jon Jones beat up Mike Tyson? Is Jon Jones really the best fighter of all time? Isn’t the best boxer Sugar Ray then Ali then Tyson?
Could Jon Jones beat up Mike Tyson? Is Jon Jones really the best fighter of all time? Isn’t the best boxer Sugar Ray then Ali then Tyson?
Prime Mike Tyson would beat Jones in a closed environment but if there’s a lot of space I would bet on Jones
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why would that be the best style to learn for self defence over something like kickboxing
kickboxing is also good.

boxing is just generally shit for anything besides competitive boxing where rules are enforced, since you can just keep them out of range by kicking, legs are way longer than arms, unless you're me, then they're not lmao.

you lose all ur credibility right there jfl
most ironic part is that the protection they use for sparring doesn't do jackshit for brain injuries, some organisations banned the usage of helmets because the injury rate is higher than without.
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start with boxing, learn the fundementals of footwork angles and learn how to guard yourself and throw combinations. Without a base of boxing your fucked in a mma fight after being descent at boxing which should only take 2-3 months of doing a lot of drills and light sparring then learn everything else if u wanna be an mma fighter and know the difference between a boxing stance and an mma stance
@Orc @traveler @ElTruecel @butterworld

The best self defense is size, being wide framed, big framed, and tall is the best form of self defense because the best self defense is protection and the best protection is non-participative in fighting.
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  • Hmm...
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One that doesn't deform your face

Prepare for a brutal descent if your nose is deformed in boxing
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Muay thai for destroying someone
Brazilian jiu jutsu for raping
Boxing if u r lazy

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