Which of these three men would foids want to LTR the most?

Which of these three men would foids want to LTR the most?

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Jun 11, 2021


Physical Appearance & Overview:

  • Height: 6'0"
  • Overview: A striking blend of Mediterranean and South Asian features (is Med-passing), with an athletic build and an air of sophistication.
Personality, Career & Education:

  • Personality: Intellectual, charismatic, detail-oriented, but sometimes struggles with stress.
  • Career: Emerging as a rising star in the tech industry.
  • Education: Attended a prestigious university, possibly in finance, engineering or computer science.
  • Hobbies & Weekend Activities: Enjoys cooking, fitness, art, music, and occasional travel.
Facial Features:

  • Hair: Dark, wavy hair.
  • Eyes: Deep blue, offering a captivating contrast against olive skin.
  • Skin: Olive-toned, sensitive, occasionally blemished.
  • Bone Structure: Strong jawline, high cheekbones.
  • Lips: Full and well-shaped.
Body Type:

  • Front View: Muscular chest, flat tummy, toned legs.
  • Side View: Lean stomach, defined arms, rounded buttocks.
  • Back View: Broad shoulders, narrow waist, firm buttocks.
Romantic Approach & Attachment Style:

  • Romantic Approach: Idealistic, commitment-focused, passionate.
  • Attachment Style: Anxious attachment, deeply emotional.
  • History: Selective with partners, seeking deeper connections, not just superficial attraction.

Ramon's Facial Features:

  • Jaw: Ramon has a strong, well-defined jawline, contributing to a chiseled, masculine look. This feature is one of his most striking.
  • Lips: His lips are full and well-shaped, adding to his overall attractiveness. They balance his strong jawline and enhance his facial symmetry.
  • Skin: While Ramon's olive-toned skin is generally resilient and tans well, it's sensitive. He may occasionally struggle with blemishes or skin irritation, requiring diligent skincare.
  • Eyes: His deep blue eyes are a standout feature against his darker skin tone, offering a captivating and intense gaze. However, this striking contrast might also draw attention to any signs of tiredness or stress.
  • Brow and Lash Density/Darkness: Ramon has thick, dark eyebrows and lashes, which frame his eyes well but may require grooming to maintain a neat appearance.
  • Eye Shape: His eye shape is likely almond, adding to his exotic look. The intensity of his gaze can be alluring, though it might also appear intimidating to some.
  • Facial Leanness: His face is lean, accentuating his cheekbones and jawline, but this leanness might occasionally make him appear more serious or less approachable.
  • Norwood Scale: Ramon is likely at a low Norwood scale, showing no significant signs of hair loss. His thick, wavy hair is a key part of his attractive appearance, though it requires regular maintenance.


Front View:

  • Chest: Muscular and well-defined, showcasing the results of consistent upper body training.
  • Tummy: Flat and toned with visible abs, indicative of a disciplined core workout regimen.
  • Legs: His legs are muscular and toned, reflecting regular lower body exercises.
  • Waist and Hips: A narrow waist that enhances his V-shaped torso, with proportionate hips.
  • Shoulders: Broad and well-built, contributing to a powerful upper body appearance.
  • Neck: Strong and muscular, in harmony with his athletic build.
Side View:

  • Tummy Flatness: Very flat, showcasing a lean and toned midsection.
  • Arms: Well-defined biceps and triceps, indicative of strength training.
  • Buttock Protrusion: Firm and well-rounded, a result of targeted gluteal workouts.
Back View:

  • Back: Broad and muscular, displaying a clear V-taper from shoulders to waist.
  • Waist: Narrow, emphasizing his upper body's broadness and athletic build.
  • Buttock Shape: Pronounced and sculpted, aligning with his overall muscular physique.
Dating History
  • University Experience: Ramon's stunning looks often attracted attention, but he found that most of his admirers were more captivated by his physical appearance rather than his personality. This superficial attention left him feeling disconnected.
  • Anxious Attachment Style: Ramon's deep longing for meaningful connections meant that he often felt unfulfilled in relationships. He yearned for partners who appreciated his intellectual and emotional depth, not just his looks.
  • Selective and Cautious: Despite numerous opportunities for romantic encounters, Ramon was selective. He avoided situations where he felt others were only interested in his external attributes. This led to a relatively average number of relationships, as he often ended things when he felt a lack of deeper connection or when he felt objectified.
  • Post-University Dating: As he matured, Ramon became more adept at identifying partners who were genuinely interested in him as a person. He sought relationships that offered emotional and intellectual compatibility.
  • Artistic Pursuits: Ramon has a deep appreciation for arts and culture. He often spends his weekends visiting art galleries, attending live music events, or engaging in his own creative hobbies like painting or playing a musical instrument.
  • Culinary Experiments: With a passion for cooking, he loves to explore new recipes, especially those that reflect his mixed heritage. He might spend a Saturday evening hosting a dinner party, showcasing his latest culinary creations.
  • Fitness Routine: Regular exercise is a crucial part of his lifestyle. He often dedicates time after work for gym sessions, where he focuses on weight training and cardio. On weekends, he might engage in outdoor activities like hiking or playing a sport.
  • Travel Planning: Ramon enjoys planning and going on trips, whether short local getaways or international travels. His love for exploring new cultures often has him researching or visiting new destinations.
  • Quiet Downtime: Despite his active lifestyle, Ramon values his quiet time. He might spend a Sunday afternoon reading a book, practicing meditation, or simply relaxing at home to recharge for the week ahead.


Physical Appearance & Overview:

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Overview: WASP origins, with an athletic, muscular build and a confident demeanor.
Personality, Career & Education:

  • Personality: Highly intelligent, competitive, charismatic, confident.
  • Career: Entrepreneur or high-ranking executive.
  • Education: Likely Ivy League or equivalent, excelling in academics and sports.
  • Hobbies & Weekend Activities: Sports like golf or tennis, traveling, charity work.
Facial Features:

  • Hair: Medium brown, trendy TikTok style.
  • Eyes: Clear blue, confident gaze.
  • Skin: Slightly tan.
  • Bone Structure: Well-proportioned, typical WASP features.
  • Lips: Proportionate, fitting his overall facial structure.
Body Type:

  • Front View: Muscular and defined chest, shoulders, and legs.
  • Side View: Flat stomach, muscular arms, proportionate buttocks.
  • Back View: Broad shoulders, athletic back, toned buttocks.
Romantic Approach & Attachment Style:

  • Romantic Approach: Extensive, diverse relationships.
  • Attachment Style: Avoidant, confident.
  • History: Diverse relationships, charismatic allure.

Todd's Body Profile:

Front View:

  • Chest: Exceptionally developed, showing prominent pectoral muscles. His chest indicates heavy weight training and possibly athletic activities like swimming or rowing.
  • Tummy: A highly defined six-pack, with each abdominal muscle distinctly visible. This suggests a rigorous core workout routine and disciplined nutrition.
  • Legs: Powerful quads and calves, showcasing significant muscle mass and definition, typical of someone engaged in high-intensity leg workouts like sprinting or cycling.
  • Waist and Hips: His waist is narrow, creating a pronounced V-taper from his broad shoulders down to his hips. His hips are proportionate, supporting his muscular build without being overly wide.
  • Shoulders: Broad and muscular, indicative of intensive upper body training. Todd's shoulders contribute to an imposing, athletic silhouette.
  • Neck: Thick and strong, in line with his overall muscular physique. It shows evidence of strength training and possibly contact sports.
Side View:

  • Tummy Flatness: Extremely flat and toned, with abdominal muscles clearly outlined. There is no protrusion, reflecting a low body fat percentage.
  • Arms: His biceps and triceps are well-defined, indicating significant strength and conditioning.
  • Buttock Protrusion: Firm and athletic, but not overly pronounced. His buttocks align with his athletic build, showing strength without excessive bulk.
Back View:

  • Back: His back is wide and muscular, displaying a clear V-taper that enhances his athletic figure. The muscles of the upper and lower back are well-defined.
  • Waist: His narrow waist accentuates the broadness of his back and shoulders.
  • Buttock Shape: Athletic and firm, aligning with his overall fitness level. It shows strength and power, typical of someone who includes comprehensive lower body training in their routine.

Todd's Dating and Hookup History:

  • Todd, with his charismatic and attractive qualities, has had a dynamic and varied dating history. At university, his striking appearance and social status likely drew considerable attention, leading to numerous romantic encounters.
  • Despite numerous opportunities for casual relationships, Todd also sought meaningful connections. His dating history includes both short-term flings and more serious relationships. He values genuine compatibility and shared interests, not solely physical attraction.
  • He has likely been cautious about fully committing, balancing his personal aspirations with his romantic life. His relationships are marked by a blend of charm and depth, though his high standards and busy lifestyle might have led to challenges in sustaining long-term commitments.
Social Groups:

  • Todd's social life is vibrant and diverse. He's part of elite circles, including fellow Ivy League alumni, business associates, and individuals from affluent backgrounds.
  • He maintains connections with a variety of groups, from sports enthusiasts and fellow entrepreneurs to philanthropists and cultural aficionados.
  • Todd is often the life of the party and a natural leader within his social groups. He's respected for his accomplishments and admired for his charisma.
Family Links:

  • Todd comes from a well-established, affluent family, which has afforded him a privileged upbringing and influential connections.
  • Domestically, his family might be involved in business, politics, or social philanthropy, providing him with a powerful network and a sense of responsibility to uphold the family legacy.
  • His family's influence extends to a wide network of associates and friends, some of whom are prominent figures in various sectors.
  • Internationally, his family's reach may include business connections and occasional overseas relations, though the core of his family's influence remains within domestic boundaries.
Social Media Presence:

  • Todd likely has a polished social media presence, showcasing his lifestyle, achievements, and travels. His posts reflect a balance of personal charm, professional success, and a glimpse into his luxurious lifestyle.
  • He uses social media as a tool for networking, brand building, and sharing his philanthropic endeavors, carefully curating his online image to align with his real-life persona.
  • Despite his active online presence, Todd values privacy and discretion, especially regarding his personal relationships and family matters.


Physical Appearance & Overview:

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Overview: Typical British appearance with a balanced, active-sedentary lifestyle.
Personality, Career & Education:

  • Personality: Amiable, sociable, practical.
  • Career: Rising star in tech or finance, showing early signs of significant success and leadership potential.
  • Education: Reputable university degree.
  • Hobbies & Weekend Activities: Pub socializing, sports fan, local/European travel.
Facial Features:

  • Hair: Short, practical style, natural color.
  • Eyes: Warm, friendly.
  • Skin: Fair to pale.
  • Bone Structure: Less defined jawline, softer features.
  • Lips: Thin.
Body Type:

  • Front View: Average chest, has a bit of a belly, average legs.
  • Side View: Soft rounded stomach, average arm definition, less pronounced buttocks.
  • Back View: Average shoulders, average-chubby waist, average and flabby buttocks.
Romantic Approach & Attachment Style:

  • Romantic Approach: Realistic, gradual commitment, affectionate.
  • Attachment Style: Secure, preferring steady progression.
  • History: Stable relationships, preferring emotional connection over intensity.

Oliver's Facial Features:

  • Jaw: Oliver’s jawline is less pronounced than Ramon's, more typical of Northern European traits. It gives him a friendly, approachable look.
  • Lips: His lips are proportionate but may not be as full as Ramon’s. They fit well with his overall facial structure.
  • Skin: Oliver's skin is fair to pale, typical for a British man. He might be prone to sunburn or ruddiness, especially under harsh weather conditions.
  • Eyes: Oliver has common eye colors like blue or green, which are warm and friendly. They might lack the intensity of Ramon’s but are inviting and expressive.
  • Brow and Lash Density/Darkness: His eyebrows and lashes are average in thickness and darkness, complementing his softer facial features.
  • Eye Shape: Oliver's eye shape aligns with British features, possibly rounder, conveying openness and amiability.
  • Facial Leanness: Depending on his physique (skinnyfat or slightly chubby), Oliver's face might have a bit more roundness, lacking the chiseled leanness of Ramon’s.
  • Norwood Scale: As a man in his late 20s, Oliver has a NW2-3 hairline, which is normal for Northern Europeans.

Oliver's Dating History:

  • University Experience: Oliver's experiences in university were more typical. He had a balanced social life and formed relationships that were often grounded in shared interests and mutual attraction.
  • Secure Attachment Style: Oliver displays a secure attachment style. He is comfortable with intimacy and independence, leading to healthier and more balanced relationships.
  • Consistent and Grounded: Oliver's relationships were characterized by mutual respect and shared values. He was not overly influenced by physical appearance and instead focused on building connections based on personality and common interests.
  • Post-University Dating: After university, Oliver continued to pursue relationships that were emotionally fulfilling and stable. His approach to dating was pragmatic, often seeking long-term compatibility and a partner who shared his life goals and interests.

Oliver's Hobbies and Weekend Activities:

  • Sports and Fitness: Oliver enjoys staying active. He might play in a local amateur football or rugby league, or go for jogs and gym workouts. His weekends often include some form of physical activity.
  • Socializing in Pub Culture: A fan of the British pub culture, Oliver spends time with friends at local pubs, enjoying conversations, a pint, and maybe watching a sports game.
  • Media Consumption: Relaxing at home with British media, whether catching up on a favorite BBC series or watching a quiz show, is a common weekend activity for Oliver.
  • DIY Projects and Gardening: He might engage in practical hobbies like DIY home projects or tending to a garden, finding satisfaction in these hands-on activities.
  • Local Events and Outings: Oliver likes to stay connected with his community. He may participate in local events, go to a movie, or explore nearby attractions with friends or family.
  • Quiet Leisure: Like Ramon, Oliver also values downtime. He may spend a quiet evening reading, cooking a simple meal, or planning his next holiday.
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  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Todd. Tall, white and entrepreneur. He's basically ideal

Oliver sounds like a fat manlet in tech and Ramon sounds like a slayer but may suffer curry tax and tech is a failo
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane, thecel, tyroneorkms and 1 other person
Todd for ethnics, Ramon for white women.
Todd. Tall, white and entrepreneur. He's basically ideal

Oliver sounds like a fat manlet in tech and Ramon sounds like a slayer but may suffer curry tax and tech is a failo
Dating History
  • University Experience: Ramon's stunning looks often attracted attention, but he found that most of his admirers were more captivated by his physical appearance rather than his personality. This superficial attention left him feeling disconnected.
  • Anxious Attachment Style: Ramon's deep longing for meaningful connections meant that he often felt unfulfilled in relationships. He yearned for partners who appreciated his intellectual and emotional depth, not just his looks.
  • Selective and Cautious: Despite numerous opportunities for romantic encounters, Ramon was selective. He avoided situations where he felt others were only interested in his external attributes. This led to a relatively average number of relationships, as he often ended things when he felt a lack of deeper connection or when he felt objectified.
  • Post-University Dating: As he matured, Ramon became more adept at identifying partners who were genuinely interested in him as a person. He sought relationships that offered emotional and intellectual compatibility.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: MentalistKebab, sportsmogger and Xangsane
I look med with blue eyes too. I'm not with a white woman.
Because you're not 6'0 but you could easily get a white woman but you don't wanna be viewed as selfhating
You are a woman from lipstick valley we all know this
Horrible place lol, holy shit i lurked there yesterday and its horrible
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 30679
You are a woman from lipstick valley we all know this
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 30679
Thoughts on that place?

I honestly never wanted a white woman. Too degen
It's an awful place, went to go search up what they thought of my ethnicity and they cried about our "eurocentric features" and stuff.
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
It's an awful place, went to go search up what they thought of my ethnicity and they cried about our "eurocentric features" and stuff.
Eurocentric features for them = attractive features
  • +1
Reactions: sportsmogger

Who would you want the most?

Ramon is Med-passing.
Okay I paid too much attention to south Asian lol. Ramon clears

People here say 6' is manlet. Irl I think 6'-6'3 will have similar experiences regarding height. For me at 5'6, someone 6-6'3 towers over me so it's not a huge thing

Ramon sounds like a Latin lover type of guy who has LTR qualities. He mogs

For normie foids tech is probably a failo. I'm a turboautist basement dweller so I don't care
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Okay I paid too much attention to south Asian lol. Ramon clears
Why him?
People here say 6' is manlet. Irl I think 6'-6'3 will have similar experiences regarding height. For me at 5'6, someone 6-6'3 towers over me so it's not a huge thing

Ramon sounds like a Latin lover type of guy who has LTR qualities. He mogs
What makes you think he seems like a latin lover with LTR qualities?
Why not the other two?
For normie foids tech is probably a failo. I'm a turboautist basement dweller so I don't care
Who do you think average MTB foids want VS who they'd get in our examples?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
Why him?

What makes you think he seems like a latin lover with LTR qualities?
Why not the other two?

Who do you think average MTB foids want VS who they'd get in our examples?
Oliver just sounds like a normie bitch lol

Between Ramon and Todd, they're both chad but Ramon is more interesting

Ramon can cook, is an artist. Has a sensitive side. Is med

Todd is basically a frat douchebag. Todd probably likes going on dates to the country club with his WASP friends while Ramon probably just wants to hang out at an abandoned theater or anywhere where they can have fun by themselves

So it depends on the foid. Basic bitches pick Todd. Art hoes and the like pick Ramon

My mental imagine for Ramon. This with blue eyes


Image for Todd

Screenshot 20231214 193830

Don't want to spend time thinking about Oliver. Wasteman lol
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: sportsmogger and Xangsane
Oliver just sounds like a normie bitch lol
But most Foids would end up with him. Most Foids don’t get the guy they want
Between Ramon and Todd, they're both chad but Ramon is more interesting
You’d choose him?
Also in terms of looks who do you think mogs?
Ramon can cook, is an artist. Has a sensitive side. Is med
And Todd?
Todd is basically a frat douchebag. Todd probably likes going on dates to the country club with his WASP friends while Ramon probably just wants to hang out at an abandoned theater or anywhere where they can have fun by themselves

So it depends on the foid. Basic bitches pick Todd. Art hoes and the like pick Ramon
Thing is, most would end up settling for Oliver jfl
My mental imagine for Ramon. This with blue eyes

View attachment 2607960

Image for Todd

View attachment 2607962

Don't want to spend time thinking about Oliver. Wasteman lol
Think this is a better representation for Ramon

IMG 0351
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
But most Foids would end up with him. Most Foids don’t get the guy they want

You’d choose him?
Also in terms of looks who do you think mogs?

And Todd?

Thing is, most would end up settling for Oliver jfl

Think this is a better representation for Ramon

View attachment 2607975
Lol I agree most would settle for him. Probably would be happy. Yes even htb and Stacy end up with Oliver's sometimes lol. People would call it cope here but it's true

Todd sounds like he needs to constantly keep up appearances and be out with his WASP buddies all the time

Ramon sounds far more enjoyable to spend time with if you ask me. I myself am an artist, and enjoy cooking and occasional travel. Your description of Todd sounds like he's always out at parties with his upper class whitebread buddies. Some people like that lifestyle but if it's not you it's torture

Todd sounds kinda like a white version of Henry Gouldings chatacter from crazy rich Asians
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Lol I agree most would settle for him. Probably would be happy. Yes even htb and Stacy end up with Oliver's sometimes lol. People would call it cope here but it's true
I agree, and I sometimes see beckies ltring and marrying Todds and Ramons
Todd sounds like he needs to constantly keep up appearances and be out with his WASP buddies all the time

Ramon sounds far more enjoyable to spend time with if you ask me. I myself am an artist, and enjoy cooking and occasional travel. Your description of Todd sounds like he's always out at parties with his upper class whitebread buddies. Some people like that lifestyle but if it's not you it's torture

Todd sounds kinda like a white version of Henry Gouldings chatacter from crazy rich Asians
I think you’d like Ramon
Do you think Todd would find you insufferable?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
Lol I agree most would settle for him. Probably would be happy. Yes even htb and Stacy end up with Oliver's sometimes lol. People would call it cope here but it's true

Todd sounds like he needs to constantly keep up appearances and be out with his WASP buddies all the time

Ramon sounds far more enjoyable to spend time with if you ask me. I myself am an artist, and enjoy cooking and occasional travel. Your description of Todd sounds like he's always out at parties with his upper class whitebread buddies. Some people like that lifestyle but if it's not you it's torture

Todd sounds kinda like a white version of Henry Gouldings chatacter from crazy rich Asians
In a blackpilled perspective, which often emphasizes deterministic views of attraction and relationships, the preferences and realistic outcomes for the average university-educated white Western woman with a body count of 10-15 might align as follows:

### Preferred for Long-Term Relationship (LTR):

**Most Desired: Todd**
- **Reasons:** Todd's combination of high social status, charisma, and physical attractiveness make him a highly desirable partner. His successful tech career, leadership qualities, and dynamic personality would appeal to many women seeking a partner who embodies both success and physical appeal.
- **Attraction Factors:** Height, confidence, social influence, and wealth.

### Realistically Likely to Get:

- **Reasons:** Oliver represents stability, reliability, and the "everyman" appeal. While he may not have the exotic allure of Ramon or the high-flying status of Todd, his approachable nature, steady career, and down-to-earth personality make him a more accessible and realistic choice for a long-term relationship.
- **Attraction Factors:** Emotional stability, shared cultural background, and relatability.

### Analysis:

- **Ramon** might be seen as an exciting option, but his mysterious and possibly aloof nature, combined with his high standards for deep connections, might make him less attainable or less compatible for a long-term, stable relationship in the eyes of an average woman.
- **Todd**, despite being highly desirable, may be perceived as out of reach due to his high social status and the lifestyle that comes with it. His competitive and high-paced life might also be intimidating or mismatched with the lifestyle of an average woman.
- **Oliver**, on the other hand, strikes a balance between attractiveness and attainability. He offers a blend of emotional availability and stability, making him a more likely partner for a woman seeking a balanced and realistic relationship.

This perspective is based on generalized and deterministic views of attraction and may not accurately reflect the complexities and individual variations in human relationships. Personal preferences, chemistry, and compatibility play significant roles in relationship dynamics and cannot be fully encapsulated by such a framework.
Lol I agree most would settle for him. Probably would be happy. Yes even htb and Stacy end up with Oliver's sometimes lol. People would call it cope here but it's true

Todd sounds like he needs to constantly keep up appearances and be out with his WASP buddies all the time

Ramon sounds far more enjoyable to spend time with if you ask me. I myself am an artist, and enjoy cooking and occasional travel. Your description of Todd sounds like he's always out at parties with his upper class whitebread buddies. Some people like that lifestyle but if it's not you it's torture

Todd sounds kinda like a white version of Henry Gouldings chatacter from crazy rich Asians
In a blackpilled analysis, which tends to view social and romantic interactions through a lens of inherent traits and societal standards, the perceptions and realistic outcomes for an average white woman with the described lifestyle and interests toward each of the three men may be as follows:

### Perceptions of Each Man:

**1. Todd:**
- **Perceived As:** Extremely desirable due to his high status, good looks, and charisma. Todd's lifestyle and confidence might be seen as aspirational.
- **Reality Check:** Todd could be viewed as unattainable for an average woman. His lifestyle and the circles he moves in might be intimidating or mismatched with her more average lifestyle.

**2. Ramon:**
- **Perceived As:** Intriguing and exotic, with a strong allure due to his distinctive looks and mysterious personality.
- **Reality Check:** Ramon might be seen as too intense or serious for her tastes. His focus on deeper connections and emotional complexity might not align with her more casual, social lifestyle.

**3. Oliver:**
- **Perceived As:** Comfortable and familiar. Oliver represents stability and a more relatable lifestyle. His sense of humor and approachability make him appealing.
- **Reality Check:** Oliver aligns most closely with her lifestyle and expectations. His stability and shared cultural background make him a realistic and suitable match.

### Reality in Relationships:

- **Todd:** While initially attractive, the disparities in lifestyle, interests, and social circles may pose challenges. The average woman might feel out of place in his high-status world or struggle to keep up with his pace of life.
- **Ramon:** The cultural and lifestyle differences, along with his intensity, might lead to a disconnect. She might find him fascinating but not as a long-term partner, feeling that his world and expectations differ significantly from her own.
- **Oliver:** Oliver's down-to-earth nature, shared interests, and similar background make him a comfortable and realistic option for a long-term relationship. He represents a balance of attractiveness and accessibility.

### Summary:

In a blackpilled perspective, the average white woman might initially be drawn to the allure and status of Todd and the exotic charm of Ramon. However, the reality of her lifestyle, preferences, and social context would make Oliver a more feasible and compatible partner for a long-term relationship. This viewpoint emphasizes societal standards and inherent traits as primary determinants in romantic choices, although it's important to remember that individual preferences and the complexity of human relationships often transcend such simplistic categorizations.
@apemaxxed why todd
I agree, and I sometimes see beckies ltring and marrying Todds and Ramons

I think you’d like Ramon
Do you think Todd would find you insufferable?
Todd and I would find each other insufferable within moments of meeting.

My introverted, introspective nature would immediately clash with his whole fratboy demeanor

Ramons hobbies and personality are very similar to me. Passion for the arts, reading, galleries, hiking and so on. All of that is my style
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Todd and I would find each other insufferable within moments of meeting.

My introverted, introspective nature would immediately clash with his whole fratboy demeanor

Ramons hobbies and personality are very similar to me. Passion for the arts, reading, galleries, hiking and so on. All of that is my style
Do you think Ramon would choose you?
Who do you think Todd would pick
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345


Physical Appearance & Overview:

  • Height: 6'0"
  • Overview: A striking blend of Mediterranean and South Asian features (is Med-passing), with an athletic build and an air of sophistication.
Personality, Career & Education:

  • Personality: Intellectual, charismatic, detail-oriented, but sometimes struggles with stress.
  • Career: Emerging as a rising star in the tech industry.
  • Education: Attended a prestigious university, possibly in finance, engineering or computer science.
  • Hobbies & Weekend Activities: Enjoys cooking, fitness, art, music, and occasional travel.
Facial Features:

  • Hair: Dark, wavy hair.
  • Eyes: Deep blue, offering a captivating contrast against olive skin.
  • Skin: Olive-toned, sensitive, occasionally blemished.
  • Bone Structure: Strong jawline, high cheekbones.
  • Lips: Full and well-shaped.
Body Type:

  • Front View: Muscular chest, flat tummy, toned legs.
  • Side View: Lean stomach, defined arms, rounded buttocks.
  • Back View: Broad shoulders, narrow waist, firm buttocks.
Romantic Approach & Attachment Style:

  • Romantic Approach: Idealistic, commitment-focused, passionate.
  • Attachment Style: Anxious attachment, deeply emotional.
  • History: Selective with partners, seeking deeper connections, not just superficial attraction.

Ramon's Facial Features:

  • Jaw: Ramon has a strong, well-defined jawline, contributing to a chiseled, masculine look. This feature is one of his most striking.
  • Lips: His lips are full and well-shaped, adding to his overall attractiveness. They balance his strong jawline and enhance his facial symmetry.
  • Skin: While Ramon's olive-toned skin is generally resilient and tans well, it's sensitive. He may occasionally struggle with blemishes or skin irritation, requiring diligent skincare.
  • Eyes: His deep blue eyes are a standout feature against his darker skin tone, offering a captivating and intense gaze. However, this striking contrast might also draw attention to any signs of tiredness or stress.
  • Brow and Lash Density/Darkness: Ramon has thick, dark eyebrows and lashes, which frame his eyes well but may require grooming to maintain a neat appearance.
  • Eye Shape: His eye shape is likely almond, adding to his exotic look. The intensity of his gaze can be alluring, though it might also appear intimidating to some.
  • Facial Leanness: His face is lean, accentuating his cheekbones and jawline, but this leanness might occasionally make him appear more serious or less approachable.
  • Norwood Scale: Ramon is likely at a low Norwood scale, showing no significant signs of hair loss. His thick, wavy hair is a key part of his attractive appearance, though it requires regular maintenance.


Front View:

  • Chest: Muscular and well-defined, showcasing the results of consistent upper body training.
  • Tummy: Flat and toned with visible abs, indicative of a disciplined core workout regimen.
  • Legs: His legs are muscular and toned, reflecting regular lower body exercises.
  • Waist and Hips: A narrow waist that enhances his V-shaped torso, with proportionate hips.
  • Shoulders: Broad and well-built, contributing to a powerful upper body appearance.
  • Neck: Strong and muscular, in harmony with his athletic build.
Side View:

  • Tummy Flatness: Very flat, showcasing a lean and toned midsection.
  • Arms: Well-defined biceps and triceps, indicative of strength training.
  • Buttock Protrusion: Firm and well-rounded, a result of targeted gluteal workouts.
Back View:

  • Back: Broad and muscular, displaying a clear V-taper from shoulders to waist.
  • Waist: Narrow, emphasizing his upper body's broadness and athletic build.
  • Buttock Shape: Pronounced and sculpted, aligning with his overall muscular physique.
Dating History
  • University Experience: Ramon's stunning looks often attracted attention, but he found that most of his admirers were more captivated by his physical appearance rather than his personality. This superficial attention left him feeling disconnected.
  • Anxious Attachment Style: Ramon's deep longing for meaningful connections meant that he often felt unfulfilled in relationships. He yearned for partners who appreciated his intellectual and emotional depth, not just his looks.
  • Selective and Cautious: Despite numerous opportunities for romantic encounters, Ramon was selective. He avoided situations where he felt others were only interested in his external attributes. This led to a relatively average number of relationships, as he often ended things when he felt a lack of deeper connection or when he felt objectified.
  • Post-University Dating: As he matured, Ramon became more adept at identifying partners who were genuinely interested in him as a person. He sought relationships that offered emotional and intellectual compatibility.
  • Artistic Pursuits: Ramon has a deep appreciation for arts and culture. He often spends his weekends visiting art galleries, attending live music events, or engaging in his own creative hobbies like painting or playing a musical instrument.
  • Culinary Experiments: With a passion for cooking, he loves to explore new recipes, especially those that reflect his mixed heritage. He might spend a Saturday evening hosting a dinner party, showcasing his latest culinary creations.
  • Fitness Routine: Regular exercise is a crucial part of his lifestyle. He often dedicates time after work for gym sessions, where he focuses on weight training and cardio. On weekends, he might engage in outdoor activities like hiking or playing a sport.
  • Travel Planning: Ramon enjoys planning and going on trips, whether short local getaways or international travels. His love for exploring new cultures often has him researching or visiting new destinations.
  • Quiet Downtime: Despite his active lifestyle, Ramon values his quiet time. He might spend a Sunday afternoon reading a book, practicing meditation, or simply relaxing at home to recharge for the week ahead.


Physical Appearance & Overview:

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Overview: WASP origins, with an athletic, muscular build and a confident demeanor.
Personality, Career & Education:

  • Personality: Highly intelligent, competitive, charismatic, confident.
  • Career: Entrepreneur or high-ranking executive.
  • Education: Likely Ivy League or equivalent, excelling in academics and sports.
  • Hobbies & Weekend Activities: Sports like golf or tennis, traveling, charity work.
Facial Features:

  • Hair: Medium brown, trendy TikTok style.
  • Eyes: Clear blue, confident gaze.
  • Skin: Slightly tan.
  • Bone Structure: Well-proportioned, typical WASP features.
  • Lips: Proportionate, fitting his overall facial structure.
Body Type:

  • Front View: Muscular and defined chest, shoulders, and legs.
  • Side View: Flat stomach, muscular arms, proportionate buttocks.
  • Back View: Broad shoulders, athletic back, toned buttocks.
Romantic Approach & Attachment Style:

  • Romantic Approach: Extensive, diverse relationships.
  • Attachment Style: Avoidant, confident.
  • History: Diverse relationships, charismatic allure.

Todd's Body Profile:

Front View:

  • Chest: Exceptionally developed, showing prominent pectoral muscles. His chest indicates heavy weight training and possibly athletic activities like swimming or rowing.
  • Tummy: A highly defined six-pack, with each abdominal muscle distinctly visible. This suggests a rigorous core workout routine and disciplined nutrition.
  • Legs: Powerful quads and calves, showcasing significant muscle mass and definition, typical of someone engaged in high-intensity leg workouts like sprinting or cycling.
  • Waist and Hips: His waist is narrow, creating a pronounced V-taper from his broad shoulders down to his hips. His hips are proportionate, supporting his muscular build without being overly wide.
  • Shoulders: Broad and muscular, indicative of intensive upper body training. Todd's shoulders contribute to an imposing, athletic silhouette.
  • Neck: Thick and strong, in line with his overall muscular physique. It shows evidence of strength training and possibly contact sports.
Side View:

  • Tummy Flatness: Extremely flat and toned, with abdominal muscles clearly outlined. There is no protrusion, reflecting a low body fat percentage.
  • Arms: His biceps and triceps are well-defined, indicating significant strength and conditioning.
  • Buttock Protrusion: Firm and athletic, but not overly pronounced. His buttocks align with his athletic build, showing strength without excessive bulk.
Back View:

  • Back: His back is wide and muscular, displaying a clear V-taper that enhances his athletic figure. The muscles of the upper and lower back are well-defined.
  • Waist: His narrow waist accentuates the broadness of his back and shoulders.
  • Buttock Shape: Athletic and firm, aligning with his overall fitness level. It shows strength and power, typical of someone who includes comprehensive lower body training in their routine.

Todd's Dating and Hookup History:

  • Todd, with his charismatic and attractive qualities, has had a dynamic and varied dating history. At university, his striking appearance and social status likely drew considerable attention, leading to numerous romantic encounters.
  • Despite numerous opportunities for casual relationships, Todd also sought meaningful connections. His dating history includes both short-term flings and more serious relationships. He values genuine compatibility and shared interests, not solely physical attraction.
  • He has likely been cautious about fully committing, balancing his personal aspirations with his romantic life. His relationships are marked by a blend of charm and depth, though his high standards and busy lifestyle might have led to challenges in sustaining long-term commitments.
Social Groups:

  • Todd's social life is vibrant and diverse. He's part of elite circles, including fellow Ivy League alumni, business associates, and individuals from affluent backgrounds.
  • He maintains connections with a variety of groups, from sports enthusiasts and fellow entrepreneurs to philanthropists and cultural aficionados.
  • Todd is often the life of the party and a natural leader within his social groups. He's respected for his accomplishments and admired for his charisma.
Family Links:

  • Todd comes from a well-established, affluent family, which has afforded him a privileged upbringing and influential connections.
  • Domestically, his family might be involved in business, politics, or social philanthropy, providing him with a powerful network and a sense of responsibility to uphold the family legacy.
  • His family's influence extends to a wide network of associates and friends, some of whom are prominent figures in various sectors.
  • Internationally, his family's reach may include business connections and occasional overseas relations, though the core of his family's influence remains within domestic boundaries.
Social Media Presence:

  • Todd likely has a polished social media presence, showcasing his lifestyle, achievements, and travels. His posts reflect a balance of personal charm, professional success, and a glimpse into his luxurious lifestyle.
  • He uses social media as a tool for networking, brand building, and sharing his philanthropic endeavors, carefully curating his online image to align with his real-life persona.
  • Despite his active online presence, Todd values privacy and discretion, especially regarding his personal relationships and family matters.


Physical Appearance & Overview:

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Overview: Typical British appearance with a balanced, active-sedentary lifestyle.
Personality, Career & Education:

  • Personality: Amiable, sociable, practical.
  • Career: Rising star in tech or finance, showing early signs of significant success and leadership potential.
  • Education: Reputable university degree.
  • Hobbies & Weekend Activities: Pub socializing, sports fan, local/European travel.
Facial Features:

  • Hair: Short, practical style, natural color.
  • Eyes: Warm, friendly.
  • Skin: Fair to pale.
  • Bone Structure: Less defined jawline, softer features.
  • Lips: Thin.
Body Type:

  • Front View: Average chest, has a bit of a belly, average legs.
  • Side View: Soft rounded stomach, average arm definition, less pronounced buttocks.
  • Back View: Average shoulders, average-chubby waist, average and flabby buttocks.
Romantic Approach & Attachment Style:

  • Romantic Approach: Realistic, gradual commitment, affectionate.
  • Attachment Style: Secure, preferring steady progression.
  • History: Stable relationships, preferring emotional connection over intensity.

Oliver's Facial Features:

  • Jaw: Oliver’s jawline is less pronounced than Ramon's, more typical of Northern European traits. It gives him a friendly, approachable look.
  • Lips: His lips are proportionate but may not be as full as Ramon’s. They fit well with his overall facial structure.
  • Skin: Oliver's skin is fair to pale, typical for a British man. He might be prone to sunburn or ruddiness, especially under harsh weather conditions.
  • Eyes: Oliver has common eye colors like blue or green, which are warm and friendly. They might lack the intensity of Ramon’s but are inviting and expressive.
  • Brow and Lash Density/Darkness: His eyebrows and lashes are average in thickness and darkness, complementing his softer facial features.
  • Eye Shape: Oliver's eye shape aligns with British features, possibly rounder, conveying openness and amiability.
  • Facial Leanness: Depending on his physique (skinnyfat or slightly chubby), Oliver's face might have a bit more roundness, lacking the chiseled leanness of Ramon’s.
  • Norwood Scale: As a man in his late 20s, Oliver has a NW2-3 hairline, which is normal for Northern Europeans.

Oliver's Dating History:

  • University Experience: Oliver's experiences in university were more typical. He had a balanced social life and formed relationships that were often grounded in shared interests and mutual attraction.
  • Secure Attachment Style: Oliver displays a secure attachment style. He is comfortable with intimacy and independence, leading to healthier and more balanced relationships.
  • Consistent and Grounded: Oliver's relationships were characterized by mutual respect and shared values. He was not overly influenced by physical appearance and instead focused on building connections based on personality and common interests.
  • Post-University Dating: After university, Oliver continued to pursue relationships that were emotionally fulfilling and stable. His approach to dating was pragmatic, often seeking long-term compatibility and a partner who shared his life goals and interests.

Oliver's Hobbies and Weekend Activities:

  • Sports and Fitness: Oliver enjoys staying active. He might play in a local amateur football or rugby league, or go for jogs and gym workouts. His weekends often include some form of physical activity.
  • Socializing in Pub Culture: A fan of the British pub culture, Oliver spends time with friends at local pubs, enjoying conversations, a pint, and maybe watching a sports game.
  • Media Consumption: Relaxing at home with British media, whether catching up on a favorite BBC series or watching a quiz show, is a common weekend activity for Oliver.
  • DIY Projects and Gardening: He might engage in practical hobbies like DIY home projects or tending to a garden, finding satisfaction in these hands-on activities.
  • Local Events and Outings: Oliver likes to stay connected with his community. He may participate in local events, go to a movie, or explore nearby attractions with friends or family.
  • Quiet Leisure: Like Ramon, Oliver also values downtime. He may spend a quiet evening reading, cooking a simple meal, or planning his next holiday.
Bitches would look at this and focus on dick size alone
easy one

either todd or ramon

from that description they would at least be chadlites, can slay mtb and htb on a regular basis

the other guy is MTN betabuxx material
has to get lucky if he wants to LTR a htb or mtb
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Do you think Ramon would choose you?
Who do you think Todd would pick
Ramons personality is similar to my partner in alot of ways

Todd probably would pick a trophy wife. For someone like him appearances are very important
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Ramons personality is similar to my partner in alot of ways

Todd probably would pick a trophy wife. For someone like him appearances are very important
Who do you think looks better?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
Dating History
  • University Experience: Ramon's stunning looks often attracted attention, but he found that most of his admirers were more captivated by his physical appearance rather than his personality. This superficial attention left him feeling disconnected.
  • Anxious Attachment Style: Ramon's deep longing for meaningful connections meant that he often felt unfulfilled in relationships. He yearned for partners who appreciated his intellectual and emotional depth, not just his looks.
  • Selective and Cautious: Despite numerous opportunities for romantic encounters, Ramon was selective. He avoided situations where he felt others were only interested in his external attributes. This led to a relatively average number of relationships, as he often ended things when he felt a lack of deeper connection or when he felt objectified.
  • Post-University Dating: As he matured, Ramon became more adept at identifying partners who were genuinely interested in him as a person. He sought relationships that offered emotional and intellectual compatibility.
@LooksOrDeath why todd
@goatedjordan23 why ramon
dnr get a life retard
@marauder @sportsmogger
@guuguugaagaa @Skywalker @edgemaxx @try2beme @Ryan @Pogin_chan @Meraki @DeformedCell @RAMU KAKA @optimisticzoomer @Gonthar @Saen @Chintuck22 @HerpDerpson
  • Love it
Reactions: Skywalker
@Obito @Bojack @yeeyeeslayer @Shogun @Bonesbonesbonesbone @HQNPmaxxing @jabbatheslut @GnomePilledSigma @pessimistic @apemaxxed @SecularIslamist @stamaster21
todd and i wont elaborate
  • +1
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