0 tinder matches.. WTF

You look 40 though.
Unironically looks cool as fuck dude
You look 40 though.
I don't have wrinkles but true I don't have the youthful look cuz I've got minimal fat, if I had a smaller skull the skin would be drooping, almost no soft tissue below skin
when he wrote "and wear a hat", it made me laugh a little, no offense. I was imagine this ... "DUDE, HOW I CAN'T GET TINDER MATCHES, I WEAR A FUCKING HAT!"
  • JFL
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The rate me here is a better version of r/roastme
  • JFL
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Go out and slay, instead of surfing in a sea of landwhales on Tinder
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Go out and slay, instead of surfing in a sea of landwhales on Tinder
Where.. At work all I have are old nurses and entitled colleagues.. If you think females are entitled you didn't interact with female doctors.. No social circle. And in my country to go to a club you need to have a woman with you to prevent it from turning into a sausage party.. Where the hell would I find women
  • +1
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Where.. At work all I have are old nurses and entitled colleagues.. If you think females are entitled you didn't interact with female doctors.. No social circle. And in my country to go to a club you need to have a woman with you to prevent it from turning into a sausage party.. Where the hell would I find women
Try to enroll in a gym or engage some sport activity where there are women
  • JFL
Reactions: thereallegend

this picture looks not good.

This picture does look good:

* women are not stupid.
They assume you look ugly bald. Since all your pics are hat pics.

Set your age as 29, by they way.
  • JFL
Reactions: DharkDC
You look good its weird that you dont get even 1 match.. maybe reset your account.

But wtf.. is your style a joke? Are you trolling? I cant man i just cant...😂😂
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 12669
Stylemaxxing is utter cringe
If you don't know what you're doing like OP then yes, but generally speaking you shouldn't "stylemax", you have classs and taste = you wear suits and elegant clothing, you are a peasant = you wear casual clothing, it has nothing to do with wanting to impress others
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You look like you’re from the early 1900s. I can’t imagine any young guy at bar with a group of friends dressed like this
No way, I dress like I'm from the early 1900s and I dress way better, he dresses like someone who wants to wear elegant clothing but has no idea how.
OP, dm me for advice on how to dress with class
you look like a terrorist despite being gl. also buy am iphone bro what the fuck you doing with a windows
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
Just shave it off bro, it's just a mustache.
  • JFL
Reactions: gamma
Is that what girls really want? His nose is a failo, eye area is normie tier and no bones.
His eye area is not bad just because he has slight upper eyelid exposure JFL and if you think it's "normie tier" I suggest you go outside and observe most normies' eyes because they are way way shittier.
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
I can't understand the people trolling me because of my clothes. What's wrong with wearing a 500 dollars jacket when the median monthly income in your country is 400, It shows that you have the means to do so
Whats with the 1940’s style bro? You look like you’re tryna bag Anne Frank
  • JFL
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where are you from
@Reasonistian what is your ethnicity? genuinely curious.
you are obviously hiding a giant bald head and girls dont like that
  • JFL
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You are definitely a good looking lad but just gives off French M'lady vibes and that's autistic af.
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Stylemaxxing is utter cringe, especially on tinder, shirtless gym selfies have 10X the SMV then some stupid jacket you bought for $399
JFL if you call this "style"
I can't understand the people trolling me because of my clothes. What's wrong with wearing a 500 dollars jacket when the median monthly income in your country is 400, It shows that you have the means to do so
You can wear the most expensive clothes in the world, but if you don't know how to dress elegantly it won't matter, it's not just about the price, you need to know how to combine them
The balding ethnic man child of Salih and Gandy. Honestly the clothes aren’t bad, you look the right age for it. The scarf is too much though. Take a pic with a car or something, that might get you more attention. You look like you just spend all your money on clothes.
tfw isis memeber finds time machine
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadakin
Last online: May 10th

Rest in peace friend. The norwood reaper has claimed yet another innocent soul
Muh blue eyes halo ethnics more than whites :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

cope # 44625125

No wonder op has higher smv than zach cox

I don't think it's the hairloss at all, or your overall looks. You do have decent features but your pictures are terrible. There's a creepy vibe to your pics like you are dressing up on your own just to take the picture, it feels unnatural and forced. You remind of those r/malefashionadvice autists with no self-awareness. Your pics are all taken in what looks like your living room, they don't exactly emanate social status and this isn't congruent with your urban style. The hatmaxxing is also counter productive, it draws attention to what you're hiding. As a balding guy also, I put no hat pics at the front of my profile, and I get a fair amount of matches. Just suck it up and put a confident no hat pic as your main picture, a lot of women will swipe left but the women who don't mind bald men will prefer that type of pic to an insecure man in a hat.

I would go out to some place like a bar or coffee shop with good natural lighting and get a friend to take some pics of you. It will look more natural and it also frames you in what women consider a dating environment. Also having pics with other people is incredibly important, especially if they are white and female.
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