1 month of bonesmashing: current report



The forum just went down baby, down
Aug 21, 2018
So I've been punching my zygos almost on a daily basis for a month (punching with a lot of force to the point I got dizzy, you aren't bonesmashing if you aren't simulating a fight) and here are the current results and future plans:

- Harder zygos, this isn't a placebo. When I began God did my fucking cheeks hurt like hell, but after 23 days or so I lost sensitivity or it got harder or who knows, the thing is I got them harder somehow, it hurts way less.
- Swelling. Yeah where you punch it swells, end of the story.
- Bruises. Got a few of them but they only lasted 1 or days at max, they were small.
- Better zygos. Now this is when everybody wil say that it's too soon but I can promise you that my zygos looks more prominent (forming a curious slight curve). This hasn't made a difference in my life but hopefully I will see differences after more months.

Plans for the forthcoming time:
- I will begin smashing my shins (like in moai tai, it will help with rugby), knuckles, infraorbitals and brow (from time to time, my brow is already good).

In the beginning it's harsh, it's even more harsh to consistently punch yourself everyday (because it hurts). But it's dom and I will demonstrate bonesmashing. If you are young (IE <20's) you should bonesmash while bones are still more malleable.

Will makke a report next month.

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Did someone finally figure out how to train face?
So I've been punching my zygos almost on a daily basis for a month (punching with a lot of force to the point I got dizzy, you aren't bonesmashing if you aren't simulating a fight) and here are the current results and future plans:

- Harder zygos, this isn't a placebo. When I began God did my fucking cheeks hurt like hell, but after 23 days or so I lost sensitivity or it got harder or who knows, the thing is I got them harder somehow, it hurts way less.
- Swelling. Yeah where you punch it swells, end of the story.
- Bruises. Got a few of them but they only lasted 1 or days at max, they were small.
- Better zygos. Now this is when everybody wil say that it's too soon but I can promise you that my zygos looks more prominent (forming a curious slight curve). This hasn't made a difference in my life but hopefully I will see differences after more months.

Plans for the forthcoming time:
- I will begin smashing my shins (like in moai tai, it will help with rugby), knuckles, infraorbitals and brow (from time to time, my brow is already good).

In the beginning it's harsh, it's even more harsh to consistently punch yourself everyday (because it hurts). But it's dom and I will demonstrate bonesmashing. If you are young (IE <20's) you should bonesmash while bones are still more malleable.

Will makke a report next month.

Pics or it didnt happen.

I saw this guys Zygos like 2 days ago on snapchat, they dont exist lol.
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You're trolling
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Just McCainMaxx bro.


The Vietnamese bonesmashed him, which is why he's so lumpy.

This would be useless for me as I need to remain a soft boy inside and out for my BoyMaxxing.
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We need before and after pictures.

Can you provide citations?

Nerve loss/insensitivity doesn't directly suggest bone/frame growth.
Prolonged bonesmashing would lead to damaged collagen and collagen is very important for high class halo.
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Is dicksmashing legit?
Should I start smashing my dick with a hammer to make it grow?
The dick isn't a bone so wolff's law doesn't apply

Wolff's law and I did a thread about this a month ago

"Wolff's law".

This nigga.

Stop acting like this is a mathematicaly backed theory and valued by academia world wide like "Newtons Law" or "Hookes law".

This some autistic shit.
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Is this a joke wtf
Seems legit tbh. How do you do it? i will try it out and also has it some effect on youre skin? i think it makes youre skin loose from all the blows

Basically when I feel like it I begin punching my zygos as much as I can, and then more. You need to simulate a fight. It will be painful and harsh but that's how it is.

About the skin I will search about the effects on collagen and whatnot and make a thread. For now all I can tell is that there will be swelling and some minor bruises, can't tell if it's loose or not (there isn't that much skin in the cheeks)
Not sure if this is a troll post or legit
can I bonesmash my eyes back into my skull? nope? then stfu
"Wolff's law".

This nigga.

Stop acting like this is a mathematicaly backed theory and valued by academia world wide like "Newtons Law" or "Hookes law".

This some autistic shit.

Wolffs law is legit but it says that causing repeated microfractures to a bone will make it harden, not that it will get bigger

otherwise muay thai fighters would have 50 inch shin circumference, which they dont
Just McCainMaxx bro.


The Vietnamese bonesmashed him, which is why he's so lumpy.

This would be useless for me as I need to remain a soft boy inside and out for my BoyMaxxing.
every time i read boymaxxing i wanna fucking literally break your fucking hands so you cant type it anymore
can I bonesmash my eyes back into my skull? nope? then stfu
the fuck you saying retard, go vent somewhere else
Not sure if this is a troll post or legit
100% legit, you will see another one in a month
Wolffs law is legit but it says that causing repeated microfractures to a bone will make it harden, not that it will get bigger

otherwise muay thai fighters would have 50 inch shin circumference, which they dont
chins actually grow

This bad boy here got kicked by a horse and the bone actually grew, wolff's law it's legit; and even if they didn't grow having hard af zygos is op in a fight
the fuck you saying retard, go vent somewhere else

100% legit, you will see another one in a month

chins actually grow

This bad boy here got kicked by a horse and the bone actually grew, wolff's law it's legit; and even if they didn't grow having hard af zygos is op in a fight

Looks more like there was a major fracture there and it healed improperly

But keep experimenting, maybe you will make a discovery. You should get X-Ray scans though to have any validity
You should get X-Ray scans though to have any validity
I'd do but I'm 17yo and broke, not the best combination to request expensive x-rays
Looks more like there was a major fracture there and it healed improperly
Imagine constant microfractures then, you know man, there's only one way to test it
You will never be able to Bonesmash as much as a boxer, I am not sure if there is a correlation between the length of the bones that absorb must of the shots for a boxer compare to the average individual but it seems to be at best very marginal. So at best you can get a fraction of a very marginal structural facial change if that logic holds.
You will never be able to Bonesmash as much as a boxer, I am not sure if there is a correlation between the length of the bones that absorb must of the shots for a boxer compare to the average individual but it seems to be at best very marginal. So at best you can get a fraction of a very marginal structural facial change if that logic holds.
still worth a shot to see if it works, that's like saying that you will never be able to get as good results hardmewing as a dude who hardmews+is able to be upside down (gravity in his favour) all day without dying
I'd do but I'm 17yo and broke, not the best combination to request expensive x-rays

Imagine constant microfractures then, you know man, there's only one way to test it

Well like I said its already been tested for centuries in thailand by muay thai fighters - they kick shit with their shins all their life which makes the bone harden so they can literally chop trees with leg kicks... but the bones are not any bigger than normal
Well like I said its already been tested for centuries in thailand by muay thai fighters - they kick shit with their shins all their life which makes the bone harden so they can literally chop trees with leg kicks... but the bones are not any bigger than normal
I think they do grow, even then, the shins are long bones while facial bones are not, they may react differently
I want to believe you man, I really do. Keep us updated and eventually share progress pics.
I want to believe you man, I really do. Keep us updated and eventually share progress pics.
mate, I would never lie or troll, I will share progress once I see enough of a change, I promise
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I have a feeling you're just building up scar tissue and not affecting the prominence of your bones.
going to bonesmash my spine brb
Jesus christo this is the most retarded shit ive seen
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