16 and 13 yo - Is it a good age gap?



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Oct 15, 2019
Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
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Wouldn't have mattered like a decade ago. NOW it does.
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Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
Kinda weird at that age tbh if you were 20 and she was 16 it would be fine
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  • Hmm...
  • Woah
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Agepill, don't waste your time..

The least you could do is avoid people who do that, this forum is a shithole.
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go for it
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doesnt matter tbh
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im waiting for my senior halo to kick in ill be fully softmaxxed by then and i heard freshman girls have a thing for seniors
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Yes tbh. Looking for The same.
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im waiting for my senior halo to kick in ill be fully softmaxxed by then and i heard freshman girls have a thing for seniors
girls have a thing for good looking seniors
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Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
Nigga u nasty
And if you do anything her parents are going to give u a lawsuit for statatory rape
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Yes normal
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
they like that shit

some 13 year olds be fucking 19 year olds
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, Deleted member 5180, Jamal2222 and 5 others
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Bad age gap. as a 16 yr old people will look at you weird & some will think u a pedo for even mentioning a 13 yr old in a sexual context.
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Bad age gap. as a 16 yr old people will look at you weird & some will think u a pedo for even mentioning a 13 yr old in a sexual context.
13 yo's are massive sluts nowadays, probably shes not even virgin

Only 11-12 yo are virgin nowadays
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Bad age gap. as a 16 yr old people will look at you weird & some will think u a pedo for even mentioning a 13 yr old in a sexual context.
Im in the 10th grade and I feel weird when 8th graders hit on me
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Im in the 10th grade and I feel weird when 8th graders hit on me
Keep feeling bad while 11th graders fuck them
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Depends age of consent in your country
Keep feeling bad while 11th graders fuck them
I mean the one who hit on me was fine but I usly go for girls older than me I dated like 2 17 year olds and fucked a 18 year old and I’m only 15 I had told her I was 17😂
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I mean the one who hit on me was fine but I usly go for girls older than me I dated like 2 17 year olds and fucked a 18 year old and I’m only 15 I had told her I was 17😂
Bro you will regret not going for JBs later
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13 yo's are massive sluts nowadays, probably shes not even virgin

Only 11-12 yo are virgin nowadays
My sisters 13 & shes still sheltered. no social media, scared to talk to guys, etc. depends on the individual
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you will get bullied for it.
imagine dating 2007 kids hahaha
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you will get bullied for it.
imagine dating 2007 kids hahaha
Tbh that’s the reason I date older people so I can get more attention and rase my smv and get known
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18 yo guys used to fuck girls from my class when we were 13-14
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  • Ugh..
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Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
Don't do anything sexual with her ur both underage but you'll be charged the same as an adult.
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Reactions: Deleted member 9344 and PubertyMaxxer
Don't do anything sexual with her ur both underage but you'll be charged the same as an adult.
Ik she has birthday in 7 months and will be legal then
Ik she has birthday in 7 months and will be legal then
So u saying your about to wait 7 months until her birthday your just wasting your time just find someone else
Knowing that you live in Brazil, I can tell that you must have not hanged around girls very often. 13 year old girls very often date men in 20's bro, these men even wait for them at the school exit jfl
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Jamal2222, Deleted member 9344 and PubertyMaxxer
yea u good, just don't cuff her
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Knowing that you live in Brazil, I can tell that you must have not hanged around girls very often. 13 year old girls very often date men in 20's bro, these men even wait for them at the school exit jfl
They on some weird shit in Brazil then
im waiting for my senior halo to kick in ill be fully softmaxxed by then and i heard freshman girls have a thing for seniors
yeah that country is very open to teen girls dating dudes in late teens and 20's it seems

usa would freak out about a 20 year old dating a 16 year old
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yeah that country is very open to teen girls dating dudes in late teens and 20's it seems

usa would freak out about a 20 year old dating a 16 year old
Yea I’d be nervous to date a girl who not even in high school
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yeah that country is very open to teen girls dating dudes in late teens and 20's it seems

usa would freak out about a 20 year old dating a 16 year old
USA is a shithole
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You already know what this guy thinks of the question btw @personalityinkwell

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only if your are gl, popular or nt imo, my ex was crushing on a senior that was popular because he was smart
im ht normie with status, i just need to liftsmaxx

its time to slay
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Knowing that you live in Brazil, I can tell that you must have not hanged around girls very often. 13 year old girls very often date men in 20's bro, these men even wait for them at the school exit jfl

same here in the UK (bearing in mind i'm an oldcel so i'm going back a while!)

Dudes in their 20's would pick up the hot 14 year olds from school and drive somewhere and fuck their brains out lol.
Loads of girls were pregnant at my school, too

It's a different time now, though.

If you can do it and not get in trouble with the law of have you head caved in by her big brothers, then go for it OP. Would be fun to smash, i'm sure
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i knew an 18yrold with a 14 year old and it ended so bad ignoring that its gross as fuck too
just dont do it
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And when I say weird I mean looked down upon
problem is also that people cope with saying that an older guy could take advantage of her/manipulate her into sex etc (as if some super ugly 16 year old would have the same chance as you or some other 16 year old who she is actually physically attracted too lol)

But morons think girls under 18 have the same brains as 5 year old girls who you actually COULD manipulate into doing things with shit like reverse psychology etc lol (so it's a bit of a lose lose for a guy nowadays)

I'd pay good money to get one of these reddit neck beards to try to pull some hot 17 year old. ('i'd never try to bang a girl who would be so easy to manipulate into sex due to the age gap')

His world would crush
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Prime jb
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