16 and 13 yo - Is it a good age gap?

Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
Go for it it's better than rotting here
pm pics tbh ngl
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Alwyas larp as 18 tbh as they will think yiu can be older

Older halo tbh
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Shes most likely childish if shes 13
Dont waste your time
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I mean the one who hit on me was fine but I usly go for girls older than me I dated like 2 17 year olds and fucked a 18 year old and I’m only 15 I had told her I was 17😂
you're lucky
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Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
It's fine, and it's very common for guys to date girls who are a few years younger than them, it's more common to see that than to see a 13 year old guy dating a 16 year old girl so go for it, there is a huge downside though, it will take forever before you're able to have sex, which is why when I was 18, I wasn't interested in dating 16 year olds even if they liked me, but at the same time, if you don't have other options, then go for it. A 3 year difference for minors is the limit I think in most countries.
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I know a 13 year old with a body count of 15.
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problem is also that people cope with saying that an older guy could take advantage of her/manipulate her into sex etc (as if some super ugly 16 year old would have the same chance as you or some other 16 year old who she is actually physically attracted too lol)

But morons think girls under 18 have the same brains as 5 year old girls who you actually COULD manipulate into doing things with shit like reverse psychology etc lol (so it's a bit of a lose lose for a guy nowadays)

I'd pay good money to get one of these reddit neck beards to try to pull some hot 17 year old. ('i'd never try to bang a girl who would be so easy to manipulate into sex due to the age gap')

His world would crush
pulling a hot 17 year old in your 20's is chad only territory
  • JFL
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Warning ⚠ ⚠⚠⚠

Don’t listen to anyone except me

goom or ur gay
pulling a hot 17 year old in your 20's is chad only territory
of course.
Or a hot 15 year old in your 20's, or 30's
Or a hot 17 year old in your 20's
Or a hot 16 year old in your 40's

But what's funny is the view most men have (I see this all the time on reddit)

They are of the belief that the reason some random 27 year old shouldn't try to bang a hot 16 year old is because he can 'manipulate' her into sex due to being older and having more life experience and that she's 'still a child' etc etc.

It's so funny.

They have no idea what these girls are like nowadays and what would ACTUALLY happen if, for some reason, they actually tried to pick one of these girls up using their big adult words to manipulate her (assuming he's not handsome). She'd actually laugh in his face, call him ugly, snap a pic of him to send to her 6000 insta followers to humiliate him, and then check her onlyfans account to see how she's doing that day
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Knowing that you live in Brazil, I can tell that you must have not hanged around girls very often. 13 year old girls very often date men in 20's bro, these men even wait for them at the school exit jfl
LMAO 😂😂😂😂😂
Met a hot 13 yo through snap (pm for pic)

When i said i was 16 she said "oh"

Do you think its a good age gap and why?
You’re a pussy if you live in Brazil an you’re not taking this opportunity. You’re in the third world JFL.
same here in the UK (bearing in mind i'm an oldcel so i'm going back a while!)

Dudes in their 20's would pick up the hot 14 year olds from school and drive somewhere and fuck their brains out lol.
Loads of girls were pregnant at my school, too

It's a different time now, though.

If you can do it and not get in trouble with the law of have you head caved in by her big brothers, then go for it OP. Would be fun to smash, i'm sure
Yeah these people must totally unaware of their surroundings and thinking women lose their virginity with 18~20 years old :lul::lul::lul::lul:
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You should go for other girls while she is still 13 and once she turns 14 you can hit it just to be safe legally and not get any statutory rape charge.

But morons think girls under 18 have the same brains as 5 year old girls who you actually COULD manipulate into doing things with shit like reverse psychology etc lol (so it's a bit of a lose lose for a guy nowadays)
The problem is the morons put them on a pedestal to where even if they initiated it they are the victims. I won't forget about around HS there was this older guy like 28 dating a 14 yr old. She invited him over constantly and then her parents found out which led to his arrest. She was painted as a victim and I remember the news was painting her like a victim even though the people who knew these know she was the one inviting him in and keeping his belongings in her room.
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