193 cm asian guy visit the Netherlands

Fucking brutal. How does he keep his mental sanity intact?
He probably copes with porn or escorts, but if I were a 5'3 currycel in the Netherlands, I would rope.
Fucking brutal. How does he keep his mental sanity intact?
He was on this forum but afaik he gym maxxes (he has decent stats) but he’s a neet currently.
interesting, imagine the difference in height between the Netherlands and other euro countries in the 1980s when other countries hadn't had their height jump yet but NL had 2m guys walking around
Brutal that all the oldcels could die with that secret knowledge and not have the specific form of milk passed on to maintain a giga mogger super race

presumably the mothers of the 2m oldcels weren't much taller than that though since you'd be going back many decades

the reason why there's so many tall men in the netherlands, is because hypergamy is insane here.
Short men simply don't reproduce, meanwhile tall men have many kids.
Of course u gonna see at least one tall hoe if you’re outside for hours everyday coming across hundreds if not thousands of people.

I have been to Germany and the average woman is not that tall. I think u guys are exaggerating how tall Germanics are. If you’re 5’10/5’11 u will height mog at least 95% of women u come across on a daily basis.
Dude, stop the cope - - I live here, why do people think they know better than me? Visit the Netherlands next time, not Germany.
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And old dutch boomer told me that his brother and many other men of the same generation off men are 195cm+ because of the cow milk that was pumped with some shit in the past or something. I think there’s some truth too that, because almost all my friends have fathers that are significantly taller than them, like at minimum 5cm+. My chadlite mates father is 199cm and he’s only 191cm tall. My two other incel mates are 187cm and their father is 195cm. Most of my friends get height mogged by their fathers

Would you say that the dutch are the biggest moggers facially btw?
"only" 191cm jfl

you didn't ask me but i wouldn't say dutchs are the biggest moggers terms of face
Height is cope, it's all about race.
i also agree that height is cope at least at like 5'9 or 5'10

but it would be so cringe to be 5'5 in NL
i also agree that height is cope at least at like 5'9 or 5'10

but it would be so cringe to be 5'5 in NL
Oops I wrote race but I meant face.
that crazy I’m 6'2 how bad would I get my height mogged in the netherlands
I'll say your height is around 85th percentile
Don't listen to the curries who'll say youll be avg
You'll get heightmogged sometimes here and there
The true thing is that you'll see more tall guys in just one day than you would see in few months living anywhere else.
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I wish i was a 2 Meter Dutch prettyboy :feelsbadman:
Dude, stop the cope - - I live here, why do people think they know better than me? Visit the Netherlands next time, not Germany.
Germany, Netherlands it’s the same fucking people dude. JFL

You’re the one coping here. Just accept the fact that you’re shorter than whatever height you’re claiming.

“Muh foids height mog me bro”
  • +1
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they all look so proud when talking abt their height... i wanted to be like that too
Germany, Netherlands it’s the same fucking people dude. JFL

You’re the one coping here. Just accept the fact that you’re shorter than whatever height you’re claiming.

“Muh foids height mog me bro”

I live in germany and tower over 99,9%
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I guess you are new here (your gray username gives it away) but I live in The Netherlands. Go ask @MoggerGaston about Dutch women and how tall they are.
same in baltics
im 180cm and there are many woman heightmogging me here jfl

i understand how western europeans think we are lying
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Germany, Netherlands it’s the same fucking people dude. JFL

You’re the one coping here. Just accept the fact that you’re shorter than whatever height you’re claiming.

“Muh foids height mog me bro”
its not like you get heightmogged by every single girl but you will get height mogged by woman on a daily basis at 180cm in dutch and baltics

3 girls from my class were above 183cm ( saw their passports)
its not like you get heightmogged by every single girl but you will get height mogged by woman on a daily basis at 180cm in dutch and baltics

3 girls from my class were above 183cm ( saw their passports)
Like I said earlier of course u will have atleast a woman or two close to your height or even taller if you’re outside everyday for hours. You’re literally walking past hundreds if not thousands of people.

But morons on this site are trying to paint a narrative that people in these countries (Germanics, Baltics etc…) are way taller than they really are. And that’s what I have a problem with.
  • +1
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Like I said earlier of course u will have atleast a woman or two close to your height or even taller if you’re outside everyday for hours. You’re literally walking past hundreds if not thousands of people.

But morons on this site are trying to paint a narrative that people in these countries (Germanics, Baltics etc…) are way taller than they really are. And that’s what I have a problem with.
they are way taller than in most countries. man and woman
This guy being 204 seems mega cap
C553F875 3618 4176 80B3 57F5B0A4D078
  • +1
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they are way taller than in most countries. man and woman
If dudes are getting height mogged daily at 5’10/5’11 by women then that would mean the average women is almost close to that height which is fucking bullshit.
  • Hmm...
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6'0" is average, so it's okay-ish, but you'll get heightfogged and heightmogged on a daily basis.
dude how can a man of a height you agree is average get heightmogged by women on a daily basis? How does that even make sense? Average man and woman are 5 inches apart, you're basically saying women who are 7-8 inches above average, 0th percentile if not less, are common
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If dudes are getting height mogged daily at 5’10/5’11 by women then that would mean the average women is almost close to that height which is fucking bullshit.
i would say like 171 cm would still be average
just the fact that there are shit ton of tall foids unlike in western europe

180cm isnt death height, its just below average for a man.
  • Hmm...
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Like I said earlier of course u will have atleast a woman or two close to your height or even taller if you’re outside everyday for hours. You’re literally walking past hundreds if not thousands of people.

But morons on this site are trying to paint a narrative that people in these countries (Germanics, Baltics etc…) are way taller than they really are. And that’s what I have a problem with.
you should see reddit jfl, worse than here even. Google "how tall are the dutch reddit", "how tall netherlands reddit" or something like that and read the threads that come up. Some hilariously ridiculous claims, guys saying 6'5 was average in their high school, that they know a lot of 6'7 women, that they feel short in their friend group at 6'3, a 6'5 guy saying he gets heightmogged all the time etc. Either normies are completely delusional about height or it's some joke/national pride thing the Dutch do, like Australians and "drop bears".
  • +1
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you should see reddit jfl, worse than here even. Google "how tall are the dutch reddit", "how tall netherlands reddit" or something like that and read the threads that come up. Some hilariously ridiculous claims, guys saying 6'5 was average in their high school, that they know a lot of 6'7 women, that they feel short in their friend group at 6'3, a 6'5 guy saying he gets heightmogged all the time etc. Either normies are completely delusional about height or it's some joke/national pride thing the Dutch do, like Australians and "drop bears".
I think I have seen someone post a screenshot of that thread on here JFL.

From my experience most people either lie about their height or they are just guessing. Every time I measure people they are usually 2-7cm shorter than what they have claimed. They always in denial when they are measured right lmao.
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you should see reddit jfl, worse than here even. Google "how tall are the dutch reddit", "how tall netherlands reddit" or something like that and read the threads that come up. Some hilariously ridiculous claims, guys saying 6'5 was average in their high school, that they know a lot of 6'7 women, that they feel short in their friend group at 6'3, a 6'5 guy saying he gets heightmogged all the time etc. Either normies are completely delusional about height or it's some joke/national pride thing the Dutch do, like Australians and "drop bears".
Reddit has a lot of people capping about height because a 6’7 woman is rare asf
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this is not frauded, the average white man is 6'1.5 100%

6'5 is not rare or something.

over for dutch 179cm (me)
dude how can a man of a height you agree is average get heightmogged by women on a daily basis? How does that even make sense? Average man and woman are 5 inches apart, you're basically saying women who are 7-8 inches above average, 0th percentile if not less, are common
The average for women isn't 6'0" but there are plenty of women who are 5'11"+. And if you live in a city like me, or you travel throughout the country, then you're bound to see 6'0"+ women on a daily basis. It's not implausible like you make it seem.
I'm 5'10" or 5'11" (not sure, I think former is barefoot and latter is with regular sneakers on, no heightfrauding type of shoes). Yes, I get heightmogged daily -- by both men and women, it's unreal.
i would have committed suicide a long time ago, race mogged and height mogged on the daily is brutal.
i would have committed suicide a long time ago, race mogged and height mogged on the daily is brutal.
Jfl, I wouldn't want to be another race but yes, daily heightmogs and facemogs are brutal.
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Land of chads
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i was part of a rowing fraternity in the netherlands. the shortest guy in this picture, on the right, was 6'3.
at 6'0 i was one of the SHORTEST GUYS in the entire fraternity (~500 people)


i couldnt cope
Average American Olympic rower is 6'4 dude, you'd be short even in an American rowing team. Rowers are generally very tall, I'm guessing it's because a long wingspan is essential for the sport. And that number is from a 1992 study too, it's probably like 6'5 now so even in the US the 6'3 guy would be below average in his team despite being tall af for an American male. These guys aren't representative of the Dutch population as a whole, it's like showing a US college basketball team as evidence that Americans are giga heightmoggers.
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if i had this height, i wdoultn e incel
if i had this height, i wdoultn e incel
Save up for LL then. If that is truly the only thing keeping you an incel, which I doubt but wtv, you have a clear concrete goal to work towards. One of the best (but non-premium) LL surgeons is in your country, Dr. Giotikas.
I recognize this train station. It's in Amsterdam. I'm going there again this week. Hopefully this Korean chang won't be there.
EDIT: My friend flaked out on me, wants to reschedule.
Most of the guys claiming 2m were blatantly lying, seeing as they were almost the same height as the subject.

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