20 year Old low energy, low testosterone, low motivation, low sex drive, get physically bullied and mocked... will exogenous testosterone help?



Nov 24, 2019
What the actuall hell does someone at this age (20), an ugly currycell, do when they have low testosterone and everyone tells them that this is when their testosterone peaks? I got low energy, need tons of sleep yet still aren't refreshed, have to sleep and take naps, feel exhausted, and have bad skin. No idea what to do, I have heard about exogenous testosterone but is this really the cure? Would it not just suppress my natural levels of testosterone instead? What about side effects like acne etc... It sucks being ugly and having no energy at the same time. I have the "energy" of a grandma... Any ideas guys?
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sleep apnea?
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get on TRT srs. all these symptoms are signs of low testosterone. a 20 year old man should not be experiencing this.
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get on TRT srs. all these symptoms are signs of low testosterone. a 20 year old man should not be experiencing this.
Okay, but won't that make me go bald? Hair is one of the few things I do have.. and I have heard that TRT will just ruin my natural production of test?
sleep apnea?
Not sure, should I get tested for that? Can you PM me?
Okay, but won't that make me go bald? Hair is one of the few things I do have.. and I have heard that TRT will just ruin my natural production of test?

Not sure, should I get tested for that? Can you PM me?
i doubt it. get ur blood work done. go to a male doctor and tell him your symptoms and ask for a blood test. your goal should be getting your blood work now and getting on TRT.
i doubt it. get ur blood work done. go to a male doctor and tell him your symptoms and ask for a blood test. your goal should be getting your blood work now and getting on TRT.
Can I PM you with some questions to maintain a degree of privacy? Totally new to this and want some advice and directionality... Would mean a lot.
Can I PM you with some questions to maintain a degree of privacy? Totally new to this and want some advice and directionality... Would mean a lot.
yeah i may not know a lot but i can help
i doubt it. get ur blood work done. go to a male doctor and tell him your symptoms and ask for a blood test. your goal should be getting your blood work now and getting on TRT.
lol he should be fixing his underlying medical condition not mask it with TRT. he can have thyroid problems, nutritional deficiens, food absorption problems, unknown intolerancies, brain creatine transportation disease, sleep apnea, eating too low kcal, can be still in phase of growing etc.
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lol he should be fixing his underlying medical condition not mask it with TRT. he can have thyroid problems, nutritional deficiens, food absorption problems, unknown intolerancies, brain creatine transportation disease, sleep apnea, eating too low kcal, can be still in phase of growing etc.
okay yes, i just assumed he has low t. i’m talking to him rn
okay yes, i just assumed he has low t. i’m talking to him rn
he can be low t. you can be low T for 20 different reasons. taking TRT will fix ur low T but it wont fix the underlying medical condition that will keep fucking you up long term either way while u ruin ur natty test production without even fixing the root of the problem. TRT is legit, but it should be last thing you turn to
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Testosterone at 250 mg per week will make you feel like Superman

Just saying
Testosterone at 250 mg per week will make you feel like Superman

Just saying
How do I get my hands on that? and will there be any side effects at this age? costs?
How do I get my hands on that? and will there be any side effects at this age? costs?
Yeah there's always a potential for side effects. You need to ensure your lifestyle is healthy. Be lean, muscular, conditioned, eat healthy, sleep well, have low stress lifestyle etc.

Your best course of action is to go to a clinic and have them do a testosterone blood test, it's pretty cheap and will answer your question.
Yeah there's always a potential for side effects. You need to ensure your lifestyle is healthy. Be lean, muscular, conditioned, eat healthy, sleep well, have low stress lifestyle etc.

Your best course of action is to go to a clinic and have them do a testosterone blood test, it's pretty cheap and will answer your question.
Allright, Ill go ahead and do that. Pretty frustrating to live like this to be honest.
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Go get your hormones checked before proceeding with anything, else youre being reckless
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Go get your hormones checked before proceeding with anything, else youre being reckless
will do, what if testosterone is low? then what?
will do, what if testosterone is low? then what?

Then you overhaul your lifestyle - gym, diet, sleep, maybe try something herbal for an additional slight boost. Then you check your hormones (not only T matters) again and re-evaluate.
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Then you overhaul your lifestyle - gym, diet, sleep, maybe try something herbal for an additional slight boost. Then you check your hormones (not only T matters) again and re-evaluate.
@joseph buy some ashwangandha pills
Testosterone levels rarely peak at 20 yo and exogenous testosterone will make you feel better but also make you dependent on it by suppressing your natural t levels even more. Get your diet, nutrient supply, sleep, habits, body fat, stress levels and exercise routine right and have your hormones checked again after six months or so. Good luck!
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Which hormones should be prioritized to check on bloodtest?
get orthogantic surgery
go onto TRT with testosterone, DHEA, maybe pregnolone and Progesterone also
get viagra, drink much water
nose breathe with orthognatic surgery
do more sports

This will turn your life 90°
> lists all the symptoms of low testosterone
> asks if exogenous testosterone will help

But how much and what are the side effects? Are they worth it?
Maybe you have sinus issues, lupus, sleep apnea, HIV/AIDS, diabetes etc. Honestly get a blood test and you'll find out why
start eating raw meat and eggs. ded srs op test goes strauight up. carbs are horrible for you.
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1. Get your testosterone checked.
2. Ask a family member or roommate to monitor your sleep for a night or two, tell them to check for signs of sleep apnea.

Get those things done tbh
stop worshiping cows and start eating them
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You can always run a simple test cycle of 250-500mg just to check how you feel for 3-4 months. Iv been running 400mg every 4 months on and off for 3 years and feel fine. +If you really have shit natural test production I see 0 reasons to care about suppression. If you have a shit test at 20, it would be even worse at 25 and 30+.
The main issue is estrogen control. You can pin 2g of test and feel like a beta bitch because your estrogen is very high or low. Everybody aromatizes differently so it's only through trials and error you can figure out your dose. Usually, at 500mg of a test, you use 1mg of Arimidex twice a week. But that's like an average guess. Some people don't need ai at all.
You can also try to get a prescription for Ritalin/Adderall or its very weak analog bupropion since all your issues are dopamine-related.
if you do suffer from low test then taking test (perscribed, by a doctor) will be worth it
sides like acne don't matter, accutane if it gets bad enough. I agree with another comment that your issues may be caused by adhd or some kind of dopamine problem which adderall or a similar drug would solve

just see a doctor and get tested ngl
Stop fapping
You need double jaw
But I'm not a hindu.... And I like beef
you called yourself a currycel so i assumed, just eat more meat nigga, and make sure its of the highest quality aka 100% grass fed no antibiotics no hormones
First thing first, have blood test done, check for thyroid THS, T3, T4. Establish a sleeping pattern and follow it ( waking up early and keeping yourself busy works). Work out frequently, HIIT cardio 2 times a week. Healthy diet and quality sleep are essential. I'm struggling with the same issues and they didn't go away even after I've fixed my thyroid. You really need to do all the above to feel better but it sucks cuz it's not fun to keep a routine and so I let myself go for about a month and gave fun and then get back to it

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