20+ years with Finasteride, my experience



The biggest risk is not taking any risk
Oct 26, 2022
Hi there, I would like to share the story of my ongoing battle against hair loss. I am 39 years young man who had been dealing with the condition since the age of 19. I do remember noticing clear, early signs of a receding hairline then, after getting a buzz cut. I did not pay so much attention to it immediately, however it was shocking to me how fast the situation had been evolving. I always had a high forehead, although aesthetic still. But i found myself as NW2 by the time i was 20, which was a dramatic shock for me. The year was 2000-2001.

No need to say i was very scared imagining a near future where all my hair was gone, even if i have always been aware it was not a drama in comparison to more serious negative event in life. My life did continue but i sort of self isolated from social events for a while, finally coming across some information from the Internet reading the first step a balding person should take is to consult a specialist. The doctor checked my crown area as well, which was resisting better back then and told me there was a beginning of thinning over there too and i was obviously on an early stage of male pattern baldness. The good news came when he said there was a "new" medication called Propecia. He halso said it could give some side effects in a small percentage of patients, that there were no long term studies, and i especially remember this: he told me the medication did provide good results but for a limited amount of time, five years, then the retained hair would have fallen along. I had no idea such medication did exist, and my reaction was like: JUST GIVE IT TO ME, QUICKLY. So i started my treatment along with Minoxidil 5%, which seemed to be a more popular treatment back then. My family doctor on his side initially discouraged me about using any medication, pointing at the fact he was bald himself and hair loss had no cure. However, i did continue through, as my researches across the Internet told me Finasteride was used in the USA for a few years.

6 months later it's when i started harvesting some results. It was my barber who told me my hair was getting much thicker. He had no idea i started the medication so one can imagine how happy i was that day knowing it was probably true and not just a random observation. I did not experience any side effect during that time. But one year later i had been suffering from some anxiety, so i decided to suspend the medication and see, because some people's experiences through the Internet was pointing at Finasteride as possible source of some psychological issues. However, 3 months later the anxiety had only got bigger due to hair loss concerns, so i understood Finasteride was not the problem and i did start the treatment again.

I did continue with Finasteride 1.25 mg (1/4 Proscar, no more Propecia due to its price) and Minoxidil 5% for a while, then stopping this last medication as i could not see any improvement over the frontal part where the minoxidil was applied. All i was was getting only a slimy feeling and residues on the skin, despite having used only good brands of the medication. I was still Norwood 2 by then, with some deep receding hairline on the corners, a bit asymmetrical too. I was doing a bit better on the front and quite good over the crown, retaining i would say all my hair.

At this point its like 2007, i was still taking Finasteride 1.25 mg any given day. It's already past the 5 years time the dermatologist was expecting me to start losing my hair again.
To be honest the situation seemed quite stable to me, but i still did have no regrowth to the frontal part. So i started considering hair restoration for such area. I was not aware if my hair loss would have been progressing later but i was encouraged by my experience with Fina so i decided to hit the trigger. I opted for FUE, which was also a bit experimental at the time and considered as an inferior technique by most practician. I had 1300 FUE grafted to the balding edges of my forehead.

I do not even know why i did take such a decision so lightly. I did not search much but neither i went on totally blind because there was a certain amount of information about FUE hair restoration through the net even back then. But now i understand how hugely lucky i have been. During my first FUE operation, not only a good amount of grafts did grow back but the result was also natural. The density was not perfect still but still i have been very pleased by the outcome as i could keep my hair both longer or very short and it was still much much better than my pre-operation condition. Of course, I did continue using Finasteride about EVERY SINGLE DAY. Honestly, i do believe i may have forgot from time to time but i can't recall a day where i consciously skipped my dosis. The result is that my natural hair was still there and now also the front was good. Again, not 100% perfect, but good. This allowed me to forget about the traumatic hair loss issues i had some years earlier and i enjoyed my life quite a bit after that.

Just short of 10 years later in 2016, with 15 years of Finasteride usage, both my original and transplanted hair was resisting. Therefore i reached out for the hair surgeon once again, to get something like an update. I had 1200 more units transplanted to the same area.

The result was good again and now in 2021 i am 20 years on with Finasteride and like 15 years since my first transplant, and 5 years after my second one. I can say that Finasteride is still working for me to great extent, and i am still very satisfied by the appearance of my hair. I can't imagine how i would feel if my hair loss would have progressed to its maximum extent. I think the density and the overall quality is very good for a young man of my age, much better than when i was 20!! I never experienced anything resembling a side effect with the medication.
My forehead is a bit big still, and i am now considering a third and hopefully final touch-up just to take the center a bit further down, but it would be just a caprice.

I hope my experience can encourage someone struggling with his hair loss to try out some solution without fear as now we have some powerful means to fight back baldness, despite being roughly the same since 20 years!

Good luck to everyone!!
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This is a photo of me in November 2005, to the left, on my way from Europe to Australia with a friend. I was 23 years old back then, so i was using finasteride since about 4 years and also Minoxidil 5% which i stopped later on.


These photos were taken in November 2007 so i was 25 and using Finateride since 6 years


turned 40 in January. I amstill using Finasteride, being 21 years of use this summer. I would like to say that i will be having a check-up with my doctor on the 18th of April to see if further advancing my hairline could be an option. Ideally, i would like a more V shaped hairline just about 8mm lower toward the front, about the same in the corners and just a sprinkle of grafts on the temple peaks. I am aware that such surgery would not be necessary but if possible i decided to go that way: go hard or go home. I think that even a slight change of my hairline would bring aesthetic benefits, especially with very short hair, which is my favorite cut. When (if) i will do this i will be opening a separate thread about my experience.

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nigga is on the run from the norwood reaper for 20 years
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It seems to work good for some but screw other people up. A few also seem to start slowly losing hair again after a few years on it.

I would always try dermarolling and loosening the scalp up before committing to that though.

nigga is on the run from the norwood reaper for 20 years
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highest quality thread posted today.
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nigga is on the run from the norwood reaper for 20 years

he also aged pretty decent tbh. Looks early 30s at 40yo.
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nigga is on the run from the norwood reaper for 20 years
you can run as much as you want but he will always find you
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Rule n.1 - U are as old as your hairline, not biological age

Good job OP , keep hair and keeps looks till 60 - i am your age , 10 years on fin, one Ht procedure, mine just maintain not that much regrowth
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highest quality thread posted today.
and it's a copypasta from other forum...

It seems to work good for some but screw other people up
remember, the people who get sides are far more likely to stick around forums and talk about their experiences
people for who fin/dut "just works" leave and live their life, without frequenting hairloss forums every week
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and it's a copypasta from other forum...
wouldn't have found it otherwise so I don't care, reposting good information you find is good.
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Thank god I didn’t get sides that lasted. Hopefully something better then fin comes along but until then I’ll be staying on it
Thank god I didn’t get sides that lasted. Hopefully something better then fin comes along but until then I’ll be staying on it
verteporfin will save us. maybe
verteporfin will save us. maybe
The prolactin antibody being tested right now is my main cope. 6 months of treatment with results that are semi-permanent and regrow hair even in deadzones the niggas undergoing the human trials don’t understand how fucking lucky they are
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The prolactin antibody being tested right now is my main cope. 6 months of treatment with results that are semi-permanent and regrow hair even in deadzones the niggas undergoing the human trials don’t understand how fucking lucky they are
the only downside is that its like an antibody so you cant just order from some underground lab in mumbay. shit will be probably super expensive
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the only downside is that its like an antibody so you cant just order from some underground lab in mumbay. shit will be probably super expensive
Realistically they’d be pricing it to compete with hair transplants in first world countries so something like 5k to 15k which is expensive but realistically attainable for most people. If they charge any more then that I’ll break into their fucking labs and self administer it myself they’d be complete retards to overcharge on essentially a cure for balding.

They’d make more money charging an reasonable amount since the large majority of men are balding
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Realistically they’d be pricing it to compete with hair transplants in first world countries so something like 5k to 15k which is expensive but realistically attainable for most people. If they charge any more then that I’ll break into their fucking labs and self administer it myself they’d be complete retards to overcharge on essentially a cure for balding.

They’d make more money charging an reasonable amount since the large majority of men are balding
yes but one thing worries me

the antibody were originally developed to treat endometriosis which affects women. and right now it seems to work for that too. endometriosis treatment will be covered by health insurance for sure, so they can easily ask for high prices i think, right? and then they cant say it will expensive for endometriosis but cheap for baldies?

on the other hand those biologica and antibodies made for illnesses like athritis are like 20.000 usd per shot. so maybe 15k -20 usd seems about right. so people would need to spend 20k every 5- 10 years if they want full hair. or they do it once and keep the gainz with fin.

but ofc we need to wait first if it will work anyways
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yes but one thing worries me

the antibody were originally developed to treat endometriosis which affects women. and right now it seems to work for that too. endometriosis treatment will be covered by health insurance for sure, so they can easily ask for high prices i think, right? and then they cant say it will expensive for endometriosis but cheap for baldies?

on the other hand those biologica and antibodies made for illnesses like athritis are like 20.000 usd per shot. so maybe 15k -20 usd seems about right. so people would need to spend 20k every 5- 10 years if they want full hair. or they do it once and keep the gainz with fin.

but ofc we need to wait first if it will work anyways
Yeah but how many women suffer from endometriosis compared to the amount of men and women who suffer from AGA, they’d be losing money if they focused only on insurance payouts
Yeah but how many women suffer from endometriosis compared to the amount of men and women who suffer from AGA, they’d be losing money if they focused only on insurance payouts
i pray bayer does the right thing
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Couldn't read all that wall of text, how much fin are you taking? i am taking like 2-3mg a week.
20 years and no new drugs or cure for hair loss? that's sad
20 years of ED
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Hi there, I would like to share the story of my ongoing battle against hair loss. I am 39 years young man who had been dealing with the condition since the age of 19. I do remember noticing clear, early signs of a receding hairline then, after getting a buzz cut. I did not pay so much attention to it immediately, however it was shocking to me how fast the situation had been evolving. I always had a high forehead, although aesthetic still. But i found myself as NW2 by the time i was 20, which was a dramatic shock for me. The year was 2000-2001.

No need to say i was very scared imagining a near future where all my hair was gone, even if i have always been aware it was not a drama in comparison to more serious negative event in life. My life did continue but i sort of self isolated from social events for a while, finally coming across some information from the Internet reading the first step a balding person should take is to consult a specialist. The doctor checked my crown area as well, which was resisting better back then and told me there was a beginning of thinning over there too and i was obviously on an early stage of male pattern baldness. The good news came when he said there was a "new" medication called Propecia. He halso said it could give some side effects in a small percentage of patients, that there were no long term studies, and i especially remember this: he told me the medication did provide good results but for a limited amount of time, five years, then the retained hair would have fallen along. I had no idea such medication did exist, and my reaction was like: JUST GIVE IT TO ME, QUICKLY. So i started my treatment along with Minoxidil 5%, which seemed to be a more popular treatment back then. My family doctor on his side initially discouraged me about using any medication, pointing at the fact he was bald himself and hair loss had no cure. However, i did continue through, as my researches across the Internet told me Finasteride was used in the USA for a few years.

6 months later it's when i started harvesting some results. It was my barber who told me my hair was getting much thicker. He had no idea i started the medication so one can imagine how happy i was that day knowing it was probably true and not just a random observation. I did not experience any side effect during that time. But one year later i had been suffering from some anxiety, so i decided to suspend the medication and see, because some people's experiences through the Internet was pointing at Finasteride as possible source of some psychological issues. However, 3 months later the anxiety had only got bigger due to hair loss concerns, so i understood Finasteride was not the problem and i did start the treatment again.

I did continue with Finasteride 1.25 mg (1/4 Proscar, no more Propecia due to its price) and Minoxidil 5% for a while, then stopping this last medication as i could not see any improvement over the frontal part where the minoxidil was applied. All i was was getting only a slimy feeling and residues on the skin, despite having used only good brands of the medication. I was still Norwood 2 by then, with some deep receding hairline on the corners, a bit asymmetrical too. I was doing a bit better on the front and quite good over the crown, retaining i would say all my hair.

At this point its like 2007, i was still taking Finasteride 1.25 mg any given day. It's already past the 5 years time the dermatologist was expecting me to start losing my hair again.
To be honest the situation seemed quite stable to me, but i still did have no regrowth to the frontal part. So i started considering hair restoration for such area. I was not aware if my hair loss would have been progressing later but i was encouraged by my experience with Fina so i decided to hit the trigger. I opted for FUE, which was also a bit experimental at the time and considered as an inferior technique by most practician. I had 1300 FUE grafted to the balding edges of my forehead.

I do not even know why i did take such a decision so lightly. I did not search much but neither i went on totally blind because there was a certain amount of information about FUE hair restoration through the net even back then. But now i understand how hugely lucky i have been. During my first FUE operation, not only a good amount of grafts did grow back but the result was also natural. The density was not perfect still but still i have been very pleased by the outcome as i could keep my hair both longer or very short and it was still much much better than my pre-operation condition. Of course, I did continue using Finasteride about EVERY SINGLE DAY. Honestly, i do believe i may have forgot from time to time but i can't recall a day where i consciously skipped my dosis. The result is that my natural hair was still there and now also the front was good. Again, not 100% perfect, but good. This allowed me to forget about the traumatic hair loss issues i had some years earlier and i enjoyed my life quite a bit after that.

Just short of 10 years later in 2016, with 15 years of Finasteride usage, both my original and transplanted hair was resisting. Therefore i reached out for the hair surgeon once again, to get something like an update. I had 1200 more units transplanted to the same area.

The result was good again and now in 2021 i am 20 years on with Finasteride and like 15 years since my first transplant, and 5 years after my second one. I can say that Finasteride is still working for me to great extent, and i am still very satisfied by the appearance of my hair. I can't imagine how i would feel if my hair loss would have progressed to its maximum extent. I think the density and the overall quality is very good for a young man of my age, much better than when i was 20!! I never experienced anything resembling a side effect with the medication.
My forehead is a bit big still, and i am now considering a third and hopefully final touch-up just to take the center a bit further down, but it would be just a caprice.

I hope my experience can encourage someone struggling with his hair loss to try out some solution without fear as now we have some powerful means to fight back baldness, despite being roughly the same since 20 years!

Good luck to everyone!!
dnr after u said "i am a 39 year old young man"
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Any update from this fella now?

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