[2023] Latest SARMs guide



Jul 1, 2022
Disclaimer - users of these compounds report a lot of side effects. Organ damage, hair loss, acne breakouts, cancer, lethargy, irritability, testosterone shutdown and many other things can be caused by the compounds listed down below.

SARMs are mostly used by teens and new lifters. What they do is pretty much speed up the process of building muscle naturally and increase your strength. Greg Doucette agrees that 1 month of being on SARMs = 6 months of natty training. You shouldn’t do any kind of PEDs if you aren’t fully developed yet, as the SARMs can have a lot of negative effects on your development. SARMs don't give you that roided type of look which in most cases looks really bad. Instead SARMs are the best PEDs to take aesthetics wise.

That being said, here is the ranking of the SARMs by their strength

YK11 Myostine
(not a SARM, but marketed as one)
RAD 140 Testolone
LGD-4033 Ligandrol

S4 Andarine
AC 262
MK-2866 Ostarine

GW-501516 Cardarine (not a SARM)
MK-677 Ibutamoren (not a SARM)

Keep in mind that the stronger the SARM is, the stronger the side effects will be.


Strongest SARM out there. Designed as a male CONTRACEPTIVE. Gives a lean, dense, sucked in, very vascular look. Has pretty much the same effects as oral steroids.


Very potent compound on the list. It is something between a steroid and a SARM. Mainly used for very fast muscle mass building. It helps to shape the physique without water retention.

RAD 140

Very strong SARM. It is a dry compound. Boosts your strength levels up very quickly, while giving that dry, vascular look. This is the strongest SARM that I would personally choose, because I think that it has that perfect balance between gains and side effects.


Probably the most popular SARM for increasing muscle mass. However, it is a wet compound which means that it will increase water retention.


Great SARM with low side effects while still giving great results. Has some side effects on vision, but comes off after the cycle ends.

AC 262

Great SARM. Stronger than Ostarine while having the same strength side effects. Experienced SARM users call this one the best SARM to take, as it has the best risk to reward ratio.


Another great SARM with weak side effects. Great to stack with AC 262. Similar to S4 without vision side effects.


The most researched SARM out there. Weak side effects while still giving decent gains. This is probably the best compound to run as your first ever cycle. 99% of the users won’t need a PCT after the cycle.


Great thing for cutting. Increases endurance, letting you do cardio for much longer. However, this one impacts your strength which means that for the endurance that you gain, you pay with your strength. Some research has shown that it increases the risk of cancer.


Great thing to add onto your SARM cycle. It can help you keep the gains longer. Increases appetite making it easier for you to bulk up. Helps with sleep a lot. Users have reported that it also helps with skin, nails and hair growth. Personally I would add this to most of the cycles that I would be running.

I did not include all the compounds, such as RAD 150, SR-9009, LGD 3033, GW 0743. They are not very popular and there isn’t much information about them.

Now if you want to stay as healthy as possible during your cycle, you should definitely add some of the stuff that I'll list here, as it helps a lot with removing the toxins from your body and keeping your organs clean and healthy.


a PCT of your choice

PCT is a must for almost every SARM out there, otherwise your testosterone production will be shut down and you will face a lot of problems. One very important thing to mention about PCT is that most of them will stunt your growth permanently. Not taking PCT will result in you also losing most of your gains from the cycle.

My tip would be to not greed on your SARM cycle and invest into everything to keep yourself as healthy as possible. Another important thing is - avoid drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol while taking SARM will destroy your liver health and can cause big problems.

I would not recommend taking SARMs such as YK11 or S23. In my opinion, the strongest you should go is RAD140. You decide.

Best SARM combinations

Ostarine + Cardarine. Best stack for cutting.
AC 262 + ACP-105. Great and safe for building lean muscle.
Rad 140 + Mk 677. Fast lean muscle and insane strength boost.
LGD 4033 + Mk 677. Lots of muscle mass with water retention.
LGD 4033 + Rad 140 + Mk 677. Best bulking stack out there in my opinion. Great lean mass with big strength increase.

TLDR: Don't choose the most toxic compound, get a PCT and other stuff I listed in the thread to keep yourself as healthy as possible, best is to cycle the stuff with Mk677 as it should help you keep most of the gains.
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i did mk677 and it gives u diabetes and shit tho right?
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Have you used ACP-105? I'm interested in it. It's a bit more costly than the others.
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Have you used ACP-105? I'm interested in it. It's a bit more costly than the others.
Nope but i have heard a lot of decent feedback about it, especially when you stack with AC 262. Most of the people i talked with say that it is probably the best cycle to run.
It can mess your glucose levels and it does have connection with diabetes.
MK-677 is literally one of the dumbest most useless performance enhancing drugs (possibly the dumbest!) that people take, it's actually funny what a shit drug it is. Give yourself diabetes and make yourself feel like you are starving all day long because you're afraid of a needle. LOL. But people just keep buying it and taking it, they refuse to listen to logic and reason. And it's not even cheap! You can literally get Chinese HGH for the same price and get better IGF-1 levels!
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MK-677 is literally one of the dumbest most useless performance enhancing drugs (possibly the dumbest!) that people take, it's actually funny what a shit drug it is. Give yourself diabetes and make yourself feel like you are starving all day long because you're afraid of a needle. LOL.
Thats the case when you take it alone. Most of dumb people do exactly that. But Mk677 is a great stuff to add onto your real sarm cycle to keep as much gains as possible.
Thats the case when you take it alone. Most of dumb people do exactly that. But Mk677 is a great stuff to add onto your real sarm cycle to keep as much gains as possible.
Then they should buy GH. That bottle of MK from Chemyo could buy a kit of GH from QSC for the same price.
Then they should buy GH. That bottle of MK from Chemyo could buy a kit of GH from QSC for the same price.
most of the kids use it because they think it can make them taller.
most of the kids use it because they think it can make them taller.
Yes and real HGH would do a better job of that and cost them the same amount of money. And MK-677 needs to be run with CJC or Mod-GRF anyway for maximum secretion.
Idk much about SARMs, do they all function differently to each other unlike roids? I mean roids pretty much all do the same thing, but it seems like every SARM is unique?
One thing you did not mention is MK is excellent post cut it keeps most muscle even from peds and naturally does not affect test decent option to run with Clomid
Idk much about SARMs, do they all function differently to each other unlike roids? I mean roids pretty much all do the same thing, but it seems like every SARM is unique?
The difference between them is the amount of muscle, strenght, dry or wet look that you gain from them.
Idk much about SARMs, do they all function differently to each other unlike roids? I mean roids pretty much all do the same thing, but it seems like every SARM is unique?
not even close every compound is different in effect and sides
Thanks for making this. I was planning on making a similar sarms tierlist but I'm glad someone else did as I have been very busy with work
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i also lowkey had a heart attack on GW 501516
i also lowkey had a heart attack on GW 501516
Havent really heard about cardarine causing something like a heart attack. Most people only talk about that study where all the lab rats got cancer.
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Does S23 and Rad-140 need a test base ?
Just pin test, honestly.
Write something about PCT compounds, as this topic is severely lacking in info around here
No you didn't. Post story.
I was playing American football at the time i was 15 at 6'2 and 250 i was strong but had shit cardio and i was obsessed with exercise which led me to the steroid side of fitness where i found about sarms. Sarms were enticing because they promised steroid results with no side effects (LOL), it was covid so i just researched a ton and found out about MK-677 to get taller and bigger and recover faster and paired it with GW for cardio gains. I eventually dropped MK because of the lethargy. I remained on GW and eventually in the middle of a pratice it felt like i was having needles in my chest
I was playing American football at the time i was 15 at 6'2 and 250 i was strong but had shit cardio and i was obsessed with exercise which led me to the steroid side of fitness where i found about sarms. Sarms were enticing because they promised steroid results with no side effects (LOL), it was covid so i just researched a ton and found out about MK-677 to get taller and bigger and recover faster and paired it with GW for cardio gains. I eventually dropped MK because of the lethargy. I remained on GW and eventually in the middle of a pratice it felt like i was having needles in my chest
What about ostsrine only it doesn’t suppress testosterone right? Is there any reason not to take it while cutting?
What about ostsrine only it doesn’t suppress testosterone right? Is there any reason not to take it while cutting?
ostarine is suppressive
stop being a pussy. if u wanna cheat inject T and stfu
Good thread

but all that info dump doesn't mean much to people who aren't knowledgeable already

which one of those to pick? and what's the PEDs vs SARMs fundamental differences
Best ones to pick are rad140, ac262 with acp106, ostarine, lgd. Dont go with stuff like YK11 and S23 unless you are really desperate.
Thx (y)
Is the cycling the same as PEDs?
8-12 weeks for most of the stuff. Can increase the dosages during the cycle. Make sure to add PCT from like week 6 if you are using a strong sarm
Then they should buy GH. That bottle of MK from Chemyo could buy a kit of GH from QSC for the same price.
Would you mind explaining how to get GH from QSC. please
how long and at what dosage would one run ostarine?
Best PCT for post Rad140 cycle? Just ordered my bottles of it and MK from Chemyo
PCT is a must for almost every SARM out there
PCT is a must for ALL sarms out there I have done extensive research on the topic and all sarms are very HPTA suppresive DON'T risk it not worth. Also this is the first time I hear that a PCT will permanently stunt your growth
TLDR: Do rad 140 with enclo as a pct.
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Sup bro. I got myself the War Torn Labz Golden Stack which from all sources I seen is actually efficent and not bunk
It has 10mg RAD140, 10mg MK677 and 4.5 mg LGD4033

I been going to the gym since like late june 28 and I'm skinny, like maybe 130 or 135 for 6ft4
I know the exercises and familirized with the machines now and my plan too, my diet isn't on point because I have low appetite
I saw some changes

I haven't started the stack yet at all. Could you give me more information and advice in DMs if I hit you up?
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i did mk677 and it gives u diabetes and shit tho right?
It you have on and on consisting cycles of it and not control your blood sugar levels very well, you could end up getting it
Sup bro. I got myself the War Torn Labz Golden Stack which from all sources I seen is actually efficent and not bunk
It has 10mg RAD140, 10mg MK677 and 4.5 mg LGD4033

I been going to the gym since like late june 28 and I'm skinny, like maybe 130 or 135 for 6ft4
I know the exercises and familirized with the machines now and my plan too, my diet isn't on point because I have low appetite
I saw some changes

I haven't started the stack yet at all. Could you give me more information and advice in DMs if I hit you up?
i actually recently ordered war torn labz ostarine+mk677 from nutritionfirst.eu and i got a call from them today that they can't ship it to me so they will send me some "unbeatable" sarms instead which looks bunk as fuck... War torn labz are legit tho i think. If the stuff that they send me is bunk then im never using their website again and instead only buying from reputable sellers.

About the stack yes it is great one. Make sure you PCT and get liver support. For exercises just target the specific muscle groups for the day with free weights, machines for 6 times a week.
i actually recently ordered war torn labz ostarine+mk677 from nutritionfirst.eu and i got a call from them today that they can't ship it to me so they will send me some "unbeatable" sarms instead which looks bunk as fuck... War torn labz are legit tho i think. If the stuff that they send me is bunk then im never using their website again and instead only buying from reputable sellers.

About the stack yes it is great one. Make sure you PCT and get liver support. For exercises just target the specific muscle groups for the day with free weights, machines for 6 times a week.
Dude why did you order from nutritionfirst.eu and not their actual website? That's so dumb lmao, my homie also got scammed by ordering off another website than wartornlabz website

For exercises I don't think I should follow the pull push
I actually everyday am doing push+pull in the same time, I'm just targeting chest, triceps, biceps, back, shoulders and then neck at home, I will also do abs later but it's the easiest part.

ALSO CAN YOU SHOW me where Greg Doucette said 1 month on SARMS = 6 months natty?
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wartornlabz website
war torn labz actual website has so many negative ratings, almost every complaint is about them not delivering the orders. nutritionfirst on the other hand had great rating.
Best way to run MK2866? And what PCT would you recommend and when to introduce it?
war torn labz actual website has so many negative ratings, almost every complaint is about them not delivering the orders. nutritionfirst on the other hand had great rating.
Is there any complaint about the authenticity of the products etc? Not just delivering
Best way to run MK2866? And what PCT would you recommend and when to introduce it?
with mk677. Im gonna run one soon. I wont take PCT myself as ostarine doesnt really supress you that much
with mk677. Im gonna run one soon. I wont take PCT myself as ostarine doesnt really supress you that much
Do natural test boosters really help with counter acting the sides? How would you run MK 2866 I was thinking of this one https://science.bio/product/ostarine-solution/#product-third-party-analysis and taking 1 bottle at 15mg per day for the entire bottle 8 ish weeks also running a natural test booster through out the cycle to counter act sides. Have you ever ran MK2866 before?
Do natural test boosters really help with counter acting the sides? How would you run MK 2866 I was thinking of this one https://science.bio/product/ostarine-solution/#product-third-party-analysis and taking 1 bottle at 15mg per day for the entire bottle 8 ish weeks also running a natural test booster through out the cycle to counter act sides. Have you ever ran MK2866 before?
Im running mk2866 cycle right now. Natural test boosters only help a little, but ostarine is not as supressive if taken at small dosages like 10-15mg so that is fine. Im stacking it with cardarine, lgd and mk677. Everything at low dosages so im not planning on taking PCT unless ill feel supressed.
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